Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1963, p. 14

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33 yaw 3313 and Mrs Melville Samp son andson Randy oi Nobleton on Sunday with the tormers parents and brothers Mr and Mrs llulsle Montgomery For est and Lyman Sampson Mr and Mrs Roy Eaves and Randy ni Ncwrnurket on Friday with Mr and Mrs George Fttdey Mr and Mrs Jim Perkus and family at Tor onto the weekend with the lat tors parents Mr and Mrs Wil trcd Fildey Mr and Mrs Dick Vcistra and Melanie of Brad ford New Years with Mr Wil llnm Baker Mr and Mrs A1 lan McFadden of Toronto on Saturday with Mr and Mrs Albert Gllroy Mr and Mrs Culwell Arnold at Toronto on Sunday withMrs Jack Don nell Mr and Mrs Waiter Wright oi Oak Ridges spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs William Riley Mr and Mrs Waiter Cole or Aurora lon Sunday with Mrs Sam Cote Mr and Mrs William Iti on in Guelph on Sunday with Mrs Doris Riley liar old Ross Gormlny with his mother Mrs Leonard Ross Mr and Mrs Joseph Davis and family Toronto wilh their par rntx Mrs Henry Davis and McDonald with Mr and Mrs Norman Baker Mrs Violet ltutchlhsnn and Mr and Mrs Jack OConnor oi Tomato Mr and Mrs llermnn Baker oi tnro ric and Mr and Mrs Ronald Allen of Churchillr Symnnlhy lhe communlly cxlcndcd to Mrs Frank nmlloy nnd laughlur mm Mrs lluslon In lhc suddvn dnmh husband and fnlhcr Frank nrollcy who passed away on Frlduy Miss Marion Tonnnnl of Tor onhv spLnl lhe holiday rukcnd wilh her parents Mr and Mn flnndnlph Jnnnnu Mn and Mrs Norman Novils Mrs Walker Fishnr and No man Lawrence visited on New Years In Barrie with Mr and Mrs John Corbeu Mr and Mrs William Thles sun and Davld of Scarburo visited recently with the lab cra parents Mr and Mrs Norman Qampbcfli fil Toronto wnhwlhelrr daughlcé and sunvinlaw Mr and Mrs William Newslnad VISflORS UCIHKH CLUB On Friday evenlng Doc 23 Phlllip McLellun Cnlcrhinm lhc Communin Euchre Club wilh our lahlu nI plnycrs nm rims or lhu evenan were high Ira Williams and Earl Mclev um low Oxcnr Pullbmok And Ruth Jcnncu delicious lunch was zoned clmc the rv rning lhe nldrsl member ul lho cluh Fm Appcrly mu pre mm ill gill or npprerln lion an PS ELI herson and grandchlldren SandA rm and Mickey Mumberson and Mrs Miller St Clair Shores Mich were recent visv or wih Frank Mumberson and Kalhleen Whl¢ler7 son of Mr and Mrs Fred Wheel er returned home Monday from JhornhIll Hospital where heflnd upggrgoqg surge Mr and Mrs Archie Currie and boys and Mr and Mrs Jim Currie visited on New Years MT ZIlS le nllners or lhu lrcsby NiIn IS or Hm year 1963 me in lullnus lnsldcnl Mn er Hmymnn Vlcuvprcsh drnL Mrs Llnyd Huh rclnry Mr Mnhcnll lm nlrcr llvclor Smith wre Iul srrlclnrivs Home Helper Mm an Klllimn Vrl rnmr md Vvllurru Mm Mny 51ml Hm Tltlingx Mln Mny ulhvrlmul 11y DAUREEN ANDERSON MI and Mrs Jack Ralph and anxlly of North Bay spent few days during lho holiday seasnn with the lallcrs pnr en hlrund MESupalt mug Uh MNMI illlllll Tllr Ilnu Such mun lnrl Hu Imllw Mn imlly Mmmny Dvr ll lmldmt Mla liNu hwlrr nptnnl llm mmln WI all wnq nnswrr ml by mrmhcrn l11c Imlil pman Ilriuuunx vu 11 Ivan nt rnmliu nml nrnuxrs or Inlk In Simme Mnnnr uqmm wuv uhrn Ivy muvrnru Hum rmmmurn 7n uum AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY mull nmir In mnlrl ml rm III llmll