Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jan 1963, p. 3

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Stroud To Get Dial Telephones ummm um um hum llmylhl In 14 1mm ml mm mm um remu am of wmlm man And mm In an mm nu Mhm In 111 nde luvkb In Should you drlvo by In Can Idlnu Gemml Elmflc plant um Mckcnd you will see Um nomcullnu new hm been nddul II II 1101 Mn mow mow though you might act lhnl loo Duc muclhlng new LI Hill the nymlml of who the people om nl CGH um lrymx lo oc rompllsh th yum nmu word on 1M flu lay MUM 0n Value Thom wvnls Um lhmm CGli program for mm In devolop new um bum wnyn la mvo more mmpldrly he need ml wants of Jer nmmnrrl In erodmqu 1M pmgrnm In anluym kmml Hammer lloh Flory nnyn le yur mu may Ive he ms mmpdh mo year In our history 11m dcvnlunllon ol Um dnllm hru tonal many IonIn mnnolnc Iurm la lml In Canada and be mum mmpdfllva owom Intro lull many lmim nmnulmurm mu ood mm thnmlha wbw mm nu we below mm Wu and alter lhe heal value Mm um um mnMMaIlo mun um lhe mum Hmm CHE name pm Bani11mm 31 7mm uugthm mm moduccd in 5mm the Bell Telephone Company early next Tho Bell wmpany will assumu the responsibility or 5mm he Stroud exchange mw scncd by he SLmud Telephone Com Law In 196 the Bell company Icqulmi othm armor cus amm of lho sum tawny who were then served through the sum exchange and tram sierra hum Io me Barri dlal uchanze More the remaining lcniinry could be pmvide with str vicu however it was necessary um um Mr Mary uym he nblmlw HI CUE Mn an on Value prnxrnm To runmmnu In every nipped Hm lunhwu on providing he In vnlw llm éumnrr rr nhw can who in My way For ennui through The meetlng held in the Ron Ray Restaurant marked the opening lhe Barrio Plaza branch or the league Mayor Les Cooke an riblm the branch office door in he pres 2an 01 aflicials any gguesls2 Mr Wood mallm the early days the leagues existence when lha car was looked up on with hostility In 1903 he said the lcglsbturc proposed Io establishan urban sped lim lt or night miles an hour Mo IorisL were opposcd lo thls low rate and asked hat be in creased In 10 mph TAKEN FOR RIDE The then pmidcnl or lhe Tomato Automobile Club ar ranged for members In like 111 In the early daysof this country molnrlsl were de Icribed by one newspaper edi tor as lawlcss gang hood lums Frank Wood presl dent he Ontario Motor Lea gue told luncheon meeting 01 district business and pmlw rional mcn yesterday afternoon motor hurlunl Van FRANK WOOD lefty PM ddemol the Ontarlo Motor League Mayor Les Cooke Accent On Value Symbol Oi CGE RecallsDays Of Hostility Drivers Called Hoodlumsi cullian MT Dial telephone service will be DEATHS MW and hnprovtd dtsixm bel lu quallly lower mu Insltr delivery more rupld prom lnn pnpcf wnrk nnd hunt olhvr Iooklng back 1961 Plum Managu Jnckhlkchlmon Indi cMcd HIM ll WM good year or all us Sales wrro good he notary WM huny and we nitMm lo Introduce some new prvxmcu Mild wlll vmvldc buslmr or the lurev ha ymr wim marv cmplaym on llm payrvil Umn cm Mom In Um Mslmy of ma Ittrio plnnl Since and at nu Irv nme In km one awed muvldim vnluu lnr our nu tomm tndI cl can why contribution lo lhu Acctm on anuo pmxrnm In lhl wny we ran mure that mu wlll be NI evrn mm yrar hr our nuumm mlnelrn nml Ibo mlmmmlly hat the ouledc wlrMndcnble fagilfilic be replaced overvnu 121on mnvmflng the exchange to dial operwon In addition he 13ch mnmany will consmux new Iclodm building in Stroud lmnll Irv trioale dlal switching apparatus and Insulméz um phunqs in homes and huslncs This work will be carrlcd out In such way that all Um re mining portion at my Slmud exchange can be convenad lo dial nice name lime The new lollphone building will be situated on Sunnybme Avenue nboul 300 not east Highway ll Mr Wood said it was not pos sible in the early