Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1963, p. 10

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nlnl lmmx saw ncllnn an In lhc nrndlord nnd Dillrkl llnnr llockcy Ilnuuo nml wt rd an exalan alltmnnn he Harrie Arum on Salur mid am In tho Mldul min or do flipper am Ibo hometown club Km Wu Ind um Cava Ind Jlm Mlldwll we Union mm mm We lllllpnhhukr III Ind llm MtClockIln 0111ch am lu Iludlnnl In llw upnwr Aurora lrrwm urrlml Ian lull rllml mm Mark Smllh null Ildrnqul ml Inrd Al llrn filuumn Ind IMI Jrnkllll mldrd mm npleu wlzlle John Hnlnu mulld lnr lhc lfllfll In he IIMIIMII lrl llrnlllnnl Iununl nut delouxlll Io vklnn nvrr llw llnlllnl Wnod lIrldn mm Hugh lclivny nhnwul llw wnyjilh our final uhllu John Cal had um um llHK llnlnnrln nml Slave Knnyu uclu Larry Mnmwl and llrlun Dernull balh Nunltll daublu lur Woodhull and limit Bullock Ind Chm llnllun IIrndlmd Hm Ouwla Mlnnr llnrllry Axmrlnlhm Novlh Turk haqu playrll ll lrlplvlwldrr nl llw Irmllaml Arrnn Sammy Nflll Imd wound up on llle Ihml mu wlrr Innum III IIIIH nrkn Ilnrlrd 0H lullvlllu ullh II vmlkl VIr Human inrk mullnu nnd Damv Manh nmn nccounlrd fur Syrncmu SMALL CHATTER The Toronto Argonaut Football Club announced yesterday the signing of John Graves and Pete Farlinger two Canadians who Riayed their football at Michigan Tech in Houghton lich Both boys are graduates of Toronto high schools Groves from Northview Heights and Farllnger from Downs view Bob Buhl the clubs wlnnlngest iteher last season with 1213 record signed his 19 contract with the Chicago Cubs Sunday Roger Nelson nineyear veteran with the Edmonton Eskimos has been appointed as assistant coach of the team Nel son first joined the Eskies alter turningdown draft bid by Washington ltedsklns oi the National Football League lie will play offensive tackle as well as handling coaching duties Baltimore Orioles an nounced the signing at pitcher Stu Miller for an esti mated 523000 Stu was obtained from the San Fran cisco Giants in sixplayer trade last month lie left the bull pen enoughtlmes in 1962 to lie up 58 re cord World lightweight eham arias Ortiz has been offered 840000 to detend Ila laureis against southpaw Kenny Lane oi hiuskegon Mich Ortiz in the meantime intends to meet world Junior lightweight tltleholder Flash Elordo of tho Philippines in late May North York Tripleheader check of the area turned up uite number of speed skaters of the old era and ad ed to the few Mr Wood may bring along therell be plenty of com petition The committee will arrange for trophy to be awarded to the winners and this will give the old guys something special to shoot at Anyone who hasnt heard of the planned events and is interested in competing can obtain further in Iormalion Irom Jack Eatstone or anyone else connect ed with the Winter Sports Carnival In haschall boxing football etc there has always been that argument of who was better the old timers or the presentday athletes Unfortunately in most casesthe oldtimers are too far advanced in age to compete with the younger guys and the argu ments go unsolved BUT HERE ls an excellent op orlunlly for some of the oldtime speed skaters to ex iblt just how good they still are True they wont be as spry as ln thelr prime but these chaps will do their best to give the fans frail Bradford Minor Hockey Loop Provides Loads 0f Excitement Mr Batstone forwarded the letter to me with the idea of it making good human interest sports story Not only does it feature human interest but an event of this kind would serve to clear up one of the old est controversies in the world of sports would Ilka lo nlakoa no an oldlimo pood skater of 50 your ago and fill going trong at 68 Thoro mmt be other llka mynll that would Very much lik to take but in iay two vonh If you could make It ponlblo to In cludo them in your program