WAWA CPD An Enxlish bride with rparkiing brawn sz and warm smile that is winning her an everwidening drcie friends in Ottawa in the Mrs behind Mr Speaker Mn Marcel Lambert whnse husband re Ii over the Home oi Commons ï¬nd the major changa resulting irom the new posiiionl ll maintaining two homes now instead at one Until the current ussion of Parliament rhe rcmainad In Edmontnn while her husband came to Ottawa where he bur preunied Edman Welt line 197 Now the llmlly has teltled in Ottawa npaflment but will malntaln the Edmonton llama Alter all Edmnnwn home 1115 lay MRS MARCEL LAMBERl Wife Of Speaker Sports Fancy Hats up 11 0mm 01m Lawlen of Sanford Sussex England aha mlved In Canada In yum agu Iboard ahlp carrying 300 wives and children nf Canadian amrlccmen In nddiflon to 7000 relqrpingllmypa Although nudian history and geography girl the was not quite pre pared or the great expanse of prairie rou which she passed In her new home In Ed mantom kLITTLE FBIGHTEN fly wam lxllIe right In wvuld be wrong but it mu she ml the long rain Soumey alone from mum la the Alberugpngl nu mm The couple ha bum manltd only law month whcn Mr Lambert pmcdcd her back to Canada In lime to enrol the Univqflily Albena cw yaan lntcr lhcy went back In England to live while Mr Lambert ludlcd law 0x ord aura llhodu Ichnlarghlp Dunn hose war years Mu Lambert worked in In mu nmanl aclory and IMcr or the air mlnlury Mn Lambert mcl er hul band while he wal slnlioncd In her homelawn will lhe Calgary Regiment tank unit durlnl Ihe Scopnd War War Then mu prisoner Diem In August mz She wrote In him regularly and son pnlcels orllnhnc LEARNED Ar my my earned 101 In hurry durlnz her Illnl In the ladery 111M In on lrncc Iw gvrr rrgrellrd AI an Edmonton houxcwilt Mn Lambert look an ncllva an in many mmmunlly ncllv llu Eh mu tnnvmsrr lnr lha Red Cram and lb cancer MIR and uarkrd uilh In Boy Scout mud Cub group to Ihlch htr unithe Hum bcjynntd Lambert tnkyl cooking Ind Lo lry aul odd lhinnl whkh dnnl Ilwnyl Mn out the way Hwyn In pond lo She nIm like mUIlcmnluly lChapInumi ginhblu In lardtn nL like will Im vrry pan III In hall and his rvtninfl her flaming preléfencés Bright clolhea complement her graying hair and brown cy 9ng 9212 SHOPEASY LABEL Vï¬ktTnumu vlnm at the top own label to weed Ielecdan uve pveclou Ihopplna time convemepce p1usvanety Habits are our bxmincaaour 9111 business Gerber ng Gerber aflera over 100 strained and junior foods to teach baby the delights of many different food provide the many diflerent nutrients he needs By serving wide variety Gerber Baby Food throughout babyhood you pave the way or future good eating habits All are prepared by specialists to preserve the utmost in nutritive value the ultimate In quality Azalea are rnpldly becom lng one at the most popular gilt plants because ol lheirela uactlve appearance The wide range colors In both small and large lowering varlellcs make colorlul ndditlan to the house Placing the plant In an east wlndow at temperature 50 degrees to so degrees will enable ll tn mnllnue lowerlng or several week Azalea are grnwn In an acid medium pea and should be well Wal ered every day Once week stand Illa plant In waler or nol longer than hall an hour ad Ontnrln Department of Agri culture Colorful Azalea Ideal Gift Plant Ta keep plants or another year repel them altar they hnvelinllhed flowering Use an acid medium such as pea and Hula mil but no alkaï¬ne land Th new growls may not be even but anythat are snag gly may be pinched back be lnre June 15d Choose shady locallnn and plunge lha vols lo the rlm ln pen or the nummcr Feud every two Weeks wllh anc ounce of ammonlnm sulphate and one ounce of iron nulphale to three gallana 01 water Belora frost in the fall bring the plant Inside and store in llghl place 45 degrees In January move to temperature of 60 degrees with good light TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 14mm 15mm wszzsmu IAN 1m Mn Wilfred Ruse wile of Tflnldads ï¬rst high commit timer to Canada has given up her career as an accountant SUGAR INCREASE crease XL sugar beet productlm The Soviet Union plans to in to 30060000 tons by 1965 EEKMWEEEEESVVFEEEXHWXESW nannnnonOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOODQWOOOOO60060009006000000g Corduroy AF Washable inc pin Wei mi led royal blue Washable line pin walc