35 T11 rrlallwl unchl In My him um In or II llnw nml Mum nr lmllrr 11 Hwy nhnuhl lnucflwr nml Ivuy Mm his In Inr HI mu ol pnuntily 0000 AN II In Arm Avm llrnI MI il Idlnlly hunt Inmnn lo hrlp man pul nn nm mm 11w vnnlwmtl mumh IiI um my Mm Jnyn 1le lmhhy Ill ully dunl nu Imp ynur um nut hh lmqnlnnnfl IV lulu In ll hf plrlum ll vquM nu lunm be hnhhyN mum lme hm Fun If ryr lv Inn mm mnnry ml lnuhl hr luller lpenl lmylnl nlcrr clulhinu In MI lnmlly nr llllmz up our Mun VII Ihnuhl lm hr In bulky nhnul MUM Hm rnYMhr In rm lnr prlnw mm In llllkll What In ynu Ihlnk IlVllI MI 1111 GUN lhll lnr Mn My ml is lhlu my am My Innarm tum we me mlzmy xnlhrrlnz lmnflyt he Ihonls Llnmu 1r phlum Thou hr nlnm lur 1mm nmklnu mints Thr rclnllm um wrll AanV In pn rum mulccc Inr lhm Mmlrrlul 517 null mo rlxlum link my MnHrmlul uulmntl am Nu unnldnl lhInkA n1 Inan mu do Dur Arm anlrn My hux hind phumnut He xpcmh hundreds of dollarx nu lulu mem rhrmlmh pnplr Illm And In rm Ills plmluq nn lrr rIHr Ion Drnr Mnmrr Speak In the richer Auk hnr In Contact the MW nirln mnlhcr nnd Klrc her lhu InInrmnllnn The child Ith not knnw gllL And In Mznnlly ynu Inc rnlxmx an admirable daughlrr HIIUTTE HUG My husband dcnllsl Mary hm anked her dad he wlll he xlrll cull without pay My husband said he would Now how do we go about ll Shnuld cnll the girls mnlhm Shaun my dnunhur ask the girl dIrcclly Dr almuhl we not got InvolvtdMARS MOTHER The new zlrl has very hnd Icolhl Even hc ones In Iron nra decayed When she smile she always puLu her hand up to her maulh whlch lndlcalu aha Is ullconsclous about 1L In her mom who very Ice The new girls mhcr brings her In schqal every mornlnz In bentup truck Mary snld Her Daddy wear overalls no know he doesnt work nflice or nnylhlng llke that mar Ann Lamina This IInllcalc problem and need to know how to handle or should it be handled at all Our 12ycnerld dauxhlcr Is barn dagoodcralways looking nr Aomeune to hnlp Yesterday Mnry came home tom school lam told me nhoug new girl Joy Davies Toronto ashlan caramel11am who opera charm schools or boh men and woman says yes women have last thl right but Ihey remain remlnlno the traleanal etiquette rclalinnshlp will can Mnue What is being fomlnlne Femininiry Involve both an attitude and an appearancean altitude gentleness and kind ness and an appearance of good health sonncss nualness poise and radiance By PATRICIA RUSAK TORONTO CPlqu that women have won their free dam can they still expect men to open doors for them hold chain for lhcm and show other nigh of respect or have they lost the right to these conslder attonsz Claudla McPhbrson 17 yearold Winnipeg marathon swimmer gets law pointers 1mm her coach YMCA hl Aggressive Career Women May Lose Feminine Charm dillan Mm SPUNKY SWIMMER GETS POINTERS ANN LANDERS In Personal Problem Personal Interest in all not 100 vrr ccnl wnvlnccd Can you some this please UNCOMFORTAHLE Dear Unmn manner 13 common some and cansldernuon or cum you can help man by holding Ms cant any 20 nhcnd and do IL The next day nskcd clan friend whether or not this was wrong and rhemld it uns bad racial boner because had put myscll In In class with nervam his coalsomeone who Is not her husband hm Is dId this uncanny for guest In our home llla wlIe gave me wllh erlng look My husband lnlcr old me had done somchlng equlvalenl callng was of knilc One he llrst lhlngs MISS Davies smssc lo pupil at her charm uth irlo relax with life And to do lhls she recom Since women have been work lng In the business world men have 105 greak dca nf the respect they once had or lhnm and justly so any Miss Davies OVERPLAY ROLE is possible to be aggres alve In chnInc charming way gentle voice and man ner Ihal persuades ralhcr than demand is one at the tricks any career wamen have hard xhelllhey are loud they wear Ihey overdrlnk and they ovrrsmoke because lhey think this In an pan of lheh new more uggrcsslvc role And have seen men deliberalcly nun rudeness at such woman alrudor George Allislm He conï¬dent she wlll become the youngest person ever In lwirn the English flannel YOUTH RALLY SAT JAN 128 pm Rov Monro wlll bu Accompanied by Mr Harvey Schroodor Mum Director and Mr Lynll Conlln 019mm Spomomd by Hm Barrie Chrinlm Youlh Followuhlp FREE ADMISSION EVERYONE WELCOME AT CODRINGTON SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ODRINGTON ST BARRIE ONT All YOUTH GROUPS IN SIMCOE and DUFFERIN COUNTY ARE CORDIAllY INVITED TO ATTEND On mo problems ml at today me lack com munlcnllun bolwccn men and women Miss Dnvlea says MILr marrlnge even more Hum hetero wuxncn must study and nmlmuhnle knowledge In By bring feminine woman does not need to law hnr ln dlvldualily Miss Dnvlc my Sm ccrlnlnly has rlghl to and shauld have opinions and canvlcliuns at hnr own She should