WHITE ROSE OPEN um la l0 pm Dally In nunM Fl um Tarn Cm la Anangad On All Rrpaln Ormistons Aulomnlic Tranlmhflonl our Fpoclnhy COOKSTOWN NEWS EUCllllE Pinecresl Chapter izl 0155 held the first of series of uuchre card parties wilh lhir can tables in play Winners were Mrs Ben Steers Mrs Bert Murphy and Mn Russefl Draper men Dave McMasler John Shear dun and Earl Nevills lose enchrcs will be held each Thursday night in the Masonic Ilnll wilh the last Feb 14 PRESBYTERIAN WA The newly elected officers or the Presbyterinn for 1953 are as allows prcsldcnr Mrs Trotter vicepresid ents Mrs 15 Pong Mrs Curr ccrelary Mrs Mc Killican treasurer Ms Born1nd Saturday Jan Cooksiawn Miling Club held their first open Mixed Bonspiel of the sea sanr Rinks were enlered from Fergus Unlonviiie Maple Scar boro Barrie Churchill Brad ford Aliision nnd Cooksiownu Winning rinks oclock draw were quilted or he group or the Red Cross ounqulllm sevi on pair of pyjamas tour pair of socks The Mars elected are as allows President EL 10 Wheeler vice pmsidenB Mrs Timbers Margaret Bowers socretarmeas Emily Ram say sewing Eunice NevilLs wml Gertrude Milllgnn cards Ollve Bowers flower Ircnu AI an press Jean Nevins visiting Mllligan Helen Lime uer new Bgllers dellElDUS lunch was scch by ha hostess and her commit Jee Emily Ramsay Elsie Wheel er Beuy Wnres Millignn and Reva Batters OPEN MIXED SPIEL INDEPENDINV BHIWIHI MOLSON EXPORT ale the good natured ThnLn lprurl for youml nlo Mnkm you WI Emu junt noting it Mnhunn Export iv Cnnmlnn Inmml ncllinu nh Mum Ihnn million holllm mid cvcry day pruva So own up nu Ex nnxl rhunro yml uoL Its the mod natured thing tn dn 3mm Jan ET 0155 series of wilh hir Mr and Mrs Hector Smith and family New Years with Mr and Mrs Ilariord Fisher Alcona Bench Mr and Mrs Art Shalcr ol Tamnln Sunday with the laiters molhcr Mrs John Houghlon Sr Mr and Mrs Morrison Dean of Elmvale New Years weekend with their daughter nnd soniniaw Mr and Mrs Ken Crawford Mrs Creighlon of Midland the New Years weekend wilh her daughler and soninlnw Dr and Mrs McFarland Mrs Norman Ryan New Years with her parenis Mr and Mrs William Fraser in 0rillia El eanor Ann reiurncd home wiih her mother alter spending the holidays wilh her grandparents with Mr nnd Mrs Roy Taylor were Mr and Mrs Taylor and family and Mr and Mrs Ii Taylor and umin ol and nont Allavi of umm thirdh ARqu VStepheps Esme ML and Mrs George Gould have reuuned Io heir home at Link Long Lac after spending lhe holiday seam with hela lers parents Mr and Mrs Earl Carr George is principn ol lhepuhllc same and Mar garet member of lhe teach ing staff VISITORS nrsft Lany Halt Barrie sec 11 oclock draw ix5 John Comwalx Unionvllle second Wall Edney Erndlnrd third Cyrl Spence Churchill COMMUNITY EUCIIRE The Camrqunlly Euchre Club was held Friday evening Jan at the home at Fred Ap pcrlnyuilh Mrs Helen Little as hostess There were five lab les nl euchrel prizes as allows My score Ruth Jenna and Phillip McLellan low score Myrtle Callen and Randolph Jenucul social hour ended the cvenlng lnllawcdby delv lcious lunch INC ITID Thistletawn Ira Wilson hnme alter spendlng week with his daughter and sonInIaw Mr and Ms Wright in Van muvergwim Mr md Mrs Nor man Oook Mls Amfluyes lhb nnfn Mr an ths Bert Wood and Fred Kenny of Weston Mr and Mrs Grey of Tomnto and