Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1963, p. 11

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lt Thieves Take Nickel Drums 1M Hm Ilnmu ulvih urlzh In In mm Immnlp IIM yum Mum hmqu Inn llmurvl Innvnln lnllrv Inlxl lhn umrlmnw um nmrrrl Inninilmfl lxrlurrn pm Hnlml ml pm May MM MI min ncmnu innal nldul in Hm InnM mm mm llw dynmx rmlI mama an mlmh Ilw umm mm rulry In lhr mum Unmmh mm mnu Me Ihr mum uHI nmmrnny um um rnll my llm 11nqu NIMMHA FALLS NIL Hl Ilrwl luvkr lnlu llu and vnrrlmuw hrrr during lhn wrrkrlnl mu xlulo 7n Iruml prmllrml nlrlul Ilml Mrkrl umlh ulmu 00m palm nmhl Tnnus mnin natural mom plmsphnlo Olym In hnd mm In lmml hr nalnnn acu nnmy by lcrrlophm phnsphnln mlnmn wllh hr hpr 01 hum mum Tum nflrr nrnrly TD yum 01 Iranian rulr rmrrnul rlcul Izlh hvlrp¢l1rn lInUnn th low ll IlrmerI lt tlulwl Mallus Ilu npprnlhnulrly L500 er3 In Imm II In In tnpllnL nu ch Gull Iv Guinea lrr rnpilal Incumu nvrrnird Tum nullnn 1500000 rvmnlns Inmva nxricunurnl ll mnjor CIISII cmpv nu ml to nml tncnu my Olympln became prulnitr 01 Togo In Mny 1953 His parly the Cnmmillcc or Taxoluso Unlly Wm an seals 1n lhu 66 am lcnislntgrc lemnnr suppan cum mm woman Tuna ls mm he do mlnalm mare slrnnxly by Mmrn than any olhcr Mrlcnn nullun Me may BETTER FRIENDLY Olympia himscl Ewe mld Nkrumnh had helm nssum Mcndlicr nllllude We dont in ndlla throw away our Idcn Togoland strip or and smallar than West Virginia 011 to Germany in last centurys Alrican landgmb After the First World War Britain and France forced Germany out of the colonial iicid and divided Tagu bctwccn themselvescs tabiishing the border through the Ewcs domain British Togoiandi home at leE 200000 Ewes voted In plebiscite to join Ghnnn when that state gained Indcpcndcnca in 1058 proposed what he rnnsidcrcd simple snlullon In lhe prohlnm Inlcgralujogo as province of Ghnnn Frances sccllon home for nether 200000 Ewes became 0013 the same time more than 4000 mauve of Ghana 1ch to Togo to escape what they called reign of error following recent series of bombings ln cludlng least nne abortive lcmpt an the life Ghana ngsiglcm Kwamer Nkrumah With each nation harboring the nlhcrs political exiles rela tions between lhe neighbm be came cvcn marl strained than befare SPLITS TERRITORY One major snurcerol Irlcfion Is Ihe Wgnflhnna burdcr that splgls Ihc land of the vast Ewe ti Pohucal oppunenls were ac cused last ynnr of planing against the governmcnl De lraclor fled to ncighboring Ghana But he nppasllion grew and Sunday the 60yearold presi dent was assassinated in Iran of US Embassy The opposilion ls so lmrm less the popular pmWcslern leader reasoned why perse cute them LONE Tbgu AWWhen this former French protecmrnlc be came Independent Togo April 77 1960 Sylvnnus Olymplo de clincd persecute political op ponenls department announced Satur day that the LordVStrnthcnnai iinrsc reconnaissance squad ron oi the Royal Canadian Reg imcnt will leave tor the Middle East Feb or oneyear tour ni duty with the United