dnys to travel from Canada to the United States with the same set oi ii ccnce plates iiccnco ex change was arranged bclwccn Onlario and New York State in I916 Until this time mo tarist mm New York wishing lo View Niagara Falls from the Onlario shin had to buy an 0n tnrio licence at the bridge lo enath the entry his car And New York slate licence had to be purchased by resi dent oi Onlario if he wished to drive in the state the MPP or rich In their cm This demonstration con vinced the PF ol Ihe reason ablcncss at the mquest and he 11ng limit was put into et en Every subsequen upward re vision oLLhc speed limit 01 lowcd Onlnrio Motor Mazue representations he said nwasni nntii 1920 that lhe free exchange licence be came eflxlive between all and Ogile MacDonald manaxer rol the new Barrie branch dim 1mm pos Thisnwork yili part the ARENA SHOW WOOLWORTHS DOWNTOWN PIED PIPER SHOPS DOWNTOWN PLAlA DRUGS DARRIII SHOPPING PLAIA BlRITI DRUGS SIMCOI PLAZA ADVANCE FAMILY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT BARRIE WINTER CARNIVAL SAIURDAY FEB lb 10 Wm Ihis dommcnl Issued by mo tor Insurance companles pm vidc pm flint can MUIQ holders are lnmrod against pubflc flahllfly and property damage At present resident or Onlarlo driving In Manitoba and who cannot produce pink curd Issued by the pmvlnce of Manitoba will have his cur pounded and his Journey delny ed unlll such llmc as he can pmducn pro PL and PD Mayor Cooke nald Ihe open lng the league 0mm was Inn IMF evidence Darrick pm arcs mmmcmlnlly and indw trlnlly Mom words received by the tlly In 1959 1960 and MI for Mmrlnn Inlay flu and city council could alter lendonhlp but he mecca of my man of ms xlnd mini wkh lhe Pwplu the can they nxerdsod in wnlklng aqd dr1ving Gwrxe Jackson Tomnlo dir edor of public mlwom or the league lnlmduccd Ihe speaker and head tnhlo null Ibo Ozilvey MacDonald manager the lrngmn nnnle branch intended ln Ill campalgn lo slandnnlize ram slgnnls and pavement markings am Can ada Eventually ll lsour hope that standard pattern will In ln cued In the my near luluro on all the mad In Canada nnd lhclllmlcd Stuloa up Mr Wood said the dcclslon lo open branch omen ol the Imam in Banlg was based an the club desire to pmvldo the but In motor urvim ln lln dlslrlcl Dnnh Muller lLImld F001 er will III key pm at the 0le Annual Convrmlm All The Gnudo Msoclnllon ol Iltnl 11 IMA mull 0mm rm More lhan W0 ddnznlu ro prcmxdnl 0600 mwnbm the Real mm Board Inhib wl an vaim In unpaid la numd Hi My conlermce Mr Format mluml dlrodnr will mm Ammdmenln lo lhc mnfluulim will also do lulbn Money Maldnl ldm detoxla One of thermasons oiVa cénr Pglgln for llcemgxufllmgg tighten the cow so badly Ihey would stop yielding mllk GAINS RECOGNITION Long afler the acceptance of the motor car other dullcullles lace Ihe league and other nub moblle associations The In cue lhmugh the Canadlan Auto moblle Assoclauon ls gaining recoznlllm In all provlncc or document Nlerred the pm states of the Union The 1916 arrangement was the origin of licence exchange between this puzvlncq find the scaly to Increase greatly the highly pmlitable provlndnl mum traffic Rural residents the province Mn Wood laid ought strenuously against this may um More ll enactment dalm lng the LS ourlsfis cut would Barrie Realtor In Key Post libfllfles of lhe new branch Mliemly opemd by Mayor the Bmigllazg Mgrday Hillcrest uymnaslum girls eight to 13 Supervisor U2 Beauy Jminr waders Col Inn Campbell Linda Bradley Slumn Moore Dan Bahbelu Ind Bev Robinson Oakley Pnk gymnaslum boy lzhlrlo Supervisor Funk Kristo Lender Roy Holman Fred Jams Tam Nell ilorry Anderson Ind Dave Hol Ier Cram Cam James Connla out Donna Johnston Mnrcll Ntlm Charloltn EIllI Ind Bon nie de Silva Copper loollnz At the blulldlu lmlnldor Max Mor We minlnl