Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jan 1963, p. 4

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It is obvious that county force would create costly du lication of po llcing The function of sue force would be similar to that of Provincial Police and there would be drain on the tax dollar Establishment of Simcoe county police force suggested by Harold Nash clerk of Elmvale would be backward step in law enforcement Mr Nash made the proposal as private citizen in letter to council last week Council has promised to take the matter under ad visement The history of policing in this pro vince shows that the Provincial Police or ganization has taken over number of county forces on request Today it is also carrying out law enforcement in nearly 100 small villages and towns un Liberal Leader Lester Pearson in his latestynuclear ronauncement has created the impresslon he is attempting to be all things to all people Little morethan week ago he thun dered an indictment of the Diefenbaker governments policy Then in positive unmistakable terms he urged the gov ernment to accept nuclear weapons un der an agreement reached with the Un lted States in 1059 few days later in speech cele brating the fifth anniversary of his lead ershjg In 5311 Libya gqvemmep ership he said Liberal government would seek changes in Canadas commit ments under NATO and NORAD that Then he went on to say We dont favor nuclear weapons we dont favor might mean contracting outrof NATO he observed WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Barrle Examiner Jan 17 1918 Mayor Robert Sprottoullined many lmportant llnes of action to be taken by town as enemy not yet vanquished and dark clouds of war stlll over the Allied Nat lons He pointed out that Barrie had made no advances of Industrial growth during war years while other towns near by had done His worship urged co operation with Board ol Trade in ro gram to attract Ilrms Red ern succeeded Merrick as at Signet Royal Arch Cha er Masons Mrs Will Twlss lllgl St was llntess or St Andrews Emergency Corps meeting Town Counell authorlzed Mayor Sprott mum4 mm mu mu ruI mur mpnnm mun NM NV mm In mun lunch mum and mud um um rumm umv Alum on II mrmunw mum uur mm rum lulv mum um 11 um AlmIII 1mm mum hlnl mum Inbrflylnn mm by man mm mu mu mun rm nr null In um my on mm an mu mm mum mum m4 mum nusalarm us an mm mm nrlv MM elm run 6mm IlmL vmm mm In am mm mum rm Mill RIVNIHIM IM IYIIVJIIR Tl IM mm innMn to take emergency acllon to deal with lo cal eoal shortage Grand Opera House had or one day only the great Inndon stagesucccss Seven Days leave sensational German spy thriller set in England Newsparct published nam es each week of all lhose exempted from war service or farm work or condit ional reasons and also those rctnsed by the county tribunalt Board of Educ alion authorized Bali Planing hlili io pm ceerl with salvage work on collegiate building razed by fire on Blake 5L Slnnlcy Amor mm or more run by the Organic Food oder In London England may have he nnswcr Ho Mys Ordinary hum are moped up flllcd will nullhimlu deprived Mr MIX INC and nnlurnlly lhry prmlurc 0qu eggs WHY SUCH POOR EGGS Smlbury Slur Many are the complalnu that havo been made about Canadian cggs Pm dllccrx may have wondered why they do nnl enjoy popularity as an export ro rlucl Eurupmns it seems like clr ggs with darker yolks and nlrongcr luvcr Onlmwa lhncn The lwo 115 quosllnn lnvulvul In any mmllcnrc plan arr How will ll work How will It be Hnnncul All lhrvn pnlillu Il parllcs In Ontario nrn nuw rmmnll led to mm mm medical hmlrnnuu Simcoe Cdunty PbliCe Fogce Would Bé NeedleSSvExpense Pearson nmuo Wt An Tum mmdmn call n9 rnmg mm The Barrie Examiner NDPI UNSOUND PROPOSAL Walls Publisher Earriv Examinpr Publishedbe Canadlap Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barde Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE ublisher Brian Slaight General Manager MONDAY JANUARY 11 19s in Ifilonirfi Mi Unlm llm gnvammenl dcrldu lo dlp evcn deeper IMO the punt which Hnanm submit them leeml llllle llkellhmd lllzl cur 250000000 lurplux pound of lmllcr wlll ever be markelul About all lhat romlm In glve ll Amy low ml luo mm In dellvnr In uuhla fashion or dump ll ll Ill 5er llcprcfil lug dar contract Under such contracts the communities involved pay set fees to the Ontario Government The Government