moo Amwerlnl mm mm crv Newl us mm mm nu Nm wmmr spon mun ummmv mu wnnm um um Immu mo szdrum 1m 1mm 1mm Awumi mm YOULII rum mum mm manphi Dnnnl llud Gnlnl My wv Alan mm mm Andy mum Maw 00 Klldlu Inna Imm nnmm mm IIM TV Mm mmufl ManAY anmv nu Wmmn mrnmn Wllnn Tnln Slant um Audlmy Iulomnnu Monaural Cnuntm Mum um Spam moo Amwerlnl mm mm crv Nm us mm mm nu Nm wmmr spon um cxmvp um Que um cncnv Nm 1m wumu Nm mo Jun Column 5m mo mnmx mu Hn MONDAY JANUARY 1am Tm rumm 10 Good fllnrnlnl 100 Sludlo hm 105 New Hm nampu Room 1100 Paplyel Fnly 11M Noamy Huron IAEUEDAX JANUARY Glad to know Mm Garfield Durnlord and Mrs Jim Craw Inrd are able to be home 1mm huï¬pltal Rev Nelson Chappel and brother Rex paid short viy It in Minesng on Sunday The United Church congregation and Sunday School were privileged to have Nelson Chappel ad dress hem lie was born and rased in Minesing and now secretary of worlds coun CH of Christian Education Sympathy is extended In re Iaflves here of Mrs Cecil The 4H girls huvn started on their new project Separate for Summer They held the ï¬rst meeting the new year Jan 19 the home Mrs Thaw Their lenders are Mu Thaw and Mrs George Craw ford Six members have started Marilyn Crawford Roberta Chin holm president Lynda Thew secretary Donna Luck and Linda McLean Beth Adams press reporterr Since Hi Home making Clubs were introduced intn the province in 1935 mem bership has Increased from 1000 to 11000 members in 1961 AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY By ms Hum 1111s AND Tons 110 300 unlrv hat Id nmml by mm ylun plun THERE Is No CHARGE FOR Vinifnnwca Mnu lllunll nowunl Klnmshzr Caln nun Bunny lnm Time Th Lucy snow numb llulmluu Clmfld Cmen Tu 111 The Truth lhvn Gun wxu 1an NIIL uocku Jullzua spam Unllmned unc TV Nu wmhu Non Spar Movie In Our Time DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRAMS ll mllmM To hit an MINESING CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 Spark Tun Chum 1an To Tell Th Trulh In CTV Nun Ind Helm nnl Ins sshan Ln Plum llmon uuu ruumv MNUA on Klddu no Ilomlnu Ioan mm Iloq rm Ind luy um Kiddo momu JANUARY mm Hamlan mo Exmnn um rm no my nn dda LN Mavi suzm bum sln Inn Around Flltndly Giant Loxem nun Shaw Tile Thin Scum Hm Popeye 11 nnxa Duxll Ilihll Llflnl World New Wanner Spam molnphy Dan annex many Thnmll mm Mom show mum cuc TV Nan Wulhu Spurn Nun nmemu Robin mun JANUARY 1000 mu mo 1055 Ten mum Good Mamhl sumo Pmy Nun nnmper mmm Yopeyel Puly Noondly Kevan Movie SwathIr an rum Thu Now Norm Loretta Young Show Tan Thlnv semen mu mx Mmmy Am An Wuum Sport yum mm Eight rink were entered In Hue ladles npen bonspiel held here Jan 16 Rink were pre sent from Elmvnle Barrie Bradford Cookslown Anlstnn Penelnng and Oakvllle Win ners 1n the nine oclock draw were ElmvnIeMrs Myers rink BarrieMrs Cnrby BarfleMrl Jack Webb Eleven oclnck draw Alli Ian McCaguep Penelkg Mrs Thompson Oakville Mrs Jack Clark draw on two bouqueu DI llnwers was mnde Winner were Mrs George MLCague and Mrsr 1an Carter At noon the guests were enlerlnineddn the names the loan Indy curlers and In the evening banqnel wnsvserveq In the Club roam so Mrs Smclalr of Toronto was recent visitor with he falhcr Relve to the Institutes of Slmcoa County having been District Secretary for number years Chappelol Crown Hill who died an Jan 19 She was the former Helenilsher and wal harms he mqrflnge welllgnuwn Oglij BONSPIEL TORONTO To Tell Tho Trulh CTV Nwl Helm nnl mmrl Plum llmon uuur Peny Mnnn rrom Pu Chlllenxe Inquiry Country luncllun cm New wmnu 5mm Now Interpol my mm In Conflict Chlnntl In Ills flDblp may Pmleuarl mum Tn leumn Nu mu Sport munn mu rmu nnm nn awry In BARRIE CHURCHILL Soth opened the blddlng wllh made and Wm mucnlltd with our henm Martin who couldnl very well know Hm lauqu would bring an mmlm pcnnhy mndn lhc Imhxral Md ol our Ipndu uhlch uvcrmedy pulsed Mi Viaolm our hero has nu kidding Inn South wmuonn Pass 14 Openlng leadking of hearts gnpulnr way of describing hnw ndly someone play bridge to say lhm he lrurnpl his farmers nce Ihls nrllclc is no nlcndcd lo encourage those in cllncd trump lhvlr partners