The two newcomeri adjudi uling DDF lustivnh or he lint time nre dlmlor Herbert Whillakcr drama cnllc lar the Toronto Globe and Mail and William Needles nn nclor with H1 StrBUord Shnkcsvenrean Fggflvnlllor elghg seasons MTAWA CF Shake peamn actor and Toronto drama critic have Jolncd the rank udjudlcalm for the remnal cnmpcmlons of the Dry Mnlon Drama Festival this year Names of adjudlcalon and dams he cumpellllons were Announced Friday night by Richard MacDonald national director rem Forgct Montreal dlrcclam nu eight zone winner to com for tho major csuval Imp and $1000 put up by the Canadian Association 01 Bmadcnslm the Domlnlon Dnmn Fetlval 1n Kitchener On my 1MB hill been dcflcd In public and all Red Chlncw dmIItngn may mark Ihe aptIIan new hnpler In warld communisml hislaryl Thu manmen likely Io be watched ruult ulmt look place In Em Berlin Ins wuk Pflhnps Ibo world In ne lnz lhc bnginnlng cl dlvlllon I11 Communhl world lnlo two camm The olhm are Norma Spflng ford Montreal producer Bu LJnngh Toronto nctnr and direclog Guy Dgaulnn 515m Flo 11m dcvclopmtnl mighl inks long llmc imi ii would in binary repealing imll Tim movrmenl divided once before in manic clash at opinion be Deï¬ance Towards Kremlin Could Mean Split Into Two Red Camps moment of reluxallon in their slruggle against Roman oppressorn ls enjoyed by Jenn Simmons and Klrk Douglas In Ihll scene from SPARTA CUS Academy Award THE WORLD OF THE ARTS new AmTho Kremlin IMPERIAL Judges Chosen For Festival mmmnvxaflhmm CHHICUWR TODAY ms LAPLANDERS ALI ONLY EAST OF KILIMANJARO coma STARTS WED COMING TO THE ROXY MWQWW mum Ill I111 WM ELVISm 55me SPARTACUS Fulln II WWI wumvmvawmmnm PEHRIAWFORMGUIEMRW mammnwuwnm ll Mill Zone NeedlesPrince Ed ward Island at Charlathn March 1346 Nova Seoul at Dartmouth March 2021 and Newhundlnnd at st Johnl Match 2530 Following la use regional emu adjudicalorx dale apdjhce Yam Forget Saskauho wan and ncginaf March 1316 Manitoba and Nonhwulem On tario at Vlnnlpcg March Zone ForgetQuebec and Nanhern Ontario at Eapamla March 27 Eastern Onlnrla Brackvllle March 201 Zone SpringlardCen Ontario at Toronto March Zone Bonulne Wcitm uebcc nl Mammal March ZS Zone Beaulne Eastern Quebec plncu 141 be numlmced info FHA New Brunswick It nayursti ch ms Hut the Kremlin In Her cnl today from when Stalin wu lhu high print of communhm nnd dLuobchence brought pun hhmenl Tito Yugoslav away with ll because he had no border wllh lha US5R but the punishment In 1948 ml ex mmmunlcnllon tram lhe lamfly olr Communism Zone Ljungh Brflkh Cov lumbla and Kamloapl March 2023 Alberta at Lathbfldge March 2730 Zone Whltiaker Weslem Unjario alrlrnndon March 1116 Iwcen Stalin and non Troilky Tlge Kremlin won that one III 9qu of scmnnllu here mighty quuflon or Mulcnw Cnn Hus Communm movnmml Word In hnva In Innnclo of nulhodly pubHcly Icld up to mom by maverick Winning ï¬lm 11 Bryn Pm duuion being released by Unlveranl International Sput lncus openan one week on gunmen Wednesday January 23 the Roxy Theatre TODAY Ind TUES HELD OVER STARTS TOMO RROW Vellum 12 III wn We may be slightly late In ex pressing mn public nypreclauan and delight In lac that the Honourable Earl Raw MP ha been glvm Lhz position of Liculenanl Gwnrnar or lhe Pm vlggggol Ontariu 11m veteranï¬nucian has god the stgplnupvgardsylrgnj reme the fldlng nl Dul lerlnilmcne in Which we have milled or as many yuan as we cm remember The son of banner be In warmer harw man and businessman well politlclan He has metha ed the voting poll tar many you and has nmr