Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1963, p. 3

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ll do the currency Ind and In Canndz the zav cmmcnt dlugm with that pollry It has the fight and duly Ia tell the bank which yolk Ia Nllmllu Irnhlml Hlmnl II Naumr ll NM NM Ilrwhlk firm ml If ll umlrr Nuur Fyvla um um nn In MI Klvim um pnuvu WM M4 nnrlrxl In an mu at Al Sammy IMHMKUS Sula MW Iliaflnl lrlnil mil In M4 munrum day in Imlhrm mm Emmy ml mm mm Idrr Mix Mxlul Kalil dr raml the mrrnnlrnl Iill III manlmum Vlfllhm rrudl any Namm ullrmm In wn Inll hmhlrl and murmuru HAMILTON PI mm mrmlml Ike in palm da vmmml are In wmr namo plaid 1m ngnnlh haul an npnimml In rrlallnnl Hm plnlrl mII be mun halo the badge by In Kuhr mnlm will we pnlrlk err ml dtcllion will be made winher lu equip lhr fllllr omV Emma nfllnrl Imu lrumhlrxl privately nimul vrnrlnx name Ian bul Mllllnnl Chit Ilnrrnu mid mm llm me proud oi lulr Inll would mud luv Huil nmnu hlmlllinl IN ufs By DON IMNHIGIIT OTTAWA CPIMd luv mimy my Ihn mow pol icy oflawd In Club duflnt an nwnflunlnce be cam Wm 11 the Bank Canada has bccn hi policy 112 RM he InlUIkd flu pol ky and mu condude under his responslbllily or II The gnvemmml had been kept 001111111111 Elam cl gran camera In not dluodnled helflmn IL nm in gunmen Monday to in royal mmmhdon on banking Ind mate in explaining Ihai ha gavernnwnl mu ha opted whal he dmribcd Ihe prin uyle alnl or dual mpan IIIIIlHy or manclary policy This principlc Im In par Ordinarily pig bnnhin 18 Hr MinskyJI libXefilof lh pomy filming TORONTO CWIndians who have left xmrvatlom and are living In mm and defladn tian In Oarpaper thick on the fringe of own may no yd be nady at housing whuuw the Ontario Housing Advisory Committee has been loht bring some lhuc stone an Indian up the oeulury viewpointnot Hut pump the noun century wflhom blame In this liluallan 11mm Kel mu an amng of lhe comp in béiiuch I11 omth economics and developmml de 915mm Handy The commiltu made no ded xlm an the Indian houdnl lim ntlan but recmmended In Inc mflzalian Into the housinz moblems of lmmlzranu and urged leyllatlon which would permit municipalities to pan Ivawet Wm Hr Kelltll Iaid flue living condillmu at Indian ontho rinch of Red Lake Home mm and Sioux Lookout In Will Cmsh Syrian Riots men have willed new vil lazc oflahore tram his Police To Wear Their Name Tags Bafik Governor Says He Began And Conducted Monetary Policy TarPaper Shackerg Not Ready For Help nippily flunde um Hamsplain In mm mm Hundred of perch fihfl The governor nld he nun on now in whether flu xnvcmmml Kavtmar nlnllan shlu should be clarified auto and far all dlher by IuIIlallan or htorth jormal dnclnrnlion the pandpié with korfimll nlon In In mm dun nu Sep lembcr Hr llaunlmky clarlfiod lhe role ha banks director Undu lhe Dank Canada An hey are vnccmcd diltny with the Internal moanmtnl he bankwith In wo tmpluycu Thry not warm In the bank and hand ndmlnmrnlive malv Dm Ihey cannot make do Mom on monctnry palqu lha uwnd pan ol the pnndph Im never been Invalmt ugns T8mIONY day evL draw to the commhslm Mn Rumlmky mld that dual mumin don not nfleve tho rxwemor pl moral nspouihll Ily he mfld than he gavemmmll View hm would be no possible alltmatlve but lo mm of and make mom or team the Northern Ontario were beyond deuriptlan He said hi department had gunned to lnnilule coopera flu uheme hat mid provide mull unit Ior Indian in Ibo Red Lake am Inn néw qucxflnnr whether the Indian of Red Lake an ready or thin unmancc II Mid rcccn attempt la pmvide Red Lake Indian with 509d 1191 failed mining campany had pro vidai eight Indians