Library CoQpemtive Seeks $30700 Budget The Slmcoc Camry Library Coomralive ls seeking may 21 oi $30700 or operallon 42 This includes rcqunt or Sims Counly grant amouming to 312500 Province Onwario $15500 1m $2500 Ind mich lnncous mo Last year the wopemlive receich gran $10500 mm the wpnfy eported cirwlalion ol the hawk books in un mum during lhz year has increas ed In over the 300000 mark 111 inmau Wat mdiud to incrench use at the book in IIIMIII Amukllflfl My lumiar nan um um mrnl by fluid MINI Amul Ltd ha rquimi Miro nl ï¬lmwlnim Chunk LIxI was mm IKIIIII Inc II nu Qmm Gowrmmnl and Human MI 1m had mud nnmmml an all Hydra be nude Ihltr Mam Nmmluun Power It rvvmpanw by mm In lLrflllll Alum In new an IhMI ml mm fluvl Irmirll um mud am be all mm anm llvllkl Amman ml nmnn mum Th lmnpany Wrmll In lmmw mlryn in Hiaw hnvsn Unlnhall UHIHM In HM hum rrnl nu rnmpmy Fhlvlnmn In dmlml 101 Mn tamed TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE lllmm Allan Mduhlm AM Well KM Nd Dtnnle lar hr mnmlu mulrd Navrmlwr 10 MN nmmlnlrd la $3321145 nr mm In shmr mmmmd with 11mm or per than or the mrrrqmmlmz period Gunnu Mlnlnl HA The mu mod Gunmr Mlnlnx led Jnmmr II mm uppvavnl hr uquhmon Wanna nrp Lid lnnldl fmwul LII 11m mnmny dflIMM mmxlnly IIHIILM ml per ton mm 1M payahlq NI ieruary LL IVJ In Iharrlmldfll In mM Jan IM ndl lnnru Yrar TORONTO CPIThe Calltxn or Gmcral Practice Canada diugrm with many Implica tions made In Drl Kcnnclh Clulel suncybasod book The Prnclllloncr unh liahod by lhc Unlvmily Ton only Frog loflny The mllrxcl Eï¬Hcism mm mm mnlmvenlal urp mm Hm book He mad pub lic Hymn 5m WM uni ll mlmm m1 slam mum lndumlu 14 Mlnln lnlxmnnl MIMI Ltd Rummy lnlhlrnl mm 111 muting ml Iha Company vlnnl pay an Inliinl quarterly dw Itlrrxl full the mnml quail U1 mn mral year unuml April Imnaun nhnï¬nl dhldrnd Inrulm gum uoo uh College Befutes Doctors Survey One the mode lea clip per my herthc NEW In India and Ceylon or Bar BS1 Dr Clula an lhc Alalf al he nmyiltll Hymn Dunlap 5L until lmmlrl luminer In um mu LmIM 1m ll um um Caunli Grunt 10971 11471 12471 11 000 m5oo PASSPORT TO INDIA AND CEYLON Prov Gran 4791 4100 14316 17758 16016 $5100 5100 Slmcoe Colmly schools present service is being given do nearlyygll rural whom In lmJibrary ns cal or lhc introduction of bookmohllc deliveries In wlwollln town and village with ingln schools ranging In Iizc rmn our In nine clamcoma There are six Inch school mu total ol 19 classrooms The book slack of 01 library at he and loe year was 33 641 Time were MAJ additional adufl books placed on the 5thch durinng as well 1533 juvenile books School of Hygiene nl lha Unl urxfly Tomnlo nid 121 the report that the prmnl mlcm mndical education In ohsolct in some Ispecll talks lpokesman HM Frl day nu mlltle recognim lhe fact lhat many Improve menl can be mad In Ihe madam medical prnrlke But would hke make ha allowing poin Canadian can proud Ike Itaudlrds cl medlml can In Canada by both unclan and wwra pradiuan Ind In which will be rsltd he prr unl 75 prr ma huldinx slum Inkan Pour In Shawlnlznn murmimh Shawnan Indml rlrs will Darn nll In ILA OII mml dmru nl Shnwlnlxnn Thrmirnll Ihkh will give ILA II yw renl Innrm In lilmw Inan Hurllllrnll Allnnflc Nu flrlhmlrl Am Gnimmr Olnlrmln Ilnkl In lulu la mnrrlwldn llmh or Um llml min DmmMr ML nu minn nppllrnhla lo IM mmlvgonllhnm or mmvnny wlll Mens we than no mt owr lhl MI Mum Gulllnllnwrr Ftnlylly Gordan Gnlr lmMenl annmm hat Um reiular quululy IIVIIIrM mull prr com mon plum nmxld not be mm Amll My unmouan have nirrady rrrriml UIII mu Um no mm luu Mum paid on January Iw lulflt Idnlluml rar Uic lrmlcunu LII has Inld 74W munva Hum lhih pl lmnkum an H75 nlun nr Ilml lan lmllbpl Prlvohum MI lvalu IA Inn ml he MIMI sham munmflnl PM lmolmmx Indim Iu