tool It would he very lnllmting to most of tho crowd to an on how good xomo oi the ald skater ml MR WOOD ALSO went on to make few sugges tions such as an entry fee of two dollars or each event with the proceeds donated to worthy cause small trophy given to each of the winners and Mn ners of the first event withdrawn from the second l0 It all started last week when Jack Batstone chair man of thecommmee received letter from fre quent vlsilor at the carnlval The letter from Mr Wood of Scarborough Ont went something this Doar Sir EVERYONE HAS HEARD the old saying never too old Well this applies to the Barrie Winter Carn ival as well as anything else in life Alwaysfioping to make the carnival bigger and better event the Winter Carnival Committee has add ed different and exciting event to this years great tourist treat NEVER T00 OLD SPORTS CHATTER THE BARRIE EXAMINERVWEDNESDALJAN As vlsltor in your Annual carnival for flu four past years film If very enlayabl waIch all lha qn yngr programf By JERRY GLADMAN Ilrl llmmln ln Nunyk llnh Mulmuhlln Ind Jun Tu lemd In hp lnm Thu Cnnmllem ltd lhI olher Ihuluul In whunnh in Dulmll 10 Terry Glyn Ind Allll Jumikl mvnlod nah ml Jdmny Lynn mind up the mu douka uh do In 11an MAMA Ilggm moi édmtrd 733a mum KMI Kmlrh hrolm looa lnr our mall and rumJ Iuflnla In ulumph um lhxhulrr nlm In the AMI IPL lxlver lluflnlo nhlnmhnalru wrn Inhn Knnyn am brnlhrr III In llmmln ln Nunyk llnh Mulmuhlln Ind Jun Tu IxErrd In flu lou Illlnlll llwndlnl ml mlvlly Inn mum mum In on Mu DA In Ind TM Indoor pug finnka ylllklmlogyml MW 7H WE 91qu Pnul In MIL lrowru IclIon Illr Hwy ldlld mul um 31 lllmuuh lm film at run mnu ml lrlck my Hm grin ml Kuhn wm tponulnl or mflw munten Don 5ch vulhcd llxromlh all lnur mill Ia hand Guelph OI wln aver llnmlnnn In In mlor and bull Ttrry mlhy Arum unto lor Ihc Whll lcmbom of tho Jnnlar Squirt ml Icaer une cl lhI Iwa nhulaulu Inc an hlnnk an nlmlbnrol no Krllrr And my llnynu palm Ilnzlu In In Andy lurmlll lhc mul out Tom lunnrrmanl Illl lrlck hrlptd Sudhury cum on 61 wln mrr HullOllan Um no um Ilnll DI lhl keItl HI Jm urn wllh lwn nm In Kmnrl WM no mxmlrd mll lhu vnl Illnrk For llull lmn Mcllnn and Hay Devlin markm while Ilrlun clicknl am or Klnzflnn Ed Cullmm pound lwo gun to we UMMMA hole In mAInl Urlll In In mam rl the ML III III Adm Wayne lflc lnl Juhn Cola Ind Im Coalnu ll lInum mud flu tom filly In lnurl la Ilnva unim uhmnul Dob Bilnu kn Bonny Llonl Ina Ken Munmld wir Id IM Mm anvmnl mm whllo Mm Mccum dch or flu unll hm Sulnm Shut Mrtnl had an uuy ml ul II In nIzhl walk In Hr In llorlrnm nml Bum In he um MM In lndumln Muchy Imam vaIhlelIudvr nl lhl ml Ar In Jubn Mnlnnry Inl an Ilaulhl wlih walkllnl Irmr gun rflml whéln Jnhn Wulkm Md IM NFL 3va nm llnrrlu Jnycn lInckey Club lwklnx or uhlbillun limit In prepmnnn for DI lrln nml lmvlntlnl Dnlmla Chnmplunxhlp Chulhnm Anyom wlhlnx plny Iha lum plrlu tonllcl hmk or lab Hooper ll ma Imi llmlML To ms 11011 he Falmm ltd lhe game up nflcr Orillin went ahnnd and an ovuflmo Ion fins callcd Al the end 01 mgulnllon time Here lhe sumo had hccn delnyod mlnuln the sum and usually the an uvmlme wzu necess lmm meander vlcwpoinl ha gram um ma hard oughl mmesl carry ovu mm Sundayl thriller II he Darrin Arum Mn mm cm ununlly mm or posswion the puck at evrry mum and the paw was mnninroux The Falmm plrkcd Inst high II he llme or Mr drlcnm In Inn mm ml mun wax mad much more dull mlt than nhmdd hmo hem Tunu Ind ngaln Ori Nick Kennedy grabbed pass mm Brad Graham and streak ed up the co with mly p01y Haddlclon about 10 strides ahead him Kennedy relay ed the puck lo Haddldnn nll alone In he Falcan end and Gard beat Rich with hard law drive The mini lorwnrd my pearcd be milu nllsidc on the play but rume Jim Mack erleino called goal One fan who didnt know any better tossed summing ut Howie