PREPARING 01 mm wan displayed in New York gzgélliowibrgggefm preview of fashions CF white condoned scarf It Virephuw KEEP IN THE TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN Dieting can be dreary ab fair you Id it be Why let it With spunky turn mind and little Ingenuity you can be onedown on the calorie score evLry time People who prac llce upmanshlp lake posillve dellghl In bclng anew In any sllppcry situation We play the game to he onedown on daily calories This sporting pmposl ion can be dlvcrung llxmmlng Get gimmick Thai craiiy word is quiia all right admir able really when applied to art ui deviation mm the siraighi and boring caloric pnih To get excited about it tune in some oi Iho devices ihai enabled alhcr diclm ho whooping oncdown on caiorics Ln rcpiy in the homemaker who askcd how to flop rub ing while preparing mu here is unique pian passed nlung by an Imaginative dictcr Figuring person can chew only one hing at iimc she chews mgnrlcsn gum whiic pro paring dinner Since sum and food do not mix on would have Io remove the gum lo insie ho load That wauld he more Imu bin lhan tnsling Is worth and so gum chewing really does the trick and prevent inicnslve lamplinz iiomxa dividmd Tho Dcnl hung knlucd unrnmnll an llangcn Instead old and placu than In dinner or on the In new main lhc original mm he garmcnl Use Ingenuity For Calorie Score Progressive Floor Service 4H BLAKE SWEET HOUSEHOLD IIINT ATTENTION RECO ROOM ENTHUSIASTS Wu npcclnlm In hnmo lmprnvrmrnl Imdutln or Ilm DHHYOIIHl man and can also give yuu rcn mu male yuu wk Um jnh lmw ur yqu Welmve jusl med Ir new nhmvrooms on Blake Strch yl 1qu owro mWo vlll cnlurc humus name bulldlug luédurls You will Ind all lhc necessary supplies to llulsh rccrcallan room in your homo and any other home Im pruvvmcnls you wish to dot chewlng provides laceIlfling ex misc Or try this habit breaker The doctor explained to an over weight homemaker that he sel dom nsktxi his patients to keep track of what they eat or hreakiast nr or lunch lie at wnyu asks how much they eat between meals and at dinner One Minnie the iiiuneher cur ious to just how much she did eat at odd hours kept no count To her consternation she inund she nte nil day long Knowing it would be tough to break the ingrained habit oi piecing every time she opened the refrigerator she schemed to feel her appetite cut into hltelllze pieces celery peppers cauhnower carrots tomatoel Anytime opened the reiriger niur door popped plee my month In surprisineg mm llmu this cured mu the habit of callng high calorie snacks between mealn look an audacious plan to enlighten homemaker on lhe 5110 nl sccand helping She dished up her regular serving on the plate and hen look mom right nlnng wllh lhc ï¬rst helpan lllm hmaunl ol fund jallcd her out of Um oMhclplng hapill Knathcr unrich gal dcrldinfl the needed slam reminder plunked he scalp down nmack in from the rclrlxcmlor whom she would lmvc In top on line Icalu Io open the door Thnl did ll ml him uurkcd out ximmlck lhal help you In ha oanown on calarlu than wont you wal displayed in New preview ashlons Virephuw WE CARRY NEW YORK CF Sprlng lashlans Vunveilefl here this week add up to what mohany ls the most wearable collection to be shown by the New York couture mup lna dozen years From xulls to formal evenlnz gowns the individual this wring 95m Illndhcr uwn Ilyllnz wllhln NEW Y0 lashians Vun week add up is the most to be shown Ea en Moro than no nahlon writer saw the advance mna Ihaw Ings over the last week Includ Ing 21 Canadiansthe largest comment from Canada ever attend They saw styles that avoided Ihc extremes reached In Ihe geg pf the luck or the very lull 3km LENGle VARY This year or ex gre mporllan are Important but jacket lengths varylrorn just above Ihe hipbono Jan tunic length Suit blouses usuallynre short or tunic overbloml that do no flatter most women Last years luck1n blouse mum to cm Ihe figure loo Lharply Coal are Ilim Iliverl gen shaped Fabrics range In variety rum the new Wmch called hnrbn