III hunkl mum mm mu lvuldufl rrpmll Dnmlninn puma In good your um Ill mm ulu hum II In per an ric boy The model In me glass we beinl held by Paint manager of the Tea Council 01 Canada was built Inn It II lhe expcrienct he Budget 113332 iolols 13313 mu Tall Budgal Mm 5111 10662 5751 7901 5305 No 14166 16196 17090 29911 college um the majority of Ca nndian doclnrl are tonsclm Hum urlLImined nnd cam Wm The book Inc mull at xixyear study insï¬galcd by line college The Lludy Iurvcyed IL most all asch of he practice as gcnernl prnclmanm In Oqlarin and Nova Scolin Dr Clulcl rcport any more Khan marlin or the Onlarla grflclllioncn and btlwtcn an al and lhrwquartm ma Nava Scolla practfllanrn conv Ildcr mcdical training plus om yrar ol rotating inlcrnmlp lnadrqunun 8111an lecr nir mom inm the nmr Inlm minus nvcmlchl and todays lcmpm lum will be to Is degrm lnwrr than FfldnyA The outlook nr Sunday obscure but dc vclnpmtnl In lhc Iaulhunxxrrn nlnlu nuld tame noulall Maugham wulhcrn Ma rlu Sundy nluhl qrAurly Monj LIE SI Claif Ale Elle wulhzrn Lute Humm Nlluau mum Windsor Londnn llam lllnn Mmlly 10de and told with nmulnunl light Imwllur Ilu min and Sunday Norm tmt wln nrnr I5 Toronln unny IiUI ltw lnudy lmmall Ind ruldtr lo Ilny lmnly lonlnht 7111 Sunday Narllmul MimIn Pair th Onlnrln rulnn Sunny Ind mldtr lndny Manly rlnud Innlnhl ml Sunday Novlhuu wlmll to la 15 Nnnhrm Gramn nay ï¬nmn Timml Whlll fllvrr mhunl rrmnx Monk Rudluuy EIIIH Elev Mnrlc Sunny AM MM Imlay Clmldy wllh Innwllurrlu and ml quill In cum Enmhy Wlndl MIN day nulhmt Bundnyl In all throughout the counly here are latalol 355 school roams served pins 20 blaria deposit anions in walls hamlell Ind six instlem These include Lhe Odd Fellow Home Geiirzinn Manar Simeon Manor Bradfqrd and Elmvalo district hlgh sdwnla and the Mafia Hospital Penetgng Foflowmg is dalisuca re port summing lhe ndivilies of the serving in recent years Nullhrrn lullr Hunm walk em irorulnn mlonl Pmly rlnudy Ind drr lmlnh kw Innwnunlrl III mnm Int Ilall rlnme InnlIhl and Sunday anhml wlndl mar 15 llnnhuvlnn mum Sunny and mltlrr Imlay lnmy chm mm and Rundny anlirau Ilndl In In rm Tmyrnlnvn hm lunllhl hllh Sunday Wlndmr ll KL mum lawlnn Kmhcne Wlniham Ilmlllun nlhnlnn Toronto flflbflmflh Tlan mlan Mmm My my mmy 4n Faulm kumnlnlifll mm mm Mama Alsoduring the year the lily rarian had to discard 3793 volumu by Stephen Crane the other um made by John llulchings Both boy an Ban1 ml donlx WEATHER mmr 108164 notavaflxble 107779 1957 132403 175240 mm flu and 951 Juveinla 10 In January 1962 here war only 75 nsidcnls at Gcorglan Manor and the home oyernled 1m than full capacity or large par the year cl Jan 1m here were $71 re idLnls and it is Expected Ihal the home will be full or Almost throughout the year Furlhnr in order In aallsly llhc employees the cammlllae laund it necessary to adopt week al both homgs ham or the aged His belief was made known while premium propastd hud get or 1963 to counul or con sideration by the Finance Cam mincek are two malnlractarl lo account for he Increase in the amounts re quired for 19 considerable nmo lag and painting was done In 1902 and Mr Cage suggested that the 1963 committee conllnue 25 17 27000 or lho 106mm Manor THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Prairies which ham sent for three or the our cum nnlional puny Ieadcn have pmvidcd the ballast mo ion to dig nucipar arm dcbalei But while the opinion nu tree and ï¬rm lhcy are far 1mm unnnlmous Thue been shocked pmlcsrxml pump lhc Canadian Cam pnlgn for Nuclear Dlmrmnmml and the Voice of Women groupu whlrh cu news the In linnal Inlnic Reeva Allred Cage of Funk tang laid yulerday in Simona County buncfl that the county would soon have consider the passibllily of establishing third ham or