Liberals Facing Giant Decision In lullmvmy In lnmldmr Mulun In nue nl wu mulallm nmml mvlm romr mlllu nllmnml ml MI nmvllnu lnr lhe ddmu nonml ll 001000090 MrNamm MHIIMvI US My lnr UI Mlnnllr nullan In lolllul rnnunu ulmul hw yur llrlImw mnunm lmlpnnl hnmlh llw nnmmnlxt linen In Illmllnul mmzlnu hm flurr vllln mm runIvar nllnrk W0 unuhl lumpy In mm mm muuaMy llm lwmy Inu dnt we nnw rmvy In In IL Itrlln llrlrnn bl llm lrrn unrM Manmmn MM Hul an Inn lln many no Kllfll II Ilmvn lannul lunpfl In nnpflllhumlrly lama HIM nl Io nunINF lly nr lrndruhlu Am rllurr rm WASHINGTON MII Ile lmrn Srrlrlmy MannIam mm lmlny Ilyn UHHMI Hlnlrl llnrml wnnl In llrullllmln NATQ hul wlll lune In nlny In Hm xlrlvrxu am IHIVK MIIM murh Vramn Mran Irml Frnm lnrlicnl ilnndpoinl lhi is nmrmhly lhc must prnc llcnl method The nunmmle nendinu pomn upirc Jun 11 and dchuln nf nhoul WNk prnvldul lorcclul enuuah mm mm run he run Inward WmlM muke Vlnunlly llnpunsihln for Ihe Imornlmnl In My II In clll mlnrlu pen Ilnnx nllnwnnm Intrnm pay mrnu In cnmmclnra and he llkr ANKR FUR Vrlomnn Minlnlcr mrrhill nvrrmanl lmdcr In Hm om mm luu upmml 1hr vlrw lhnl KIWI Hmr HI pnvnll Calls de Gaulle Misguided Man the mamcnl Hm weight at opinion In the party npptnr Invor II MIflnclctlian drive uhm Hm gnvrrnmcnl mks or In ltmpamry apondinl powm They have lvm clear choices hll the nommmcm hm it asks or lcmpornry spending author My pmhahly ncxl week or con ccnrale lhcir mum on lhc five upcoming wpnly moï¬om and ha Iubscqucnl debate an the 106243 lpcndinfl nmgmm OTTAWA lCPlTht Liberal parly are crucial decision In Ihc ncxl low day on tho timing an allnu drive lo lnrce dissululian Parlia ment and now cledium US Carries Big Load So Will Lead NATO Dcpuly nvc nut Minister Gear McEnyrc said Audilérv General Maxwell Henderson had been rclnsed acccs lo the mus pnrlly because lhey con alnnd persunal and confidcn lial correspondence between he taxpayers and Mr Nawlan lInVl inn minislcr OTTAWA cmm case of lhn three incame lax lilcs Ihal former rmcnue minisler an Ian kept mm Parliaments nudiorgeneral hmk now turn Tuesday as the Commons public accounts commillcc dclved inln hq manor Bul we must no regard lhl as the voice or France and of course sill less as he vnice 01 Europe Icmmat hnliuve um mi ltmparary nhslruclion is going black nr dance or very long Sandys whn Ilcw buck 1mm Brussels with Agriculture Min ister Chrlslnpher Snumcs added This is very dark day IorEurnpe as it is far Brit mm Mr Mwlan Lcmcd LONDON AP Duncan Sandys the British secretary ul alale for colonial and Common wealth relaHons returned from he mllapsa the Common Market talks army and called Prcsldcnl de Gaullc mis zuldcd man who mm In lhlnk that France 15 Europe and lhat hails France Says Income Tax Files Held Personal Notes Year No 25 HE THINKS FRANCE 18 EUROPE For Examiner Want Ad Ta phone PA 414 The leIephane number to call for lhcBusincss 01 Editorial Dept PA 56517 Our Telephone Nu nnlvivan Inuuulnl mllll lllllfl