MM Mmull Mr rmhm mm mr n1in liwer my mnfrwmw nmmun mm Mm nuw an ulna lute unwary 11w muuralinn umumu wmllh summil nmIln mu Hlml 1mm Ivy Tlll Daily Mail ll Ruhr rnlhmlmllc Inmmnnl lmlny hum Lard Ilmmlmmkn may 11mm on lw ltw vilinh ya HI 1m mummy mm lb vvrau mulmim wru nu milk 12 nrulvllflllnm Ihiwinl rulry lulu Piulnpr mum quh Inmva up unun Illhqun lmrlhrrlmlr slnllmrnl Ill Inlll Mummy LONDON ulylllun nlmm llm vuuHrilily vi runlrp rnw nl umlmummllll pllmr mianu in 11 lwxl lvm or we mnnllu Ihumuvlrd my ullnml mum rum lru Press On For Market Entry Another PM Conference Unlikely nw than flmunmh mu pr luuv mm Tim mlmml mukvrn In 1m LINKHLIHHJ rlrrllirlh nuppb Immulry varNnhxl hy llleun unmm rmrhrtl my Inchum Nr 1rl In mnlr Um mr nun ThiI 11mm mun nun dukInnnm 51 um II pcnril lhin nmmLIuhr umlisnmyml fl Hunk iI ix In mm xrmu ho sml ImeIy have nnlhim llillt My llfl nprn lmnk He finally mu lcmvml In ma nml rrlurnrd Imrc ullh hls American Ho Ms Ivarme Ihul mm Uu mlrl hmmll Scol Inml Yam mu cunuulmu dus lirr NI IXHILIA Ihv Avsluw nmwmrnl illCIlnllnb 1131 as Illrr All rmlim LONDON CmThu man be hlnd he novwr shortage new plaguing Britain Chmln Dayle aundcrmcmhnr he unuflirial aniunal Commillcc Pawnrslalivm Shup Scwards which is defying unlon leader th guslow campaign Ddylc Sun by birh4 men 10 yLars in the United sum and uncc was stranded in mmlu InII US immig mlinn nullmril ruluscd Mm re cnlry hr alleged Cummuniu nrl Scotland Yard Checks GoSlow Ammws locale the approx imaw mun the sumy puny The three men will be Tllls SURVEY parly has so out on 300 mile lrck over an uninhabited section or Labrador 19 gel informa tion for more detailed maps of he The men will SURVEY mm mks THROUGH wanna 91th mew vl Hm Cummmmalth mum mum my Hm Hlln Hm Iln 11va ll ï¬lm had In My III Imp th IVMnlmh Hmmr ml Um nmmnw mum pmva IM II Ilmd 04 Ilnlnlnl rnl nppmmnuy hr min Fnr nrw Mhrrinz nl mmlmmmllll mm mmlml IIItimid man Min II In 1n alunhlp lmrullr In Ihr Main do llnnllrn Ilnmmllt drmnmlnn lam Imk wk on Illrlrnlmkryl Im Ivmmmu yrmamhlv rl mm minim Imrm Mur rrmxmwnh MncltII 511m llilnc Mlnlurr ermlmkrr nu ma lwk mylnz flu Inna anIu Imulrr muml In mmhuo Inmr Mm Mrr MJIUHIILIII nl Um Nnunu lnrrHIlL lax lenlh ml unmlnunralm Ilmuhl Imhl Hll nUwr lnnlrul mrrllnn mlnw ruml dram m1 1me II Mkru nylv In hit ymn In Hm 175 rm In Inlrnmlunnl VIN Wlwllrnl IE Uniltd Lukr um htmica Vuvkru UH Inn lull In If Um lmhm lumxml vmmnmIn hum nlllcc 0ch nummed lhrir rumn scale cum plimiml and inmlvnl hul gemr nlly he numgc wrckly my Inr mklllzm rnnuu hmn £10 or ncrull In Jill higher Irv ch 11w unions linully agreed almrlly lwfnrn Christmas do nmml my lncmsc Inn mm nn Imur nn Elrrlllrny mmcll oflrrrd mm and LI lukr hr ILK In ar hilrallnn Much the present diIliculIy arisen mm Inability 01 lhc un Ions Involved In name on sharp divisions hclwvtn lhusc repre Acnllnz the unxkillcd markers and lhnsc aklng fur the truflsmrn nun Mm have nnml apxlrrnliccshlps Abaul 23000 mm are actu ally employed In the nnuunn lmwcr slallnxu 01hr dn all khulx II My lmm dinning IIolts In mad In reading rpm wan gainul undcr thrcal smkt despill he governmcnls my pause mm In cflccl which lnslslml that pay in creases be held to ma per cent supplied awry lo daysty plane mm Sheflcnlllc lCl