James Cook Orangeville Mrs McFarland or Fenelpn Falls wllh 7M sun and daughL lerluIaw Dr and Mrs McFarland There will he meellng the llame and School Tuesday evening Jan Al the school Revl Mr McCarmll wlllhe the weaken Toplc lhe meeting will he Family lvlng MI and Mrs Finley and lamin Hunlsvillu spent Thurs day with the lullers parents and sister Mr and Mrs McMnstcr and Irene Caakslnwn Ladics Curling Club are holding endure In the Town Hail Monday Jan 21 at pm Good prizes an lunch served Sunday morning Dec 30 Cooks10wr United Sunday School held its usual Chrifimas while gm service in oh lorm of Missionary offering ournoon An outdoor skating rink ls being made rcadv lur the children in the Agricultural grounds The rink is 80 in by 178 II which ls regulnllun size for hockey The lumber lar lhe rink was donated by the Cooks lown Lions Club and was as semblcd at Don Cooks farm and oompleied by Webb Trotter Pring Webb hmhers and ll Lund Thanks are extended to McFad den and Webb or their 34 slstance in loading lho rink It would be appreciated if parents wnm Gm SERVICE HOME AND scnuon childrenawhile skating would contact any of he hockey com mittee Norman Cook Don Ban rau Frank Webh land Don hols The congregation of Edeuvala United Church gathered at the Community Hall on Friday eve euing for their annual meeting and election ol officers hounl ilul supper was served by the ladies ol thechurch prior to lhc husiness part ol the even lng which was conducted by the minister John Bunner includ ed in olficers elected were Ernest Dickinson to lnuryear lerm as elder Mrs Ernest Dickinson treasurer and stew 3111 Russell Maw Sunday School superintendent with Rus sell Sage asussistanl Mrs Russell Maw Choir lender Gruydon Gillan assistant Mrs Bert Maw organist Mrs Doug Gillen assistant Donald Mao Donald Aubmy Gillan and Da vld Maw ushers Allan lilo Nahh secretary Mrs Douglas Gillan Cradle Roll Grnydou Gilllyn Missionary and Main tunauce Convener Mr Bunner was heartily thanked lor his elledivework as pastor Sunday service will be at 30 during January and Febniary with Sunday School at 1015 em The Sunday School annual meeting and election of ollicers will he held Friday Jan 11 all in lhe church Mr and Mrs Bob Richard son and Paul of Barrie spent New Years Day with Mr and Mrs Degcer Winners he weekly euchre party an Monday evening wer high Indies Mrs Bert Maw high men George Franck door prize Winston Duwncy Mr and Mrs Degcer vis iled on Sunday with Mr and Mus Ed Howard Grenfel 11 MRS MAW CHURCH OFFICERS EDENVALE Mr and Mrs Eldon Lallmer John Duckwnrlh andmlrs mMrfle spenz Wednesday with triends in Tomnto Trustees fur the Police ViI Inge of Angus or he year 1963 are as follows Archie Duck wmth Fred Ross and Mervin Milsou NEWYears visitors with Mrs Brysun RedIern were Mr and Chssez KENNY an fly and Mn EdnaMiddle hrygkAugorp Jh and Mrs Gearge Dex ter spent few days with re latives at onnwa Mornsburg and Montreal Mrs Orma Walkinshaw Mrs Bourgeau and friend 101 lingwood visited Sunday wllh Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton Mr and Mrswflarry Smith are visiting their mngnd daught erinluw Mn and Mrs Harald Smith London Mr and Mrs Fred LBUMQL spent Sunday with Mr and Gerald Marescaux Toronlo Mrs Arthur Robertson Scar boro spent Monday with her HIDUIM Mrs Waller McMnck on