Um In many wnyu Ilm mnlm in he an uhllnrlllul mnmlu km or rwlng and Iumnm lululun 11w anllmu ll lrfl la Inullvdual perryyuan nmI huh Iunn tlmflwllrtlnll Illl uanlml mm mm who know Im min lnpoMmry on rrnllxmnnshlp Ibn hallmark nl um ml MM THE HINDI lllKMllfl Ileflnkly In at lha your rum bpllyrIuht pvlllml unk wIHI mlenlnl Illl an bullundmm gollnr rum and min lrunl tloum lly Jack lmlum ol Tnmnlu II will lmnr In In Nalhnnl nllec Ilnn lnhlnx pllrl In Manual on F6 inlnr Nych nu llmhllrfltlfd llnv udlul IMI in whom My mum thlflll 1km In no ollL err Ilnrr any rulld runA luhlnn Um Immune cmdll auï¬den luauch IM hem mum mu lhl um The Inull olllln Ilnl llw vlmu Iilhumllr mm rnIur lune lwrn oullnwnl mn nlm lnhlnn Iym ml uhkfl mmrn uml an uldc In mhrr Ivanml have given way lo Hum mhkllrs In the cnmlng months lhe 1nd lu plnn have Mission sludy on The Rim at East Asin cov ering Korea Okinawa Talwnn Hung Knng puncl at our Mrs Hurridge Mrs Col Vin Mrs Tn madman and Mrs Pufl chase Korea as he ï¬rst study with he nld of maps the group pnlnlcd out he rullure terrain religion and belibls pcnpln and must Impnrlnnl the overpopuhlion of this small country which we more than halt the size or Ncwlmmd land The hardshlps lhal faced the missionaï¬m were many 11m Item nlmml cumlnnl In Iblu mm Hm Mllnnl 1le by mmrM wnhm Moulrrul Toumlo Whmimg YAHWMH aml Vnnwlnrr MIth 200 HWIJ Inrmhru prmlum llu hulk nl numlinn nmlylmwenr HFMD TIM Iuhllrlyll Ulru In lhu mhnnl huul nnlklng unl mm Vnnmmrn II In nlIo prrunl In ymIlMul xlrnim plny rlulhrl llmn lidmunlnn nml In Ihe ml nmnlr mlpllnlnl flwalhl lmm Tnnmlu The Women 01 Weslminslnr Presbyterian Church met or hair January meeting at the home at Mrs Jewcll Puget SI 7m President Mm Bur ridge opuncd wilh prayer xhort business menling lolovg The Presbylnrian Church have nu work In Korea at present but are proud Io have had In share In cslnbllslling the Christ in Church In Knm The Korean Christian Church is prnvhilng firs Ins lender Ihip and one oi he outstanding lcnlurcs oi this church L1 his number milled npd rusponsi hle people it has produced Giv en ndequnle assistance lhu Kur The mow hInnmml prcswl Allan Inr nnndnl lrndkm Mfr Inn uhlum mmsurcd hy lho IMFIHJIOHH Lndlu Gnrmtnl kam Union nmln rnLnn lo mm mm mm lnxl len wnl pmillw Alllmurlh la murr whllu line Illn NnHlmnl nllrrllml prrl tnthan lhu yrnr will he lha mml umprrhrmm In Ill nwnUI hhlury rcllocllnz hnuul cwucrlmn nahlnnn mmluml by may of he Cannlllnn mmuxlnclurru whu law In lhe llnlun LIIer II nmlxvl nl unIIHy mnllnry mm uinrlurlnx nml dvcunl lnlmr Ilnmlnrdu Glmmfll MMIIOIS Montreal0M reliable guldo pasts whlch old women what Mar ln seasons ml npvcur In be golng by the board In Can ndhm spring and lummcr insh Ions lnr 19m It mnv lull AMT rya la drlinu Hm ALI lmk ll mo nuvcrllwlr judglnu rum Mylo Iuhln rd or he Nullnnnl nllccllnn show lnklng hlnre In Mnnlrtnl Fri SUIIT LINE Westminster Church Women Study The Rim 0i East Asia Mr and Mr Wallace Rey nalds are shown following their manIago at Bradlnrd Presby lerian Church The bride is the farmer Jessie June Cnmp CoastToCoast Fashions To Please Canadian Women COUPLE WED AT BRADFORD Mrs Miller read the Strip lure Ms MacKay gave the Mcdilnllon Mrs Munro lnwod wilh prayer The ofleh ng was taken by Mrs Put mu dedicated by Mm Bur ridge Mrs Summers led in the slnging of the hymn can can accomplish great things or the Kingdom at Gnd Following the study Woh ship service was held The meeting closed wilh prayer by Mrs Burridgc Refreshments were served by the hostess very successlul tuchra was hold ln True IllucI llnll sponsor cd by lho mun llavcn ladlcs