which caught him Just below the left Eye Fame Jumped over the boards and refund to return to lhe box until he had police Induction Abit dramattc but none 019 less smart mave 1hcn be real lmubla started when In this 1mm slagu the second period with the Fab con leadlnx 43 Cord addic lon tied the game up on qucs tumble play HARD FAST GAME Continulng along the rouble palh smnclhlng new dcvelopud when Fortes was given slash lng penalty mldway through the second frame Rambunc Ilous Howle always target or lambaizing received round Illhoot and boilers he stepped Into the box Maloney Walton Tops In Victory finally 910 pm Rich mshcd Into the arena arming mom and threw on the pad Paul gave Imh with sigh relief and the game was under way or giving up the game But Paul Mega 1st one In give up so easily and you can be your boots he arranged or as gm be held up to giva me me get he arena Almoal an hour iaier with Rid still not in sight Moger gave versatile rearguani Howie Finbe ihe signal to get inio ma gonlies unifonn The Drillin club had even offered to supply the Faicvn with their second ORXLLIAThlnzs were really mpgh ac the Orlllia Anna last MI and the Barrie Bay City Falcons losing 76 to the Ten as in nvetdme at their Geor glan Bay IMermediMe Hockey League game didnt he matter mum Even More Hie game go un derway bad luck started to all towards the Fulcons Don Rich Hue Mar nomindar who has muzh Vlmble making mos road games almost didnt show up He phoned much Paul Meggt mAmemna and noti herduhimfllhu tinwas It ser vlee station an mule and his car had broken dawn Imnwdlauly Meger had vis Ions goal Ifler goal being dumped ln¢qflge pmpgy neumd string neinundér bulv Pail wgldqit have any FORBES CAMS FOR COP WANTED BY IBYCEES om would hafie 515mm Terriers LC ome Back To Win In Overtime BRRRIE SHARP BUT JERRY GLADMAN llldnml In Dnufl llmzlm luhn MIIM AM All VII 10th link oh Hum Duvr Min Donn Cumllll 11m unmd ur If mu won hy llnlrble WWII Ynlm Hm Dung Noblc Jlnl Nohlu John lllyl Juli NrIlrllt irvnld lhhun Jnmrl Hurrahw 11w Inndtord furllnl luh mu lhe lilo and lho lallnwinl nru he rrnulln lhu llrmllnnl Hrrrrntlnn nmmlulon Junor qcllv Hrcndn Codlln June Fnlrhcnd nnd Mmuly Hum each Mom or rmlfnnl whlle Sinullvlllc Anni wrrc mum to Illllnry Wrmrn luun Hxlermn m1 Mariam Mnllny DIssnlisxcd player who do cldn Io play out lhclr npllon nnd thn len wllh nnolhcr lcnm 1n llmdlord nnd Slnullvlllc durl Hi In lcudlnck In North York Lndlu Hackcy knxuu mu ll llw filllqllvlllc AUIIII MIAMI BEACH Fla AF llaylnz rules occuplcd the Na llunnl Football League vlodny nllcr commlsxlancr Iclc my zclle rcpqr ad more would he no lurlhnr Iscusslcn how lhc plru football belting Investiga lalL Rozelle sald he conllnulng his Invcsllgnlion and will make complete report when 15 finished League oflicials beamed retard allrndnncc figure 01 4003321 Dr 1962 led by New York Glnnt total 139156 or seven slrnighl sellout n1 Ynn he Sludlum It was the first llmn ho NH had sum over £000000 paid nllendnnco all most doubllnz the gum ymr The Falcon defence fell down again and Moussoau and flad dIelon look advantage with two consemllva bmakawnys to beat Ridl Just 30 second be are the buzzer Jim Murdlie bypasscd the secondary and went in to give he Terriers the lead for he first time Nick Kennedy opened the lhird frame with marker but Smilh with his second and Larry Reid came back even ghinéyup Doth 199mg ought bani lngel that big one but neither could turn the trick Haddlnton nna partial break away and llncmate Graham notched two quick goals to tie the game up In the second Big curls Clarke gm one back couple of minutes later and hen wim the Falcons short man classy Al Smith poked one In give the visitors the edge once again Iunior Curlers Go Bradford FALCONS TAKE LEAD The Falcqu opened up two goal load on market by relin