am pm the hulldlnl The third lccum In lhc lor lu Tho Story nl the Church wlll be dellvcmi In Collier 5L Unlled Church Sunday II 130 TM tour ll lnlendni lo pro broad Iweop of hi MI lory nl the Chrlxlln church Tm 1mm Bundly evcnln will concerned with Church In Camdl and will bl dullv and by moznkod weclulhl In Held Dr Kmnoul Cour land principal at Emmlnucl Cullen Toronto Cnfls Les anrant Ind Niall Hunt Cram Junior Leaders PI Scmlon Yvonnu Thorns Pal home Nancy Synoltvlanlca Cormler And Beth Woods Codxlnzlan gymnasium girl 1th lo 11 Supervlsor Pearl Fcldman Leaders Sue Muc Luen Sun McLean and Wlndn Ormlxlon tpbkmmxn for the manu mui said this morning pm the cocktau locilluu would be Ivnflabla Hi end March 01 MW 30 MM 01 Ap ril Howevermflee shop We wmld be amiable at the end of Fobmary tnaocommo dale nest min IboAnew mend mots portion combing all mm no amazement ma It hopes to our Mayor Lea Cookeleea of making Barrio conva mm for the Guiwlan Bay region Ind cm ual Ontaflm Therewill also be lwimmlng pool lot the King Edward mum boy eight to HuSupervlwrh leng sshth Rot Boon mm Johnruumkl and LnlvEy Bum Prince of Wales gymnasium older girls 18 Supervi Kor Sandy Oliver Isslstanla Beryl Kerrlson and Kay Hickey lulu Norm Quinlan Filmer And Don Garner Dr CwImd will he Unlvmhy Oxlnnl botn prolruor thunk My Iary for muny yem Member ol lhn mul vubllc In vllul In Illcnd The WM lnn 1m Been Elven pmnlssbp to operate TM cocktail lounge will about 70 pewloand In keeping WWI an all Cumin at mmmt than will be 11m Place along one wall and lam mm depleting wol kmwn already amiable lo the public Ind mother Mil be built the Spdnx with the remaining number up to I10 due or com pXeru next wlnlu Crafts Sherry NahMn aid Unull Lime lfollquigg 15 114 of YMCA HARM EXAMINER flTUIIDAY JANUARY Lectures Sunday 0n Church Story Cofiiinental Permits Fot=Iiquori List Program fit The YMCA Myciglyg you an Superlnlondcn of Ila Thlnloiown Houplul fér DIIMEBd chlidnn ANNUAL MEETING Canadian Mental Health Assaciafion BARRIE BRANCH Wednesday January 30 800 pm AT THE PUBLIC lIBRARY Guest Speaker Dr John AlchesonPsychlatrlst Quinlan Parlod on Jamey All In wflcom Last lall all the roads wiihln the perlr were greatly lmproved when Urey were resurlaecd with crushed navel Barhecue ans wlll welcome the lmlallatlan walstlevel grllls wellspaced and located throughout the law er park region The beauty or these new grill hit they can be ewlvelled to any degree ol the compass or eampleie wlnd mnlrol But just remem ber has new grills are char coal zrllle never hum wood ln them brlnz ynur own charcoal nurprillnx how many pcopln come In he ank mm In Ihln time lhc year rcmnrkn Mr Jackson in sumo dayn lhcra wlll be us many as cm lnvorlle labounn lnx around lho pnrk roads In lobauan akllng you land up on an ordinary lobounn nnd mp owllno nllnchcd hchlnd car And have men morn lhnn one using Inowanoos He not on In my Ihnl mnny pcopla visit the park at lnl llmn nl lho your to nu ma anlmnll nnd perhaps ch lhcm wth Items as cnhbnxn npplu cumin and brand Snmn enjoy wlnlcr vmlon or lummer We And or those Mn prcltr nnl la lcnvo Ihclr ml many tho blrdl and nnlmnl tun bu mn hyllowly drlvlnu Imund the Inner mnds Inmo Ihlnx whlch mnny people who wnnt In in nu lnr an hour or on wrekwd anoy Indoor Mum In by rumx1 000 HEALTH may surprise many but most he roads in lho park nrn open hclng dented 11qu uly by Vespra Township plows for park ulillllcs nndhc grow lnz number mldwlnter vm The olllcu hem redocornl ed with pclphcolorcd walls and whllo celllnu Ede Coins Mine zing hxu mo chore painting zoo park nlgns brawn wllh yel low cutring nflcr lhv ofllcu is flnhhed commercial shlfimana from Georglan Hay Io Lnka Onmlo Liberal member of pawmam Perry Ryan In still tunvlnced that the schema worth inven