on flu mm mm 1h IIFIMF rvluy CRHNI lnr xlnluvmnnl an In mng Ivah new mlulln In mu ml Ihc Unllwl Hlnlu unlml Inlnnmllnnlnl halllullc mil IIIP Alllck mmlll Mml uvmlml limp Inln 51mm VIM Nlllvl Ilw mmnw nllll Inumh nn lvprn nllmk mm Nullll Vlnl Nnm Fm Hm lint Um mhmwlrdml Hm llnilrd Hlnlrn mm hm mm Hun H000 mllllluy mm In Vlrl Nam mhlxlng Ilw nullw luvru McNMnnm Inlnl unmru ml llR nhnirclr Ilmuzm In nulli rlrul In mm In rnrmy mum AM IUU ulNlmy UNI 9mm UnlulL Hr MM llmlrtl SM HI Ithflnir In llml In My llnuhu HUM Allfltk will lmtk III 51ml IHII II US INN MI ML In In whlurmmllm wary of WWII and lululn Uh Iuimnty ymimm ho ulmncly IIJHINI 111 IN lmilul ilnhl mum mm ernmm II lannl lur lhr mllilnvy lam H000 momx IN HT NAM on wmwu mlumny linrl ll dmicull In 1mm ln lhu ronlrnry Tho lunch lhnl hml In rum my birth burned dawn Ill I910 ihhiy yearn mum the hr Indy wllnm au may have mnumy pr IKI lllmjudm Your nae madam nskrd lhu 17min And lhoy lttl ccrlnin that nerd willl lhe sun of lmlllcs lhcy are resolved lo wage on cllhor lhn cmmrllry splndlnx request or an the 19mm xpnnd In program Ilscll Prime Mln Islcr DIcIrnhaknr will dixsnlvc Pnrllnmenl or nn nlccllun rnlhcr than have lhc xovrrn mrn lrIl mmHus In my lhu bill when ll run out hmdx Many lecmls concede lhcre Is lilllc chance Liberals New Dcmocrul and Social Cndil combining their slmnKH nnd dckaling lhe minority Imng siw Conscrvmivn gnvurnmcnl on he Mondaymommy supply donate nut whal is pend sense to Mr Churchill may not be good sense lo Ihe oppnsillon Krgm Mr Icndcrwn in Im review of government imman opcruflum In he 1961M ï¬scal year The commillce npening study the auditorgeneral report made public last wcck lumcd directly In the tax ï¬les issua one 115 qucslioncd by ML Handcrsun leslilicd that he refusal In his audit sla check inlo he filesinvolving unpaid taxes back Impwas he nnly such rciusnl In 16 years concerned that lhc auditorgm oral should see lhl correspond encc They Will be pleased lo know lhat their goods will have he same free access In Ihc British market as in the past on he clhcr hand la loi ni Ihcm will begin in reaiim ihal some ihe deals we made inr them in Brussels were preily advaniazcous and they will bu sorry to inse lhem mm is unws will here ceivcd in the Commnnweallh rahcl nlxcgl minis Ahout thereriéct an the Com monweallh he breakdown Sangyg said Ohvlously gry nskcd whdher he thnugh BriL ain would have to wait or the departure of de Gaulle before trying again lnmy no life inéurance agfpl he said lhgl nglurfa coursc islory dcbalc on he mending pra HERES ONE In lhin Mr In hel lrr nlmw wlm mm In umv In man mm dafrfltfl hr Iakl II yrnrrully harm lhnl lh Mk1 Zouu lylle nit yrnlly hrln lnlwl wuuld be errllv full IlvalII Inln In mu Unr mlmlml rnumn In llw your RIfml mull lu Ilu 11mm mu Ilvn IIM mlmmrlnw Iulmlml mlullq nllnLIl nml Hy min lhvml nl mlr lllnrll Ilmllltl mlimlrvl In li lflfl Vlulng Unruly MINI nmrn MM In llllcmuhm Alr clrlrncu Aml lw lmrcnxl llml llnl 1mm