been de test Wynn mp 11 wltï¬vzry mink um Ike 53 flea demandt Ind bothhe and hp Rnw Ire lo be congrat The day have gone when want man muld lake 1mm and plow and begin tanning Farming In his hminesl MW and the capital needed to purchase land equmment and cattle In no great that It Irithtens the older and experienced annet Ind yracflcally overwhelm beginner The mlul route lor In young man golng lulu huslnesn mm to partner at Dnd an In Ilrendy cslabllnhed arm or by belng fully set why mm bar ol the lamlly Hwem Ionl new farmer must start In hard way by worldng hind man or name years Then ln fulun yum Deman he could become lam tuner and ï¬nally an awnn WWW emu started In mini is only hall the balm hylnx lo make lhe All um we will need now in DullcrlnASimcoe to as good man In represent as In ch Fedm parliament The mm lvayou mdsimy mm Vin ay il 31 mm awns The lpmd between arm ax penm Ind farm receipt such Ioday Um law mug dedflm will place um Income In the nd Grafï¬tle run an In tuft Eli wfll In bend lo mm arm INNISFIL NOTES mmlm would qugut Hut any urnm who in not Ixfltd with bl present level income shouid make us of ev ¢7 Opportunity in nlm bl cir cummmex believe that then are ICVv step mlghl be lo talk thing over will Immune before Inan major dzdslou Then my have been me am you wm not mare 01 before you decided la 1m lho plunge No mailer whnl the problem II or how dllflcul It Ippenn than II dwlyl Iomconc who can pm Vldl you with lhc Inmm Ind Farmers HaVe Difï¬cult Battle Keeping Good Living Standards By KErm CLAY Alwchtelnnlcnllnnl fltpreunlauve North simeoe nun mm nunqu um wnv Simcoe Besidént Gets Belated Praise SENIIING MONEY AWAY into BufM PERSONAL MONEY ORDERS Barrla Branch llAlJll FRANKLIN Man BANK or MONTREAL emu 7m we You can convert your cash in Qulrk convenlenl Inumnnlvu uh hnml why You Almply hnnd lhn lrllrr the mull for th nmuunl you wnnl pin 1an You um your mnnrymnlcr In matter ANONII Then you All 1n Nu mum of flu puyro and mail the moneyorder your cnn vmlenn And nu um um tamper with ynur Irr mml Manny nlrr lwnun Hm Hunk prinu lln Imvunt right It TI manoyordrr In In rnnlml nl nuy durum lmnk In Canada wlumul huge but nnflhrrn hmncllrn urwlnl Nut Um you urn mullnz mvmny away why not all In your My numl ll lurnnrh and Mml Um uh awed my honour of having one our County mldgnts appuinled he Qsleena representative or lhe province gives all of us consht Mable pride BTBEETNAMING main Board recently made request to 101151011 that street name be placed an em and other strgets on all lubdivisinns in the township and also that may be prepared slwwing the Manon of these streets This is slil int abeynncc but at he first meet ing at Council this year it was unwed that the Roads Commit tee make an ellort to get tï¬is nifltter underway as soon as The necessary Informan or am yeawnd assessment may be In many Ionm lew fann ers can remember every delafl of their business operation Many maintain drawcflul of swamm But more and more Immcrs prefer the use 01 some of formal account book Will the lafgc inqu ol slrarr gets to our area especially dur ing the summer months It is very important that they have same method of showing where they live and designate this to those who may be lrying to lo cate than This gonads very Stay is co keep accuraie records all iurm axpenscs and receipts ior every enter prise nn lhe farm This pro cedure will enable you to keep track of the countless purchase tax purposes An invenim ihrunghoul lhe year for income shuuld be inkcn once year oi everything