Mn Lehcau who has nu turned mm Newmarket hospil ls canvalcsclng the harm hunpamnlï¬r Mr and Mrs Vhilcsidcx Mr and Mm Ed Pichorn and mm In Helm erwt lnInM MNlMur luv Pmlrmvrr Mmey A00 Punch and Jammy hhuw nu Jlm Column no er wmnu Spam 1W hum no Caumry am we Sim Hundid Inca anu nunl ma c1v Nrul bpflllt mu Helm Mm md SD was erwnrk 11er mm Nuwl mm mm 111 mm mun our FRIDAY JANUARY Surle Ill Pope PM or mm 30 MI Tambltnllt Tummy 33 Nll illr Spam no 00 Dz mm Inlenel Tummy Ambmn Emplrn 1010 Hmnucy 1100 cm TV Nam Weuher spam 11 Nov Vnmm In WM in 1mm 11 Tu hum News ma wmnu Curlinl can cmmplnnmlp Goll Dowllnl Klnxmhrr Cm nu Bunny Team Tun Nun anhn Spur Iluuly mnhmm mum nmul Tell 1n mm AROUND SIM COE COUNTY Dy MRS PROSSER Mr nml Mrs Wnliam Rlch ardsnn cnlc several Mend on My Years Eva Mr and Mrs Pmsacr Weéley and Mlu Gwen Mundy were among the NamYears gnesls of Mr and Mm Wesley Hlndlc and Frances of Cook town ThL annual PnrlshTca St Peters Angllcan Church held on Snuxrday evening Dec zslrwas well attended Sorry Io report Mr Harvln son his vlllnge pat lpn in Royal Victoria llnspll Barrie svacdy recovery Istpcd or himu Mr and Mrs Harry While sides were in Tomnla Christ mas week kaing lheIr son and daughterinlnw Mr and Mrs Donald Whitcsidcs and family prior to he latter leaving or Mcdellim Colombia South Am ericn where they will serve as missionaries ME and Mrs Cyril and amlly spen New will Mr Jnsggh Fqgrier and School Association will hold their January meeting in lhu schml Monday evening Jun III spenkelg frgm SL John Ambulance wlll give Ialk and shanilm on ï¬rst nldl An Invitullon is extended to everyone In the community Chrlslmas vlsilors wllh Sloan Mary and Llllian were Mr and Mrs Fred licks and son Donnld Mr and Mrs James chks and baby dnughl er al Markhamand Mr and Mrs James Slam of Burrle Mr and Mrs James Slonn lelt shortly nllcr Chrlslma or vacnllon ln Florldnl Mr zmd Mrs Joseph Mc Lnughlin and Hllle son of Bar rie an spending ew days wiih Mrs McLaughlins parents ME an Ham Slogan Kirk bknslnan ls stnylnxi with Iricnds In Aurora or lhe wint inn no no ll yum unlrr 1an MI lnlud II pml pluu phnnt THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE lmm nnunn Imy ml llrwnll Inm mman um Kmm Ammmm 1an Klnl Chnmmonl lull Turn Mn hm mx 41000 IHll um um Um vm Tum DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS IHUBCHILL TELEVISION PROGRAMS AM npy la IMIHINI T0 nur Hun CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI MNUAIIV Iz Mrs Cyril Spence spep yew Yew1 CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 51 low 1030 mu Menu Num 51mm Amwulnl smleu LTV Nu Amwuml srvlu IBMInn JANUMW 11 1030 ll 01 so l2 bu nu 200 Ian so am no Mr II Wmlm mu Innnu Epeflmm HIle Thmn Around Th Wmld AllShr Tomb Tehwlll Inn by Danni Unlnl ly WIY wnn mm mm 1an no mo IUD Iuo buys IBuxllngton spent the New Yeara weekend with Mrl Harvey Ralslon Kenneth and Leighton Mr and Mrs Mum hcrson and Joyce and Mrs Wes lcy Mumbcrson have motored nlvilorlgn qr ngnlha hufldn Mrs Toch End gmlly V0 nonville spent lhcweekend wllh My and Mrs 64 Duff Mn and Mrs Gordon Mac Quarrlc and iamin spent New Yearl wiih he inrmers moth er Mania Mn AMcCiuskie was with her Mice in Aurara or New Years Mrs Mac Con stnhie Inn and David were litiuiliir and eri William Kei By MRS PADDISON The Womens Inslllule me at the home of Mn Paddisnn Roll call name woman In public Ilia and give her olflce Mrs Dny gave the motto The orgaflon road and