mn Irrl mm II mm Inllunnrr In llw Cnmlmlnlll amp and mum unnllmml lunllnm mmth in mum at lllullm In mlhly lln Amhlllnml Ilnl Mm um run In dorm wllmu dirrrt mnlmnlnllnll us unhinry inm mlnhl lrml In mil ha Ilm mul help xlrlrlmlnu llm tlwnc lrr ma Rnlltl mllllmy pm Kmm mu our the nut lrw mun Mr Mclnuro ml his hle clerks cansidercd rnlhcr cxlmunlmary rcquusl and lured it to him as mtan of collecting taxes owing Last January his audi tnu had asked lo sue lhu colloc lian Me In lhc rownun depart mcnl heqd ofï¬ce hcrc mumJ Mrsllcndgmn said Ihe thrca case came to Ms audit mm nnlico because Ihe cabincta lrcnsury board had nppmvtd wilhholding n1 xuvommcnl my mums he lhm persons Mn Macnnughton laid the qunsliun could be put to Mr Nawlan when he nllcnds later commillce meeting The minis fur mm Tuesday SPECIALS FOR BUYERS Lnsl week Mr anlnn old reporters rha some the ï¬les Involved members of Farm mom But Tuesday Committee Chnlnnan Alan nlacnaughlan LMonlrnal Mount Royal ruled oul direct question In In whcmer he lhrce use in valrcd MP3 Today Thr menlnnr will rnrry 1in dmulinx he Imumlm 01va hy vnrinul murhnnh The mlu Am lmmd Ihmuuhoul Ihe mulnr Milk and In modal har nnin McllmL Imm mm or many ving mlma fllo mk slognn ls ml per Hrth nnrgnlns Price mludionx wkll be auhslnnlinl In lhc mail Il llfldhu Inngnln Ions ha new ycnr mm In mud pmlnx 5mm will wear yol low lmdgu dcming llm 511m The committee did not resolve an apparent conflict between Mr Nowlan and Mr Henderson as In whelher laws of secrecy pmlccllng income tax lilo arr pix lo 111 rgcneral Nor did abum unhercluu on he idcnlity of the Ihree in dividuals Involved Ilnrnnlns In All um 01 retail mod will ho oflnml by Harris merchant durinx lhrmdny citywide pale mmmcndna mmnrmw 12 flarrirsï¬xaminvr There is no sec ond best he said Then is not qucslion of an alternative or ï¬rst hr second bcsl We have been trying and we go on trying lo develop Commonwealth trade as before He was asked he lhonghl that he Commonweallh might nnw think that it was sccnnd bus to the Gammon Market VI an in the process or do Ing that the moment Dont let us imagine that there Is any magic Commonwealth allcrna ma lhere had been we would have gnne in fmj Iptjnng ng The 1le Map In do what we always do and lbs when new siluntinns arise immedi alcly to consult Commonwealth For the future Saudys had lhxtn say 11w lmulvnu drlntmlnnllnn will have lmulnl ml WWW lllwl null lllml Ivy Ivy almt Camus ll MMMZHI lnrmrr mhlunl lhu Unhmlly YfllnolL Dr Krmlrlh limlunll nrlnr im Immng ma pwvimluly llm Imnnlr hm lml mppnrd mmmm Inlumlnllnn In drhnnlnr wheIhvrer Ilnll In mprer mu barium ol hr Imlllnln an rmlxmilnl In nmllmmy um Im lull In Iv rnndunln In llrltlmlnlnl llus Ilrrnvrnm nlthu mm mark tlllrilur Krrhlmrn manh Fuumlnllnn mul Ivy lxmlruur Nmvlhu nl mmllchw ll llle llfllvrltlly lr Illlu Thu llzlrkrrl DI Nan Iu rovlc nml Hr Amlrrw Ivy lfllll In Irllnr mhlvrunl In Ilm US drpntlnwnl Width uln rnllnn nntl urllmn Wn mr unflwml Nun