Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1963, p. 3

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MAYOR IS ORIGINAL CHAIRMAN CBMC Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary Amyth mu mun an nnmmm lnl nfihl hum Mt um um Mnynr Cooke Inlmduud me chairman for ml llrmnld Hr Faddm who In Iurn Introduced William Wlm II he Tmmlo Cnnlmillre Spuklnz wllh Hal drlilwaflml lhe Iprairr oul Him Hve palm In In Ambu dnnhlp II will he wnnh ll who we no Juux Auhrry Flmfle Inrmuly flunk now ang In Tumnlo brouzhl personal lullnumy Mm Jenn thrill mean In hls Mr tall lhe mInuln he hm mulinz of mm whon plan um mndt arm Cammnlrc In Harrie lnur mm flu on hand who ntlmltd Hm llul dmncr mrdlng Jun ma Thoma llrnllry pint hair mnn rad Ihe mlplun and Id In pray wm fllll fittingnrd the pl nna Alvln Thampmn led the pinzim George Sllnlon Torm three numhm Mindful birthday cake made by Ray Carlton nnd um Dan at Allmon wax cut by Heath and wan lam cnauzh to five each of he men pmtnl Icce Mayor Cooke In the cand on Ihe cake nnd mu wann nl in much lhal hi whlka dldnl cauh lira wry of CDMC In Danie Mayor Cook wha was nhafinnan Ike lint rommmcc had thu gc the mecflnx nun whlth he turned It over he Tamnla Committee CBMC who had he program or he cvmlngA am an Ambamdar Iar Chrlsl wax 1e heme med by Elllau Slcdelbaur Taranlo In his addml lo the Chrmiau Busincu Men at their monthly dinner meeting In Burton Me an Unimj Chgrd In nlghl wording limit Ilalemmls they drove Into Barrie and the car got 1ch in Allandale They wéfkcfabuuFEfiflé If0H Hardy Mala and went round lo the chic door and mud apen The oak my other car ram here and shark Icn the youths found out the Helm Police were after them or car dealing In Toronto and they decided to run away and go north In Ihlcxncnl to police one at the youths mld We went Into the Mn and Rim Co on Alomlc avenue and took nick lrnund 1030 on Jan We crashed It Ihraugh Ihelr vard gag any dgave lo Barrie They abandoned the Imck urvlce nation about 20 miles south here on Highway 71 where lhn other ynulh We Iradcd the truck or 56 Two Toronto Juveniles went on oarIlealinz spree lax mm and wound up In Toronto lafl lhll mowing nmmun mintu Mm hqchlb lur 1061 John flower president JamesHugh flm viceprefl dull Slanlcy Hammond no and viceprcxidem 8aan fifier treasurer and erbm Law tonne mum lnslallalivn of amber and consecraflau 61 HI calm fea tured lall nlghll meeting the CAP Association 44 Kerry We WW Baffle Conducting the installation was Leon Schedllnv Onlaria Group vicepresident RCA Achlallans Mr Schedlhl ad dremd the club on an roam the association went to Ottawa lo ask the government carry Nuclear warheads at deflate measure TV BARRYE EXAMINER WZDXESDAY JAN 0n CarStealing Spree Youths Returned To Jail In Toronto install Officers Consecrate Colors RCAF Wing any man be In Chum ht an Creaturt and flu Kt mm he art If any man be IN 91 do one lnome an Ambauador He II appointed by lhr Gavanth lqrrpmzni lhal My In min country and am muxl belle In and an up In head Govrrw mm who nppolnll him The position one of ml pmu vzt um Han II lhe my lam we Im MM Ihm hr omm ullrd ovl hm any mulling diploma In lhl llnmp1 ll Io ha aflofld la p1u In Ahead all the Wva nmllq mt MamaL our 5H MrVMMm rlmlrmavl ll idl Mailman mu flat