Vircphotol txck lrom midJanuary Io midvApril lhrough region when lhc temperature dips to so below and shown rem chcs scvan loch Studying one the present maps run xlvwlallmrul Immi mm Hu luv Mazlnl In malIrru Iv llv vatnun Inn in MY th1 My mum TM hrv nu m1 Iinrrl III II maflvru lml Ill mm In 11rd IiIh nuke Mn wanna Sm mm mm 31W Ilw 1mm lan Smoke Rsphyxiales Mother OI Six Mn Ilrlru Marla Nahum Mme lml rum umuuy mum ame 7n mllr Mr run In HINININ ml LIl mner lit Mlth rhyllalnl In II In lmlay In yrr mm In Ram 0M Inhw Hrull 1hr Inmnfl mun pmpoul mm wmlnmr nunin 4m lhr Mn day at nuclnl day xiun nrgnllnlinnl rur nnl uulnn ha been mrr Aluduunl Ily Flrmll llnldrnL llf Unllllrl Hillrnlrnl Mummy umrnmn Ialmu douhll about Hnlmul ummun Malkrl Iml Annmum mmmll luv llm Hmhll mm hum anren mm Jnr Innmmn Mkrl varlnrrn Vrl running ly 1119 erll nlmuh Mill Holmium Tne wurtu zlrclinrd give driulh lmmrdlnmy lml mid lhc rnrk 1111 mlrfd Hrilnlnl mumml lar ml nlmhllfm he nmmnn Mmkrla ulrmn lar IH nu Klull hla Cummmlwwllh purl nl nhnnmnm mwpvinl Ir mu Ilnc Edward cam IlrlllAh thlr ncgullalnr Hm mllcd Ihc Com Imm Market tnnnlriu In tlvar up ma he may prnblrmn Mill onlslnndinx III mnnlh nrnullnllom on llnlnlnn Md Iur mcmlwnmn In he Irada group on Imparï¬n ommnnwullh upon it main Mn lllc Inuk group lnlunmd sourch Ild BRUSSELS Ulwlus Dril nln today Impaled package deal In the Humpcan nmman Marks In be lmyoud CUTMCK India Remus Fonylivc persons were kiflcd and 29 injund uhcn part pneumatic plcrlsillklng plant tx plodcd near hrrc Tuvsday was an nccd oday An omcial statement laid lun airlnck an lop railroad bridge yicr burn and lappch la be ground The bridge was be In buill across he Mahamll ercr Nara name 20 miles lrom Cullflck What sauce for the gov emmenl goose is not lance or line Hydro gander apparently Mr Winlormnycr snld al though In Ihls case lhe cock is lhe same man Robert Strnudrwa named lo wntcsl Oshawa riding lar lhc Lihmls in the next provincial electinn Tariffs Suggested In Packagé Deal He said it Is odd Ihat Ihe min isicr in charge of the provinces buy Canadian campaign does not lake his own advice lie was rcicrring in Energy Rmurm Minisiur Robert Macaulay wha as minister ni ccnnamics and development has hccn NDme ing the use of Canadian gnod in pmicrqncc in impartsl Blast In Plant Kills 45 Indians meycr laid nominaflng mn vcnlian hen Ihnt here was no rlasan why lhe program couldnt have been produced in Canada OSHAWA CPtOntnria dra was criticized Tuesday night or spending $30000 to buy later vision programs produced In the United States for use on Cann dian tclcvislon stations to pro mgt tin sale 91 alfgtrici $30001 Spentf For TV Shows Um arch are rlcfl lo right William Machn New Glasgow NS head of Iha puny John Jrown of oltnwa and Apple River NSA and Henry Ham oIv 01mm and Edmonton CP wixcpholo 145 BRADFORD STREET Cnmuncmploymcnlrule climbed In 51 per ml at he lahor me command with 51 pct cent monlh earlier The rain was 64 per cenl year earlier when 1104 labarJorcc was samcwhat smaller and lua year nga was per cent seasonal nlowdown hi onl door induslries broughl db Cline in employmrnl la ma 000 mid December dnwn 0000 mm manlh carllcr The Job Iolnl was 734000 higher Khan year earlier The manlhs bureau cn llrcly