mlmlwr ll cnmrr mllmll ulm have umxulml wry urll In lvrnlmnnl wm Knan nr prurnlnllnn in your Inexllril Ila In Wmlv lnzlnn ilw lrllrr pmmml Audi myrtlullur Mmh In CHICAGO MINlinden nl lhn mulruvfrnlnl Inll Knlvln 1m llnvr ullrml lu lunvlllu rmmr palimll nllrnwlly hrlpcd by lhr llrmz lur uunnnnllnn by Nullvmï¬l nnrrr nqula Arnuld Vnncl NM lnwnmgn mid II II Imn Hm we prnnllzrd hem In Ilnrriu Vhrn ll Itinnlily ms lhc xlnle fur lnlr ll nlmuld he mun4 Rmc John Small Adjnln loumhip Jalnml in Lnnl your the flnrrln Fair and Collinanml Fnir run on he up In ny pcnml is In 1ch Ihlrd llme IInnh has jumle In on unoUur InIrA dnlcs mid Hm lrnlc rmmrll lnr Mm hull plonly hacking mm oihtr counrillou Councillor Jtrm¢y nrgncd HM and ytnr or he past lime nnrric has an Ihc dnlcs lnr Ila lnlr lo 0th will nnnlllcr Offers Patients Allegedly llided By Krebiozen Drug Lcla cut an nlld onch than Xussan mad cow Dalton Jurmcy Mcdomo lowmhip The mnllcr came up in Coun ty Cnuncil today uhrn lhc mem bers wore cmlshllring Hm an nual gram M1350 rnch Hm Airs in QI cuqnly in lhétaï¬uly Bl Inlrs n3 lhc region In the mind many mom bcrs Simcoc Cnunly Council Ihc annual Barrie Exhibition olhimz bui Ihehlnck shccp lmlTMNS Edward Heath ILfl talk wilh West German Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroeder right in confer enca room In Brussels yes AIMS AT BARBIE Onmlo CanadaWednuaay Jjaniury £40 I963 COUNT W9 Fair Scliédlilé Numb nynrold Mrl Mlnne hybmrmm an man dlvmu mum at Inlh Illh Mum and uh Min mmlp tunihnln Inr Dr Bum flhepnmtmlto nlh umvlmd In 1m wt clay VIII uu hwa The nmllrr was ï¬nally loll wilh mmmillro fur lurlhrr runsidcrntlnn nunril lnhmls ln lluvc nn ulllclnl ul lln Bar rlv Agricullurnl Socluly explain pmillnn cmme cmmcll lIc nunllunrd Ilml Culling mmd was nha minul an Inn ll prnvldcd lmnspnrlulion ctle he pcuple who had brought Mvcslutk at lhuir awn cxurnu Cmmcillnr Jermny said ur lhcr ml llnl only lld Harrie nut give an prim Insl year uuse he limlork show was ruined nulL hm they kept the rxhihilnrn nraund until nlmul pm so that my couldnt get up In onmgwnndr and we shnuldnl give lhcm the grant He said Ihe agricul tural commiuce council didnt brim it up hcfnrc because then is always enough mixup hclwctn he munly and the city tcrday an Britain lost bid or membership in European Common Market With them in Duncan Sandy Erilish secrcinry Sum for com wouw mum DR 3AM Juhlnnl woman tun lor Mm And My Ihl hope In muryhlm am at trmIod III hurlnl mun In Mum um Mu Mum Mpnrdn army at at commumlonv 11m no imnwdlnln in limllnn at who mlnlxl rupluw Muss 110 came Alulwllc in January mm mm Flmirln lult Unlrrrsily to replace Doux llcnhuuh Wnlkvr Tho bomdof dirtclnrs Zlid Hwy nuccpltd lhc rnignaliun 51m The duh nnnnunccmvnk snld flu resiunulmnol Moss was he Ivsull nupullry liflrrvncc which the club Mould no div close The unnounbcmcnl said llml he lull xnlnry nrrauzcmcnl my drr lormx of he contract he lwcnn Moss and he club would be Hunorul was undersloml