The association deserves high com mendaiion Formed 10 years ago it has made great strides in romoiinn oi edu cation of children an young adults Ii has also done remarkable job of publi cizin retardation and what can he done to re eve ihe affliction The dedicated efforts of the Barrie and Dlstrict Associationylor Retarded Childrenwere warmly dpraised by the acting mayqy AlgFrc Smjthu at £11 anndslixheertiï¬g at thévargamzéiion this week al retardation was once very hushhush but by bringing the problem into the open the assocmtlon along with similar organizatlons through the pro vince has gained generous grants irom the government of Ontario for education purposes The associations objective is to pro mote the business and industrial devel opment of the Georgian Bay area inciud ing Simcoe County As Gordon iiiai lion president said the organization in for the use of all municipalities within the region and every citizen of every municipaiit should be interested in the economic eveiopment oi the region Mr Malllon Is right The association cannot promote the cause of one mun ipamy to the dlsadvantage of another Anllmhtfl upth um null rm flu IIuIllImnn mu lwl mm yuuu mu mun sum m4 Mummy Inan mum in unmn um mmm nun nwmn ll lltlflllloV Ian llllllil WAD II III nip mun wrymu mm Ill 011 umlum Ill my MIMI only mum tufly Ium ml In mom 11 Mum nu ma um mm mum mum Hum woman nu Ill human gum5 an AI AILAY ml rumvi The Georgian Bay Development Asa sedation has given an interesting in formative summary of industrial develop ment inthe district in its eighth annual report WAR DAYS 10 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Jan 14 1943 Can adian Aid to Russia lund lagging badly in this district Simcoe County War Production Committee protested needless calling up at farm boys tor war service Squadron Leader Norman Small DFC oi Allandale killed while on anti submarine patrol on East Coast Volt six teel long shot by Cecil Speera near Ivy Bounty paid by Harry Coleman count treasurer William Pi Graham prom nent local business man died sud denly Rev Cathcart told Lions Club eopie must decide future alter war twill be tuttle to win lhe war and lose the peaco he commented Air Marshal Ga Eric Brookes Oiiir formerly ol Barrie appointed to command IlCAF new bomber rou overseas Miss Florence Urea we Corner Cupboard restaurant and Lions Club joined to give party for children of county shelter Capt llorallo Nelson Lay awarded ORE in New Years ilonora List Pie Molly lloï¬m rehearsing an dancer in the Army Slow being formed llira Ivan Clemmcns welcomed as first lady tnistee in many years on Board of ikiu cation En istments Edwin KnappI Yva MidM mm flu nu ma Much Lnndlm mm lImn Autumn TM rnam 1m and AMll mm at Inullllnnl Mn rm ummh Mm minus mm In tum4 run nun an MN It HUM Mill CONFUSING lflramlord Expositor There good deal cl excuse for pm do bring conluml ahnui llIc world lhcy ive in For example lied Chinese led on Canadian when an alincklng lndlnnn about in he armed with Canadian weap ons while UN lndin volu lo uni llrd hlnn and Canada opposes Ax Oscar Wilde showed he lrulh rarely pure and never Idmplo 111 main Tampa hm hm lmn one of lhe Iamul am mull prulllable lnvrulnunln Ivy Canadian nbmnd lo Granllu do Sul Mair srlz ml llvht nml telephonic ronlpanlcs Now he mvcrnnr In dc Janrlm wanls lo rmrganlzo such com Ilalo Vlmlmr Sm Canadians prr rnplla have