Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1963, p. 7

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$69 TORONTO Hl Ilvhlhm lltmlrnnn Imrmr n1 Mtml Hut prluu Turonln rim or lrll In 20 yrnn ImHI lvrr lrlmmrnl In lbs dlrd nvuwlny no In Mivllng SloHMd Ml Ilrmlrrmn mm In Tov Mlo In wall In Un nllltw nl amp nnlll 51 pm AM ILd including proxlmnuly mum at propa Intended In Imlrucllnn has been lub mlllcd the executive Plum Ire bring dlxcuxud benln um uman um um lallrr pm at Jammy Anyone lnlerrllrd In lhlx Imlrurunn nhouhl conlnd Mm Wnu B4640 or Mu Fred Coulwn Hum Fallnwlnz he rrarllnt IM mlnum nl he IMK mrrllng urn1M7 Mn Jnrk Cuuplnn financial pm WM Iun Arrangement far new plan lmmmllan in Weslchype squirt dnnclnl Wm dlsrulud II he mman he cxtcullvo Iha Harrie mud Dislrlcl Squaw Dnncu Axsoclallnn held L151 erminn lrrsfdml Bud Was was rlmlrmnn of the An in hdd at Iw home of Mr and Mn Fm unison mm sum Instead of Inning ha em ploym handle by thnmselvcs the small details their work howhn doesnt wln fiends Ind influence ple look over their shun den and Inmn em wilh everything uncym dninz Bursar OI College Dies At Toronto pc at no head or flu firm give you push ahead Frvm morning to night the reader writes he bass spends much 01 his lime minding alhcr peoples business and pointing out me lhings pmple do wrong Can you Rive me some music mull for genius along with an emery boss write reader whu obviously want to remain anonymous Mine 15 making my working life mis crahle For example the goes on he spends eight hour hlx worldng day making terribly unreasonable we fe mandx an all his employees uccpt than wlw happen to be hls spcclnl pols And unless youre one hls pen he nevu gpu to by or yuu so he pco SPURS NEW CLASS Carolyn Wright 22 of To mlo nu unployoe of the Ontario Dapaflment of Tra When The 3053 Is Ornery Look For Underlying Cause Square Dancers FootWork Catches Interest Of Barrieites By ROBERTA R0250 mummménéfitflBAnmr all the while hes dolng lbingu ha never linen SHES ALL OUT FOR SAFETY The 0mm uq dance club mu dimmed Wllh lhu um clan of lmlrucllan ncnrlnz mmplrllon mtmbm le clan will be Invltd Io Jaln the club Ind pnrflclpnla In lhl dnntlnl Ind ellawlhlp or ludl group Proumm di Ion morth on nrrnnucmcnll or Squnrc Dance Imlvnl to be held in April Dunml mm olhcr 541mm dama club will he Invited lo nllend he Futlvnl dlreflcd by lmlruclar Lorna Hal MWlllunl gnu taller by Mn Mclcn1rlmnsurtr First even though your or ncry has never lric la undvr sland what makes you llck you can try to understand what maku hjm lick Or an Ihe othor hand In It possible that hel insecure ruslrnlcd and all mixed up In nldc Is he hauling Inllumfl here chance hcl Jealoul ol something um you do Well working all all ages this dm plion an omery has in picture your boss loo what are some 01 the thing do flmpmve he situauunl Unfor unalely than no In sum magic to make had thng good nvunight numbers an three things hat you can do to make the problem an turn Iha may be In the bet Possible that hnl Ille Caesar 1n the own because hcn so or ribly overlookrd In other spots In hll lfle Maybe hll wife boss at hnmc and hu inking it out on ypul to the other ellawl Aide or mu undernand what 91 mil N0 MAGIC WAY vol Ls decked In bullmn declaring Im Fm Samy Shel attending he Moday WIEGINS FMS nuvlo nu olununo nullAmmo mn ITnIAuI mlmm numuu Compln Alf ovum InLI llrll liltl Fun uh ml nu lun my lv funnu mm IA I4 Frayed car on pl and electrical appliance re hmnrdsl For Inluly cmcr frayed arms card wilh fric llan lope replacing any worn or broken cards And when you unplug nn appllnncc snve wear and tear on the mm by grasp ing and pulllng It on by the plug lnslcad of by he can ll sclll Few people In America starve today Theres more than one Job or you And our Constituuqn dncsnt layeven untomm you have In xpnnd your warkSng Illa whore youu really miserable 1rd ng good un dentnndlng look at your bosss action as wall your own actions doesnt helm maybe Its me to dn the thing youve probably lhrcntancd lo dogel aqglhcr job naalhs from ubéréulolls In Um Unilod Stalcs Wm rcduccd lwn lhlrds In the decade up llll Second along with trylng understand what makes an or nery hm