also dnvLlop the nbillty lo cammunlcale lhcse CQMMUFICATIDN LACK Too many women play the HI colorsblack gray and brownInstead in experiment ing wilh the mute vivld calm gray wual dress and hat wllh black glows looks very cm but It does not look loo sol Women shuuld ialway use mgrnnce and Miss Davies even encuuragcs her man c11 cms to use some sort of cologne because there is nothing wrong Mlh smvlllng mm Woman wear tailored clothes and 31111 achieve feminine witness wilh color and abrlc woollen lweod Ault for example can be sul lened wilh chillan scar In Aslimulaling color Being wallgroomed and Innk lng Iashlonable does not man wearing lot or makeup Mlss Davies says Vumcn In Canada tend Io wear lo makeup because the thinking In this country 15 lbs woman must stay yaung In France they dont lhlnk wuman Interest lng until she 40 rggxmms mass She also encourage her cli ent to develop sense of humornot Just She nblllty lo laugh at runny aka or sham llqn Vbu at themselves mend that they stop icing so ymnded Wumrn should stop worry Ing aboul what mlxh happen but never does Alsa they want to be relaxed they must nrgnnhq their time well hen she make her second bid In Iinlsh the 21m mara thon this summer UP FM BARRY MOORE DYNAMIC CANADIAN EVANGElIST ILdcll lily 00 must be In and gentle and MW pleasing appearance and Miss Davies never hcsllnlcs In all her male clients llml they shnuld wash lhelr halr mnra humanly vlsll their dcnllsu more alien or Ihat thelr hands and lingemalls arg grubby Hut women should camp mcnt lhelr husband an their appearance fllc woman is no key Io he nllilude and appear nnce of ham Too many women are ex hnustlng themselvu with womens groups and so are never at their best during the law hour they have spend with mgr husbahds each gay Davies does not leave he responsiblllty of malnlain hug healthy etiquette rela Ilongdp entirely IDWDNHI Lnla Se also wlll be excellent lor creative pursults whelhcr vocational or nvoca Ilonnl Personal relationshlps wlll be under excellent aspects or must thl yeahth particularly happy arenas for December also the perlad ol Angus n5 Septeml mak themselves Interesting angflexcillng to men Be reallsllc you would make progress now Dont waste llma on nonessential and do press In ablecflves vIgoraust Make no drastic changes how ever and do be cnrelul where ï¬nances are concernedespe clally In the am my run mummy If tomorrow is blrihday your horoscope indicates that you can make iino headway in the coming year if you concen trate on your most ambitious goo now January Planetarin speaking is your mouth and oven ii resuitr are not imme diately iorthcoming you can il you take advantage oi all available opportunities reap rewards Bionz job and iinancioi line byAOCtobori chllisom on lhlgday will be loyal conscienllaus and de voted In home and family Ynurl In New Comm Robert and Sams Colllu um Excllemcnl Flam The Ludlnl lhlr Slylhls GMINS IMPORTANCE Wheat and barley supply half the calorie and no per cent the food grains the 130000 000 people the Near East Favorite pullmu of Mn George While wile the new Senate speaker Ire mum and needlework Although she has Ipen mm of her Ilme In LIKES KNITTING So whether or no you have nose for bargains romambar the biggest bargains of are yighl Under your now In tho Classified page of Tho Barrio Examlnor every day Or If theres somolhing you need to buy WANI ADS are always your best but for bargulns Youll find what you want at run monoy uving prices WANT ADS are bargain any way you use them When you have something to sell WANT AD Is the most Inexpensive way in the world to tell pcoplo about It For as little as 96c forone day $2416 for thrco days you can thousands of Examiner rcudovs about the things youre offering for sale Just call PA 82414 to place your ad Some people can smell bargain mile awayl But the biggest bargains are right under your nos every slngla dayl few pieces dried orange rlnd In your teavcnnlalerwfll give dellthul fragrance and flavor to ordinary lea lhe quiet at her home at Madoc 115 miles 1mm Ottawa Mrs lie now expects to be In lhe cupilal more ollen result her husbands appalnlmznl Photo llOUï¬EflOLD HINT SOME PEOPLE HAVE ANOSE FOR SAVING MONEY Thlslrlcky stitchlng could not be recommended or the abund antly endowed Better lur Ihcm was the manor Monlmartre silhouette wflh us lanky over blnuxe Icmg sleeves and AIlnc shlns EMPIMSIZES HIPS audience will aitdown spread looked lnng ingly at the Flamenco lllwn etlc lls smmlh walsl llarcd out suddenly and deceptively the My like Spanlsh dancer For the girl who llvcs gay soclal lllc there were no diu monds but sleeveless over blouses loaded with lake jewels MCKINNON FUR LTD mm Cemnl Duane In cannula lur um Aiming Sivinal Al MI W1 Vlnlfll FUR SALE See Tadly