Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1963, p. 4

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AutMvl do omn Dnflvntwl mun mm unim at mu mm mm My 9mm lulldnr mm In warm Innl mm ILIAI sum mm firm VIt nuqu Inc In mum llIlV mm mam mm mm rimImo mum mmm mo 117 link us MN mm 5m em Iv In nm IN my 91 mm In INN ml my we mum Ml num um no Irma nun ynr mum IM rumm rumn Inn1 Inml 24 was man Wm mun IIan rub nu Andum in Am no mm PM amm am in In mm ucumo WM no Mnbl rm Inu uni It luul nu nhmm The Lirrnrc Commission ha no jur isdiruon avrr uhxl shown on ma mtm Ha Hmmeding on lhu ground lhl lhp at or dlphyg cry wornHgan and mkrrpnscnulfle in what II leibln insidr Aboul hall dozen lhralru ob viuuxly and chmnlcally do capilaliu ml OVERSEXED TIMES SQUARE New York TinAu ll lml ca and is hardly nursszry to outdo Ho lyuood In cmphaxls on In 911 mafiaL But few the movie mughanls in the Tune Square are are busy duhu it again or more ccunle 1y an mu doing fland he city He rnrc Cnmmisxioncr Ilcrnard OCon ncll ha named thrm In tlcan up lurid sidrualk and lobby displays He has my prndvd ona 11mm lircma and arts oun lrsL as WP Charles Roach and Fred Bmvcn sarnd young Lad mm drowning in bay Angus rink mmmiltec head ed by Cliflvrd Duckwarth maximring inmallaian of artificial ice Tcachcrs Fedmuon hmdcd by Miss Albcm Nmnom mtcrtained Board of Education and wins 11 social evening Miss Rhoda Young gave readings Mm Inger Aarson played piano solos any Shannon tenth tables Sgt Pilot Purgis of RCA Camp Borden transporting Puss Moth aircraft to Winnipeg had safe emer gency landing near Sioux Lookout Glen Kell told lions Club how Oldcr Evy Parliament which he was 10er delegate is mrried out meusor Cassidy of Toronto advocated unem pluyxmnl insurance in address lo Wo mms Canadian Club Sieve Stack of Manufacturers Life transferred to Nmioundland Miss Jean Cowan ac live in Presbficrian Church girls work honored by Toronto Presbyterial rinr to marriage to John Gowans Midd olon Strand Eastern Star installed Mrs Ida Peacock as WM and Herbert Black Honiculmral Society at annual meeting heard suggestion by President Mac Larm that vacant 1015 be provided for ugcmplayed men to 13156 own vege 30 YEARS A60 IN TOWN Benin Jan 1926 1933 This activity recalls the October agreement between the president and Swizz premier lflimshchev said he would order the removal tram Cuba at all longrange nuclear missiles and jet timber Tbs weapons were char adaized by the president as offensive During the past week Washington amines said the steady flow of reports on the expansion Soviet military e9 tahlishmauts in Cuba has been cause Today less than three months alter this editorial was written smry comes ml of Washinginn which states that Soviet tomes in Cuba are reportedwark ing roundtheclock on the construcfion and improvement at highly sophisticated ground and air defences or the island According to private report some can women sites are 59319 even to Cuban milth personnel and work at these gites is performed exclusively by Soviet remove offensive Russian imbued oflensiva upon from Oubm soil The Examiner cementing on Mr Khmshchevs acfian said last Oct 30 The fact that he has removed virtually 311 canfifions except respeq gr the Cu mu goodto be true aster while my ahdfisfngi dam Kenned arried on their verbal gueL they backed down at the Three mm months ago the world metered on the brink of nuclear dis Annuisismaybainthe makingin Cuba The key figure is Nikita Khrush thev again while Cuban Premier Fidel Cam hovers blandly in the back 11m 15 an old old pmblrm In Tim Nikita Plays With Fire Cuban Armsf Buildup The Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slaighl General Manager mum mumr 19 Pan Tfiarrip Examirwr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS seean to be almost DOWN MEMORY LANE Then Im plenty other hing be we ulevhlun lhal are mlning lha mumry Cm comlc hook 10mm dmlmmrl Tmpic much ml ham ball bonus playrrn to name In low INrw York lnncx anybody rlsn Hml of hearing how lrlrvlslon nllnlng lhn munlry We all know lclcvlslnn rulnlnz the country lerrylwdy has been telling us about It or 1va lasl 15 cm Ill iero mm aml mmolhing nug II lo be done almul ll Will he munlry Med whflo wailing at the Inform however In firm than sulyjod OILma Jnurnnl It wax 101 matter of conndcnce nr tinciptc II was matter