Hole and helng more wlcranl mull you can lake good objective look at your own ncllons Usually it taken two people to make bad tlluatlan youknawl So mybe there are some lungs that you Jan ghnnge yoqucll provincialIysponsorcd Rand Satay Workshops whlch 0pm ed in Ottawa today Wimphom YOUTH RALLY SAT JAN 128 pm Tl BEAT IS DOWN HOUSEHOLD HINT Rev Moon will be ucompnnlud by Mr Harvoy Scluoodor MUIIc Dlmclor And Mr lylll Conlln Omani Spomomd by the Dlnlo Chrlnlun Youlh Followthlp FREE ADMISSION EVERYONE WELCOME AT CODRINGTON SCHOOL AUDITORIUM CODRINGTON ST BARRIE ONT All YOUTH GROUPS IN SIMCOE and DUFFERIN COUNTY ARE CORDIAllY INVITED TO ATTEND Every perm om 5a wna here before the automobile and some at them hnvtnt made their pence wllh it yet Mn Etth Mchlhan of Toronto told dejggalex OTTAWA CPIEldflly per sun at at much nllenllun youngster whun about 200 women 1mm womenl organiza llunx In eastern Ontario at gelhcr Thursday or rand my warhhop McLellnn direclor of womenx acllvllle or the On lario tampon downmum was chulrman panel allcuulan by women lnlmsted In vnrlou bagels my Maybe lhould be valelul or Iha love and Interest my family but lmtend am ment lul We talked about lhll again last night and they tell me Im ungralelul and that hnvc no risk ywyry alum Research programs Wm sun Rested by Dr Jean Webb ch12 flu Mid and maternal hcnllh dlvlslan lhe cdcml hepllh dcpnnmznl henllh dc nnmznt She In lhcra was not nearly enough prolectlon or Um cld my and warned lha circum alnncu lurrvundln their accl dcuu he nnalyzc mhcr starch prcgrnnu cauldlludy haw In mollvalo chlldrm nd hdulll and how la hlrnd he pnr Dur Frantic Nolhinl But you can do aomelhing or your seli and your family See that his Insurance is in order and check wllh his lawyer to make ceriain hem made wiiL INDEPENDENCE When graduated ram hlgh school two years ago wanted to leave lhls small town and go to deslgnlng uhwl ln Chl caga but my patch and older sister wouldnt hear ll They nld theyd mlu me and worry about me and bcsldea lhey sald llnere II loo much mean nm In he world and may did Inot want me to get involved in Three years aga Lew had serious heart allack HI doc tau IoId him he mm lose 40 und and quit making He Isnt lost an aunt and In makes more than ever He but had diabetes or ten years and Is fight when he remember to take his medians When he doesnt remember he sou lnto shock This ha happened twice InJhe It month ve begged plendcd treat ened cried and even left hIm but natfilnl Intel hlm He um em whatever he wank smoke drinks on much and works 14 hour day What can do man like LhmFRAN Dear Ann Landau am 10 and live at home with my par eng andtwo 9ldgrllslerm Dm Ann Landm my bus band It Sbyearmld hardhu Hng driven buslnm man We have lovely home and line lamfly but 11 loo buty name When the stock market goes down quarter 01 paint hemmch that however Road Safety Prime Interest if 151 Me hope nbver BARRY MOORE DYNAMIC CANADIAN EVANGElIST ANN LANDERS Insure Your Mate ToInsure Youf Future redenling Dear Cubandnic buvn makes no demandll ii is will ing in lake its chances inr all oi lile l1 risky nie lndian poet Tagore laid Let my love ilk lunllghl vaurmumi you and live yuu illumiued freedom and that is what love should do Love that shackles and mm sons in not love all Thn ultimate goal which purv enin Ahnuld wish for their chil dren is independence 50 leave the nest iliile bird while you 32111 have lha denimand the caurage in fly N0 ENGAGEMENT ltcllnn and cducnllonnl phase Inluly She met sailor who based nearby and has gone completely crazy over him He 20 year 0M4 doesnt say much has tat too on hls hand and arms and cigarette hangs out of his mgnh at all ma The nnllor wlll be leaving won or 18 manllu of overseas duly Roxanne wants to be pmengaged lo hlm helm he shlps Vuul She says lhls II no regular engagement just an underslandlnz that they will wall or each alher They wauld wear each nlhero lrlcndshlp rlngs Dnnr Ann Linden Our daughter Roxanna wan 15 last August She has alwayl soled older than her years and even began dating at 11 Wu Jun cogldnt hold her love my chlldrcn Pleau help mgcmuowmuz Mammal inwycr Wilhelmh na llolmu has dcvmcd most or her carm to chumplcnlnz 