lhclr Iharu lorrlgn lnvrslmcnls Sonn ol lhcsu have run lnlo llfllvully luv In the nation nllsllc lendencln at the counlriu where In Iluvyflro Incalnl AssoCiation For Retarded Isl DOing Remarkable Job Promotes District Industry CASE OF BRAZILIAN TRACTION The Barrie Examiner Walls Pubusner mart Examinér OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publlshed by Canadian NewspaperAUmjed 16 BayfleldStreel Barrie 011121104 DOWN MEMORY LANE Usher Brian Slaight General Mahager SATURDAY JAN 196 Pm It is now an accepted fact that many retarded children can receive limited education but as slow learner they can not sit beside normal uplls and keep pace with them Spe all schools and teachers have been needed and they have been rovided The results have been most eartenlng Retardation comes in many de 295 Little can be done for the severely ridi capped perhaps buioihm are being helped immensely lhe sheltered work shop is doinga good job or the older children and young zduiis and is fitting some to earn their own living Ihe associallon has accepted the re alities ol retardation and hasaten1 ted to do somethlng ahnut It For this do serves the plaudits or the public However by representing all it can do much to attract new industries to the re glen and encourage existing plants to expand field tourism the associatlon has done much but it can accomplish much more Through advertising and by other means it can sing the praises of this iakeuotted district and encourage tourists from other Canadian communi ties and the United States to make this their playground both in winter and summer The assoclauon is clearing home for information and Ideas also mm or um or discussion of problem and of ideas of the various munlclpalmes in the area Percy IieGregor Rose Marie Murphy liiarjorle Robinson Skelly Dutton Wallace and Ivan Aubrey Reevle Bl Dougall is chairman of Public Util Iiien for 18th term He was chairman when liydra inaugurated in Barrie in 1013 Norbert liloran elected chairman St lilarya Separate School Board Emmett McVeigh appointed recretary Opening game at juvenile hockey raw Barrie tie Orillla 44 Chlttick and Traalc shared on or the locals Gordon IIenry Installed Wlll at Manitoba Ilia rontc Lodge Cookstown Flight Ser geant Frank Jones named manager at the Angus 13X Bombers Intermediate hockey club Squadron Leader John Begï¬ Angus lormer Barrie baseball ltc er new senior armament officer at Iountain View IlCAF station Lewla Redman 0rd land rurveyor and resident at Barrie many yearn died in Toronto Barrie was buried In over toot at mow and temperature at 23 below II Jacobi installed as president at Barrio Kiwanis Club International VicePres itient William ockhurn of Toronto At the Ilox Errol Fl rm and Alexis Smith in enlleman Jm At the im perial Alexander Kordayr Drumr He does not ndvocnlc outright cxproprla Ilan but wishes lo have Brazilians and the Ilato bcromc part owners One cannot ml 00 much hull with his provided the Canmllnn owner rc colvr ado unto compensation One of lhu roubles 11 LuluAmerican countries is Ith foreign owncruhl take out In prom much of the urn up power Hum cnllnlrk Th was an undcrlylng trouble In Cuba 11m money dou not remaln in he countries lo 11pr provide the Irhnols me dlml care and other lnclllllu for do cnnl livelihood aml progms of he pm plea nnmllnn lnvmlnrl an nnlurally warrlml about what may haw cn lho