ii isunderstood tries to discourage town policing bui it has encouraged the idea of replacing county forces by Provincial Police The reason is obvious It broadens the scope of the OFF and makes for economy and efficiency Mr Nash argues that in many cases where there is one or thrman poliga iorce in aiiny municipality there is con tinuous strife sometimes generated by member of council who has been offend ed bylhe policeofficers It would appear then that Mr Pear son would honor the agreement wllh the US and then proceedto take Canada out of it He added this footnote We wouldnt really know how renegoflations of nuclear commitments would dong 1th xs too often trué and is unfor tunate but it does not detract from the arguments against county force any weapons The party stands or peace but weapons are needed until that can be achieved Mr Pearson has managed to blow hot and cold on the subject within few days He is or nuclear weapons and yet he isnt One moment he is in favor of put ting nuclear warheads on the Bomarc antimissile weapons the next he has jumped in the peace parade line At least thats the impression one could get nrlelly the NDI plan would be lln nncul by weekly payments of 10 cenll slnglc and 00 com lmarrltd lhrw per cent Increase In corporation lax and nlx For rent Increase ln personal In lax Til would nlsc llm 3105 mllllnn estimalcd by Mr McDonald ma anmllul required lo oporalu the plan ll ls an uumuml pro 01ml In the Irsl place likely that In figure $165 nulllion vlll prnvo lo ho muc loo consu vnllvo In the somml place corporation and personal lncnnm lam on now at level In loml lo llsmurnna corpornlu and personal Mort The proof Illlx um he muul In llm lack lynnmlc yruwlh lnlln rrmmmy and In the numlwr ol llmllly skilled proplo who have lurcn cm luralcll In lllc Ullllcll Stiles Any nuch lulnlallllal lax increases as lhosn propos ml by Mr Mmlhnuld brlng aboul an un prrmlcnlml Huh lmluxlry Ind lalcnl rum lllo provlncc lo llrlinn llml lnrm nf mullcal ln mnum nerrmry Ilul lle nol lhn way lo nblaln ll What 15 Mr Pearsons nuclear pollcy now Its good question Worst snowstorm in years tied up all rail and county road traffic in this area for two days Keenan made sole agent or all Edison phonographsup Elie with prices same as in Toronto ev French Anglican rector of Shanty Bay died ouddenly at age 56 while shovelling snow Pte Harold Clifton of Barrie admitted to hospital in France suffering bomb wounds Pie Albert Fraser welcomed home after three years in action and severely wound ed at Vimy Rid Pie Jesse Taylor in English hospital alter bad gas attack in Belgium Obituary and picture Pic Edwin White of Barrie who was kil led in action Christmas Day leaving our brothers and our sisters lirst chart showed proposed air grounds roposal for movmg main building insi track and locating new collegiate on vacated site hounded by Elizabeth and Bradford streets llarrioThistlcs Curling Club eliminates Stroud in Tankard curling playoffs Walter Duii and lloys skip oil llarrie rinks Meredith and it cConkcy lor Stroud llarrie Curling tlub rinks skipped by Simon and ll Kennedy oualed Orillia in another group scheme but most the details have not bccn worked out The New Dcmamllc Party however through In leader Mr Donald MacDonald has revralcd the In nndnl Iramuwurk of He medical proposal BUYTER BURDEN YITAWA When Parliamtnl nasumhles will the unslnbh Ham Commons again be permuted hy lhe same leeling Imminent explnsion it wnl just before Christmas Gmcrnmcnl MP1 unsed hat surprise Issue was Mlng raised by their opponents Thuy anxlnusly wunlcd lhe MIL on the packed leml benches whu outnumbered the cw Conserva hm no yr gone home nr Chrlilmus Vuuld Mr lcnnnn onto vole and drum he now unman nuld Cnnlcdcrnliun hccumc an tlccllon Issufl Ilaw cnuld Hm Commnth mold rlcmngc bclwrcn English and French mppnrlrrn Heparls disqulcllnn division within ho Cnmrrvmlm am unrd up wllh lhe OHM Libeer Leader Pearson ere nlcd that mood excited cmcr geney an lhe cw of Christ by hisxxpmh refininglo um events reilcciing rising French nnlionnlism This he called anolher serious crisis oi nliinnal unity Confederation markedCanada rejection ui lhe American mailingpat con tepi oi nnlinnnl unity he snid inslcnd ihc xcliiemcnl between the two races necepled an equal varinenhip win the under lianding hat national paliiicni unity would be achieved