II Iv21h 19mm mm In May Ll MM ous make mum at ImInm he must Mine In Ith he ll 41 In In low mm South AmuIta CDSIC had blz meet In Mm Ihcu besIde the Canadian Ambassador and Iandued whal lhty wue Ink and how murh money Hwy made Well Iaund Ihe Am bamdur la France um paId 6000 Enzland $0711 Thue mum must be light gal Ihtm ml he Gkbe But Im her tonight la chal Imxe you mm to Job Ifan my Nay Uggn gr Ambanilén for Christ but in we mm be mom51M to god lhmumCh 2msx7 and 7Sir Kroc Ingram 35 cdi or the unrated Lon dqn New HollywoodMay Salty amm Broadway and modem picture actreu and singer young lad of Lave myhcan Lo Christ me is In He laid The rum netd ar laymen to get active or God lhlnk uhal can hnwm In we minute an go no miles ID has machine which In two milum can do the work 200 men or 10 yum In look on from We 14 drngdlimoQle bay with lqo pcopl on band In mu mutualLeigh 09101 66 manager lvnlrcal Mama Hm Mann and pioneer in Canadian aviation The boys walked back La Har dy Mum and lack another am They got far Highway 10 when he Ontario Pruvindal Polite fled la stop them or tame highway Wracflon The boy 9an about four hour in the bush Mar they were caught and brought back la Barrie Toronla Metropolitan Police rdumed them Tammn today domed it on High Street near Bayard as It as law on All Amhuudor It one who Amdaflon colon signaled by We Mme C0 RCA Camp Borden were con secrated by Group Captain Archdeacon LthlbourrL Archdeacon umbourn be came official padre n1 av window at the tame naming In short minus semen an association talked oi the manna ladies auxiliary Fin mmng of the proposed body it Idlcduled or Jam Exxullve mumi includes Immedialc palaner John Wm Mu Prank Lad new John WW Del Kelly Harry Partridge and Kennel Mitchell By THE CANADIAN Film DEATHS lml thflrman If flu mm VIM14 meu Wini Town MUYIW JAM Sow Wm mania Jami Annual Illnlllrfl N111 Ibrn nml nule will be Dr lhmim oi Map In Milling anonlo Whm he lnnlatlon Ill litm on yourx man look his stand Int Chth and dull Inn by fir Slrdcllmu and In hall old IuiL WI mull belie Iht Tm ol lhc maze We dont need In apologize lar Christ In be main whtch not mm lites The goal he nluirfinx of which brim llun the lln hm mm whim Jew Gave III 11 lumen or marry In tlmin the Imam L1H In In Mirna In In In 92 thildrm Inc burned 0m boy um um and bond lo we hit mm who Alla In him Jdmny jump Ill with you but Johnny In but In find Melba ya m1 Ian than are live basic rtqulm Imus lhe mung ol Ike Bible can change onpIeCam mumxm lays Well pm new wit no the aid man Chrhl my gill put art man In the smncajme aniline an in which work out am right there live man rem all Barrieand Anna 213an have been in jail since bl List mmmerragnifinz uial on the rape charge in comedian with an incident flank The mom rape rial Imalvcs hm 4111mm mgn who have al rudy beén mnvidedron oné Trial or rap and manslaugh leryin he includgd gill Ina when supreme court Wen on Monday Mar Hr Junie Fraser the Simone Omani Building One Iwu rape dzarvu scheduled or trial imnlvu Ber nanghhburyL Bani lzmy TwentyEight Actions Before Supreme Cour vifinwrfld AHCMJI ulrm luv lb mall 25 luv WM In hi my on my Fahd Ymivv Fflrwnn Amount drr nu marmmsp the nu known Amrrinn ermmf Luzm Canon malt The umury commit lion Dr hunk lor mimic Ca Stud Gum