who is onlhc sick list Mervin Milson and Richard and Mrs A11er Knight and MissvShzuon were in Toronto on Sunday In visit Mrs Mllr mu who is patient in Welle sley Hosij By ms ncxWomn Brian Cnmcmn returned at ler spending the holidays al his home at Bagolville QIie Brian staying with hls riunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Duckwarth and attending col lege in Barrie Mrs Sandford Dempsler re turned home from Royal Vlc tuxla Hospital Barrie on Wed nesdny Ieeling much better lvIr nifd Mrs Cameron Mc WERE OVERSTQCKED 5000 TRES ANGUS MUST BE CLEARED Enid McKémle at Thnmbury an Wednesdayt Miss Sharyn Laflmcr and Mend Robert Dnuy Barrie vIslted Shawns aunt Mrs OConnor on Sunday Angus United Church held thelr annual meeting recently The mlnlster Rev Wil thanked the cungregatlnn fur cooperation and wmnglttke or what they had done Many lmprovemcnls nad been made about the church such as tha purchasing new seats for the church and the new valian the basement STEELES CORNERS 11 MRS ERNEST DALE Sincere sympathy extended la Mrs Jackson in lhe passing at her husband who died Dec latexvent was at itlhlohns Cemelery Coulson Mn and Mm Man Kneeshaw spent New Years wilh he lab lnrs sister Miss Doris Knee shaw Toronto 14 THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY 1963 Mrs Dales Mr and Mr Earl Dales and Belly Ann were New Years day guests of Mn and Mrs Dan Vice and family Strand Mary and John Dales Toronto were guests at the same home The Hollows anens Instit ute ls spamming six cuchres in he Hallows cammunity hall starting Jam at 330 pm and eth Kollnyf Vedngsday Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales spent New Years and several days with their amlly in Tor onto Mr aan firs Jack Bumble and family were New Years Barrios Largest TiroSalos and Service Contra HO BRADFORD ST PA 85965 5mg STAFF 0N DUTY EASY TERMS VIAXlFLEET RENTACAR BIGGEST CHOICE IN DRIVEIN DEAL NO PHONE PRIMJ WHAT DO YOU NEED For last MIVIN Iakcn off hwymin for Duflminiouns TradcIns Rclreads All thoroughly gunmnlccd Axhllllnnnl tllmmlnln ur vnlunm huyrru TOWN Come In prepared lo buy No reasonaqu ulrur refused 10 down no payments lill Fcbnmry Were glad In have you use your rmllt nu oulsldc financing you dral only with Ncw Dominion Royals Nw quppctllive qtth brgnfls Snow Tire Spare Full Set Buy now and gel the deal of the Year The Tradings Fine Mrs Oscar Sutherland spent New Years with her son and duughlerinlaw Mr and Mn Clifford Geddcu Taxmot day guests of Mr and Mn John Ough Barrie my Bertha Gibbans Toronto Francis Crouan Noflhr Bay were Christmas and New Years guest at Mrs Joseph Cmnan and Harold With Mn and Mn Ernest Knoeshaw and Sub or New Years day were Mr and Mn Allan Brawn and lamily Dzl stun Mr and Mr Doug Knee shaw and grandchildren GI ford Mr and Mn Bruce Knee shaw and boys StaynEr Mr and Mrs Everett Knee ihnw und Garry spent New Years dqyfluwigh Mr meg shawfrfinlher Mrs BrnIey Strand Saturday dinner guests at the Gardener home were Miss Em lly Gardener Bradford Mr and Mra Frank Brown and Stanley Mr and Mrs George Brown Scotch Settlement and Mrs Han dy Barrier 49 Dunlop SI Burr om FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY MARINE SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LTD Ontario

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