corduroy In Cd royal blue peacock bmcr mac clc 36 wide Reg 119 yd Egan PAYS In sum AT LIALKERS 009000000000000000OOOOWOOGOOODOWOOOOO00000000006000000 BB1 DON DAN RIVER 11 II rypll Sticxtlfugczgxzczg CZEQCCZESCEQCQCEQE MORETIME FOR SON Snvc 22 yd IIAI DripDry Bromlclotll Fma count cotton with TEXSET mcrccrlxtd le Vavlcly color and white ch SI ydn Yd wide msorlmcm no qualily comm pvlnn at good savina Washimt colovs In varlclv minn Valucl to 79¢ yd hi uuwun ways In varlclv Winn Valuu to 79¢ yd 1m lrnlnol IIIunmlnun umu wcuvu mono mice saving uucl lo 89 yd 395 Ha uu Pulled uuu lor dimes blouses clc In cxlm wldc 45 wldlh Rm 193 aw TM WM 30 Printed Flnnnrlrflr Well upped llunnnlcnc omplclnly wnxhable Nola emu wills whllM Floral mumry 01 Ilde mllmm Rm yd lo dcvole lull flme In her son Peter and in her ml as diplomat win in Ottawa GP Photo Egg 000600009000OOOOGGMOOOOOODOOOOQMOOOOGOOOO Wonderful savings on famous make Dan River Ging ham Uzidon finish makes this mercurisz fabric shed wrinkles In wide assortment 01 discontinued pniiems that include siripcs and checks 36 Reg 119 Vaiuo yd COOflaflaflflgdcflflflflflflcï¬ï¬dgflflgadflflflgfldumucg 43 IIlIDIbl3Ubiiiiiih ll rnmlclotll nuioriud Mcrwrizcd Sheena Gingham lint qualily washable gingham Ideal lcr child rens and ladies wmr Variety patterns yd 36 wide Cotton 36 wk plaln luoudclmh In wide varicï¬y al calms Ina wash oblc weavo al saving mica ohm lo 89 11 yd Ecceniiy iv ve rut into sev eral career nirls wnh philas Ehy we like Basically if When life makes it its busL nm hand you opportuniu and succm make Hymn bus ness in mm In hand out big portion of yourself or rte to he Peaple agnund you One who has taken lull ad vantage of his kind DI upperm njly ls career irl chra Schilling or Harrisburg Fem sylvanla 0n the businegs side at her Ilfe Nadya whos successful laxumnce underwriier broke Into work considered man ï¬qdlayean 310 Actually when she started selling or the Musmhuulu Mutual Llle Insurance Co ln Harrlsburg in 1941 women lllo underwriters were almost as rage al £9121 ucrclari later even though women allll camv prise only Spencch nllJile underwriters ln ths enuntry Nedra has more than made her mark 11 um business by aubdls lanclng most of her male eom pelilm and provlng that woman can be successful underwriicr and sell lo the larg exl ugmenl ol lhe market men woman GraSps Opportunitf In Mans Field Of Business Ly noun rkqgscn 27 llflc Flauntlth Sol rolton annclcne wnvtn In diapcn and babyl WEOI yd maku l2 dlapcn 16 17l For almasl all the 13 years she ha been In business chra has submitted at least one plicalian far new life insurance every week Because let this shes the only woman under writerin the Massachusells Mu tual ever to reach such high weekly produclinn level and Ihe company Im nnly our nlhcr representatives who currently have greater record During the past lcw years she has also mld almost mll llan dallau worth ol individual life lnsurance prdtcctinn each year And she has won the Na tional Qualin Award 14 of the 18 years she hax been sellan But Nedraa llle l1 not solely conï¬ned to selling lile lnsur livenglaze Cotton SPORT PAGE BE SURE TO SEE THE Prcshrunk Texmado cotton with saline Iinlsh and close weave widc range of color lust shades In the spying designs Snvr Ill per ynrd Printed Eslvon Aculalo mpg In wendallul vcrlcly of prints and 01 ms Hand wmhablal Perfect or 1105505 lylausn clc 4n cxlm wide 45 wldlh yd 30 lrinlrd Cotton Fina count canon In both dark and Hum modax New 63 designs and colon Reg 129 yd lllt In diam and bobyn 26x17l 10 am no other side of In In givinghem away forfree sine because when she isnt selling life insurance nranend ing prnfessianal meetings shel mast ikcly to be doing church work givin per time vitality and leaders in tnyounz peopla midi ieichsEiï¬ iir yt CHURCH WORKER nth Sun ny she hatchet class of junlnr high sludcnu at her church and advixcl scalar high group in he churchl yogngllellaï¬thp gmgrnm Eesl es Um she counsels young people and or 15 years has served on the acumen many summer camps and con Zchs All In an mam been good In Nedra Schilling And the has all boils dawn lo the tact 113 Ive tried to bulld my an bpjoundatlam of Chrlllan aim and service to mankind she says Primed ado cotton with 35c weave wide 37 In both dark and 97 ii TEEEma no avv mm rn Ilulf pl wmmw m7 m7va FT