Nations Emergency Force For the 170 mm unit new istzllioncd at Camp Sarcee Aim it will be the second tour duty in mm The unit returned from there last year BRIG DOUCET Tb RETIRE iMTAWA CWBrig Doucet 55 deputy adiulant xcneral at ihn Canadian Army or the inst three years wiii Pope John will pmc he blcssed Vincenzn Pallolli founder of the Society of the Roman Catholic Apostolmc llhe Enllnlllne Falllers salnl in ceremony Jan 20 it was an naunced Snlurduy Pallolll was born in Home In X793 and died there in 1850 His suciely now has 2250 members 4000 Escapé Terror Reign In Togoland TO PROCLMM SAINT VATICAN CITY Reuters uxcmgs LEAVE Elttltd pmidcnl in WORLD NEWSIN BRIEF American hand brought from HIL Pcnlauon Sat urday the suggesilon that tho muttrm appeared to be book sold commercially Officials said Includes no malarial con sldered secret hy the United Stakes The Omaha WorldHer ald In dispatch from its Washington office said it can glins supposedly secret informa on retire in February it was an naunced today CAUSES HUGE LOSS PEORIA Ill AWA fire that roared nut nl control or hours Saturday night destroyed Bradley Hall buildlng on the Bradley Unlversity campus that housad the schools admlnlslmA lion offices and laboratories Dr Talman Van Arsdnlc pray ldcnt ol the unlversity esli muted thal ilwoulrl cost be tween $1500000 and $2000000 to replace the structure 15 Now SECRET VASHXNGTON AWA pub rcportulhat Sovicl slpdg lls ULTRA FEMININE WJJERGENS LOTION 12 SPECIAL moo 113 SPECIAL MOISTURIZER An uduhl ACTLVE cué OF 360be Um Adlu mum tumI um and Mn Au Mm um Ah lltlu my 01 Indl Inmduuur Sin ms Imam Sin Eccnnmyfin $325 tuxJKunomySiu HIVMayo on and mm now Is mum Imuu ynnyouml mu 77450 SAVESYOUMONEY STAYTRIM HAIR CLIPPER SPECIAL VALUES KEEP YOUTHFUL LOOKING SKIN 49c ml 98c EGG CREME SHAMPOO FOUNTAIN SYRINGE 3mm SPECIALSAVINGS LIMITED QUANTITY ORDER NOW SAVINGS TOHYOU For Skin Age 28 Plus no Vulu finisher Helena Rubinstein Show How To We 3mm vm Movmom conh hum ngnllfloM yin 11m Ornlyr NI lielenfibinstsh FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Fabulous l74 Liberal party leader Pear son and his wile lnfarmally that with In Stanbury just before luncheon meet 222 MAX FACTOR HUDNUT ODORONO DEODORANT SPRAY my ALLlNONE GIFT WRAP For Skin Age 45 Plus A5100 TMYLLLII allum on ESTROGENIG HORMONE HAND l0TlDN Time on your hands Take lhclook away will Ilclcnn lluhinsldns MM 1m Ilmll mum lnlthl uunl LAM nImlwkl Karilull 29C luv CARLTON lnlmducloq Sin ms EKanomySixl ms 50C Ingo An uduhl Mad Adlu chunkb Infill mindn Au Mm in dry Ida Ah 75c no luvj hmnic Hart mndlmm CHATWITH SMALL PEARSON FAN in Satuxday of the Yvrk Scarborough lecral Associa tion in Toronto Mn Pearson delivered major pollcy ad BUBBLE BATH GUM PLASTIC STRIPS PONDS COLD CREAM PAROLAGAR CLEARASIL OINTMENT WILDROOT CREAM OIL LANOLIN FASTEETH LIKES hr In UlMING MUM DEODORANT CREAM WINSUM LOTION SAGGHARIH TAMBLYN FLOOR WAX SHAMPOO PEROXIDE IARFINOL ASA TABLETS SALOTYN MILK 0F MAGNESIA 46c BATH SALTS hm Sc 33C