the aged The flames or The Aged cam mime has asked the Finance Gammime do allot $20000 for Ike Georgian Manor $13000 or he Simcoe Manor and 500 cqnynuf spch home care Mn Cage said lhc nid building at Simcoc Manor isnoi in good stale oi repair However provincial ofï¬cials aim inspect in the building and considering its condition and age would not approve or subsidy the expend ituru of any appreciable sum im lgapiigl imprqverncnls In nmme 1011 budget or Xaqpr is $139009 It Only In the lmlrlz 1m Illa HIXKZAUOII ol dclcnslve nuclear weapons lnr Cnnadlan lurcrl broughl aul prmlmlnl party Ieudrrl In lull cry about In Is on lhw mince Ill least his rgspmxlblllly The dc recurring Mun In nallonnl pollch tar ymrl hum open last wackond with mach by Hhtrnl Loader Lev Irr Franc Mr PM walled on ma novemmnnl la accrl nuclear warhead for dclcn re L1cllcnl wrnpum la luml rammllmcnhl In mid cannot be met wlmuul lhrm nald mm both In Hm Noxlh Allnnnc Tran nrnunlmxlun and In conUnrml dnlrnre Ha nnndlnn ovrrnmrnt Pm no uplrd lclcnrc mmmllmenli lm mln whldl can only be can uul chLlhrly hy Canadian lnrrn uilh nnrlrnr unrlwml or lhrir rquiymenl Amnnl ho rmnl Iupportm Illa Prunm View inl WM Premier Mnnn nu lmln plonm In Social 3mm uhmn Haw Wt nolnbly IL hm from ham ha nnllnnnl Roda lell Mmr ohm Thompwn WM mumd Canadian pmlucllnn ol nurlur weapons Mr Murman ulrl Canada mun nuulm ll IKIMIII III mlhllily lnr lha mIlon dtrmlu wraponl Bahia and distriet section of flu Winter Carnival skaling competitions will be held Feb on the bay the loot Bay field im Trophlu will go to the hlgh school relay winner primary schogl gelay winner 9nd or school compiling must points Cnnudu ha mmnxlbmly In momma luIly will Han mm In In dwtuymrnl ml 1m Mu weflrnnl In uhulnrr mum In rman to mnh muihll the mm Der Kirkm Nor Amulrn mllnrnL Thu an muornllc rm pmmtod ï¬rmer Imnl Nl lnnnl Laudr pond I4 Hm um 11 mvumml on lunmnl mmh MrumI mu Him nl nllvllmllnl In mm vmul military mlrllilu IM US and demilml Mrl nl Hum lcnduo and Wanna All tdmols are urged to par gldpqte Ayah am available Imme ï¬rst three finisher in each fina eme ï¬rnlgfl ll 11m llldnl 1H ullh 1hr um IIIIM nl Mn Thumpum Wm 54 ml Cndll remnln nlidIy nnlnd he amululllm Um upon by Canmllan lama ln Ynnaulu TM only II In llmr nl nub urnmm Inr Clnldil NATO Iorm an opanllu Innpum Prairies Hot Over Nuclear Arms Debate Skating Baces Are Feb Consider Home ForOld to western commuuilies Iikn Shelbumc aridlo and Arth ur that called or home tnveL ticvtmnl lime he and hll wlln Isilcd nlaflvn In MaxMala nnd Owen Sound dlllnnro and 00 miles rupeeflvuly One nmirlloallnl hridn cm led deep dark bol MM Mnrkdalc and rocked when cmmd by ouml nu lhnusnmll poop who wlll Iw pnrHtlannx In Hnrrlnn Winter nrnlvll lmlvillu MI yrnr wont have to worry About m1an lost In India lhzlr way lhr lm rvenll ml mun Kurv wile Ila The most popular mode of travel In winter wul by cutter He says drivers and passengers kept warm by bundling up In henvy coal with large ur col lars fur mill and hats wool socks and warm boots then threw buan robes Around themselves and over their knees large number Ictually were hullalo hidcs mind believe we still have one around that we used to use aur selves other were cow hldes horse hide or bear skins anv lhing to give pmlcdian mm the cold he laid Mr Shqu ha cart allll in good condition slorcd in hil burn is he remembers lhcm cam were almost impossiblc Io overturn and lor that rea sun were valued or breaking in young harm They wen idcal lag iasl iravel and iar travelling lhrouzh mud Carla had one peculiarity ha 01 lrnnsmllllnl the rocking mo lion praduccd by the walking ham However this mailan dimlnlshcd 15 the horse level ltd lo in pacer Although by 1910 and even hclore that most wads were built with gravnl