Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1963, p. 7

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WEE an IWSIV 11m mninr lmluhuvl xlmom Innllnnl nml nrannlznllun nurh Hm YMCA and WCA lmd fillulcnl hrlllnn anrmtnt will Inflldpnln Ihrnnnh Inch In lnrnl church Rump ac lhllirx mvlm wnnhlp wllh nllwr ynulh nnrl lnmlly lllfihll will he IrmlumL YUIIHK praplo MI Mm lnku mrl In llm mun lnr rlmrrh lBrVICH In yoth hmunh mclnl pro rama In llm churrh nml com munity we wlll Iakn arm jolnl mrcnngs wilh nclnhlurhrmd ymflh Krnups cnmmunHy ynulh vhflnllun pm Jcrl vnrnllan rnlly Mum Hwy will ler the rhnllrnno Chmllnn Inllh Ill lulu Franser by the Dcpnrlmcnl lIducnuon of he nnndlnn Cnunrll oI Churchu Chrlsllnn Youlh Wu ls lncndrd Ilrtn 1th 111 thurrh mlnillry During Chrlsflnn Ynulh Week Jun 13 lo Feb ma ynung pcoplo In Canudlun churches wm nludy the meanlnx or the Ihnme Hound To In Fm YOUTH GROUPS Local CGIT Groups Mark Youth Week ammo SET or prac llce whirl nmund he link are Marx McClure lo and Mndcllne Smelhuul mem bm the CG many CANADIAN GIRLS 1n Trahr lug above are members St Andrews Presbyterian Chunk gmup the news group be armed In the city Regisered in February 1962 the group membership total 17 Group leader Mrs Dr Lclshman assistnd by CHRISTIAN EDUCATION THEME 0F YOUTH WEEK HAIR STYLISTS OF DISTINCIION IA $7441 anl grnupn wlll mm he an nual ukulan party Wfilncldny owlulna AI Um Guthrie Anna Gmunl pnrlltlpnllnx mm nul Ildo lhu my wlll lncludo 11mm nn Slrmnl Pnlnnwkk nml Tu rnnln They wlll return In Eu Rum lmlvymlnn Church Mme mmhmcnll will In nrrvrd Imjem lntludo unlll nibll Iludy and ulhzr ntllvlllu to mu the church Cnmplnx nnnUm phnxv ho Yrournm null CGIT rump nrr hr cvury lummcr In my prnvlnre Chrlslnn ucaunn pm gram or ulrlx mm In I1 duluncd or CGIT member In help hem xrw Inln ICUVI churrh mcmhm and mmn um Chrlntlnn clllmu Their mccllnu nm nXsn sparked wllh unmet ulnaronus hullncs and prolcclu group he Cunndlun Gllll In Training Glrls Auxilinrkw SigmaC LC les Ynmh Fe lowahlp Young lcoplel Dr Knnllnflonl PLANNED PROGRAM Church Mary and Madeline plan In nllcnd ha annual skallng party at Guthrla Arena lomormw cvmlnl Malawian Mrs Llnyd Mchugail The leaders have established question box which will allow aim to ask qucsliuns which can be brought up or group discussion Galhered around the quesfion box lmm left to right are Verna Ritchie Lin da Sleckiey depasiting the Is ltrloul mlxlnke In lry In my Al ulnrvnnnn Icvtl In lhl dcflclcnty mu you an obvloully human protein In mvldo fuel wher menu then not enough prnlrln tnkn me 3st lepnln what mrdcd II no 1m loud but more and mvurululy ha and which urnlxh vnnl nulri cnlI ls cnflcnzd she lhink could jusl end It Ill if turn umund and rcgaln lhl waighl cut my calorlu as law as day ar our or IV days wilhoul lnslng singlu ounce In luck gnlncd Why eat good brealdnxt Includ Inu an egg Fur lunch luv only an npplc upper have brollcd mcal salad and bread and butler On this mlrlclnd um have rcxnlncd 15 pounds Am enllng In much mean have worked so hard at lhll nnd Eynyed I0 hard over 1L Plano clp mcl Ga buck lo your doclnr Yaur hndy ls ln ll slnlc moss and It Is no wonder that you Incl depressed Thl npnnmnl unln ulvca Inlsc plclure Tho cnusn mnlnulrixlon You could nut poulny bu Ilurlnx III III Increase on Ihu ncnlu repro mu nn cdumawnlcr mm In llm lesura Healthful Pattern Of Eating Will Restore Zest For Living By IDA JEAN KAIN What am lining that wrong This plan or My comm homn homemaker who has had the fortitude to take of too cxccs pounds She now find horse gainlng desplla the net that she is kccplnx her cul arics nt slgrvntlon level Plnns will he developed for annual meeting at Ban Am June 1014 and