DRUGSeCOSMETECSSUNDRIES mm HALLMARK MULTIPLE VITAMIN CAPSULES mams loo kinky23¢ BIG WEEKS JAN 12 to 26 All lurpou Skin Cmm dress at the luncheon urging thnt Caxiada acceptvnuclcar wayheads for Roman hustle and Voodoo jet aircraft on MINERAL 0H GDGMHUT 10 VoL Eat My 29 all Knp dlnium In plan WHEN 4002 WITH mm Rog L79 For Sugar Summing 54R FILMS 7VIOx R09 39 nvmmu mu nu numm mu mu LTMILASM 596 CAMERA OUTFIT 19¢ 4001 leg L39 8011 chJ DI VILIISS VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER loom 31 soomgtva 90 R014 in 39 l6ol RI AGr 5001 VxGL 5001 212 20 Val Lox 272 65 325 92V31Z72 6411 Reg 98 Reg 113 Reg 49 Rzg 59 2036 Rng 55 Ray 79 Rug 119 Ru 119 l98 llb 1502 Rag 98¢ horny defence and Honést John missiles and Slarfighter plugs In Western Europa CF Wirepholu Mag 99 1601 Ray 59 Rng 79 120 s326 IJ9 flNNllflL 52 79 65 52 79 65 65 75 32 39¢ 39¢ 16 39¢ IRONING BOARD COVER TOOTH BRUSH SNOW BRUSHES ENVELOPES SOCIETY WRITING PAD PLASTIG BOOT TRAY WRITING PAD ENVELOPES ARISTOCRAT NAIL BRUSHES THERMOMETER FLASHLIGHT VERY HOT WATER BOTTLE 533 66 REUERY HEATING PAD ALARM CLOCK UABIIIJMBOTTLE TAMBLYNS HAIR BRUSHES BOWLING BAGS DUNlOP 51 Ado ngszuom STAPLEREET HAIR DRYER STUDENTS masx LAMP 22 253 ABSORBENT COTTON OVEN MITTS ROXBURY Mm man rmm 17997 lmymlrd Inn For The Alm ch MlleJIM TORONTO lCPlA ylan for negotiating dlflerencex between clviLsnrvanls and government was submitted to cablncl min Iswrs from seven vprnvinccs closeddour conference here Friday bud Salurday The federation sald it dues not want ta take strlkc action in the event at disagreements over pay and working conditions This reiterated what it stated In Eric In all yrovlncinl pre micrs last July The slnlcmont said prnvIsion of arbitration procedures wauld wrovidc the means or pmvem lng unilateral decisions by gov ernment Public employees except those In Saskatchewan do not have negatialing rights granted Presented by the Canadian Federallon Government Em ployee Organizations details at the plan were not spellcd an In juint amlemcnt Issued late Saturday THE BARBIE EXAMINER mm JANUARY 14 Plan Skirts Civil Strike BARRIE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE mumsaanuufi MILLIUM INSULATED AND QUILTD wan wov KWlXIJTE GHIIITIELEER =vvll mm on no IAVIJ llll lax ADDIS LADIES Inn mum mm IIxI nauunm Ru 14mm Do Lu 16 MMJ Reg 95 wm 1000 Sfaplu The canfercncc was iniliatcd by me ladenlion which mp scnls provincial civil service gmups by law Io emploms private rings suit the mtemenl ARBITRAEY CUSTOM Recognition Main as he star or the new yearis an fr hilrnry cuslom slamming mm ancicn name It wax he me officials look 0mm mY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAZIH mun cnml Manx71m cumm luv um DRUG STORE fllpKINFON rnms R11 193 lug 295 Rog llllll Rig 29 579 S330 3213 65¢ lb Rag 109 Amazing Saving but DWI In liq was s100 PA 60206 51 Rug Rug Rug l32 1196 s198 132 $1083 65 22 26 32 59 16 10 19 Jamal 5e Ul Today FUR SALE 32 58 72

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