Mm seemed lo stick lo the job he Ier with house on Ihe lnnle of Illa eomunfly Evtnlually In the Indians mu be cvldul or MIDI la pay rent and lad olfimainlreynnce on lhe housex He laid he and representa tive Ill federal Indian lalrl branch and the Cwopem live Union Onuria will leit Norther Ontario ggah In Feb nn committee proposed lharmtzh lnvmlgallon of the NEW VILLAGE SPRINGS UP ON ICE low 33 miles southeast ol Mndwr Catches are repart cd mod but fishermen were Iry reappraiu Iha Ailm TODAY ONLY nlo HIM Th Tod limo IIH lad nu hvlnn LIfl an IVUI VlkYuEufi siflu SIIVINSWYSUJE M10000 Starts Tomorrow man The civil mil illd In 115 Dillrld Court and vmilun 01 Inch Hum Inch might bu necuury lo enabln Ihc GM lmnmflvu work In 09 erate an Independent mm In field CHICAGO MP 11 U5 Ina indictment returned agnlm government lucd Monday to GM In mu accuud me com camw General Mow Corp to my min In van teammla dived incl at dim 1500mm power 1915111 monopollu Ilva manulacluflng dlvmon the lawman Mun hauling vmbleml Immlmnu alter ll heard mum from Rev Joseph Curran at Keith Raman Cathnlic Church Toronto ple to cram in 76 dmtown Taranla houses One family seven paid mo month In mortgage paymenll luel Ind nrvkes and had only am so cent person day lo spend an lood In said he Mull mice or housing and module breed 193 male gallant 65l 1p in II Ind DONT DISTURB MEN ROBBING Civil Suit Wants GM Corporation To Get Out Of Diesel Division warned yesterday 17 Mcrsea Townshipfhicl conslsze Roy Boles my watch or north Tha ml puallefllnz alm Thiaflgunmm look the maunern walld and Iho deccflvel car and fltd ponded lo burglar Alarm at drpnrlmenl More early Monday um met by he lore dclcclive who told than no one could mm Iha nore without lha manager Mrmlulon The poll loll low mlnulu later or manager urrlvodl ha and the delccllva mad Inolhcr chtck of he Here they wen held up by pal of masked kunmal who had hidden bchlnd counter Store ndu wan nnzed lianday lmm mm on when pvllce nmwrr burl lnr nlarm my will be Id milled AP VPollpe yho lim 3mm 9A Mich it uh GM mini its position II the biggest us commercial Mppu gm przlartm 1n lha Ihipment oi GM night to rail road buying GMrmade locmno liven the name time GM re duced or withheld freight busi nm mm nilmads nut buying locomotivel Ihc court wan to GM omdall In Chlcugu made no Immediate flnlcmrnt hut ullcd nucnllan to cammenl of erdedck Donner GM chair man nnd chic executive am cer who mid In lost when he tavernmenln crlmlnnl anumul IcHon wu ltd that 611 In nocent will be clearly mab th nl ch lrlnln VMN GOLD SEARCH mrmo llnly AP Lu dnnn lvnn Nnrdan WM Jailed on chnrflu lendllng younzllm nlplflnx to movie clmn Pullco lald In re ceived luml up In umh mm 50 yomhl lmm all over llaly M7 lhcy mmde In Hm ha producing Th court wan asked In order GM to deut mull lq Elec lwnlouvi Divlllon LI Gnu ll In New York General Halon declined Immediate 00mg on the Justice department In nounumenh An ombudmn in Scandinav Iln countries is an oiiiciul wins 50 ii in to pmlect cil izcnl ram excessive power oi the dais In Ontario hi job could be performed by per nuncni conunission headed by Judge appointed or liie the York Em Association laid which could flaming nil com plainla imn privalqwiiizem lbw villain injusllca TORONTO CHWhat 01v taxlo needs an ombudsman n1 Yark East Lllmall Tbe riding nmclaflon passed resolution laying to Monday night to be 1133mm the partys Dandypolicy conven don later this month windurhich can move the Ian field wny ram he were and maroon ishermem CP erephom ontario In Need 01 ombudsman null Imam ml v0 In low mumv myml un lho mm mm ml and manlul Lllll lulu