delegates will he named or the triennial mewng of the InlernaUDnnl mum at Washington June 19 July The membership ln eludes 21 nauonnl organizauans and each has representation on the nnflonnl execuLive the Na anal Council of Women oi Canada meeL here next week it will decide whether the tmmbelsliip will take part In an International Council of Women questionnaire on iamily planning About so the council officers are expected here or the twudny meeting which opens Feb KEEP IN THE TRIM 13 national prcsldenl Mrx Council Of Women Meet In Ottawa question Defible Jane and Margaret Ngwlon JCPITWhe 919 ex Exizminer Phobos WHEN CONTEST mm mm mono Manna mm In Iaun mm mm mu mm llIIdln mum mm Ilvlllup KII mm mum at mm mummm ml m1 ml unth mm mm mmmm nown IN mm In IN II In In nunI um II In mm WI nIInl mmur Ila nu fluMn punmum try IuI cum MI To ml jun III In IVII mm Mn mm In In Mn non Anu at mm ohm Winter Carnival Gel hnrk hanllMul pal Inn enllnn and curdInn Yaur ml or Hle wlll bu mir nrulnunly mlnrrd Ind your mum mnlmllcd lllrn you Talk wllh your doctor nlmul txtrdsc the llnlnh or duclnl prngrnm cxcrclso In nrcinlly needrd II known Um txerclan can hnlp tn pro mote lhu rclrnllnn at body nm Mn lll well enhnnca onnl ltrllnxnlycthLIM luppcr have good nervinu cl lean meat nur or cooked wdghl vlus lwv vczdnhlu Ialnd and xklm milk nr humr milk and lrulL Them mod lurv nlsh he nutrients that will lllmnlnla your Iylltm nnd Imp your body In good xutu ul gay Your doclar wlll no doubt ln xlsl lull you Include name pm lcln at Illa noan meal Nulrl llon expcrlmcnln have clearly shown lhal when calarle are rcslrlclcd panlcularly lm parlunl lo Include complclo proleln load at each ol the three meals lunch have mup made wllh sllm mllk and also have xcncmuu lmll cup surv ln cullnge chem wllh nllca of bread Or have nervan nl hrnllcd fish or rhlckon and mm vuzclnble An apple or desscrl llne Starvation accomplishes non lngl Go buck to eating three meals dn and allow your doctors adv cc to the num ber 01 calnrlesl You are not eul lng lao much meat Your My Inku In no eallng enough the other protective nulrlcnls In keeping ha calmu loo law Saul Hayes Montreal will lead delegnllun which will inch Prime Minister chlen linker and cabinet mzmben with fine councils anrml pre sentation Feb warth Street was guest of honor at stark shower Thursday even ing held at th home of Mm Art Johnston Essa mad cm wera presented in doll car Mn Doris Nullyoombe and children Pamela and mnny ac companled by Misses Joanne Finley and Barbara Wilson In at Eula Street motored Io Niagara Falls Saturday and were zuests the Sheraton Brock Hotel Relumlng Sunday lhe quinlet were dinner guests at Prudhmmles Garden Cen he 51qu fl0WEfl 3k as party was held the home 01 Mr and Mrs Ever ett Shellswell 0111 Station an Saturday evening Among the Barrie guests were Mn and Mrs Del Kelly Mr and Mrs John Holder Norman Shellswell and Mn Carter Frank HanIsa Maple Mr and Mrs Kenneth Mitchell Orlllia mum The Spring Donne tea spon somd by the St Andrews Pres bylerlan Chumh Evening Circle of the WA wlll be held on March 18 but fashion parade will he an added attraction at the am mlal event convened by Mrs Swan 3515131 by Mm Surveys taken In the ham lumlshlngs Held show that ch11 dren In he 71011 agegmup prize something son and prctly on His floor Islhere mg nicelcomly one on the flnor the chil drens room not your youngsters may be secretly 10111an for qne Bug InlChilds Boqm Lends Feeling Of Luxury By ELEANOR R055 Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Comma PA H531 PEOPLE AND PLACES Allendlng the Home Builders Association can venuon in Halifax this week are Ernest Alexander sccond vice presldenl of the NHBA and Mrs