ble Moe Fire and Ulmck Ed ward Io lop action in me open ing frame Bani dominand the first part of the period but he Terriers came back Had it not been RidLmak in three great stops on Mur chie Calhoun and Moussenu the score mm haw been closer Hockey Gals Duel To Tie Rich was lust mgnlllpenl klcklng out labelled shots ell and right On more Hum one occasion he had three at our attackers balling Ihe puck at Mm 1mm every angle but he held out The Grillin line oi Haddieinn Graham and Nick Kennedy caused Nah barrel of trouble Humming or our of lhe six goals Whenever yaud glance up um ice one of he trio had the puck and was zooming in on Rich Andwhen this 1hr some wasnt scoring it was Lhe combination oi Whit Mmmeau Roy Calhmm and Jim Murchie doing ail me damage wards gm behind ddcnceman and streaked in all alone on Rich Them probably havent been as many heakaways in one game In the history of Geogglam Bay Hockey sfiéfiffl Dllm No Further Talk on Grid Betting mwlylu locian VIIIm Iuhflll ammuu PARRY lllclvl ofllflflM In Why Will For Sptlng DO If Ndw SERVIOE Wnynu ma he hm the any nolrhinn Uxm nah Including Um wlnnu wflh mlnulc In lhc name Shnnnlmn nnd L1 India cnunlcd or he alber Wanda anlry xunll wllh Shlnlhnn Itmlnl Iwo llanncy led ha Inxcu wllbr hat lrkk whllu lochhum Ind Mtllod rnfh poilrd 0mm D6 Slmpwn Ind Kcnny wrrn llm lwo plnym budhad or rrwrllnl lo HullmflL the NFL will find thnl their new owner must sellle wllh Ihe old owners on rcasonablo compen snlio llalrbnck Dill Baum Wnshlnglon Redskin Ollla Mnlson Lo Angela Rum and and Jain Adams Chican loan will become rec azenu Mny They dld not slgn or 1962 but pnycd out the oneyear Ganlgellcn fur the Noblelan crew were Slan Irwln nmy Hllllnrd Gnry Broad and Dave Amou Gone Scotch clicked or lhc Iona Police All Noblolon the Natl York Mldm Hockey ungu played host to Bradlurd Pollen Ind unt this vllltnrl packing with Wander Valley mnnngcd qu Ivy Shanly Jay In Mlnar Hockey League game It Guthri Arwnn which nu ma pllyeu Might xhllnx Williamson Hughes mam Minchic Calhoun Moussemx lladdldon GrahamN Kennov dy Galen Kennedy Hinds Linaman John Byclrmm was announced at the start oi the game as being native ol Utah John had on pair of cowboy jean to go with the striped sweater This next Falcon game is on Sunday in Barrie againsi the Midland Fiy ers and thouid be an exciting one OFFICIALS Jim Macken icine Richmond Hill John Ryekman 0mm Falcons Fife Forbu Mr NOTES crowd at 1001 turned am last night whim go to prove howmuch people are lmensledJn Immediate hockey Howie Forbesthe fan love himgave the crowd ram when he wallned out an to the In wlth me name Eddie Shack wriuen across hls slhk FALCONS goal Rich de fence Armstrong Forbes Rob ertson Reid forwards Smith Clarke Sloddm File Mr Edward Kmt TERRIERS gm Sump dclengo rue 713311911 the mo mark thg over time stanza Roy Calhoun look quick pm from Mmuseau and blasted wrist shot at Rich 11 we hit his padI and trickled thumb From hen on It was Just matter tagging the puck and N39 Fal con suiterad their film deleac In row The Orillians had 39 on the net while Ban1e hndjnky 78 whldn goes to pmve they werent shouting enough Play was My even lhmxhoua but Falcons with as many dimes to score couldnt find the not Mackeflelne called two penal ties In the am three in he second none In the third and five in the om1h Many of the lam felt the Omaha calied too many theap penalties missing mm on he big mm Cqmcmn Bowman McBride Nobleton Downs Bradford Police Rough Tough Go Rt Guthrie Arena llmm Cnlyl AMIII Infill hod OIIM mm If Mm EQUIPMENT TRY Winn You Think Of EVERYTHING IOll Tlll KAIMVI Wu Mel mum NIlanlly Advrflllld II Our rhlu GARNERS mm Illch ulln II ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN SPORTS Flnl Period 1th the bonemulnz pen wnnl lend which marked 1h NFL Ulla lune In New