Identch id 11 overwhelming weight of xrlcn titlc cvltknm wax clmrly or tlnurldal Inn The nvrrwllrlminn ntajnrlly of them quamint In know lmltevml that fluoridal km good and safe The majorlly at Ottawa vntcn bclinvctl it was not nm vote dam nnt nuke tho bandit at fluor ldatlnn any IrsL ll uxt dcnm how he ndtts to Ottawa chi drcn Jo Heath Miss Strange and M155 Milan with Mrs Griffiths as accom panisi Mr Hardy gave an organ re cita at St Andrew Church Simpson MP guest speaker at Penetang Kiwanis Club Payne had is sued about 600 motor licences by this time Isaac Scott Reeve ot Creemore chosen Warden of Simcoe County by aeclamation George Atkinson Bradford school principal drowned in Holland River attempting rescue of two tellow skaters ll Blackwell and Bert Broderick who were saved Buster Clarks Barrie Wolves deleated Camp Borden Flyers 91 in mm intermediate hockey as Leighton Babe Adams scor ed five goals Les llook was very steady in goal for the winners but exBarrio junior Ali Mason had an citnight in the neLs tor RCAF Ace Bailey and King Clancy at Toronto Ma le Leafs visited Barrie along with tra ner nm Daly to address Kiwanis Clubs lather and son banquet at American Hotel Central United YPS presented drama under direction of Mn Pearl larr Lead ing roles were taken by Jack Walrh and Mrs Jack Garner Camp for single unemployed men opened at Borden Square and the few movie that trade In sexpulling malinec price $125 In SHED an Itare nol Ihe only niiemlem few book record and novelly Ihopa are In he unwholesome business I00 Commissioner OConnelll power to dean up Time Square are IImich IIul he de serves round plnuse for trying at least Io make the veriising honest and In doing so In IlurI mme very dirty busi ncss There is fine line between delence and offence Some weapons considered merely defensive in the eyes of the Rue sians might be set up or offensive pur poses too Thats the danger in this situation Its question which Mr Ken nedy must face He has demonstrated he wont flinch In the face of threats but he is anxious like all members of the NATO alliance to reach peaceful solution of differencm with Khnish chev Mr Khnishchev is playing with fireperhaps for the sake of his own ego and prestige Is he too stupid to take advantage of the great opportunity to pull his weight in the bloodless fight to advance the muse of permanent peace and understanding ered vocal solos also there werenum hers by the Barrie Harmony Quartene campagcd £er Armstrong Hrs The prospects are disturbing but the are realities which must be ac Khrushchev muld be of two minds stubbornly determined to save face he lost In October and secondly to carry out his defensive scheme in Cuba The disturbing feature of these de velopmenis however IsKhrushcheve obvious determination to arm Cuba to point just short of breaking the SovielUS agreement of last October The danger or another ex lesion could come from the Us itse The presi dent in sheer defence of the Western hemisphere could again demand halt in the Soviet buildup and threaten in vqsion Cuba or another naval block of growing concern tothe Kennedy ad minstntion in the months following the missile crisis but at leastlox the flma being the administration does not re gard this buildupu an immediate dan ger the US MATTER OF SCIENTIFIC FACT OYHER TARGEIS THAN TV EVM with mumtum and drama lukm mu mum pm run my In docn All Hwy need Ill 1th Spokesman for Ihc parcnls nl Baal Wlllcsdcn chlldrcn ls Mrs Kathleen Lee Kllburn uho has lhm children unend lng lchool Mrs lrc clalm that tho loachcn have in spend to much lime wilh lhr Greek Spanish llailan and W051 mm in Wilton wha could no un dmLmd pmpcrly what was go ing on that Ih nher Khlldlfll wcre being nulcclcd She sug gulcd lhal lpeclnl Lust thould be hold or he lorclgn dilldml so that lhcy muld ulch up with he olhm iml Ihll wan relmlnl by the nlncac lion authority Say Mm lui DONDON The question of whether English children in areas with large lureignbom population are falling behind in their educatiuns because Immi grant classmates cannot speak English well is wider invad gatlon 0n the basis at strong mmplaints made by parent at English children Trevor Shel tmservauve member at Parlia ment or East Villesden has undertaken this investigation 5431001ch ha also cducallnn authority or Ens willcsdun or myics recent Imam