unllng have never said the pm posalJn economically feasible at lhn présem time Mr Ryan laid In In inmlew here But am coan the canal could be hunt and that would pre sent many advantages both or Great Lakes hlpping and or Cyril Jackson superintendent ol the park damlbw the park resembling iarm with irds and animals to ho nllcnrl ed 10 book wark in be done and host oi miscellaneou chum that do no me the eye nl the public even when complet edi But lhese lame chmes he came immedinleiy apparent il negiccled And what About lho Inlmnll mi bird1 How do Hwy lurvlvo In lhll cold wenlherv CmAWA Speclal Despite criticism hjslgmposal gr cflflclm fromlleber Smith MP for 51mm South and others who declared it was Immacu cgll Impossible and uneconomi Last year well oval 100000 person visited water Park between the third week at Mayjnd Thanksgivan yleelgend us work program has been under lakan this winter at the park Improvement have been made nonetheless and usual prep nations are being made or the buy yearlah LIKE FARM nlm tmulum um mmMy enjoylnu honor hnnllh nnw lhau Hwy dld In the warm clan wtnlhcr mmmer Mr chkmn lhu only Canals TFGleSible By Farmer flnlnllan 0th Bum Bank Examiner 100000 VISITORS Springwater Park Area Is Mecca For Tourists By BRIAN BAKER Roluihkmnli The whlc an Hum 11 home In this season om Thuse prclly cranium du anurn Intended blend nlmos lu Invllihnily nl some unzch nxnlnsl lhe wow and woodsy buckxmupd Polnung the Erauchy old narcuplno sillan ln hla kcnncl wllh his wellarmoumd back In he world Mr Jnckaan snld llml nbnul he only nnlmnl xlle nnd uvngu enough to luck le and kill porcunlnc regularly ls the blwdlhlraly llsher blucklsh tuned member ol lhu weasel lumlly ln hl enclosure lhc llnhnr lnrzu mlnk mend buck and lurlh along hls enclosure mnrchlnz lhln way nnd that ylunlnrllzlll heady gy Each lnll Hm peacock loso lhclr benulllul Inns of nll lcnlh llul nlrendy hm bird am Ilruulnu around lhclr ynrd pmudly tr hullgrown llnlnl Ihlmmrrlnl bluexrccn leulhm wllh Mulch hty wlll nlwnyl dollum lens ol hull Iund nl lellon lhll lummcn rmlwr mmll pinmum lull accnml mm the phuumnl BM populnllon an vuiom 0cm Ilom with mml blnl me In tho mule Mran Mn wnnr vvdly mumd nnlhmy leu lhn lumle binh which MM la he cmmllhgcd while newnu nm drnbly mlrmL llur Mundhnrs mm lumlu utter llvim pm 11 lhak Ill drab In areé through whlch it passes He placed question on lhc House of Commqns order pn per seeldng Information as to whether then 13 record ol anyaludy canal hr tween lhevlclnllles Feller law and Oshawa and bemeen Barrie and Colllngwood He was told there was no recordul study of the Perlerlaw to Oshawa canal but lhal connnlssance survey of can between Barrlevnnd Calling vnod was made In January 906 Mr Ryan said he in touch with Ontario aulhnritles about the present hydro plants on the Trent Severn and Black water ways and will be makan ef Iam tu get coples ol the 1906 repelrand any old studies at canal between Cooks Bay on Lake Simone and Toronto atoms In of ninps park which permit visitors at ginoce lo ind their ylay imai In this park Ihnt go into true hibmalion on tho chlp muniu and the nlbino ground hog others go inlo partial hi bcmalian Now take the bear or lnsinncc ha would probably be annoyed you purpasciuliy woke him up yet he sleeps wilh one eye open coming on on mlid days Visiim me sur prised to learn lhnl even tho beavers come out every few days to cal the bark of popinr and Willow MM 30 7017an um ml grow cum Manson mm Hal envisages north canal running mm Barrie to Natu wasaga Bay near Colllngwood distance of about 21 mlch wlth drop of only 137 Ieelrequlr lug aw locks He does not be lieve the flow water 1mm Lake Slmooe wouldbe exorbl tant to supply this section as flow would lake place only when the locks were opened At the