Hmlllan rarllon but Can um xcmjr SANITARY LANDFILL lllldland Fm lrw llrraldl In mum lrllcr lo Midland lubllc Ulr lllllrx fnmmlsslnn the general mnuaxcr llm 0mm Walor llnmmu Cum mlulon HM Ill wn nomrwllal III ml In learn Mldland cnunrll had aun ullmcd unllar lamlllll lorallnn lmrd Ming llu hay llml urn mrm uvr prlsinu lmwrvrr lllc 1m Ihn OWRC lm nul In llw lml nur knowlrdgr yr mlud any nlljrrllon la pm mm In mm alu lnlalln Ilmrnllna In Scarbor ough mu lamllill Illa or Hm pnml ol lmlumlal mule mm Mrlrn lor nnlo lanlurlru II Ilm OWIIC tlalmrd the unllary landï¬ll Ill on Mldland llay pmrnlnl mlom polluan HM to walnr mp Ill hem ll scum lo Um wnpnul glclm vrolcrl could be cm ally Ahnuld hnvr mnwrnympiflhy wth thin llrxlrc of Latin Amnhaux to own more of Her mm nwurrcs and acllillu Iealur haranl Iu du ï¬bodly numlwrnl mac mnnklpalilm who m9 Ah Ontar la ulhelr 1min Iowa at mm mm By Pcler mammal Under The Mountain Wall an account of the daily life of Winoaxe prov living in New Guinea Under 11 Mnulllu Wall Izler Malhlcssm he aulhar was member ol the Harvard lcabody Pkpcdiflon MJML was on lhil Jame expedillon that Michael Rockclefltr dilap peared The authort visit lo 11 Kur elu gave him the omxmunfly to live among lhtm and to ï¬lm and ream their daily lile in crdcr lhal lme plume at done culture might b0 pre served Th1 book when on the war nar Wuklckck and he Swinp herd Mum on UMuc and hi nmily and lhelr friends and anemia Mn Iallhlnun ob uncl Ihcsc pmplc In lhcir work play and war am wrlm HI nlunl lolltmrd in mm nedlon with Inch uan Veteran 01 Last House PATRICK NICIIDLJDN OTTAWA0M he mm vrlrranl at our 11 Parllamrnl uhn disappemrd ram VH1 Blue Commnm Mlowlnl lint Iummtrl elmlon Pm Hi the mmcbnck lrall Lvlml llamle R611 Illa Mtnnllnllt ormrr CJCIIH Inn lhe Ilrilhh Cnlumhln lldmg nl Burnnhyfnquillam llvur llmrl ar the CCFHH in re mrmlurtd he Vlrlor III lune who had mmldcva ml limlly In lnlxnlnl lmm HI nu Furllamml MI hll nah mu mlghl be 0mm in dc mlnl kmkra Tammy nouzlnu Mn Ruler nnw pllmnlnl In run In lhe nmhy rldlnz Fm ur Valley Ipnwlinz nub lrnwlng mmllmrnu Ihkh mm dctlnl mm ndll lulrr Illxrml 11ml mu ll nncnnllvc olnro llm war ml navy nodalm Newnhrlru um In yixlml ll unod light Inl mum In all our pmlln AMI ll could my my mum Inl mm ho nahonal mood nwl nu mmmmm mmh dill On The Comeback Trail LIII Jul Mr Flrdllrr ll lnllnlnfl lrrnmumi MI mm ml mm the lumin bml Canurvmlvt In Mal pen limo mlrn lm Ihnn vandal ma klnmm Mill mlil mm hr lnmlhv nmnm Llhrul while In nw mull dmmwd mm nm In Ihlvd pollllnn 0H KAT AWIA tvnic lulu nal ham Al 114 Had l1 my III uni minim Unl unIly Hum lnllunbln II had wind durum Irmfll Inn thp unm n1 MI pavfy dulinl hi uln nm In Ih mm of mm mm mm lnrvmum lo pull him vallmllfll he hand mam up In mm In lumflmal nflAln nvw dllm delugle ll punt Mom at Annual Mvalu Iwmm4 mm linmlnl run In IMlllmwl Humswim If on he nlher hand his was acting organ over which reducing dict whkh has re NOT FOR YOUNG EARS have no voluntary control Such sulted in law blood sugarwell penple alien have nicer 00 Ive consistently warncdagainst AT And patients who have had Irvin to 1052 too much too their Ilomnchl removed ra all Life With Stone Age People LETTERS T0THE EDITOR OTTAWA REPORT Vividly Recalled In Book death and mmhge luricunur aI dram dludrem play weap on making and especially the constant mains wilh mish bouring lqbc The author hen