Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1963, p. 7

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48 ANNE SL PA 60902 mm wmslhnml nml yml muldnl ind nubslllme And you mlphl hme worn lhzll benullful hlnum or my cum that It dltln Innk unclly rnle And you hadnt he limo lo mom that turn km or new um rlp In lho nrmhala your qu Ihcalar nuiL So maybe you were rixM IIELIINH MAKE NIH MUHH NFOIITMIIJI MT ml in BALI nu mm mm may he mw humme mrnl mul rnnvrnltvnm Lsllon when dld you last lake complete Inven tory of ynur cnlIrL wardrobe going over all your raimcnl ramnhnt to was nll us And wall Aunt Arne or Nob our in vnur ham lvn you All uumnu on lyrlnglnl Ihal Humn upmdnlr lny lnr Uw Jul rm MW lnul 13y ELEANOR ROSS Whun the last llmc you manned billcrly that you hadnt deycnl yhlng Wear daughter of Mrs Hmld Owen of Barrie and the late Mr Owen The bridngmama palans are Mr and Mrs Donald Rumble Barrie For her special day ho bride chose nlmlIcnglh dress belgennd turquoise bmcadcd taffeta or accessories were matching and she wmnleled her ensemble with corsngo pink Sweetheart mscs Dont Put Up With It Stitch In Time Saves Frantic Rush candlelight oeremany was the swing or Iho marriage of Miss JudiLh Darlene Owen and Donald Robert Rumble both of Bani0 at oclock on Friday evening Rev David Reeve ol liciatcd at tho rites held at Cellini quiicd Churnh MOI NIHVH PLELIGHT CEREMONY udy Owen Weds DRobert Rumble were rim COUPLE SIGN Emmi Em ouflhn sqwing kn and roplnce mlmnx aslcncrs Slflch haw Inan lwmllncs Innn Go over hnla donning mend UK enjoy real It If you take some uer make Iomu Mmelo get at lhnl class nd at lhnl dresser drawer And all It cnnicnla Call It Wardrobe Day Go over every gnrmcm In Um closcL Put lhose nomullelruh looking clmhes nsldo randy or the wanhlng mnchinn Gel lo uclhar clothes lhnl have in ha drytlenncd decent thing In wear when that wonderful but lastmlnute invl lauon carnq along xiii bucbcc In the city to attend the wed ding were the bridegmml grandparents Mr and Mn Ralph Rumble of Hillsdnlc and the brides grandmother Josan Peppy 011 Mr and Mrs Hurnble leI make their home at 21 Newton SL Barrie Following reception at the Cedar RalI Restaurant the newlywed an dedlnz trip to Nodhem Ontario The groomsman was JIm Fer gusonv Shathrd She was Attended by Mia Brenda Muller of Stralford as maid of honor mu rum Only haldoul or he hour ulnss lure nmunz three dc lgn hnusu howlng lhelr ncxl xcnsonl Mylo radi Honnlly tomcrvnuve 1mm Cnrnule Fur ha Cnrncule kind cur This was the cancluxlun drawu Mondny the more Ihnn zoo ashlnn wnlcrs here or wccklonn mnrnlhnn spring Iler previews The narrow 5an will llght lllllng sleeves ls sllll lcnlurtd but sleeves will be long Instead of elbow or lhrce qumer Icnglh NEW YORK AP ThaQ lrlcky lemlnlne Malstllne wlllch kecps movlnz up and down Ilka my scams about In dlsup pcnrlnllognlllpr Denim wlll enjoy ll biggest year in history Darllculnrly In childrens clalhlna whare in used or everything ram play cIalhc la drcxsy suns Orange and corn lingo are featured and clear strong pas tels particularly yellawl pink and blues will be soon she said Everything lrom suits to sleepwear lcnlure pull over Jackels sleeves and cull and even lheclnsslcal shirt dress will be replaced by shlrt wlth nun neckllne and sleeves and an opllannl lle bclL The llllle boy or Ollver look lhc country look and the null cal or marlne look are other casual themes whlch are popu Iar for spring aha sold TORONTO CmTh2 shlrl look the new theme In spring fashian Vlvlan Wllcox4 fashion editor of 5er and Chalelalne magazines told gar lrjncnt salesmen and buyers Mon ay Mrs Grace Sulheu of Van couver 130 has arrived In the city to spend month at the home of her aanindnw and daughter Mr and Mrs Tam Miohagl Coughfln Paul Gross nnd Danny Saunderl and Jim my Mum returned to Mount Alvemo at Orangevilla on Sun day alter spending the festive rfiarun with their parent in tha Roy Hnughlnn Fort Francel war In the city to attend the funeral of his mnther Mu Amy Haughton During hI may he visited at the home of his hro lher and sisterMam Mr and Mm Ken Eaughtcn at Hayfield Street Shirt Look Theme In Tordntc Waistlines Vanish In New York uuuua unu Mrs Emma Mr and Mn Walter Giu Mr and Mn Ban Straughan Mr and Mn Lloyd Partridge Ohio Ed Tsdiifllart and Mn Tuhhhafl Mr and Mm GmTamblyn and Fire Cilia Rely Irwin Hix Woréhlp Mayor Les Cooke and Mrs Cookeenlenalnod cliy hall oillclals and members at council sud their wives allow ing city council seulons last evening The open house was held ntihe Cookes Sirnbane Avenue residence Among the guests were Aldermsn Frank Hersey Alderman Wil liams and Mn Williams Ald erman Les Jolliilu and Mrs Jolliiie Alderman Gerald Rob erts and Mrs Roberts Alder man Charles Wilsonand Mrs Wilson Alderman Charles New ton and Mrs Newton Alderman Fred Smith sud Mrs Smith Alderman Arthur Morrow And Mrs Manva