York 1m December won by the Pucker WI continued hes day ball battle or words Hull said the bird1001M lama bu brought cascade poison pen leuen mm televi don lam IccusInx him of mugh tackles and hi wile hill becomc l0 Ihlken by he Mm um the hi urled him to quil lhI lama Eu somebody ml in there twilian my head And wme body was In there digging Ihonldcr and elbow into me Taylors mark were mad in telephone interview with ihsNoriglk Im not nayan Hufl laytd dlny Igalnsl me Jlm Taylor Green Bayl Impound ullbnck and lending mund galmr of the Nullonal Football league 1Tm1m Calhoun Mmuu Mutable 121 Penalties Kennedy trip Wu 250 Robenson Hell sucking 709 Kennedy sinking 709 Clarke slash mg 138 Kamedy hook inl 838 NEW YORK AHll was rough right but not dirty Illd Slm Hull the New York Glanu mpound unlbncker mum mud mum 41m mama Momma slash my 101 Ammmg Mum em 31mm was Williamson Gmhun 130 Terrier Graham Hldflebn 1H Film Clarke Stoddad Smith SM Falm 8mm Stoddan 113 n1arrlm Mike Mousseauf Graham ADM Penaluu Reid holding 528 Forbes slashing 1021 Will imuog elmElna 1m Thlrd Period 10 Tenien Na Kennedy Hnddlelml Graham 11 Falcons Smith swam Clarke 12 New Reid Hui Upset Over Abuse 1305 Vnaylnz Hum plqtd gm Mainadd Temleu ngon LN muggy pram 1m Seagrams Star Rated Best ngrflmz Period second Period Plenum MM smoothnr Md hottermating me more Inunlylng that genuinon flno whllky at popular prion an In con num tout nun tout ngnlnu tho throo loading brundl In prloo 01mm Cnnndlnnu llkod tho tulle of Bongmmu Sun boat no you mad thll grant whlnky yet If not do lo Ioon BM you dont ngmo with tho vordlut of thouundl of othur Cnnudlnnu and mm ll bolt budunhnhumolnlmaulum nl Iludlnl Munch omnmunn BEAGRAMB FIVE STAR CANADIAN RYE WHISKY 11 145 ave about no to 35 lame to play in he next month and hnlhe said In an Interview This should get us Into the raznra edge cundlr lion well need In win In title Kmmm was brimming with enthusiasm on the eve of me teams departure or an eastern Canada exhlblllon Iour ydor flighr Europe HOPES 10 IT PEAK The Inn Hm we went to Europe we played tun many games The lmnllnr guys were put their peak and In In Ilump THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN 30 ll Tha nucleus of Ihe 1961 cham pion intact an am pllsh ment In Itself because Ih sca The Weltern International League In which Trnll had played 40 years callnpscd Inst tall Conch Hubby Kromm had to substitute zmclllng practices and nrlng ul exhibillon Kama The team boasts six nnllves lhls mining town has twlce won the world championship 1n ms and 1961 son the Smokicirharvre béenra lenm without league TRAIL 110 CPD lrall Smoke Enters team brlslllng with hometown talent yet hard ened by International experi ance leave next month for the 1963 warld hockey champion ihipl ln Stockholm Gary Shaves 14 of Mont ton has been named winner of Hockey Canadas lather wn trip to the World Hockey smokies Prepare For Championship WINS TRIP TO SWEDEN fiiiiuivon 1d game and led one in capturing the 1961 chim plgnahip at Geneva While most of 1m Smokies are 1111 around um are couple major changes In the lineup 10 through Ilremcnl are caplnln Cnl Hock ley and rlnglnger Nnrm Le nnrdon who scored Eh winning gag in Ihe mq chnmplanshlpx Kromm negoualed mum lully for old pro Ben 01m mad who retired last year alter year In the National Hague This year hope we will all he Kimu Lnsi years Canadian entry Gui Terriers oi the Onllrio Hockey Association senior series placed second in Inc world Iaurnamenl behind Swe den at Colorado Sqrings Colo Tournament in Stockholm In March lIewon the trip with mword essay Why Hoc key Is Good For Canndlan Bays CF Wirepholo HUNT flEQUPMENT guns See Us For Snowshoe Ice Fishing Suppllu Burris Govl Surplul Dunlap Phone PA $0611 We buy 36 It all nuke

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