cane textured nndx nanrwrlnk 11111 to denim slang wilh thee silk and Crepes Colors goo nfz flattening They Colm too are flatlerlngl They are sol but clear lively pas tel plnk runs through all lhe collections and lurquolse and navy are popular In the bluesl Pmllculnrly nllradiva wan subue pale green called ab sinthe or scalanm Whlte and ultwhlle oyster conllnue ln coat popularily Prlnts are clear loo This sprlng lhe llawers are recog THORNTON flhe Wednesday weekly euchrc Ipomared by fllomlvn Womens Imtilute and held Thornton Orange Hall was amended by 52 play The high com high and law scams were awarded to the lollnwing ladies Mn Cccll Harris Mrs Dubai and Mrs Wes Cochran men Bruce 11mm Hanna and Ross Cblpchase The member um rimlnd ed lo circle Jun 18 calendar dale or the annual family night which is In be held in the Dr mge Hall The January mccllng the Womens Chrisflnn Temperance Unlon was hold the home Mn Conlon Codringlan SL with 12 India allcnding MIL Shaw pmldcd The meeting mch wflh hymn and prayer The roll call was answered with 1mm verse Senml lMlm were read ram mrmbm who lhzmk ed Um Union or Christmas prc scnu Thornton WI Names Winners 0i Weekly Euchre An Inspiring dmollonnl per 10d was hcn by Mu Adam Mrs Adams mad Psalm 56 She nld Facing the luluw wllh Iailh whal llmc Jun alrald will lxuxl her Our bunlcns can nem hc so heavy as he one curried Cnnmlc THI Barrie Youths Outline Sessions At Ianuary Meeting Of WCTU Calling TIII Adhulvu Mouldian Plywood Floor Tile Wallbolrdl Arbor PA M9067 een carlledï¬nb mm White and continue in coat maple mm but jacket Just above Iang tunic nmble usually the smaller paiy variety wmsi NATURAL That tricky Iemlnine waist line which keep moving up and down like ywya seems aboul to disappear altogether The qply holdom or glass ï¬gure among three de plgn houses was traditionally conservative Hattie Carnegie Fair ï¬le Carbegle kind MChr tamer Ihl fleh but unouenta tIoua matron toms ladyllke made served up ladylika These Included mill squared at HI shoulders for pmper cur rlage color and patgergu my Iy mt plashy and fun but neverleolmu and skirts with enough case permit getting gracefully In and out the limousine without gnawing too much lllk stocking The closest Carnegie desigm came to vanishing any Ihlng was the walled disap pearina Mplxne They dlï¬nl really Md it Just didnt make Itself loo obvimu because of the way he Jacket was pared to la neatly over Whlle In Town the 5th look lhe new lheme In spjng nthona Everything Irom units ï¬eepwear feature pullover jac kets sleeve and cuffs and even the clasllcal shin dress win be replaced by shirt with shirt neckline and sleeves and an opflonal belt Orange and coral urges an lealured and clear strong pay lob particularly yellows pinks and Hues will be seen Dcnlm will enjoy ls biggest year In history Dartlmflarly In childrens clothing where it Is used for everything mm play clothes to dressy nuts The narrow coat wiul Ugh ï¬ning move am featured but Haves will be long Mind elbow or chm quarter length The regular mecllng the Mr Cam Auxiliary was held In the Mr Force Amcinlion dub room High Strecg Plans nrcrbang made or rummage we the end of March All Air Cadet momm are urged to attend he meeting held the second Wednesday each month so 194 us dihb chctrfully ward any PP Mrs Vaughan hen laid about the number deaths on the highway caused by alchoL John Pollcuer and Bruce Rey nnlds ï¬nale spoke about lhe Toc Alplm mmvmlvn my ltndcd in Tommo The yup Under the wry cnwhlo dlr rdlnn Humid mm and Ray WIIIMmmn mu nwp were zngrd In mom mmnllraird hum Iudx 1m Solamnn Levi Slcillnn Clrcle Vlllla Sllvrr Bands and My Ian lln anlle Hwy Mnny lluly mlknn Wt Mayra and Ike urnhxg tllmaxrd Mm all panldpmlng In um Slanch Wlxu Comm pose lbs convcnllan L1 to lupply lnfnrmnflon an to what nlmhol and what don Bruce nnd John are ndlvely engaged In weakan at young pcaplcx nancling and upon in vitation The medinu elated wllh prnytr and 50an hour Mm Mdlard thanked ha speakers and hasten III Dlnck Don 51 On The