permining in he arm business When these acts are known hen the ditiernei arm cnlerpriscs can be com pared in show which onus are paying their way According to lhc Farm Econ omch Branch Ontario Depart men Agriculture sharp pencil and completed account are anuarys most use wm lhese lnrm operalar can ddormine his earnings or the past yeah can asses his operating achievements and all um And he can plan change In management lhnl should Im prove his arm lnmme prevent you from learning the hagd wgy book are Jam ul farm lools Last ycar utmost Httecn thou sand operators uscd the Ontario Farm Account Bank tar this purpose 1hr rccards In this bank can be readily summarized tar Income tax purposes and nre classiï¬ed to simplify thclr am Alyxls at turn management um Every phase he whole arm operation can be analysed In this my through me medium Farm Bushes Management you are Interested In Join lng 11 Pm lenguncnl Club 91mm eonlncl your Ontario Dc pnrtment ol Agrlmllure 0mm Ihh month and ask or addition al Intormatton mt smcv flflNH unlmportanl larmm living almigia lownshlp sldegoad who are well knawu and can he say ily amid but to those who mm and rent home even inlhe villages it is mmclilfnen very difï¬cult to dlrecl anyone who mayhe trying ï¬nd them the right IocaUnnx REAFPORTIONMENT VORDERED Another speclal mceling ol the Stale ol Florlda legislature ls pendlng as they have only short time lell to ï¬ll the order by the Supreme Court that some chnngu must be made an the representation from rhegvily populated areas ls felt that lhey do nut receive fair share as campnred with the outlylng axon whlch elect lhelr members with about twme percent 125 electnrs name represcnlaï¬onjlm controls the spending which it is claimed auxtailing the de velopmcnlgin the man whm the population Is heaviest Three special meetings have lalled to reach an agreemen as in how he reapportionmentshmdd be handled RAIN DWEIHS FROSTV would appear that the euld wave which is hanging across the north and dawn as far as the Carolinas has been stalled in this corner with Veloan and rain having arrived to keep the rent back Warm many week end ahead we are told We read and hear that me very low temperatures are being exper ienced in the Great Lake area but at course this does not mean that home areas are having too hard time Anyway they need good thick lee for the Winter Carnival Lets hnpe the lnnly til representatives will be in prime nhape when the lag saw ing competitlonr are being held SET MODEL UN DATE MONTREAL CHThe ï¬ll annual university model United Nations in lo be held here Feb Some 375 xludenl mm 7n lea din unlvexsifles In the Unlled Stale and Canada are expected to lake part WEDNESDAY Jackpot $320 IN 31 NUMBERS 15 REGULAR BOUND LEGION HALL COLLIER SI DOOR PRIZE lEGION BINGO no 01 rumvr mmy mum mm mm Mm EVERY LEADING PORT THE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY ll 99 An artiï¬cial Imbor ntlhe Port IA Anaflas leads BIG SCHOOL GROWTH more children Khalil in Mar other Paciï¬c ports in tonnage mm were almost 10 times minus barium l07 Dunlap SO Em Barrla TomAla 697 Bay El 101 DUNLOP ST THE 1963 DODGE CARRIES IF THERES BETTER WAY OF PROVING THAT DODGE IS THE FRENCH MOTORS MOST DEPENDABLE OF ALL FULLSIZE CARSWED LIKE TO HEAR 1T YEAR 0R 50000 MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY BARRIE TRAVElSERVICE For TCA Ind CNR RuinHam and Tidal JOHNSON C0 lIMIIED For Your Reurvafloni Call Now 75 BRADFORD ST World Wldc Travul Sarvlu EHMEEH or CAREER WWW PA 525 mm Im PA 66474