by ministry or educa llon inspcclurl and of mums ol examination mulls PARENTS VIEWS He made sun by visiiing wo London schools Carlton Val Infant School and Kilburn Park Junior School The strong est proluls tam ram he par um 91 children mending lheso REPORT FROM UK By MCINIYRE HOOD Fear ChildyenFall Behind In Education PLEASE CONFINE YOURSELF T0 CHOPSTICKS WHO SAYS ITS COLD The parcnls whn mmlc con phlnu In me mm to have dis closed somclhlng worlh lnvcsll unllnx what hey my Imp up In lhn lncnl ulucallnn mulmrlxy employ mun c1 chm that every child can hn given fair amount at lrnllnn Olhzrwlsa ha number of dllklnfl mm alllrr countries nllmding Inc Ichooll IImuhl bu mall woolly mllu ml unr mlnn hm ml llwyr my Typlul mu Non Day Out nungum think Ihc standard cdu cation very low In lhcse two schools My sixycnwld daugh Icr guts lo Carlton Vale and came home speaking Greek al lhaugh she cannot speak Eng lish properly My nlher daughr Lesley aged eight was doing so badly In her reading an Kllburn Park that hired private tutor Inr half an hour week and now her marks ham lrtbled OFFICIALS VIEWS Themch sidzol Hm piclum cmnci Iron APrnnk Vyclhr Wil The cxamlnallon rcsullx lhcse schools are as good as any olhm and there had been anylhan wrung wilh lhn schools am Hire the school inspcclnrn would mm manaucd it during lhcir mcenl visit MI COMMENT losdcn due Educaunn omccr Hg Em Trmfir Skccl in lnveslixming MR however In nal sallslicd Ihm explanqlion Ho mid The councils pulley ls lo ln lemto immigrant as quickly and easily as possible This has danubymlxlnz me hll drcn lngclher and not holding separate clusps out nunzum mu rlzhlh MW rum Alum My Mulligan ll Ms W1 11 WP Wlnplwlm RULE 0F THUR An curly Scoulsh king de llncd an Inch as he awmnc width Hm lhumhnulll n1 lhrce menlarge medium and small in size Councilfar Labor chairman la cducnllan com mmce denlcd lhnl the cnunrll llml Mlmvlcd Immigranlx Ile snid lhny came Vlllnsdcn be causu hey could ind emphy rnLnl lhrru but he did not nzm that the immigrant chilurcn warn holding back lhnlr English classmates The problem he said was that nvl enough lon chm wero nvnllabla or being lnlincd Iimilcd la manageable num hcr Willcsdcn has gone on its way to attract Immigrants Now Inc council musl race up tajls rquonstbililics By THE CANADIAN PRESS lhe veteran CPR llner Empress cl Canada burnt out to mlalwrcck at her berth in Liverpool England 10 years ago todayin 1953 For night hours firemen hauled the blaze which ale through her vital before they abandoned her as her plates became while hot and buckled The 5000000 lire ended the hope hun dreds of Canadian booked lo snil ln her In Queen Elixabclhr June cornnnllan other ships and airlines were booked to capacity The cssul was rnlvngcd and scrapped he lolluwing ycnr ma 530mg pact nob crl Burns was born ms Russla ended her slate war with Germany Jul 25 1963 TODAY IN HISTORY Mas mumm my cnmmnn an uiumln ullm Mlm fur lhr mmmnn NM mm at In Inllder mm by VI on Mulnu My Mm ha mallnmwd Ildmy an yml nu mud almu um and Ihnl mu b4 damMI llell In ybuEImnIanfl my II nylrIUIm In lmlnlmrnll ll um norrury lluv In Mulnm Imv Iain alum 1mm unuvlu mu mrmly marl llnrl un nlnlwl mm II it cunmlom Mu MD hnml 1hr mnnry mm now lulunl ynu haw Ivrnuh InA Iurnnrfl Iny lhv Inch nu Ihv In1 wllh hr WNW llul lhrrc can lvn ul taunt Mme runnqucncu Interfer tncc wnh Ihu urinary Iyllrm mu mus Medium lhnt mnl nlwnyl mly lo clrnr Marl dungmm Illll mnur may occur Cmmbl early Ermlnlu mumr rumth In In perrrnlmza Hm now loo longyou Imnw lhu IIIHMH OTTAWA Damtel And their wives and liming In tbs number of 5000 whn flocked Into Ottawa crowded butlhe Chateau Lauder Hotel for than day paliflcklng Imdar the ConservauVe banner mafia mm nmny mm hnva fill all flu npcrnllun umlrr one tx rum or nnnllur nml hnvn bml mny nflcrwmd um Hwy Um prylunucd lhclr mlxcry thlhc rcqulm mrxcry nml how much nu opemliun It would but Iomnlhlnx In Is not nnlnz to know unlil he ml 11 Ipmlnlisl Ho has dimtu In emptying hls bladder his lower HRM Ida hurls Imqucnlly and he beL cnmu nluuzish and he weak III II 55 thl are he pouibill HortMn ans He willreafilinue la xulhr 10ml his pmslnln troubh ro mnlnx unlrcnlcd Dear Dr lllolnu My hul band has an enlargement ul the proslnle Six month ago hlu doclnr told him lo consult spcclallsl 11c 15 almld nn apar nllan wlll be advlsed and he