some roads were sllll unsurlaccd becom in slrnlchcx of mud and walcr hole In spring and dust bowl in summon And mmy cedar log nprnps callod corduraya had become exposed making travel over Iwampy road Jolling experience According lo Mr Sharp mm 1900 on when pwple begun la hava morn money longdlsunco travel will conï¬ned lnrgcly In those plum not rendlly acten able by rallmd null lure lmm lnnislil In Toronto relurn ml about 50 ll mu travel Tl mmmlllrc announced 1le mowing um ll wm rxperlmenl In with dillmnl mlml on Du IN wllh lhn MN mlklnl mluml wnlkwnyl ll lhr Ir Inun twnlm Dm rmnlval Hill yrnr lb ILml l1 Unlil the first few years of this century almou Ill travel ling was done ln horsednwn veldcles ohwhlclu her were about uven classes including me work rlelgh cutter buggy democrat lurrey curl and the lowly lhaugh usatul jumper Upkeep tn lhese mean of trunk portution was almost xul and horses xupplled um motlvq power The only hitch Wll that passenger Wm with lhe changinz seasons Illemalely exposed to cold heal mow run dull and mud TOUGHER PEOPLE But then people wen ough er and didnt expect to ba ul closed in glass box like we do may remark Soon Sharp 1m Thomtom Al on Elmo Um were no road signs exceyflng an ocean ianal sign pointing the directlon to larger emu Now light are ralsed at wery bump ln the mad then there wm bumps blg bumps too all over and nobody took my mum of lhem WE buffalo robe really buflala DIa lHlIIHn mnp ldrn do tldul luruuw dmcully In Ihu pull In uplnlulnx when llu runny mul nund awnu mu brlnu hrld Sign will nlm bu NvropllMaA Iy plmd Alon llw colour lunlrl Indlcnu ï¬nd that ml Ix laHnl pinto and poulth um um Colored Ice To Point Way To Activities QfIIorse And BuggY Remember Old Days In the LIw of Barrie and rall pun all mm to juhl mo in neknuwlrdgcmcnl ml mqu mm which has timed oulh around he WM 01 more Illan nnn hundm yum Mayor 300 In IIIrchy prmIalm Mk HKk pr ln Jpn 21 mm fflllfAYWKA Work By BRIAN BAKER PROCLAMATION COOKE MAYOR onAI We alwnyl drou our harm wilh chiming will hung nruund heir hamm nml jingle bcl In row lllarhml to lho Ihnm It was laid noted Mr Sharp that when the bog was being filled work crew had built an earth causeway hall way across when the notch the whole thing suddenly begin to sink under them They ran back to solid ground and look ed around Just ln lime to pen the causwrny and all lhcir loo swallowed up by the mud It was rmrtud that Markdule area armor lclt Markdalc one night with hls team and slelglv load or chop to go home and was never mu again LONG WALK Speakinz ol Markdalc Mr Sham remembers Ms parent rpeaklng of Mr Donnelly al Lenny who years before re quenlly walkcd lmm Lclmy to Markdnle In single day visit relatives at me pimple Mr Shyp visilfd decr Ho rm va trip from south of Thornton Barrie by horse and bully or cuucr took from one In one and hall hours depending on whmher you llst light as harm or heavy horses llolcls in Dar rie and the surrounding villages provided stable acmmmodntiofl or horse 75 cent per day per horse plus an exlrn 10 or 15 ccnls or You couldnt Jusl leave he harm on the slrccl In lhc cold wcalhcr when you vent to law in says Mos v1 laxcs had community shedl when you muld park your horses unntlcndcd All church had big sheds uhcre horse wuld bu lied in lhe warmth dur lng scrvlcu You can run an or hm Ihed against tho Coohsmwn Anglican Church Most start caper put Help Ing post Hod with lying ring In mm hair slum mat nulomen muld Ho up lhrlr harm whlls Ihcy shoppcd 1m chlnx post were Iimillr to mixing melon only lhcy Wm ICC Mu Sharp uilh her IlsXcr had In Irina up In Barrie he hind Mack lonm named Klnz nnd Mnud lo tnko mum lu wnx Although ll llml Um In 10 only we ran Invnded lhl mm or Harrie we reum mm mm lhclr horm lkk other aumHown