loll IN CHI UN IIIID yau 1mm Um lmhm lo the nnal bmxnln IIvmvwr you wiph Today whm you ran my almost unyllllna you mmlon Umayml may Mlmrulhmlahl mm ndvnulnm ofnurlmrmnl loan llun PERSONALLOAN Speaking oi parks the land over which tame oi the rzsid out of Mimis Point have an easement nwld make splen did waterside public park it any fund were available from 191an of such other lamb Thin would be suitable place to invest some of the funds and prwerty ownm mm nearby mbthvixlmu who have altars in park Inndl would be gaining wntmida park it they We to agme to turn over the value of the buck parkland in favor of this beautilul propclty with bathinl beam Wilh mall levy on the uwnm in Mind Point and partivn turn the township parks iund the prop any which new bus or sale signs on it could be purchascd by tho townshlp GET ESTIMATE Armoilnb Wfll mentiontd in the mimics tanccrnlng re quest tor prim on aluminum storm winds iar the oiticc at Mr Mason and also or the large window in the Counnil Chamber Cmdcmtimt trmn these windows in musinx main turn to settle on the floor mollan was npprovcd in Cmmcu allowing the Lukelnnd Hall discwnl 57 covcr IBM Luzs The hall mrrunfl In claimed ha my mom large portion hrir mum or dinmnblu Mposcl FLORIDA fiTflflY PRESS CONFERENCE Mm hearing tho report of the chainnan the committee decided that any land that might be considered as better sold should be appraised before they are onercd anyono We hope to obtain cop 1h list o¢ properties that commute he 43 parcels and will endea vor to obtain copy of the TAX mm Wo rocclvcd an Manon lo mended the mm oonlmncn By RGBt Councillor EbenSawyer gave roporttn Councilouthe 41 parcel of park land which are the properly of the township lhrouth aubd Zdera having to let aside portion at the land on the subdivision that nur pose 10113094 Is that some oi these properties which have stood idle rince the sub divisions were hyped many with not no mum as thovgrass and wecdocut might be oliered tor ulol other ed have oome possibility ot ureiuL to the residents of the subdivil lion and have possibilities oi being IV dovelopcd as park or playgroundY to be retained nod aomemrogram ol develop ment suggested course any at theée lands ore sold nds real ized niust be set aside lna special account for parks pur poses according to tho Act Aa the township has no park auth ority such as commission the funds must hept entire iy reparato mm general iundr and cannot be spent torany thing other lhan park or piny gmunds it they are in an area adjacent to the subdivision it better ailuallo such as one with watertacilitla is avail able then th property owners at the rubd iaion would be getting an rnnived location However before any mange may be carried out It Itand to reason that the ratepayers who purchased the land with the understoodlng that playground or porkiand Ia available to than uhmdd bevrln mam before any such land lxdls mud of ENNISFIL NOTES Park Lands To Get Appraisal for Sale CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE um Main ynur nmry quickly Reporymuuu Arc mrnnga in ymlv mm butle all youll find yrm urn hmulu mnnngvr helpful undu llalwllnu ml inlrmtnl In 0min uu for run lmner in all ml nt Irmmlun Mailed 26 yamm lha vary am but In ofloulnunl monmof financing ynur Mrflmm Wllh flunk Ccmnwn lmnnfl loan you ll arranged by Gormor Farris Bryant which in held in con junction with the iiiuweehend gathering of the Legislature of the State oi Floridi in Sara sotui The Governor told the members oi the press that he had plans Ior mohlnz available an gdult education by mail or with assistance at the local uoi Versitlcs