wnlllng unlll he linnnclally able ln he meanllmo he 0an heavy work but Irma larly Sometime ll nlmosl all hlm down Even to keep their present minority position uvery one at those 3000 enthusiastic vlsllan to Ottawa must go lime and make sure that he or she mar shals 1000 vnterx behind the io cal Conservative candidate at lhe next election Can they im By JOSEPH MOLNEIK MD Under those circumstances would you upect them to bee the Conservative govmunenu Course not they gave their side three rousing cheer they whoopcd it up and they went home happy But It would be mlsleadlng to assume that those 3000 Tory eupporterl and dedi caled workers were repmenu tive of the average of Canadas 10000000 registered te Last June 2867553 Canadian voted for the Conservative cen didate of their choice and dis lrict in the general election it in not surprising that appraxl moter one every thousand Vol Uiose Conservativelyinclined voters came to Ottawa to cheer their party last week But We not get led estrayl While 37 per cent olthe voters supported Conservative candidates lent June only 33 per cent of Cana dians say they would do the name today SPREAD THE FAITH Look at he here it week officially lha Annual Generll Mae Inn of the Progressive Con servative Association Cun ada the Progressive Conserva Ilve Womens Asmdallon of Canada the Younl Progresslvn Causewalive Canada and he Prnxrerslve Cdmervatlvc Studan Federatinn The aver age delegale laid 3150 his own money and our days his time an the line No Liberals Sacred or socialist were in Viled There were loud huzm Bu course we get mile bk cynical here about hm pomlv cal clrcuxu What does It all 51 In TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH OTTAWA REPORT By PATHICK NICHOLSON Wfieedle Some Men To See Doctor Gets Bit Cynical Hbout Political Meets SARJEANT Mn PA 82461 TIIT llmlhtrhood lhal dim nnt In volvn love at our tllawmnn ll um Armlinc Md Io your hnlhullnnl Inve Id l7 In mm me no nurzcry In necessary Such dclecu In ulually discovcrrd when cyst ascoplc exnmlnnlion or pm ccdum called pyclogmm dnnc 111m come Ire or dinarily done unly nflcr some lymplaml hBVI duvuluptd nmny people in new along vuy well with one kid Ils noi common and can In of diflcrcnt types Unusually mall and underdeveloped kid my extra label using 17 ans lddney lo the other arming hammhoo dupe Ircnlmcn depend on Lymploms lwc of defarmfly and nssuranco lha me other kidney lundIanm propcfly my We also prediqicd lhni ihe shrewd and experienced llel Jack 30year labourer in iho Conscrvaiivn vineyard and for mer friend and aide oi John Dieienbaker would be ap pointed and widely welcomed as nnlinnal direcinr oi the party argnnizalion There is wide spread sympathy among lariex with the martian oi YPC Henry Benumoni who laid in ii the Tory party in in gain any lasting viclnry it must ridii sell olthe adveriising agency technique oi men like Gros Ian and return in basic prin ciples But this Mel Jack versuu Grossart school nomchnw last oui in the crush oi 1038 3000 cmaiinnal Tories and no Ihi calumns record of prudicilan inr lhni Tory zaiherlng ended up wilh iwo guests bnih wrong Burl still maintain that both were wise BIBLE THOUGHT prov on that Thoreau hanu he unprldiclable luture There muslinpan worthy hlrd headed care In the Conservative pnrfllmenlnty party whim hoped rho no menu zanmud or their cause an puny gathering in gums Brittney dwarf unly sappo nu emmlna rem this dllappainunent Ihll column 11 due to eat lit We predicted that John Hamilton one the brtghtut stars at the Conservative hack benchcr In the last Parliament teem certain lo be Iected the new president at the party Alas he wan not cvan candh date tar he dropped out at the 11th hour He was altered In as director at Canadian Pact Airltncr with the fairly imme diate elevation from the past at executive assistant to the chair man to the post at chairman succeeding Grant huConachlI who will hortly nun an IC caunt HI health It was sad or the Conserva live Party that lhis Irresistibln alter was made just before the convention The party caught short and Just 90 mtn utcs bcforc the haunting exMP Egan Chambers was propaséd substitute candldate and duly elected Bgcxnooni WIZARD rumu yum mm numvy mm 153 m2 NMHM mmmnmm Mum In sum lwdly SUNDGU noun mu mun mm HEATING on

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