abun cr and interpreter the wild erness and wflm beautflully am we render an under standing mum of the peopla In all lhclr prlmflive llmplidly and vlalcnee In INA book Jasepb Krulch an American aulhnr many nlcnu recall hil life over the past so yam He ha enjoyed rcnvun leachcr philo Iopher author drama Ind book Clilic and also mlurnlish The aulhor was born In Knox ville Tmntmc and received Im cducallm there um was uhcn he me la Columbia Unl vmily or gradual work Ihal lhe nimulnucm ï¬ends wnll he InlLlledunl zxcflemcnl More Live Than One Joggpï¬ WpodKrulfh nnllnnal nrganlzrrl ll hnl proud hlmull la be one the mmx elliclrnl campaigner In Cnnndn loda It the tonxmu lncy lcvtl ml in mnnhnl he maximum Active lupporl II he llnllol box or Ml puny nlll nhlllly val vldely unemd hy hlu nun curd ll BurnabyCI quillan Inn June when he nymmhinl III winning margin 1500 In 1950 In In nrnlnnchlnu malarin nl woo Thll nvrrnhndawrd mm at hln panyl xnln FITRSONAL FMIDIH MI he Mrmnal lnrlar rnnnldale unnh In In ech inn TM ll lhz mml llulnl xxmllnn nnmnx pamch lm rnlgnrw and our Ilnpqnllblo lo nuwrr nccuuxrly rany urnpm hm am up In no can mm and wumrn In mlr mhllc like an menu wlth Ihe mnlmlrr nunll Ilhidrd lurm Hum bdml Mr oumnmL Inuy Imrnllul be mpmilr Ha an out rannlidnln In My army In Muir la mum wm Mn and Ibo nallnnnl ï¬rm by hll pvwnalfly or In dunlry Thrn IM ho indlvldual he ll of vmr llrnnl Tn mu ulrnL Illhmï¬ per Imn If Hun In mr numb Mimi day It lnyllly dL mu PM Individual will my lnllnl Time In Hnallfll vMe nllmxlul nl pu Imu mm In ll mm of HIM are hard Ir counlrymlllv Iw mm or vy Mr mm uilumonu ll 1m luv and lhty will mu In he pavly In row hue In Hun will wk In mm lhe lnvrmmmt ml 1me ran dam flu me hvimnnl Mr amulin II mm of hue nab Influde Pry llul hr Iar In rum anlq nod out with II KIhufllf inn hm Ind mrdy mun1w lmMar 11 Hole NOV K1 m1 lmmv mvt mull Mumuflm New York anda yea in Europev turned him Into the path he would allow In the Mum XIIde joincd the all Columbia and also became dr ma crlllc or The Nallon During lhis poi10d he became 3th with many authors nu dramatists ol the Iwcnlim md lhinlu Th aulhorn Hem at Eugene ONeifll play and hi correspondence with him bout hiI play in special Sn mat 01 moving to Connecticut Mr Kmlch found new inter est in Ihe life of insccix planu and Imll animal He incl Ihi inlcml wnn due to German grandmother who rely ed canalits pampernd parrot And do and had her own small greenhouse 0n moving in in American Southwest hi in irrest in nniural hisinry and mnscnnilon increased and his writings in his ï¬eld are well mlween Arab And IIIell IILE Bum Slate Israel In 1948 he Pal mine Quullan has uccupkd many headlinu ln mm the Gmml Armistice Amcmrnu ulablhhcd precarioul pcacn the Middle Hall whirh Unnrd Nations undmook lo Iupmiu Grnml nurns mm In Jcmv nlcm 31 1119 Sta Unllrd Nallom Tnm Drgzmlzallvn Ind urned In lhh post mm Augunl 23 lo Nmtmbcr 1956 In lhln hmk Gemml Bum xlm nn mmunl how he ltpl the peace on he lxmlm cl hm belwrrn Auzuxl WM Ind mu m7 lint nu Chic Sin UNISO nnd Ihrn Com mand UNEF UN Emergency PamL II In Ilory 01 In dulnlrxrntlan lhe nrmlnllco ï¬lm In lnlnllno mm nrwnl lnlrrwnllvn nl he Unmd NIHMI II he Um Ihfll Iml Ilhulnn at mu um mamm1 by lhc hmrll mm upon mm ml hy lhr Sun Jami blundrr by ktal th Mn and anm Yrvm lhll book ha maln Im prmlon one nu nl lho nutlwr ll Hm In flePUmIIH nprn minded and uh