Ornngu Benevolent Assnclnlian Nclve lablrs were played Win ners were Lam hands Gertie Dickey lndics high Jenn Talu second high Wl lloxan consolallon Evelyn Tysun mans high Harvey Mlnnlkcn second ll Flrman cunsolullnn llinlonl The next euchu party will be held Feb at lm mm mm bpllyrIuht pvlllml unk wIHI mlrnlnl Illl seam bullundawn gallnr rum and bell daughter of ML and Mrs Campbell The bride moom is the sun of Mrs Reynolds Photo By Ruben Comes Name Winners OI Euchre Party Dwr Ann Landon am so upset about my wiles appear qnce that am writing tu you last resorx Please dont tell me send her to doctor Sheavheen In our donors and they all say up In hen Weve been married three years and my wife Is mess She wont tell me how much weight she has galned but she must weigh over 200 pounds could Iolerale her slze she werent so lazyr She has every known appliance to make her housework easier but shes Ian lnzy Io plug ln anything She has never used her sewing machlne even through her clothes are all mm Ihe seams She Iron nolhlng not even handker chleh Cooking ls an at the questinn er hubby is inlkin on Iho telephone und eating dy Our twayeamlrl child does mi get enough lresh air or sunshine be cause her mother is too lazy to take her outside Last summer the child was while as ghost Please suggest something HAD IT Deu ad 11 Usually mm which begin like yams wind up withand now have me lovely woman In lamillnr glory When who refuses lo shapn up lhe husband ollen ship out our wile more than lazy shes sick in the head woman who abandons hut responsibili Iios and Is largely lncapacilalcd due to lack of malivallan need psychiatric help Dem Ann Landm am In my room all alone like had lhe measles or something Ihnvu been sentenced to the life oi hermit for six weeks The Lea son is because got in bud grade on my repartcard layeuad xlrl can dry up and die ll sha has no social llle have lrlnd to make my par cuts see that no mod will he galncd by jallinx me or Im weeks How can this make my grades holler ll canl aka away he had grade already have CONFINED TO STUDY There Is big pariy Samday night and am not allowed to go What do they think hey are gaining by being so mean Please help lo spring me PRISONER Den Prlsnnm Your plea or new trial denied but ynu do hayeqpolnl Ja sentence should Involve mare than punlshmem Youru supposed to be sludylng up there Tools 50 hop to it Whlle you serve your scnlcnca you can also mick few books and pmve yaur grades Dear Ann Lnnden Im married woman who never dreamnd Id be asking or ml vice But need help and musl be from in outsider DESTRUCTIVE FRIEND close Irlcnd ol mln my home She spent the boiler part of lhe allcrnoon telling ma all my nulls tor my own good ANN LANDERS duln Irunl tloulnl lly Jagk lmlunn rl Tnmnlu II will lmnr In In Nalhnnl nllec Ilnn Inhlnx pllrl In Mrmlunl on Ftb Loves Labor Lost With Lazy Mate enr nnslck dont know whats eaung ynur friend but it must be something big Self nppoinled critic whn try to 19 model their ncqualmances are unhappy with themselves In stead or going to work on their own problems they ï¬nd it less palniul lo 50 to work on than around them never laugh was perfect but didnt realize Ina nobody likes me She told me always say lhe wrong thing the wrong lime that embarrass my husband because appear to be running him and that am lrouhiemakcr pa Instances when had been tactlesa vr made youble She couldnt think any offhand Her closing llna was hope ynu dant Ice hurt but people never see their own nuns and mnsidnr you friend want to help you lml xvriat do you Lhink mm HEARTSch This man destructive and punishing Stay