and now nudity Oman Gaunt Uniltd Chum Md in Lancasm remuer nh mxl shuy aka Im amnld lo mvr on lht Caurxill Commide on CuilAnnd rgeugxau mgqu un For he IKth yrzr in rtuion Gardiner Sully HA no minis nl Collin Sued Unide 0mm ha Inn amiss rd In drltzilian Ihidl will Warm the Unilcd Chard Canada the Han Almeria Ana band at The W01 Prav byLathiam me Aniancéfa which The Unllrd 0mm in mm grafillgtq the AIM 1rilyd irnbytrrizx 25 The némiixi ci ii malimbé dispute about nu In had be Im Marion Jam and Aud rry Nature tanned known as Audra Blanchard Fanning arg cues inrvlring alleged negligence arising mm Mr accidat Fred Pill Infill 3rd Melba Pflkwnmh plain Slit 512511115120 313d Is Delegate To Alliance The mmizughter charge in volves an incidm earlier his year in he Wuhan am in olving the nieth of child JURY CIVIL MTnONS In In Hm use Norman Mur ray 1an and Hui1nd restmmu 1111 are seeking dam am or malicxmn dandy Inn 543 Km mm 117511 vmixm an KENNYSGARDEM ll ym ml lurid mm or hm leak In Mid 1mm um wadkl in hmlmx Jack Marlin din dam ar pmoml damp or Mfume auim Tum Hair W11 Benton and the Ray 1min llmpiial Barrie The plaid in as into Lnz dunum by fire is Barrier nude aim Th dclmbu i1 Gm Dvmd filmn in the In and Edward lmbae NouJwy Civil Folhia lb undderitd divorce actions 1km Elzu bhiniflls czrfldd Edim2 Brad Walkr Ham Ltd db madam Loci Oldfldd and Bud Glass 911mm Donald Paw ell Edward Hamid HacDonfld and Nd Raymond de fadznu Ozarks Fldcher and Elsi Plelcher plaintilk Hard David Williams defend zd Anmr Wyvhintil Angus Ellery and Calvin Entry Mann 1me by inrohu dame or 119213 Tn WORRY mm HONAUI Full CHINESE FOOD rfi WM It the We LEONSCHZDLINHLM 44 We Wm is lhedmandauocafian memddfl fighLMafledyraidmtvas WWW imalkmyflnodauou Johnfloidgmuvim YAKEOUI ORDERS FMvT DEUVERY PA 6028 IF Ymmn mus HAVE YOU REMEMBER Coalks nv Stages Finals Ike Fnday CAMP BURDEN 131 ng Pubht 5mm finals of the Simme No We I11 ma mm 1111 at me Fndaid Email Strapler Tbe Na Impedmie prised dudmu at Camy Bar fin an the Wash 01 Innis fil and Summit Inm nu That Im till the rented the impetlnrxe in IbeSlncue County mall be add in Bar rie L1 in Ihe month ya bepwkafimfiiie my dents will firmx then five arus Two wince made In wrxfl £431 Ital data in mud odm Mi can This it mitarmry izr 3113112 meetings 11 901122 mafia Eds Eon Eu fix an on anus 355 public Speaking FridaYi Es 1995 now Innisfll Township Ema van ad ruma mmufiuaeaamnn £1353 SIEMZZ Lb fin regular media of he ynr Mnudzy The mtmey is In cm 1962 um Tnmlfiy Clerk Rid131d Gmh mid mlde 319 made grant 15 John Ambulance 2nd agreed to 121 for tender for par perk le 91 214 John we 21 5121 were reppvinced In the nu Vhrmyd tar another three ynrs Quei Meeting Fit Hiliston Innislil Council Passes Accounts REG T0 1295 NOW REG TO 895 NOW WAlKWEl SHOES ANNUAL JANUARY SNOW BOOTS WMKWEL 5110125 The and Am lb Fabian pidxng nu In it on the board In place Hr Tesla mil um tad he year Serenl mu Lav principal 01b by Park Public Sdnwl In r9 zppoinled may ltrm the Library Board the Teskey Resigns School Board Seat 0F LADIES 500 PAIRS WEI FAIIJI after 1152 nizkix min and lbcpermpidtdrmbe proximate Humm rfilacccpllbegmzm Aldmlhoardknotmm miuzd asbamutpalm n1 143533 themfin 4499 s599 s999

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