My munch service and Sunday School at Guthrie Presbyterian Church will be at pm or flu neg law monlhs iand mu 1mm hamplrl held In Mhltamu rmnlly llxree rlnlu from hunlull pallkiyutfli Mlh 1an Allanl and ylil ï¬peucr rlk winnlnx mom cat The winner Wm Ber Kenny and Mn Cline Ram rcpart the Ihort course held Grassland hail wax given by the secretary MIL Jack Busch Four new mcmbm Joined this meal ing bringlng membnnhip lo ha meeting closed with lha Queen allowing which hasten and committee nerved lunch n1 Ulllork udm club Snmrdny evmlnz Jun Min Mn any Squibb nnd Keith Cantu held hm More 1an t1 Gmlmm won the cunwlm Thu Annual mtcllnl the Wind Church hrld nu Wulnrs day tvmln Jun was Inlily Mfll nllcmml i107 rested in inviied to Huinx School Monday evening Feb la hear the Farm For urn broadcast on Cnnndnn World Oblixnflans as Women See Them Mn Aiex Finlnyl draw was won by Mrs Jim Kenncyr Mn Dc Backer gnv reading Dear Dear Gueslr Mn Archie Smilh held con ical The winner wera Mrr Ber Kenny and Mn Cline Harm rcpart vi the Ihort coursencid n1 Grassland hail her pannu Mr Ind Mr vhimldu uu mumd In her In 1r Sincere lympmhy to Mr nnd Mrl Filzsimmlns and ï¬rmly in flu dcalll of Mn Fnluim minl mmhcr Mn Shlpm who hnd been making htr harm wllh her daughle and lamlly had gone la mend ltw day mm In Krlnnddquth Rev Fred lachon strand Ind Lelroy United Churches wu In charge of he Unmd Church Icnlce here Sunday manning Earhart Mae dnughb or Mr and Mn Arthur Lulll Whiiz received blpflsv mnl rites Communlun mu Ibo nburved Mn Page had charg cl lhe mvlca 5mm 1nd Lelgay muwu to hear Ronald Allan slum Mrs nay Hack of Toronto is under Iho dogorl can The Fifth Line Home and School Auociullan have piano ncd In have our Euchre start mz Monday cvenlnm Jan 21 and subsequent Munday my in Ihe Fillhllna Sch Home Economics wan Ihc logic 0an he Womens Inslitule imam held at Ihe home of Mrl Balcourl Thursday Jan 10 Sovenleen member and Ive vullnrl were prelent Roll call wan answered by telling then cut for haunedcaninz Hnmet are to live In not look at was 1h motto Elven by Mrs Bert Kenny In an ab lance Mn 11 Sndlh Mn Jack Cameron who had he Lop ic read paper enllllcdKll th Tricks be 5m anni yerlaxfy of qujlol VJ all In hymn authuvï¬ar $13 are to be made to nelcbrale It al laler dale Mr and Mn normnn Gra ham and dangth mid of AnculLr Viailcd Mr and man on Mex ulnaflu vu gummy Dr and Mrs Mellon and born are enjoying he riding Homha Valley Crnlghuril VNofï¬uan Campbell on ma lick 11 It pmenl Wu ME he willgoon the well again CALL nmnmm umrzn PA 05226 SAFE um EXAMINER11 nunsmv mvwmv 11 ml and Mrs Jack Cameron wen lupper guts on Sunday to Mr and Mn Orvlllc Snider Hdland vegi Ind Glen Sunnldnla Mlu Doreen Smllh Toronto spent two day Lul week at her home here NEW FLOS mm Clarence Alkinwn and boy went Saturday evening with Mr and Mn KcilhHnr vey Ind qkn Suqnldnla MM WANLESS QUALITY FUEI CLEAN PEACOCK CHURCHILL GUTHBIE DEPENDABLE NEW £108 1ny PROHER DIM hm Wvrw Ma emu tL mm IM mm mm M1114 mm l0 IAW um mm ladcl mm to ma DIM NM mm Lu mam an my 94 Ill ha Mind thing ul hum IMIDII m4 mam gum 0pm mm Inmml aimul ll only In mlnul In W0 nlnJ mu mm mm anym mrfa Mn Pa null Mod In yum MK nan plymnll ma nu PuntIla ï¬lm my wk Well be cleanod out in this low prlco 88 DUNLOP 51 WEST PA 66585 where your dollérbuys MILEScher an an In beau gang and Mm unlbrm Iw an plant him to Mama mum an odd and mu ml Ammd Im we 5mm SUPER SPECIAL Low lManl mow mumm rumm mow MI 15 mm tamed 1mm huvy mm mm hm mu Mum mom Indnod nmm but ALI VLM mow numm mm umlnum Alloy In I3 mu mmn In no Illmuood mmflm 5cm Arm wnw nlnm ldul 1mm Ior mm In um Hunt nunmam mm mum mm mudm hm SNOW SHOVEL CLEARANCE SATURDAY SALE ENDS5 399 259 179 35