lrlckl but It may afford wince in mm nddlclcd Io he prac llce In know Ihnl than me Im when II II no cardinnl 5n Wu In lhu 01 mm Ad conglnued wilh mu Ice Al East dealer Both sides vul nnrahle DAILY CROSSWORD WONDER VALLEY By MRS HANDY Sympathy Is upressed to Miss Sylvn and Bruce Chuppell whuse mother passed away at Royal Victoria Hospital Banla The guy who used to be an the rung above you no longer steal your ideas and palm them as his awn You steal his Itllie company has park in Int there Is space rc served fur your car You get more sealed inlemflicc memos marked importan pri me and Alrlclly mnlidcn Tom and Allan and Neil Craig Crflghuryslrspent the weakend You spend an hour In two hours at lunch and nu longer bring it to work in paper bag your swivel chair de develops crank somebody promptly oils it for you with out being asked They aka you at the once awelfl payroll and put you on the anceamaulh pnyroll lam all You get your haircuts on company tlme without feel lng of guiltor that you are putting snmelhing over on someone nidnm cmu uncuwm lnï¬ Hunt Imam Here handy guide hint that point the way Yuu are probably getting to be poohth in your ï¬rm Ohdioor mun NEW YORK um How high is your place on the of ï¬ce totem pole Are you still climbing up up up Drslnwly sliding Are you still cfln up up or slow dawn down down vunonm as lWII tum was gum CONTRACT BRIDGE mar no 35 nun 49a sown can JII 1K1 MI norm um qum 4101 II Ru pt 11 IIIth Bani cam Mimic mull ma out polljuul lulunun ll BIL THE LIGHT TOUCH By JAY BECKER ClimbinQITheyLaddér To Ofï¬ce Peak ano thnl Wut cnnnol afford lo play law hurl ll lrlck two In lame Ens Io run Wm 1m no my of knowing that Enul has Ilnglclan hcnrt 0n Mondly Anullm Flmmu Ind ll pruzmrd by Mr Duk My Ilth Ill 04 Dlpl will from hot 11mm npvrlcnn IO nmpr l0 mum num By HAL aoyLs at now lhnt II Wu stay on load In play null nnolhcr hcnrl he Elm man nverrufl dummy llu lhcrdom trumps his pnrlmr rink In Hm how that club shin lhmugh South wlll pro duco lhq aculng lrlck This was clearly Inch case Ens can me turn sumy ol dummy Ina the defense cannot hope In wln our trick ll Vcst remains on lead with the use of henna West can hardly be ex pected lo take two mm kick on his an ll loll on Xcadl Dum mys diamond Me radically sure lo lake taro least tom 91 South glub lnsm lmmpcd his partners It East lhen returned club and West cashed lhe AQ dclcal the tonlract one trick Ens had ml ruffed flu we South wwld haycmude Lour spades 0i course Ensis pi really diliicuil though It did violate the Injunction against humping parinurs uicimi with tail general principle lha advice about what in do and whnl noi Io do in mi mean In he Inliowcd hilndiy und in given case where uric adher ence seems likely lo pmve in iurious pinycr is supposed in brgnph oui in his own Suddenly youre zined raconteur The other employ ees may love you lessbut or some rensnn they laugh harder now when you tell joke Haiku mm will any M111 Car Shaun is acted home mm the Royal Valor Hospital this weak The olflce boy says sir instead 01 whining for pelea sake what do you want new with their KrandpmuuMr and Mn LHnndy balloon mm Flint Mlclh man came down on he arm of Miles HIcklIng list week Fellow olfice workers who used tn think you were the inside dope now ask you what the inside dope really Wu wallet contains more new mdk cards than old wpald hills 1y one buzzer on ynur degk that you have to respond to but there are three more buzzers you can push and make nlhm jump are Shé smiles and aay Go right inhes wailinz You spend man ume réad Ing lhc slack market eporls than ynu do he spanLs pages BOSS IS WAITING When you wan to sea the has his secretary nn longer keeps you cooling your heels while she 211 Mm who yau HAL In the old days you only got missivcs like 1th mm your riendly neighbor hnod loan shark Your giie up bowling and tulle up Agalt In in llPulM WILL am um YIIIWITIII mar1mm 54 ROAAEP WWW 051 vgwcibrwé YmDWLHA cm your mpMOUerw THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JANUARY 26 1953 NW 1M1 rrs THE GARBAGETHI20W IT IN THE CAN FOR ME AFTERIGNITENAPAN