very In lcrcsling rcpart of the ram con vention The next meeting will he Mundny Fab Peters Churth aorvice Sunday ailemonn U12 Installa tion at um ioiiawlng officers of the WA was conducted by Rev Tram president Miss Lillian Sloan vicepram Mrs Murray Laughed trees Mrs William Akcra m1 Mrs Filzsimmins Dorcas secretary Mrs Cnnnnn Hindlu Social Scrvice and United Thankoiier ing Mrs Flower Littleflelp era Mrs George Squibb GA leader Miss Mary Sloan Foii owing the installation Cgmmun ion was dispensed Mrs hicoiuskle visilcd iriendx inniflnblgipn onNSunday The ï¬rst meeting uLlhe New Year St Peter was holdrat Ihe home at Mrs Wil liam Alterc Vcdncsdny um wcck Arthur Watson were In Toronté on Saturday purchaslng books loLLhe jjigrgry Mm Skipton sullcred stroke last week and has been moved to Bethesda hospilal Wlllawdalc Her many friends hopcv or apicdy yecoveryzr no Miss Mnrgarcivnatex flcgNq NEW LOWELL TORONTO Wruulnl IIInm wuon 1qu 5mm nunu Audemy lnrlarmlntl 01 Tu Wuurmnl Menu NM 59an Anlwulnl smku CTV Nu Anlnuml 5min BARRIE Don Koopmuns PA 66314 Call anbluher Bay 15 Ipendlnu Key giayawillhfl hm pnrpnll mgr hand1 was was 9m 4952 um um Mom 4m Mona vqa um no 441mm mm on 49 um um 91mm 43 Pass takeout double show the values or on opening hid but nnlurnliy he rnnge oi Iircngih mny cxicnd from minimum opening bid oi any poinu io as much as 22 points or morn Also dislrlhuiiunal ndi vnniancs mny rongu irom poor on in lhln hand In very good in some oi Ihe nuccccdinl hands Tin doubler has on obilxnilon In Idtniiiy lln nnlurc hls hand niier nnrlncr responds in iheninuhie In ihin Easl he has vcrlnrms lhnl duy hy pnsslng Ho ha no value of some unnca hcyond lhnse lmplled on nnlly II he wore hld uxnln Huh palnl he waukl In showing vnluu In excess or minimum double Two heads flIe player who agenda Ike dauhlo In lbls cast Nnnh may have poor hnnd alnce he II mmly alloying pnrlnura mmmnml thnl ha Md The doubler lhcrcmm hm In rend glngcrly whm 1t Which the will retmrn la Ra InleL nkih New Years visitors were as follows Mrs James Lnnghlln with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Prld hum Belhel ML and Mrs Wil llnm Tlvendale and June wlth Mu James Couller and Mm Lundeu Tarantu Mr and Mra Noble of Newmarket Mr and Mrs Arthur Mumberson and daughter of OakvllleMr and Mrs Glenn Mumherson and daughter Mrll We Mumber with Mr and Mrs wA Mumherson Mr and Mrs Ivan Dull and famlly with Mr and Mrs Calder Barrie Mr and Mm Laverne Barker and am Uy wlrh Irlends ln Hamllton Mr and Mrs Don Dull and lam Hy with Mr and Mrs Norman McLegd Tomnlo Mr and Mrs Dave Tlvendale and family of Tornnlo wllh Mrr Lustenbury and family Mr and Mrs Clit ford Plaxton and Sharyn 01 An gus with Mrr Paddlson Mrs Gall Pnddisan or Barrie with her parents Mr and Mrs Paddlson Mr and Mrs Ernest Swllzer of Alllslon spent the weekend with MIA Annie Swilzer and Mrs Wines Mm Anna Paddisnn of Barrie spent the weekmd with Mu Paddisan Euchre Monday night and prizes were allows ladies Mrs Marjorie Rnwn Mrs An nle McMeekIn and Mrs Thelma nghlhearl consolation Miss Ev clyn Nebb Mens BlIl Pollen Homer Blll Kane console on Allan lelehey Next ench rc Jun Mr and Mrs Ronny Day St Cnlharlnea spent few days wIIh thelrvpurenls By MRS FRALICK It has been wonderful weath er or he auldanr rink whlch the school chlldren and all are enjoylng la he luIIcsl The day berm school shined lcnm from St Josephs Barrie cumc lo play lhe Inca Juniors You are South ncllhcr