He wnuld no say when he thought the next election would come His Job is In be ready Dr it Mr Camp whose appoint ment to succeed Senator AH ler Grusart as chiel executive nflicer ol lhe Progressive Con servatives was announced Mon day nlght by Prime Minislu Diclcnbnkcr spoke inlno pres ence of his predecessor and Scnalor Thurvaldso rc tiring parly president Senator Gmsarl was national dircclor during lho 1957 1953 and 1962 election campaigns Mr Camp then was key Imagecream in charge many ndvcrtlsing and senior orgnnlzcr he Allnnuc raglan As pnrly prcsldcnl Senalur Thorvaldson was chnirmun Ihe national tampalgn commit lcc Hrsl organized bclorc me 1957 clcdlon wilh at least lhrco nprcscnlnllvc ram each prov lncc nppoimcd by Mr Diclcn baker n1 national leader WILL COMBINE DUTIES Nuw Mr Camp drawing no nnlary bu Mn hIx cxpcum pnld by he parly wlll comblnc Smnlor Grosarls ndminlslru life dullc nnd chnlrmanslllp ol lhe campaign uununMcc which norymlly nlccln lwltn nycag broadened strenulhcnnd Ind divnrslllcd cummluw In par lhc key in hulldlnfl lhn omnniznllun Mr Camp MM lhlnk lhnl llm orgunlzglian lhlnk lhal llm orgunlzulia has la be broadcnml nI ll base We med new pcvplc We need more Mylo We nmd new and dimmm kind ollnblllï¬u and lnlcnlL MTth CmDalton Camp the newlyappointed this of Conservallve party or ganlzaflon wants new people more people and new and dil lercnlt kinds of people Im gain to ask them What can you draw tha PalEm The 42Aycarald Toronto puh lldst told prcss conlgrence Tuesday the key to campaign success In the next clnclion will be to broaden strengthen and diversify lhe Conservative pquys base TODAY The Icunem Eumpean cold wave may have imcn fishing Hacks in their berths at Vol endam Holland but the ice covered harbor is busier Gian ever This was the scene Sun day hupdmis oi ownspco 3m manna EXAMINER WEDNESDAY LIAN 16 Key To Campaign BrOaden PC Base IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING Fuhuro Al 700 In 900 pm mSllYï¬‚ï¬ MSW wcaoï¬mn IECHNICOIOR STARTS EASTMANCOLOR TOTALSCOPE FROM SAILS T0 SKATES Qï¬fï¬fï¬iï¬ï¬‚ï¬r Fuluu 725 Ind 915 Jun The tribunal hns been innsli gating nilcgnlluns ngainsi mln Jen and governmunl oiilclnl mndu during lhc tin of Drillsh mlmlraliy clerk Wllilnm V2154 mil servan an mycnr Jnll scn lance or spying or the flu Iluns Huaclmc mld It lrlhunn hm rxnmlncd curcIully bclwccn 210 mu svpnmlo roporls nrllclbs and news nr In some cum mmmcnl contained 1n he press Mr Lhat in 1917 he was treasurer of Ihe Nalinnal Young Hheral Federa linn He was Liberal as student at he Unlvcrslly of New Brunswick But he quit the Liberals and became Can servative He explained it Ms In my own mind I01 ccrInin amount disilluslun men as Marlumer and mild of personaI experience nnIionaI convention oI lho Liberal pany was lhcn away Irnm Canada Iur two years In New Yark and London and In IheIuIlncas mat Ifme he cImr nllcmnlivc Io was the pagly have been wIIh ever sIncer mmm uulu airman of the ML snll spy tribunal warns that portch called leslily will necessary be pressed to dl vulgc their murcu of lnIorma lion He was spanking Tuesday at the rim publlc Mssion at the lhrccmnn mhunul alnce II or mnl opening in Norembnr 1M2 make no bane about it The organization that exlsls la good one It taught through three winning campaigns But limes change and circum stances change and so do the demand and needs and re quirerncnts of thy organizathm Gun qua LIBERALS hapelurbulld in orga lion suitable to the need Concerned About Infomation Source ple in the Netherlands Ish ing cenre donned skates or spin around the waterfront In background is part or the town of Volendnm caaslal re sort noflh Amsterdam AP Wirephoto LONDON memory Lord Min who PMYERS mum SPECMU SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA STAMPS lAKE sums FRESH FROZEN FISH PAN READY SEEQIAIJ GOLDEN FRIED JUST HEAT AND SERVE COOKED connsfliflcus gilï¬ï¬lamlghlgyonu SAUSAGE 55 SPECIAL PLAIN OR DREADED CHOPPED VEAI STEAKETIES PORK MIT BURSTS 49 commImus 55c SPECIAL LODLAWS SMALL LINK spzcmu VAC PAC swan PICKLEB SPECIAL LEAN SI IIMOLISS AND DRESSED 55¢ Sums 31 32 RIIUBARBLJL Mucnroni or Spughelli owvnlo um Id nu um um mm cmnv sums 35 law mm nu uuwllm sun to no no yum SPY Klilis 33 1227 75 mamas APPLES mm 69 HAD law val ulllclaul Am mum FISH AND CHIPS JELLY B0 Peanut Butter creams Illtuu alum uml I1 nl Malt null luv mm mu Chocolate Cmumels OATMEAL CflflKlES APPLE PIE nuuonucmal wuuunm Inn on 3mm IOILAWI Inmlll ml Beekisl WHITE HONEY SPECIAL 18¢ OFF REGULAR PRICE BLUE SURF SPECIAL BLUE LABEL NO SPECIAL CHOIQE SLICED SPECIAL FANCY PINK Allens FRUIT DRINKS SPECIAL LANCIA All VARIETIES SPECIAL ORANGE 0R APPLE HYLMEB PINEAPPLE Efltflflflfllfl SALMON APP FROZEN FOODS hmnu nan warm 6c IT 41 ill 45 59c 39s 29s 33 33 35