same time lhere Is no possibil ity of any hydro developmcnt unthls sectlau Another thing that ls rather puullng first the presence at Ievcml smnller cedar trees whlch the trunks and brunch es appear to have been rtrlpped at lhelr hnrkl But we learn from Mr Jncksnn that the clev er lltlte ehlpmunks atrlp this sur lace bark alt nnd carry ll all to hulld son warm netball slze nests tor wtnter hibcmntlnn The red squlrreln collect ever green canes and store them through the park In haltbushel plies later In the wlnter they plunge under the snow to these store and rocmergo wlth canes lrvm whtth they crime the reed whlle perklly xlltlng atop tree Itump The wulhem section presean more prpblems becausanl Lhe height at land south Laku Simcoe which would require considerable dlgglnz In pene trate In narrowest and lowest poxnlr CRITICISM ML nynu agrees will lilo criticism that Lake Simcoe would have to provide ennugh water or the canals in both di lhnl Dr ery Nerdkr Unlvcrllly Tumnta II Dnrrlc YMYWCA Owen Fur lnlovmnmn PA 7241 Handy School ll ll Im plmnaxa approndflnx in brill iancy that of males his win ter one the funnlo Lady Am herst imam ls Ihlnl 1m Speak mum he maze of Ihndy trails Iendinz la the many areal building and wild life enclosures 0pm lo Ill Young And Old hum Ilvdlnh ilnglu or Couplu Frofoallodll CIIIor and lmlruclor wnumd By 1n nmlo n34 ammo Iqum DIMIm BARRIE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY JAN 27 JOHNSTON ST PUBLIC SCHOOL Wadnudny Jammy son pm SQUARE DANCE ENTERTAINING INSTRUCTIONAL SOCIABLE reclinns But he believes water promem could be uv came by complete remlent Home the entire drainage tem of he area Map we could be diverted from Salsam and Scugog lakes and IronMM Severn and Black rivers While this would mean wlp lng out the present hydro pro tents an the Severn and Treat they could be replaced by we large plant bqut between tht height at land and the Oshawa end of the canal at Lake Ontario as Ithe dmp here would be quite aw The theme Ills yea ii to pm vlde the public with an educah Inna program and It Isnt fund raising activity The GNU In Barrie receives its funds 1mm thg Barqu Unneg appeal The board members expressed gratitude to each canvas scr throughout Simone County or hair emclcnl and conllm ucd interest to support the UN annual canvan Landon Wallun Adamson Cole 50 general manager Reuters new agency and one at the most distinguished gum in world juumnlism who be cnmo editor three yearn afler Jam nunm Lo Angela Clarence Hathaway 69 one Ike early orgnnlzm the American Communist purcy who edited 1th Daily wvrker In New York from 1914 INS nzcum Arlz Hurry Hem ford 80 who played nuuor role In the compulsory registra tion of Canndlans during lhe Second World War as chief cz lslrnr Canada and dheclor of planning or nnIIonol ultcllvn xervlcc Oakvule Ont Carl ann 63 cily IIch ndilor ol Oakvilla radio station LIIWO wha worked 15 your or the Town Tele urgm remapum Nnylor rcllrcd chairman mu bonni Trmlcn Flnunm Corporation lellcd 0n the plus slde he argues that lake carrlers wnuld save 800 miles an mum trlp rum the St Lawrence to the head ol the lakes lla also envisages large steel and chemical plants bclng located along tha route openlng the entire area In future in uerial upanslon The Canadian National Inst lute for tho Blind advisory tom mines from Battle ls making prepmafion for While Cane Week Feb to Tho advisory committee also discussed the summer picniu which will be held this year in Coilingwoad The campaign for funds outside oi Barrie was tent aliver set or the end oi Sept ember alen Cove NYMn Cnmpunclln wllo of the armor Brooklyn nggerljngthr White Cane Week Feb By THE CANADIAN PRESS HEATING FUELS Phono PA 6653 COOP DEATHS BARRIE

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