aide Sherwin The bldding has EH2 What would you now bk with um U10 allowlng nva DAILY CROSSWORD Ea South West North 13 Dlilm Pu Imllillp Mnlun ml um Ihbr II Tum mlflllm Duml dlnloct DIX mumn1 11 nm with mmumg d1 Alum Mini cumq mam klloc PIN noun Tu umk mm mnnl qu mum 111mm nun ban 1mm 16 On I110 mm 12 Cmtei Pkgly lgv 0011M Tin 7mm 1m MINESING CONTRACT BRIDGE vmxo WIrpynm mvnhvr Vurkod mu In mum 19 Ill Wlnmlku Foulth Call mi union lmpudtnl By JAY BECKER The way In gnugc not by polnl count but by the pmlmhlu number of wlnnlng ldcksv Thus partner has lmln us the queen dlnmunds nml Ive hearts to flu kinm Ihcrn Is gout prospect of mak lnn our beam The lhrco hum bid nvllnlonnl nnly Four henna Thla hand nlsu Judged by he numbcr probable wlnnnra but In chance at making It lrlcka rm good Ihnl wa bid lhu flame ourselves without running lhu rlsk urlncrn pnxslnx lesser hid Norm has nolhlnl but we heart la the qum hm rrnmnnhlu prospect mnklng lcn lrlrkn Tomorrow Good dummy phi Mrs Palmer spent Thur dnywllll her brouwr animator nluw Mr 5nd Tommy mlp av Dulch hotel The Mlncsluz boy had lhe good mnnnerl to In the vlsmng team wln St Jnuphl expressed Illelr wllllngneu to come back Mlncslng also play ed Amen Mills wllll halter luckh Mra Garfield VDurnImd patients In Royal Vlclam Hos pllnl Hope they will noun be able to return In their homes Mr and Mrs Narran Beam sh and family hnvu returned their home after visltlnz In Western Canada um Novem One nnlrump This glvcs the has dcscrlpuon of he bnl nurcddislrihuflon nnd genml ly speaking shows he highcurd lines or an onnnlng notrump 111m he Hare lhcre are only Mn cnrd Inlu but he chnnccs nl mnk my game with 1M hand are lnr boner Ihnn hose In he prcccding ham where there were Villa 19 ml My Enlln IL Mull lul no Inle at Jnm iii the Waste her SCHOOL 10 CENIRE Work 01 angina the old brlck school lntn commun ity centre has commenced Brick on the east wall ha been taken and examMing or basement under the new wlng has begun Any willing hands are welcomu Barry Penmk Barrie spent Saturday with his grandparents Mn and Mrs Peacock True Blue Lodge weekly cuch was held in the Anglican Parish hall Mnnday eveningl There were six tables Prizes went in Ledles Mr Craig Mrs lllanlellh and Mrs Davies Mon Mervin Frallck Bert Boyd Glen Frallck Travelling lane hand prlu Finley Galbraith Nexl ouchre will be Monday Jan 1L Weekend visitors at the home Mr and Mrs DAngia were Mrs Fairfax of Toucnhnm Mrs Colbum Mrs Coleman and son Larry Demon CBawdcry vlsllcd Ms daugh ter in Toronto last weekend rd to bid two heads no on the basis oi his high cards which are dose to minimum but an the basis at his dlsirihulion which is reasonably good The four rump and the singleton club us well as the good dia mond suli are irickioklng ca lures that pull lhe hand out oi ihc minimum class and justify iurlhcr bid ii 28 Man mum My Bum hill 30 all Vol Mrs John 51min visiting herdaughlm 1n Tnmnlo this Mr and Mn LL Tomlllo called on Thursday camesula chousjnghla rob MIDHURST STN Eudlmlllo By MR8 MONTEIm Imam hum meomm MMI Mimi Anderson of Bowdery 55 we 00 15 5mm Wangs WC Wï¬bï¬lï¬lfl NWO Mm wan WONG 51 AN WWW VAYI ï¬fï¬ï¬f °° waéziztï¬almmï¬ chm amt Iafï¬ï¬i °° so ABOUTID susessrwu save FORGE EVERYTHING 1pm HAPPENED AND MEAN Evazvmms FAST AND PRESENTAND ru LIKELY poms SAME EEK PLEASE 10 mmma EXAMER FRIDAY JANUARY 11 mg Ms 0ka WIN woman rmv out £351 ANGNETDLDME IF row MIR COULDIIAVEA umoruu mnmmmmi if wronwml