away mm hen By ELEANOR ROSS Thu colder the weather the more we want our homes In look warm as well be warm whlch accounts or the rich textured luck in home acces series There are several delightful llems along these lines in the store just now One newcomer is the shower curtain made quilted plns ll that looks smart and color ful ltr printed with largm col oriul hollyhocks to give an el lect naihlng lo lhnn splendid snu BARIIIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 29 1963 Innc nrc uscd In lhl bcnuï¬lul lcxlurcd labrlc blend of rnypn and cullon whlch xiv hr sunads enough body to hang well and no lo wrinkle enlly WASHER EASILY NIAGARA FA Onl CF Gonna Cockledxm sign palMcr leI mcclmnlcnl mind Is cqunlly at home an land or water In which hl has dulunrd 1an ma prin clfla he iznvgrqrnfl Dm crnll whldl lonks lamb lhlnx Ilka lnnk nnd Iklms aver lhe ground or wnlrr In low lnrhu above lha Iurlnta wm hull ln ID mnnlh by Mr Cock ledge wilh lho help ol hla wllo Imd two suns Il rlzhl Incl wldo 17 led lung hulll wood plywnod libnxlm nnd nlumlnum Imd puwurd by whornrpowcr lwocycla rnxino KM lypc um hy lhn IlCAF lar lnrxcl nlrcmll one shower cunnln you will nut to go dingy 1mm drip plugs and splashes because you would want it In glowlnnll ll splendor all lhu llme BEDROOM ELEGANCE More the elegant mood np penu fur the bedroom with new spread that copy ancient damask museum nictcs nnd hnvv he nddcd ndvnnlnuc be lng preshrunk lint rue and washable cn hunch we are already um lo llvlm wilh ho of hcnulliul wushnhlu were ntcnmmndnlo flve Illullu nut is llllml by ma nrllrr huill nla llm homlvlype lmnl more In nlxo hull nml he vchlrlomnAllunl guilly nps nn Hidden In Inlo the buck rmlhln ll 1an down or rhnnur dlmllon Vllh lhln than workman mm uul on he wnlrr In over ll all Um yem mum lmlrml ol Imndlnfl lhmnnmll 011an on haul he can um or only low luonllu Mr Cocklnln Inyl Mm Mn unll would In Illnl or pnlml and uler Inl fly The lnvrnlnr wlm lay hr uu never Imd any umclnl lrnlnlnx or pm wk nllhuuuh wan unnlnynl by MI nlrrrnll mmpnny ll unu llnw Imb In hr 11 lmkm III Inya mull nnllrntlnl pmlmlmmlly and wwrml Iuy an nlmnolnl name wmhl rnynlvll ul luv rllmi ovrl Iruuveml wnlrr Inmhlmd nr plowed Hold Mm rmml It TO ATTEND QUEEN OTTAWA Cl Ilnlnyl ol HUM Hutch lml mu planI II 1an Qunn Elly IMIIII pIno nn 11uuday dur In Mr lllllul um Cnnndl mule to Aullralln an alt lam upohunan 11m Monday night llnnu wllh pnmhutuqulmued mme 1mm wlll he Idlth llva mlnum ul he Qucenl pln II all ma ho uld Wiie Son Help To Build Craft Hollyhocks Bloom In Bathroom Decor Personal relationships should be good now and you should have an enjoyahla day espec Sally when family mama and social luncllons am concerned Be conservaflva in money maz lers however FOR THE BIRTHDAY For domonnow If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indigth lhnt Ihi new year In your life could prove lugth construcllvo one Occupational on which you may hitherto have considered unatlalunble could well be achieved by the end of Ibis monthll you nre willing to work hard Do not overtu your scll howeverwsprclafly during September and Octoberwhen you may have tendency ta wurdAneedles anxiety Look for good ï¬nancial breaks during November midDecemr her and early 1964 and pos sible buslnes promotion In mid March Bamaan and min ad venlum are lndfcnled during this munlh and February also In May andJune The latter monlh could also bring some ex cellent new rah am Sim or January forecast nn oppor tunity buslnes fnpnnsionr he endowed with ilne dramatic ability and be extremely clever bi urprlsed Io ind that this lush lahric