Inn Tlu ronnrdrd Illh onmllvm um hamlllnx nl UNIIF mu dll null ml mnuvlu and MK mtny mrn could have puHM It all at all m1 nan could hnvr don ll MU Inn Gama llllml Hum mxanlml UNI7 an 04k and uh mtmvmmg many olnlndrl mi ltd ll mm mm uenml mm palmlnb 1a Wynn nhfleIfI lhc lully Impznlul nhlle In ha 11er and MI renmllM Impan linl lhrn looking hark ll Ill wall 111 hm nanlu wflh Illom he had Ia dud hau nu mm In rnmnvm pnnrmnul Mm Illeiralwldarl 11ml II no lnllrr my Darwin Jud how Imrnxy lhc mluaunn In In IMulln and Inn Illlï¬nlll ii In In lurmu Ital um um Ivy mam llunu hank Drlwmv Auk m1 InnH it In all lhlnu Inc ol men In mm Ind kIII IllaMl ll IM mum n1 hvlman HM and NV yum Ill ul lu Imls who humbN mm BIBLE THOUGHT £119 Hypennsulmlsm alien il looselyused term and won dcr whether that in really what Flea increase alter eating then gradually decreases rise sharply becaus of right shock or anger It lnwereduud up th ighy exercisez Den Dr Molner What II hyperinsuï¬num pasxihle or one on high protein dial uring very lmle luzar and lot lng 75 pound In our months lo Iufler from such condi um Would low blood pressure he the resultIMlm WN $1 JOSEPH MOLNER MD Blood sugar Is one the mast varlable substance In the blood mom is essenllaily the energy pmduclng material In Ihe blood somewhat almnar can itIon anon lnwnmly called hyper Insuunism ix luncklannl hypo glycemia simply meaning low blood sugar come about and behaves much differcnuy howtven TY proper unzalinn blood su gar Diabetes lack of enough Insulin allnws too much uugar to accumulate in the blood lepeï¬nsullnigm In the up Too much insulin which in turn shame reduce amount ol blood quar very low levels 15 not common ailment bu he happellh There strong nervous fac tor dont mean ordinary ner vouxness allhough that may be apparent but basic lcnse mass 01 the nervous Iystem mUng organ over which Ms have no voluntary control Such people onen have nice too TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Drar Sir quite an old perm who has ï¬nd in two at three Homcn hr 019 Aged am lick and Ilrod readin ml the whitewashed mm and glowing accounts these plac el and other hornet HOMES FOR AGED To begin with me person is committed to any flux homes and that is very mixiending vmrdl hey immed inely become mum and not me man Much of heir personal liberty re moved In the hamel where was not hem Hue making was maltcr of mm yroducflon you didnt like What was cooked you tyuld ellhos eat It or go wilhoul In to the and come you couid the bonam ol the cup good cup ca wan out Jan 15 you wtak protein or elderly people Sound good um do you know how many egg perm Allow ed Jnsl lhm mu per week On Sunday when was then wax bum Ind tugs but you could not luv bolh could have one lurdjw cu all egg wcre hardboiled V1 ham we wanted bacon 11 next lull 11m ntw wmd mr llnrcwnyl hurnru lrnck ll optan By DON OIIEMIN 10RONTOlll dmmbm wnndodul out wlmll lhnl hnru In mm The Unlnn Jntl In Ilylnl lrom he nully Hel luluad Ilnn heplnx lhl lent lle WINS The only hr mum In On lnxla hlnury In wrnr my up 1111 him he Inlky 11m mum he dl ha Luke Em handicap leyn mmlnl dawn In lha Inlnh nl Haw mm mm In punm lhnl llrnl how mmmn 0mm Ellllifnl 11w ulnnrr of II uml nu II Hm Qurcnl rtpmcuullu Mumll Ilnn Fan llnw Ilmxmammnmr onmln vuldrnl wlndmr llnccwnyl IL nlrrnn Imlllldm hnm hum ml dvlrrr VMlllJ AMMV Du llHIrnunl10wmm In IM pm Int Irrndn