10 mm manled wamm In Quebec She my wamcnl mm In lhc province an band on loan camMIMI damn bark lo Ibo Mlddlc bird on legal damn bark lo Amt CP Photo We are ready lo lay yes just DEFENDS WOMENS RIGHTS NEW YORK iAPIBusinm wiii man be brisk tile mnrt tinge iiccnce burenus ii the cur xeni preview oi spring inshianl in any Indication Pretty gowns help ha mother over the rcalIzaHon that shu may one 01 these years 1123 mndmathor An azure blue muted prInled Auk organza short wslumu was Sondhelma Idea flood mm ralc builder Another was cnndy pink triple allk chlflon costume with Ila awn IalIn bound cardigan jacket So confident are designers In lhe Inlallibillty Ihclr mun rapping apparel that they ha also prepared or Aha effect by whipping bumper crop of corlumel for mother lh bride Thu bridcl malhar got 110 billing when Iwa design houses Iiuh Sondheim and Na Knp inn showed drum Thursday But Ihe hridegrooms mother is fxpecud to be wearing them Fashion flmpclllion between the two mothers is so keen any agakwnan In the field that eac may spend mm on her own dun than the bride does on hers to gel mm peace and quiet around the house We are Ilud at all he lightingWORN OUT Deni Worn om No 15year old girl should lie herself up with boy friend whu in hall world away Say No Its high time you saved this glrl mm herself by lelllng her what to do This is what par out are 101 Designers Create Attractive Gowns For Brides Mother FLEMING ACTION REGULARLY $250 thin law rule youv win buy VIN HOAHNG ACYIONmn orlguwl and ullll vuy mt langm Strap bvul Iangon $11an mow at you man whllc Iln bmlluynhplnufimalmpunnldly to you onloy wmplalu lvudam and um 1m all day long Amlm HIMd tum am you lowly voundad mum IO DUNLOP 51 EAST NOW $99 EACH The bride was attended by Miss Ruth Townsle nlece ma bride on ms of honor The junlor bridesmalds ware Miss Culherlne Sharke of Stay BLT and MI Janice Banner mzm of Sluyner The allendnnll were drama in Idenllcal street length dress as gold man de 5012 dc lignui with willy mundcd neck lines tilted bodice and full skim lnrae bow Mud at walst and falling lo hemlln en hanccd Ihe gown Tth carried bouquets bronze and yellow mums Their litaddresses Were lnshlontd bowl mnlchlng color and material to theLr dm The brldcgrooms brother Robert CurrIo was best man Wallace Currie brother the brideiroom and William New slcad of Toronio WhatMaw of the bridegroom were ushm IIIE BARIHE EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY 1mm Vnwl were exchanged between Mm Martha Saullers and James AN Curfle at new many 11 Knox Presbyterian Church Aluslon th Rev chuxch Aluslon mu hev Charles Tomley brotherLn lnw ol lhebflde officiating Therbrlde 11 the daughter 91 Mr and Mn Thomas Saulkm Ballast Nurtth Ireland the bridegroom II the sun of Mr and Mrs Armlhald Currie Cookie The bride was given In mar riage by Rev McLamon She was Balm in mm length gown of Ivory peuu de sole fashioned mm hooped skirt and filling Into chapel Iraln The soloist was Mrs McLarnon 01an Erle She wn accompnnlcd by Mu Miller dnuwh organlst crown seed pearl held her llngcrllp veil of nylon tulle The bride carded bouquet ol red roses and whlte cnrnnllom Martha Sc1u1ters Weds Currie The recopllon was hold in he cooxsrowni Spam HEATING FUELS Phone PA M531 COOP BARRIE chmjch basement The sister of tho brlda received guest wen In Baltic blue wanl dreu with bulge acceswrles Her car use was plnk role budl mother ulxled Wearing lwxrplem navy wool draw with navy and whlu accessories Her carnage was opln and WM pagyatlons For travelling the bride worn gold wool iron with black benver hut and mntchlng my censorles Following Mp In Southern Ontario and Unllcd Stale the couple an resldlnz In Allislonl Guest worn preunl 1mm Fad Erie4 Owen Sound Durham Nouawa Klngslon Slnyncr Bnh rle Dan Mills anonln and Cnpkulown Several showers and present nllons were held In the Mid honor whlch Included shower by lhe glrls of the Salads Foods shower In Toronto by lrlends ol the groom Present mam Included Ladle Knox Presbyterian Church Alllmn Womens Auxlllary Presbyten Ian hutch Alllslon and Man agement and Stall 01 Salad FM Amman Dunlap SI

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