Alexander of Cadrington Street President of the Bnrrie Builder Assoclnllon Gordan Spring and Mn Spring 01 Codringlan Street Director of the BBA Gordon Pratt North Park Road and Dennis Moran Ann street ac compnnled by Mm Fran and Mrs Moran rluge Shower gums Included Mrs Game Gallauzher Mls Heather Gallnughar Mn Jlm 13mm Mrs Ray Kelly Mm Connelv Mrs Vernnn Gil more Mrs Ray Hackman Mn Ross Tan Mrs Doug Gnllaugher and Miss Ruth Leslie COMNTION This Is an Interesting sideA light on what has been for some lime now the modern approach to childrens rooms 48 ANNE St PA 60902 When asde what type 01 uh nishlngs they would like to have haw they would decorate their own room if they pould do the plannlnH remarkable number of the children started by sped lying rugs Call us and wall and lame or Bob over to your house Ia Elva win an estimate on bringing that kitchen upladuta Pay for lhe job an easy bud chiIling arms you enjoy Ihe new Improve ment and canvenlcncu HELPING MAKE HOMES MORE COMFORTABLE SINCE 1855 BALI Dont Put up With It Monanmzma sanvxcas Were having our annual inventory Be sure to read tomorrows Examiner For Our Great BIG GAS WELL New Zealandn Kapunl Field expected to produce 60000 000 cubic feet of natural gas Hula girls have yen for the soft and llulfy small rug which not only looks pretty hut cola zoggynqlgmeambm feel Pink blue and while an colors voted most definable to live with proving 11s the young who are conservaflvn self For instance one lllLls Ind ex plahgted that hemmed thmw rug on his floor because ha could pile up and make mam talus or hi my soldlvtswhlch ether all good reason in ACCOMng to me survey even we boys like nus although in sumo case It Is or reasons ouler phgn decorative The newrug are washabla which makes them just as prac on as lhey are wally In and out 1115 washing machlnq they go wilhlease and emerge lover as when new 01111213 néAsous Bul now that find delightful variety pretty throw rugs avfllable Um no need adamant nboul floor coven Moum have tended human as of zigzag floor aver co mow up and never mind whax mu think rALKERS Ybu EStill Cani Beqt Natural 31¥S Cardin and do Ranch featured this look in dresses Jean Dessea In coats and Jacqui Esteml In combination of the wn In coal dresses designed to go nverywhere new trend evolved at Desses and Cardin was the suit helm win 1315 mm fastened In dickey or vest with doublo brcastad NW mm While Paris has not made dynamh changes altered hem Hnes ur Introduced any new sil houeltes so far waistline tended to he more fitted Mp curvier and the bosom to be olggrvei rather than obliter Mandaysbig winner was def lnllely tho oompmmlse nilhou the foam Med effects ram with 1003 waded convex hacks PARIS Reuters flle first days spring fashion showings pointed toward the body bea with the mans woman taking over from her sexless predecusor my mum manna wash JANiVABY nusv Spring Silhouette Curvy Feminine Pierre Cardlns silhouette was more female than anything he has done In years Skirts swing out In variety of styles rang ing from Imuser and sunray pleating lo umbrella gums Necklines ab bout rounded shoulder and slralgh Ileeves Black dresses were almost nonexistent with only six ap pearing among the 600 model shown by leading house models Narrow stralgh sleeves were set In My beneath the arms nndcutoflatmkddmam Drés neckllnes were restrained with smooth flat getaway ol fecla Lateday dresses featured detonate In Iron rather than the back 21 In recent sen Flower pinks frongrecns yaLlow and delphlnum blues appeared In every house Prints were less in evidence than In other spring seasans and those that did appear were clear and wlde spaced

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