norm on rlgmmrfly For ycnu farmer and local bulthcn mm In the deep wlnlN ln ohlnln Waring 10min of ire cut from ll large null mud on he arm hrr lallwr nu lnu Imr irrcmldc an the lllh Hm Innlllll LIGHTNING BUNKER Mn nx rrnmnhm one early mlnrr mm when de lpue WIIMHI not In du In by Mr lnlher three or tour at hr min MM lemminl In lhI pawl ham In thunder IIDHII Them mm brlllnnt Huh and out lhe hon 1L mold Herbert mix to lho om rIKIroNlod body mu Miriam by he nhl lama MR SHARP ll Ihown beside uptclal type oneman In wmm ll vm ununl Inr Aflcr sunml falls wow roads and tall became bum up with snow packcd by horses feet so lhnl alter while It In cnmg Anifky businogs Iq glny There was an unwrlllen rode road In loaded slclghs had lhc rluhwlway explains Mn Sharp Al night with no lightwuf any snrt it was every man or himscll and you wen luck if you met another learn You boh didnt act of he trav elled mud and bogud down in deep snow II this happened about all you cnuld do was um hikh lhc cum and gel lhem back onto wlid tooling In those days axe um low and road were malnlnln od la large demo by slalqu labor In whlcll llm lownshlp re quiml cadl lnrmcr lo Klve Wtcirlcd number at duyl rund building and mmlring For xlnnce Mr Slurp was annlzncd le day when he tuned Inrm lmz Ihonly More lhc Iyllem wnl nbnndancd Hm learn and wagon munlrd two day no that In reality he had to spend two duyl Ml le lmul In those days snow was deeper and blizzard had habit ol blowing or parlods mm daya limb ï¬lling the road with snow level to be adjacent rail fences wire arming belng an uncommon slghl 1th all men llvlnz on plugged mud lerm stlll used were expected In Ihovcl out hail Mr Sharp recall how 50 years ago the ï¬ll llnc wax Im passnble rum he 5th sidcmad Innis lto hat iI mw ngly way 27 and temporary lull marked will cedar Dough wax broken lhmuzh the Held and across the road Ior distance ol about two mllu on lho bullrup track wilhoul sliding all Ind hcing dumptd unceremoniously mm deep un packed mow BARRIE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY JAN 20 Mu Tnph Im ANAIJIAN liï¬KNO Dunlr mwum Own 151 VI lnlnlmllhm IA Mu Fund School 00 neighbors to haul brlck or an olhor nelghbor who was facing his house with hrlck Although he doe not rcmember the ex act locallon Mr Sharp remem hers hauling sleighlaads ol brlcks mm klln In the north 4pm alBaniel ROAD IIUILIIING 5mm mulling cm similar to one In which he had umu Am nnqmmnm 03 Manager of lhu Cnnmllun link of Cum mrru lur luclva year and for the mm luur ycnrl he hm bun In llrn Hunk plrawl In rmlva nny IDIIIIIIDHD all It saw or PA was or an IPMMMMI In Alisuln ï¬nancing your bud erl nrmuull nr llnnnclnu new In We run lhul he can lw hrlp In In llw Mcnhnnll and Flva lo Ilkremn ulu Ind Ilquldllc Ammnla llrrtlvnhlr In urnvel Gravel had to be loaded by hand Into wagon and inlcr deposited In the mldfl ol the mud by removing mo wagon sldcs and sliding out the helium plank Home lruIHc gradunflyv levelled the 121ch He will be calllnu an March null and Cnmmcrml Compnnlu to enduvnur la help Hum In mm lhelr Cnnllal Arcounl by purchasing lhclr mounts new ml or rcnmnnbly good Acmunu lcrtlvublc Thomas Imlrr mldm nl flurrle or film yam ha joined the Muskokn Ampknnca Carpomlfon n5 lnnnclnl consuh lanl Mr Foslcr wul he plenud lo nrranxe la lmanca your cm or bunch accounts wllhaul lflfllh The first rural mall dcllvcry out of Thornton cnmmenccd hiwunkly scrvlce ln Aprll 1913 The mail man was llarry Lynn now ol Barrie who arm around in mm or buggy Before that date rcsldcnla ol the Killyleaw urea cullcdcd their mail at llulz pus ofï¬ce opcrnlcd by Mary Sharp ML Sharps aunl opposite lho school In thla way neighbor met neighbor and collcclinz mo mail served al nodal event driven behind la pacing harm