llml Muss mm on he mm year of ï¬ve ybnr wnlrncl club announcement said Mass resigned at in special mowing oi lhc bnnrd oi leLC lars he club MONTREALIQCP Resig nation at Pow Mossns sen rral manager and much 01 Mnnlrcal Nounllcs nl lMlJusl om Football Conlcrcncc was announced loday MOSS Resigns From illlouettes monwcnlih relations 41nd Chrislopher Snmmcs rccnnd mm right British minister ol agriculture Ap Vlrcpholo vin cable irnm London mm Hanged nnmnl Iw 1qu la Mn Ihl Harrowan Cnmmnnlhlngkwl wlll havn nmrwulnm llnlWl lhn huvlul luvlmuly II In mm lhmum an Intmmva Mul Muw to Ho Wulm any lur whkh lulu1mm Inlm pr Henlly daring the III mm In Thm III In In In Kumlln ml prob Nvlel New In an mm lama mm In um Wul mm 11 lulu In In my mu Arum TINI Wollll Ilhly will lil mum Ina qxld war wllhln NR amt4n U11 Enl helwrrn llw 4le Man and HM lMnn In Wm lwluwn In Hull 54 munj rum IMllfl MILTIH luhlrr UwWrnhm annnu my Mum Ink qunnm nr MM laugh yuulllfnl Imldml Rummy nr Hm ulna lml Inn alvlv mlunn at Lmnpv lxrAI drill Ila Inulln Illll hr Inld It hhmlmv Ilmldrnl dl inullu IM Inm Alurslllm Hunk In huw lnr 15qu may mm In mnprrnlu In Inmunl lrduc lion lvmlu lhllllcrl Mum In llemllmml lmi nruullnliulu Mull Nkrly mll yrur mnumlmuk lnr lhun nnl ncgullallulu II hr laid II Illlslrllnl lucrlllm Ill Ilnxlrn or ml tHrcllw luwwlnu mmnun Mmkrl Inï¬ll wnlls mm Hian MM Inmu mnmly nI lmhmn Knmudyn Mlle um pnwrn mulrr Hm Us Iu rixpnmlnn ML rlnllvHnd lunlml by lrlmu Mlnlslrr llIrlrnhukrrln Hm WIIKL of lhc ulrcmshll FINN mom cunlnu Hrilnlnl Inmzllly llruxsrh nuuullmlulu l0 Jmn lhn rumnmn Mnlkcl Six Mm Tum Eylcrnyllnl OllL OTTAWA CFlCnnmlul Iu lure rrmh policy likely MI my more Hum our un IMLIunliunnl arlIlunHIIA rmlrls mull nl IIIc hrcnkduwu of Hnlnlnl Mum In jnln he lZumprnn Cnnmmn Mmkcl whim dc Gaullel snub was dircclrd at nrflnin nm imme zllalc mull was In Isnlalc the French statesman mm his live Common MarkLanlncrs Mm had rallied lo th Hrilish mum Thu live Wusl Grrmnny Italy Thu Netherlands ncI gium nnd LuxcmhnumV NM mccllng Cnmgnon Mar ket ï¬nance mlnlslcrs scl Fur Mfr lhix work The sminn was have dimmed the flaw of US Invtslmcnh lulu lhe CnmA One sungcsuon was In re gnvernmcnl propose grouping of countries hnscd on the Com munwcnflh Brilnjnn parlncu In tho European Free Trade Assotinlion and any Lnlin American counlrics lhal want llgflT TO LIVE Trade experts said Britain has one path now licrm tight to win bigger markcls over seas and tn spur industrial growth at hnme through more cl iicicncy in Industry and harder work all around 0m cIcc could be on scaling down Brillsh military com milmcnl lo the defence Eu rope Prime Minister Macmillan who had slnkcd his reputation on lhmsuctess lhc talks was ccrlnln to law fullscale al lack mm the opposiï¬an Labor parly ngains hackgmunll of 1100000 unemployed nnd slug naling economy The collapse oi the Brussels negotiations to link the island kingdom with conilnentai Eu rope thraatnncd the biggest im mediate explosion