hm mm mm win ulljnn Mn If mu hm hm Irvm4 pnqu mm min In thrIMI In lllllln Ill llmulh mml of Mn mm Int wan mnl the Mm muL Mm ml 11 mlnlr Ir mum pm nllo In Ibo Ber 59 mm Th Vmrmcn in In 11er hm Mon lodnn an lmltllnr man plmlrn lMlhrv mnnulaclmer Iml Inn Ilam IIIMkunucvu ll mm Canmnllu N3 1va hm mun IIan nun he loll QUEENS PARK Hyperinsulinism Is Ténn Loosely Used New LLGovemor Is Man Of Soil your Article on page 11x ypn wtalg pgnleiq quently mrer fromfhypdglr oemia because their and not efficiently absorbed Some liver diseases also accountfor glycemin So can glandular orders the pituitary nr adren alL Whatever the causelhosl wilh hypogbcemh land In bu Irritable when the Mood sugar reaches low ebb They may have headaches certain klnda at spells rapld heart beat ex cuisiv yersplrgllon par nl lhe diagnosis coupled with smeyol the symptoms While the two ailments are similar in that blood Iugar is low or became very low at times the liming and pattern are lg qiilerenl VA diet high in protein mod crate in fat and low in starch and sugar used or hypogly cemia because the protein which liberates itsiood value slowly pruvidu long Eradual lupply of blood rugnr Starch an the other hand is eonvened quickly into blood sugar The patient Ls uncnmlnrlable from the quitk rise and then abrupt decline bland sugar Yes low blood pressure can accompany Ihe conditian since many such palienu also have relaflvely law thyroid activity The loss weight may come from the simple act of co few calories In the dietor was weight reduction sought delihA crately Ihe loss of weight was not desired hen the diet should be increased twa nripnwe could haw an egg The other pmlcin items you mention am not as easily come hyaa one may lhink Plcase do not tell me hat Punching or Beclm or any of there pmvinclal or munlcipal homes are any dillcrcnr have heard plcnly about all hem and could tell ynu plen nm It me say thls you are an elderly person on pension do as Ida per housekeeping room and da bit of cookan lvr yourself and have cup of good lea when an eel like lL Ynull be much nppierr Conlact our Scnlar Cltimnr Club hem and they will brighten lhe corner when you are you ll gmwn chlldren have an aged parent in your home please dont mmmil hem to lile ol unhappiness Surely know some aged people Ire bit hard to live wllh to am and to para ll you Weft Ollll you had poor teeth or none at all how would ynu like to sum on ale toast and lettuce lea or wppcrl was called gold plate 1m haJE mum mun ml lha hall hm never been In II mm ml nnn hluh po mum in Um bullntu worlfl tauld be wwle driper pnnu ml any ml nml hnvv polish on hls Iluirrmlll nml you would IUII gun he um only ltw mlnum may mm back 00 vnlu and nunly Mm nny Slml lhmlu 1M1 h1 uHI mannny mam public upnmrr than any nHIrr limlrnaMKmrmnr In hlllnly 11m II lull Imnnr In mm pnMIr nonlu hummer Um mw Inrmnlrrnl um he Inhl In Mr nnml hll han man llmo mm It My man my lhm mm llul ulna mnth man he ml llun ML mu lw lake at llcz rm March Iv uIII lu llcw lrnnnl Humor Onlnrlo dur ng Ihc crulr 1ry nlchrnllnn Ti IANADMN IHIJLK In Mlnmn Mm mm 01er yrnu an In nayIn IVAaunmnumi Hm lullmllnn hum rnlvlnrl Male Mnrlmy HNHI nmlvnwmhn nl nr hum Hunt Mr muonan nmwlnlml unnlnr 1m mum Into MI mer Iv wk to va 12 mm Jmnnu Ir Melvin mm NW In TODAY IN HISTORY ruddy rnmylrxinn Illllnf and dier nmnncr nlw nrmt nmdc In ouIrr Yours truly OLD TIMER 33 354