among men was deg xcribcd an nbrmnl Increase or Ihe llme year The jobi Icsl Kola was virtually the same as In year earlier uncmplny mcnllngum al 3000 In D1 umber 1961 £11m man ol 0001u Canadian uncmphyIcline in Jobch number he menl from midNavcmbcr to cause many seasonal workers lolnl 414000 at midDcctmbcrjwilhdrcw from we labor mar was reported Ipdny In Jaintkel ntalemenl by the bureau of The JobpiLurc In bricwllh lkliu and Ihc labor dcnarl estimates in Ihousands Increase In Male Uneniployknént Said Nonhal For Time 01 Year Turning to expert sales Miss McCormick said Ihul at prey an world prices it Is almost manlh drop In omploy Milan 1061 However despite he lac where was no appreciable in crease In milk production last year creamcry butler oulpu ruse about 9000000 pounds she said Slacks ui Creamery butler and butter oil were at record high levels 111m Arm msmc arm cash In uslry Increased zlighlly last year dairymcn had In shell out more monty than balm Illa compasilc index good and services required jacked in highest point In My Total milk consumption dur ing 1m is expected to be about 500000000 pounds mmvlhan m2 MI McCormick the as socialluns agricultural ccono mist said flutter consumption xhauld increase slightly on get capim basis over the 1962 Bu whlle mclsiluallan looks cansidcrably MIDIch today the clouds have MI diuap penned Vcruniha McCormick Tunmm uulloncd In her rc pyrl at Tuesday opening up mans LONDON OHL iCPiDclc gain in in Dairy Farmers at Canada annual mceiing can dc nve some smaii lncasurc ai corniort during lheir remaining twn days oi general session mm repafl lhaLIhe dairy industry is in much halter shape than it was year 3110 WAWA 7mm in rung 12 1113 EA EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN It Milk Sifï¬ation Is Brightening Winn mun Myouknow trucks mu Iucks youll hear aboul OMCI Yhny wunl on GMC for rugged dun bfllty How GMChdde Fumes have um ulnnzm buill right In yol slill in you Imam flulbilily lo olMoad walk from 60 IonsE In quadu lob wvamw pounns II PC cent more DEANï¬Yiiifï¬Ã©iiï¬fï¬b As truck man youll know More lhan Ihmcquanm he Joqusa olaj monohad bran uncmplayed or loss than lhrcu monlhs Annlhtr 51000 DecNovDcc 1952 I962 1961 Labor Iarcc 0574 5612 clays Emplnyod 5160 6270 2032 Unemployed 4H The report 15 mm on nur lvey of 35000 households across Canada during he week ended IS WM SEASONAL RISE Unemployment rinex between November and December because at seasonal dccflncs In constmcllan agricuh lurrnnd certain um 01 manu Iacluringii be apart Laid During lhz mnnlh he In ol joblm mun rose by 50000 411000 wh uncmploymmll among women dccllncd 5000 pa ed ana dian Federation of Agriculture Agriculture Minister lamle old delegalc lame reduc llon In the support price would not only be reasonable but in the best Interest dairy tarm en themselves Hawevcr he dld not indicate whtther he ï¬nvemmnl inland lo reduce The cammlltw decided In suggch such an authorin aim consldcrlng the problems in im plcmenling Innsterm dairy policy having regard In equita ble Income tar all graupx of pmducmf CgNngEp NEXT MONTH ority proposal and the possibility recommending eductlon of Ike prcunl government bullet support price at 64 cean pound are expected ta be con aidenzd palianal