really washes so eagily Turning to dlnlng table new series the same rich look pre vnlla even in everyday appoint menu cw plastic place mals are tonmbncked which mean that they look lmpurtant and also cu shlnn sound The surface le lured like llnen and its simu lalcd embmldery could almost pass or real won erfu that such elLL gance should be available at reasonable cost and that few applicnllans with sudsy menu will keep lhcse lnblc mats look lng as Ircsh new THE STARS SAY Brand pom The yuvl but bhddlng buy II In um llv MI VI ul Holol Ssh Ipocl on lot In now addmon um In onllmnlnn lama hnaulllul cover In In camlnll Add up I0 In youd Ilpncl Ia pay In man In nml tomhlnnnon Fnlhl wlll pay 320 nluhl lo IIMD on in LII Vnoul Enjoy lM thm Supvnm In your own home new uuwlZsmc 17 MULCASTER ST Treat Yourself To Natures Greatest TONIC Good Nights Restful and Relaxed Sleep By ESTREHJIA FIRST PUBLIC SALE DURING IEALVI ml ANNIVERSAIV IALI CHOICE OR SIIES FULL 54 THREE QUARTER an OR SINGLE JV VISIT OUR COLONIAL LOFI Sealys 59 Health Flex AW AND SOMETHING EXTRA HAS BEEN ADDED ITS QUILTED WITH FOAMl 3am Flttnituve it SEALY SAHARA SUPREME MATTRESS MOTHERS LEND SUPPORT TO YOUNG HOCKEY PLAYERS The manlth meeting of Ihe Klnelle Club Banlo was held In the Green Room the Well Inglon Hale No new mema bars Mrs Vic TrIemslra and Mrs Keith Daniel were Init Ialed Into he club Elecllom were held to ill the posilion of ï¬rs vlce prcsldcnl and wallure director vacated by tho resignnlian from he club Mn Gordon Teskey and Mn Al Lynch Elected to the ofï¬ce ï¬rst vice president was Mrs Harold Hadden Mn Mac llydu is the new welfare direflor Projects under dlscusslon In cluded the shnwing Cancer ï¬lm be held in Ihc audil orium of lho Genera Elcclrlc plan on Feb at pm All service clubs have bccn invited and he public is also welcome There will be no ndmisslon charge also be heLpM In me wee Barrie Kinette Club To Sponsor Showing Of Cancer Films At CGE Mother came In handy when young lellow ll all bundled up ln hls hockey gear and cant take llma out to look qr his hnnkle Molhorlcan On April at pm Con TO BE AWARDED IN OUR SYORE COME IN TODAY AND REGISTER Easy to win prymull unp md uul mm mm um mum your um body mm lulu yqu Mm not ml muuL uIlh lu um wlm llm turnm mqu nun um NOW ONLY TERMS If YOU WISH No need In buy surms Gas cooking school will be sponsored by the Kinetic Club Tickeu for the evening will be 50 cum and can be ob tained from any member of the club or by phoning Mrs Earle Cole at PAMEW or Mrs Frunm at PAHTBG rummage sale and Spring Ten were also decided on for and I111 an 109 Mm nudges small hours of the maminl when aspiring lelll hockey play rpusg risgjmd fhlqe week In Canada In nil swing and mnlinues through to Saturday As many molh mm In much lol My um mum hunk run nuuonrm Iay vl Iov mm 1950 tumlmllhly mm mumm rmuumlv um orlmns mo $550 $695 3150 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS for minimum un PA H57 neg 1259 or $1000 cm rm Annun Humu ha Spring but no dates or places were made definite Mrs Mac Hyde is htading committee to plan St Pat ncks dance or Kinsmen and thelr wives Io be held oma Lime In Mmh Ialler from Flaxant the orphan sponsnrcd by Kinetics was read by Mrs David Wyle thanking the group or their lovely Chrislm fls It wag deemed or Easlcr as lather wcre present at Legion games at Bank Arena and according to nulhoritles they were the same group that amend all Lhc game Few new faces Examiner PhaLD 5541377 missilch cnlnl ccnml Onllflu with compul urvk MCKINNON F0118 LTD Amuan Savings PA 60561 Vsend thV Vbarcei PHONE 00501 January DunLn See Torn FUR SALE