wiihaui the imposiilon oi racial cul Iural or iinguisiinuuniiomiiy Mn Pearson calla upon lhu Conurvaliw government In all withqu delay Dominion vainclnl cunkrencc In re vicw In ham use re Ich nvcnls how lhm equal paqncnhlp todny Hth OIHTAIlN ommnnn Lrndrr Jnhn wintrrmeyer luu lrlrd In mm the Illllcrrnuv hr lwccn Iho Imurmhe Comerwr Um ml the 1va puny lermlhlm llr MM lrndn In erml Hum ulm IIIMUH lrnlrrl ho me dluullllled and army In mum mum ullh Hm Ilnhl um um Mm wnlfl Ill Inmr Mind Ian my mum hm and mm nu mallmgu mununny myl IT varly lrlmm on me nlvrr IIMNI II lrlul In erad lum nlm If Iar II Illmmr ulln Im Mm lhrry mum IIIHHNI Milh HI nlalun rum mnl vim lhry wanl In umw nhml In Hull and will lim Iunnl lur mlremhrd WHIqu Sum ltw will mm Milly lfimntl and an numvnrm hhml lrmlrr hnuvvrr divlrnu my Ihu Mm Hs will nmun while lzninzl and an mmmrnl 11m mm mm In mm Ilwm wwr unfunny hm hlduurd mdflrall nnlpd vmnl mm lhe pnly in avian mm par lln nunv me IM rm KI FM mu mu dllumr In mcflxuipnud Iimlul and OTTAWA REPORT QUEENS PARK Assesses Difference Between Liberals PCs Government Taking Defensive Posture By PATRICK NICHOLSON UliAWA When Parliamtnl assembles will ill unstable mac at Commons again be rmenled hy lhe same leeling imminent expinsion il wnl before Christmas Liberal Leader Pearson cd that mood cxcilcd cmcr my on the are of Christmas hlsupmi winninglo re nl events rtilccling rising ranch nnlionniism This he lip lo now Oilawn has been thinking deicnslvely What can be done lo appease the Quebec nationalism iinw can Quebecs lalk ol separnlism be assuagch The presenl governman has done much in moiilly Quebec it has lnlroduccd bilingualism inlu the Commons Must we even strike Ihe Union Jack of our mllomi lag lo unlitr peasc in bcannlcd conqucr ed minurily in history some All ram olher pmvinm now as Hes Drawing Up List Items To Declare Tax Free Such upnrnlion wauld bring muny advantage to Canada my Thu Packtl make ll would rtmuu mm Cnnndlan pohllu the single nrcalul bur den under whlch all partch In bor The Mad In curry Invar with French Qmbcc It would nmow Ih nnnchmnisnu nnd permit Icnnible chlnlnlinn chur lfylng nl once divorce hilmgunl hm cnnsmpllun Ih an and mher mnum which nlnnuc mu Parllmncnl add The lnrkrl Contrasunz wilh lhl ddcn slve nluludc ngomus cull Im more pomive Iupporl the majority rlghu n1 English speaking Canada has come lo Parliament Hill ram Ormlu This rare posluu of nanap peasement has given Canada ncwnngle lhlnk about Poinling lo Illa rvld llnhl lanl Nallannllsu axilallon or scccsslon lhl Orillln Daily Packet and Tlmu warns cdllorl ally ll mlbe be will or CA na an livlng oulsldc Quebcc la cunxlder ncrioully lhc possiblllly cl sepnmllnk vlhnl provinco mm In In ol Canndm THOSE 1N FAVOM Ilr wulrl urm lo Mm In Iwlnl mu helm you ImpAl had In nnl hurl ym um make ynur ll um um Ilium lny Ilffivinl lrnm nxnnc to name Aulnsl Mn Ive Mullfl mm Lnumlumml Lab lhl leap And pump II My an my Inan II III sometimes discmbd her ign cmu dollars and cenmflnuld $15ch niord lg sepgram Quebcc conlalns za per cent at Canadas wpulaliong but mnlribulcs only 22 per cent at our personal income tax pay mants yet It draw 31 pgr cent our baby bnnun These um highlight Ihc belowam age taming capnclly of Franc Canadians and indicalewhnl wilhdmwnl the Canadian misldx would cost Qnebec The latest census shows lhal Quebec is per cent French allowed by New Brunswick 39 per cent and PEI 17 pet éénl French Quebec separates whnl wuuld Frenchvcanndinnl elsewhere do fly THE CANADIAN PRESS King Louis XVI of Franca was gullxoflncd durlm he French Ilcvolullon I70 year an todayIn 1793 On he death of Louis XV In rm Louis XVI succeeded to lhn bankmpt kingdom wilh Ihe people paying more than 50 per ml of hair lncumu axon The king rniuud In mad he dcmnnds by the Third Estate Liberty Equality Fraum and In WM he revululun btgnn was Irch Scpl lm for reason against inc puhllc and bthmdcd lama four month lnlrr l9ll Gcnrraliuima Chl nnz Kn slwk Icmpararlly rcllml as leader of Nulian nlisl Chlnn lo lutilllnla mm lallu with lhe Com InunNs Jan 21 I519 Panama Clly wal amulch TODAY Am HISTORY ILONDON The Spenkcm Corn er nL Marble Arch In Hyde Park happy huntingground bond onn soapbox orator has 105 one of most colorful gum Far 40 yenrl the yum cl its arnwrl wus Eonnr Thomp son whose powerful Irish rolcc and native wit drew around hlm the