conlcrence pen manlh government and daily Industry cprcgcnlgtivu national aulhnnly prov posal wax advanced by we clal committee whnse chair man Eu Luics Entry Mills NB said II was needed to ymvidc conï¬rmlive and p09 It leadenh other pnmtl brought up Tuesday mtions included proposal of manual dairy angelfly lmposaflfle to export any dairy product will be possible at caption ol limilcd amounts unpasteurized cheddar cheese wilhmu Ihe ald cl government tubxldy About 5000000 pmuld nl dlecserwerc exported last year flight myrovegnan theEXT RA VALUE in every 6M0 truck PACIFIC REGION Labor lam Employed Unemployed PRAle REGION Labor lorce LIZJIJwIJZS Employcd 1072 1097 LOGS Unemployed 51 43 01 QUEBEC REGION Labor force mommm Employed 1686 1724 mm Uncmploycd 151 0NTMHO flEGlflN Labor farm 2400 1420 1335 Employed 17 1333 2271 Unemployed 93 62 ALL CANADA Labor force 8574 66116395 Emplnyld 6160 6270 0082 Unemployed 414 342 ATLANTIC REGION Labor force 603 606 so Employed 533 552 529 Uncmplnycd 70 54 unemployrï¬cnl pldum in December estimates in sands had been seeking work for from our to six months and 44000 TABLE SHOWS UNEMPLOYMENT Nature adds In awn artistic tree In mawas Garden touch Ibis abstract metal the Province as sub zero WAWA CF Canadas Dec Nov Dec 1962 1961 1961 mld MUSI TICKET COP PETEIIBOROUGII CPIAn unidcnliï¬cd annrbarpugh po lire ofï¬cer Iosl ï¬ve statutory holidays as punishment or not pulling parking new on car belonging another con slnbla 1ch Shruhh old the police mmmisslnn he nui ccr nlarled lo wric on lhv ticket lhcn snw the car in na parking zunc bolnngcd In nnalhcr policeman and stopped tiling ll admillflll he via 1th The Ponce Act cm unemployment tales by reglons wllh Novem bcr comparisons Atlantic 1L6 pcr ml 89 Quubec 8A lï¬7 Onlarla 39 34 Prairie 45 38 Paciï¬c 77 55 EsUmated midDecember un employment by regions with November ï¬gures bracketed Allanlic 70000 154000 Quebec 154000 1114000 Ontario 07000 452mm Prairie 51000 143 OMJ Paciï¬c 46000 39000 Most naniarm industries had higher employment levels ihan In 1961 For the last lhrcc months oi 1962 employment In service lnduslriu averaged 41 000 higher ban yuar earlier with smaller gains in trade lranrporlaiion manuinc luring and wnslruclian lint lhcrc were fewer jobs in auri mllure and inreslryi had bccn on work far more than hall uycar 0M0 mvlnblamlo lpllnzx glvo you Ina lpvlnzucllan you need arm Ioadurrylng ability Anflyoull Ind GMC power loam bum la am you the hm In economy and Innzlua You an lmck win In GMC Se yum GMC dealer um um war may cm 1de PA 61885 The woman walked Into oh cqurl to hand themsclws aver lo Hm chief magistrate here with garland flowers round weir necks The garlands were Ihe gin Indlnn women acting on Imhalh or lhc Transvaal Indian Congress Mm Mary Turok MISS Meme Anderson 27 and Mrs Eve Hall 25 declded la begin serving their sentences Tuesday even though Ihey sun have ap peals pending against them Hm uvulll rica Haulers Three white women have begun six month Iail sentences hora on charge working or the banned ritnn National Congress weather hi the capyilal CP Wircphalg Worked For Party Whites Iailed 01$éNfVESlURGL Somh 0th Dally From run to pm llnlax In Luxury ROCK STEAM BATHS 106 Edgehill Drive IIIONE PA 87lll it