in Britain it self The Atlantic alliance Amped for steady Iooling nmld the far ranging uncerlainlies Presi dent de Gaulles blackball LONDON CPIShack waves of disappoinlmcnt and nnxlcly surged Ihrough free world my ital today at he rojcclian of Brilains Common Market bid Big Question Whos Tolugher Old de Gaullve Kennedy See Canadas Trade Polich Relying 0n Tariff Cuts Trade Experts Also Say Labor Will Jump 0n PM Nol Morp Than Far Copy28 Page hM Wll Fuma InIa pour 1er In NATOInn mlm ll Alhsmu run an lmpmlunl mam nl Luln mm ml palo fludatfllll lrlu ainme hnle manna III IIVIHB Illlnhu anneal MI AMIM Mull ll 19 In hlsklml chum muwyu ya mml 1w Munch pa emailv mflm nlmnl 1mm Ilywum wally ma and muddy hy 1er Mill nmw Md Colder today Winds 20 run day Laiv tonight 10 High Thursday 10 For mmplma sumnuay mm to page two lww prm nlrrmlu Mm mm lnyly mmuw Rflllllrl nu lamb lmu IIMrIrmI 10 Mr ll nnvml VII ljmvm MI ll hllllnul Inw wllII llw llmmlmvixls Dc mull hi wk clear IIM II lrrlimr Tlllnwnlmultl lwru ninmllu 1le 3mlrd Slum Iml lhn 5mm Un lun mlrwmlflulwwinldlnl III nun mu Mr wany Mm mmth hm rm nutlrnv Iran on In mid AILA Ila Hutu lm MIHKNIINII quw rur In lllt lhlluu nl ny ummuxmrnlul min Inlllallu nl llln Wlll lllrllllkll llln mum nl dlscumlun nml murlur Hle muth mlnlslrrlal nulllnu nl HATE lllr Illrlvnlvukvr nlsu pro pawl Hmll mmnmmnu lur lull llllll lnlurlllnl Ill wulmu munmz munwnnmllh lllrm hm nml lllll nlml he Vvlll run lhln wllh Um llrlllxll Illmlnl llmlni Inmluu mil lrh 11 um mmimm rmythlnz we can expand mullllnlvrnl 1qu pnru Earlier llcalh pccch ll mlnscrs nI Hm hx rrpudlnlcd French charges that nrilnin wlu not rrndy In nccwl all the com IHUUM Hue 1971 lrmy of Rum founding the Cummon Mmkcl Local Weather MinNrn rum Germany Inly and lhc nonclux chunlrlu made no nucmp to hide their rulings ml the breakdown was he wmsl political rrisi In Eu rope 31mm lhe war and that de Gnulle was lh responsible The safeguarding of Cummnn wraith and EFTA inlercslswns key factor in lish nngoliu lion with he si Market linns Hanlh In caday night in holding scpnralo con sullnlions with Cummonwcallh diplumnls in Brussels and also wilt nrfllshlcd EFTA Repofls irculalinz inLondon have suggested that Brllaln may nawprcss lnr Mg 05 urn Iradc Mac linking Ihc Unite Slnlu and the nullnnsol lhe Cnmrflonwmllh and the Europ can Free Trade Assncintinn We shall not mm on balk on Europe the countries at the European Community he luld British television nudi QHEC Belgian Furelun Mlnisler Paulllcnxi Spank promised new developments in he nexl two weeks bul gave no hint what Icy will be Lord vy dward Heath whn led Britains fight In Brussols snld Tuesday night Ills zavcrnmnn will be In the closest canlact with the ï¬va For lhe next few day and than de what should be Vdane Representative of the live said they cancelled the meeting rnihcr Ihan give the French an opening in launch criticism ni v5 business prnciiccs WLLDCIDE LATER unnlnul awn summmnx winch concern in France