and educational iacill ties to some large proportion of residents oi the 51m who have lost thnn gravéi standing litany cannot read or write and nnother quarter million who have less than Grade stand ving He said that ii person cannot read or write he should not be humiliated byha ving to learn with children but the State would provide me thod which Jill enable him to receive help to gaii an educa lion WORLD SCOUT MEET ATHENS meutm Som 14000 Boy Seouu from no comp trial will participate In the lllh world lnmbmo to be held near Marathon 23 mllu northeast here In August Highway through the Wed tide of Florida is to be widened as soon as lunds can be appropriated he Governor lold members the pm hen question on plan of the present administrallon or road development Bridged which had been so asiijie lnlerslme Canal and walerways will be taken over by the State Highway as lhesa are the hold up on plans or roadhullding in that put of the sum An pressway wlll be bum from Fort Myer to For Lauderdnle This will be twolane closed necmamad on toll basis to start with but will evgnlunlly boom tests Ind other Monnation would have be compr before kl was cflnunemedbm he assured the meeting that Huh would be done during 11 admmmon lie also told nl Commitlczv he was selling up tn place some control over the snle of lands ln the stale apeclally aalcs made sight unseen In people from beyond the Stair flie Governor raid that his was being done to make certain that persom who do lnvsl In Florida may continue in do to with confidence The pommiltee l5 comprer of mandlng men in the field of real estale landr development investment nnd gnvcmrnent R9595 PROMIEED nm mu ml Iml man pnuvn Iln In mummymum mum mmumnlmhuaulmph denyllmulivlnhmvvwhwn qu mllnw 1M buhdw dhlwhd ml dofl lulin all Ml TilI Ila Im In lh My Kidnq Pill Mi ulmln Ih IanI la mm mm TM lul Munslay Minnil lm hi In Dddl Klbq Pull II In in match ma mu iwtlmflm Alllflé Wag AllIN qupqrjtufii fmm eh if HE HMHHE EXAMIN TUESDAVLJANUARI 13 BI Appointment oi MruCamp nauve of Woodstock NB chairman of the pariyl nu tiunal organization commute wan announced Monday by Prime Minister Dieienbaker The prime minister laid Mr Camp has been closely asso tinted with me in the last hm citation campaign and 01 course with Senator Grosart in tho planning and direction of party Icflviliel Iince 1957 OHAWA CWDalton Camp 42 Tamnio advertising executive has become chiei or ganizer oflhe ngrelsive Con Iervnlive party He succeeds another Toronto advertising ex ecutive Senator Allisiu Grab the pan national direc tor since 1951 IMPERIAL Ad Executive Given Post In PC Party Th defilgn will be used an lhéLréverse slde com momorallve silver dollar to be issued mm year to mark lhe loath annlversnry of the Charlotlelown and Quebec confmnce lhal paved he TODAY ONLY mu llnn In Cnnndlm When yuud Illa Io mioy the mutual mom lrnl dlnmm Mum hwiru ml hnvhu alway mnks your IIqu Itnp lb Flank of Commw EASTMANCOLOR TOTALSCOPE Owrl260 branches NEW SILVER DOLLAR KING SOLOMONS MINES 11m mum spun All Com Show way or Confederalim In 1561 Momreal arvhiuct Dlnka Vo dnnovic won Wooo for his d¢algn enlurin Ihe French fleurdLLlls Iheulrkh ham rock Lhe Scolllsh lhlallennd lhe Engllsh rose CF erao photo Mr Dielenhnker aald Be ac cepted Senator Gmsnrts mig nation as chic organlzcr with regret The Comervauvé party we him much the primumlniuar laid in statement IN NUMBER REGULAR BOUND SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE WEDNESDAY Jackpot $320 STARTS WEDNESDAY 5an 100 And 900 pm lEGION All COLLIER ST lEGION BINGO EVERY

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