grades crawdn la assemble that 0mm hc peuylo who fell lhey had Iomclhnz In my Bonar Thompson has died at lhe use 7d and the Spcale erl Comer nl Hyde Park will never be quite Ihn same with out hlm llil large black hat and his awcrplng unarkllnx or allon on wide range of iyu Dr Molnar Al um lime year people catch colds and 5519 nd 525mm fly All lhq mm Human MD rpedluLArflclen havia read ugm my that once you have these Illnesses maficnllon will chre youDodm don hay lime to axplnln the filler encebetwecn 11mm 4AM lha US Puhllcvfleanh Senlcg people shouldhava flu than they are certain we or work with 10 oth erg or else are prezqan women gflgdication Wont Cure lds0 Influenza 11 um are good or them why arent they good or man badyf jFIu Aslan flu nndcolds all evlms diseases Unhnppily we don¢ have any wonder dmgi Ihal will stop vlruses Ihc way we can slap bacterial div enesSoltl tale that no medl fafian will cure either colds or nu Asplrln and plenty ml wlll make you ml boiler and slay ing home and no gelllng over her will help prevcnl picklng upsqmc other term on top ol I119 Virus Fluand ihere are number ni varietieslends to make you ache ice exhausted icverish Asian ilu is merely pariicu lar lype Technically it Is called Aprima influenza Each of ihe varieties oi in land to cause in own epidemic Tim is we dont often have more than one kind pestering lime Cods also canted by vlmea dont hit In as hard as flu They give us nmny or clau ged noses and some types ml lale the throat and eyes There Ire loom 01 cold viruxcn same Imralogngyy than othgn TO YOUR GOOD HEKLTH And that about as iar ynu can so without getting very mmplicalEd in distinguishing 394w these diiierent mala em And Jun Illklnflby Ira nl Unlike saw two hmlhm Slmnn ulled ltler Ind And mv brawn mullnx ml lnlo um ml or they ll IrvMull Our Lard look 1w lishcrmflnl humble calllnx nnd made he Iymhol ol wlmunl urvica mud and II can lum our dnlly work lnlu rcvclnllnn In glory BIBLE THOUGHT REPORT FROM ILK Even though we cant cure By MclNlYflE HOOD Colorful Speaker Hyde Park Loses vtnu dismal we can prevent lot at them with vacctnes The present flu vnccine pmtcctl agatmt all the matorvuriette including the muchpublicized Adam havent had flu Ihotl Ware the best advice II to havatwn at themabaut mgr you whoa all year Iheu mm booslcrench year Is enough to keepyau pmhednd You might under certaln cl cumslnnccs Eel flu anyway he cause no vaccine II 100 per cent cumm but It would be mlghly unlikely for you to have hard can You ask why flu hola arent good or everybody They would be But flu BCCIIIE lulu pres em farm ls mmpamlively new and last year for Example the available supplies rlm pretty short Pregnant women need the pro leclloll and people In vital Jobs nursea policemen key per sonnel in civic orbusiness lalrsowe In the wnnnunily to guard against helm lncapacb Rated In case an epldcmlc alum But yes flu shops are good recaunon or nearly every dyn They may ml be Inler erelm the emphasis was placed on giving shots to peo ple who needed them most The elderly who may hnvc lung heart ar ulhcr trouble or simply be cable are the most likely Ln become very slck The young and rugged get over ms nu alran hyalidx many nllefigtc magi our Dr an get larga canker sores on my gums after cuiing week and drinking juices Taking Vitamin doc could he said at Donor Thompson hat he cared no ane His massim resonant brassllungrd roar made his competitor ado Into pale baffled ncha He had great lund ready wil whlch he used with tollln mm In con lmmd hll hecklcn and he cruwd loved him or ll And mm over yam of regular nppcnrnncu al his nvorila comer every Sunday In he cnmc he hulrknown character Intre WILh Inch dun Id liar waldlinz curelully to see just what kind of sweets or Juices are folluwcd by the guru In short it may well be load lemlLivily allnirs hruuzhl has people to lhc famous Im speech torn er just In hear what hehadlo my first heard Bunur Thomp son orale from his box Mar Marble Arch back in 1951 was on ex Hence to remem ber 31 he be nborcd Ihe govern ment the day and preached agalnst Injustices which hu should be rcmldlod FEMlED NO ONE nanar Tlmmvnan wax born In Nnrllwm Inklan In early years he was lemming of an arlor Mud had umhlllonl ml He made no repu mfion or himxrll with mnn show made up Imnrcy Ilanx of among mm

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