Back Porch and Bingo Wm Name was an of due many dnnm enjoyed by group of parent and membm nl lho MNI Public Home and School Aslodnlkm the um Squnn Dzmca Md nl lhu Idml 1lean no one would will prim Ior excellrnl dznrinz howm um WM lacinan In lawman wnl mlnlnly made up In nymm nnd nod lun Mn llufln Nuvhm vmn lh xlmr ml nn KIVIOIHI Hank Thu pmldrm of lln Ilmm nnd Frhool ll Jnrhml lhnulrd My hm ml Hr wmmnwn Air Cadets WA Plan Spring Sale Square Dance and Hold BUILnABiï¬dï¬ii7ï¬EftEfllmalt NEW FOR SPRING Shown tn New York fashion pro View this feathersalt weed suit with jacket tabs that panlplly conceal three Mr Dielmbnktr 1m vlslltd Min muck hrco ytau naa dur Ill ccnltnnlnl trlrhrullonl or the City Granny ll wnl Ilw Miss Dlnckl crnltnnlnl Ha should have men Mb tralI told him Um hm llmo he was here Iald MIMI mark midrnl In nunlnu homa TRY EXMIINEH WANT ADS PHONE PA mm 16mm nir xom birthday hm today nnd Um Iondcsl mrmorlu her long We are aur leill mm Prime Mlnlslcr DIclenbnker Tho nlnckl lum Mwayn been lermls Sllll In good hcalUI In Black loved Shnkcxpem Sill mm plnyl avidly and alien ml mm aloud to lull htr In aim at nlzhL Woman Celebrates 104th Birthday HOSE PATTERN SILK mum iaxhlons thin hail gem with floorlength lull skln nm simplest bodice is finished at am shoulder with huge Icll bow CF Virephalo GIANHY Quel CPISump um 1m you vueh prumpl when mm ywr dndn All our Mum um lyllu wunlytlun luv IwLamIn pkhduu omd III hill mum CUSDENS ll mnlnp um mun mu Ind large black bullons Tab de all is carried lhrougll lo the collar of softlyshaped Jacket above the new stroller 5km with Mulrolled lmnt panel 107 Dvnlny SI El Burl Tuuru my 302 DUNLOP ST BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE For TCA Ind CNR Runrnflonl and dull JOHNSON C0 llMITED Fur Your KnowHum Call Now Dm Ann Lludm Alter 25 year of marriage had to ad mit my wife was bore Sh win line mother exceflent milleth Ind cook but plain met younger woman who WEI exciting auxactive in formed and made me tool alive When asked my wife or di vorcu she look it like lady andwz parted rlegds Now that have remarried lilo reai probicm in my children They are 17 19 and 21 year Hid enough to under slan that man commits no crime wheryhe terminate sterile relationship in aver of stimulating anti gm least my exwife polite and civil lo me In public but my children treat me as were alslranger This 11 ex tremely hnmlllnung Everyone In own aware that my chil dren flee from me as if had some loathsome disease Id 11kg your whimTEXAS Dear Dad guess everylhlng cams bigger Sn Texaseven the chs Like An Old Shoe Cat AsideBy Hee World Wldo Tnnl Sunk He mMendI that nvcmm who teilrlhe truth would have no WWW an the Bible How do you eel CONSCIENHOUB 03v JELIOR Du oblecum lied ï¬ne thank you and hope yau do loo This kind an oathhung demand In naked attack an your Integrity The worlds biggest an are anver wearing on their math graves their childrens lives and whatever they eel will be convincing pcrmn of good character daesnt meat on any thlng erumnx Dear Ann Landm Our Int child mu girl was born two weeks ago She has dark red blnhmark on her back about lhl the at hall dollar An aunt old my wlfe the baby was marked in this way because my wife stole apple from the neighbors tree when she was lier girl My wlfe isnol an ignorant person Ann she 15 Intelligent but the actually bellevu this wild story She say the remem ber lhu incldenl vividly and that it was probably the mast xhameM thing me ever did In her 1m Will you please print this in the column with comment MRCHMONT Dear Larchmnk mu ha witch doctor aunt have licence in practlce Please tell your wile Ihal blflhmam appear or no reason Ihat medical wane has been able lo ï¬gure out OliAWA CPLThe naiianai executive oi the Consumer satiation oi Canada has them Winnipeg for he site in 15th annual meeting June mm farmer meetings hava been held in cenlral Canada Western City Site Of Annual hum Fun 54 Dunlap PA as leo Advlnlagu 61 wmams Furs January EUR SALE Reductions Up To 30 PA 515 PA 6647