Aldermm Clsrv ence Cumminl and Mrs Cum ming Alderman Marcellus Alderman Evamn Empst OPEN HOUSE SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES neauy aver il 0n lap at he Indylike look Bill mass designer Dr Mnu rice Realmr demonstrated ha leak Fgr lhlshe hpd uc mm purloiriéd lromtBe gale clam The closest Carnegie design an name In vanishing any thing was mullet disappcnr ing hipiinc The hip didnt really hide ilscii it just didnt make ilscii no obvious because oi the way the jacket was pared la lie neaiiy aver il In with tumplul ur unlu flu nnlu Ilumlll mm annam mm In unit waist was strictly Bdhnrnd to on printed pastel cocktail and dtnner gowns wlth their crtsa cross hack straps back bows and castnnal panel Draw string hell clnchcd the middle At hire Yuufl Llh Vim KINNUN runs mud These Included nulls squared the shoulder for proper par riagc color and patterns pretty not splashy and Inn but never really lrivolous and sklns with enough ease to perm gelllng gracefully In and out 019 llmnuslne withaul showing too much silk stocklng ngsr NATURAL For Fin Furl lamnr the rich but Hons matron some models served up look pllnklfiNON AFURS LTD THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY Ilmflun comet Sheet other guests ax the JvlmsmAmldence Were Mr and MrsW Johnston Hamlet son and daughterin IIW of the hash RESUMES STUDXES Miss Norma Gllhooly daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Gllhoaly Jacobs Terrace hu return ed to McMasler my wuwuuulfl boc spendlnz the holiday mason bho home of Mr and Mr 101399011 of Van 41L Beneumousuer has returned mm 11 Mrs Cliva and twin daugh lers Jan and Jon of Dyndannld SL have returned to the my utter apendlnz the New Years holiday In Bermuda whcrg they were guests at the Roscdan The Barrio Mo travelled via lCA Jet5min THEN10A QUEBEC mum at the home of Mr and Mrs Ted Heels Em Road this week ll Mrs Heels aunt Mrs Rebeoca Slo vel of Warren Mlclllzan Mrs Louls Brawn of Dunlap St Ealllas returned Io ha clly from London Ontarln where ehe attended the funeral of her mnlnlaw Gerald Forrlxlal 99194 BERMUDA Simpson and family Baldwin Lye rich but unpslenla lidynko Iadylike World Wldu Trlvol SONIC l0 Dunlap EM Dunl Tmnlu In My HL 9min 40 N1 Who MI comm OfllV Him 10 MD IDUHI mm mum AUO Alma0W 0UP IllllNDUIIE mm tall FmpmnaorolnhoGoomIanBaanonNho Canadlanalop1nl Mldhum dalry or pasmgm la and ram Podrflmrundwml NO CHARGE HALF FARE City 10 City or across Canada First Tourist or Coachcovorlng llvlngundsnaplna accommodation nll mania and tlps Reduced round lllp mlos whnn two mom travel together quusou 601an NDIA MAY CONSCRIPT LUCKNOW india Reuters Prime Minister Nehru indicated here Saturday India might re sort ta cnnxcripticn to build the discipline oi youth Nehru ad dressing public meeting re ferred to conscription in West ern countries and said thil strengthened country and pro vided it with disciplined fume In times oi emergency 3v mm on rho Canadian 1m same name mm In on mm Iain In ovum lllu lamp alunou Inuit his bignotched lapel collars hll squaredvon shoulders hhll middys and Oxlord wools MIu Gall Andertan daughter of Mr and Mn Fred Andeflnn Owen Street hll returned to Etoblcoke alter spending the holiday lesson with her parents Miss Anderlan in on the leach lug Eta Rosclhorno Public School in Etobicoke Tom Wallenden llu returned to Walerlan College on Sunday alter xpendlng the holiday uni an the home hl parents Mr and Mrs wllllmn Wolfen rlen of Toronto Strut Mr and Mrs Wllllam Wollon den of Tomato Stenlertalnnd lricnda at an Informal avenlng on Saturday Alter spending the New Yearl holiday reason In the clty vis lllng with her famlly Mrs Jones has returned to her wlnter resldence In Odessa Flar ldn Whlle In the clty Mrs Jones was gum of honor at family hlrthdpy party held an New Years dnan her honor at the home of her mnlndnw and daughter Mr and Mrs Wray an Blalw Street Marsalst nf Jacubl Terrace spent New Years day lhe Toronto home of his son Vernnn nl1jomwlui pfisnma Hammon following me Christ mu vacuum pcrlud TQRONTO GUEST full lnlalmnllnn mm Iny Cl clllc 9511 or your own luvol IIInL JANUARY 1961 MOST RELAXEDWAY TOGET THERE For nonunion and Tick AW rSAVE WITH AllINBLUSIVE FARES ENILDIUI MD All CullDlUI UNDII 1mm 14mm MERE John Hill president of hu sponsoring association said some buyers at the show hava reported Christmas and immo dinle postChristmas sale as much daubie those of the same period year ago TORONTO CHA Wave of buying has hit the womens clathmg business In Ontarlo say exhibitors at flu Garment Salesman Ontario Market In corporated spring show being held here this week We dont know where werg going or when but one hing both 11an llvlhat we have garden In Vanwuver wa both gnrdenedeveryone doe It out them We knew the discuslions were oingan and my hus bandl was Jimmy the 100 names being considered but when heard In his new It was gururlxe said Mm Robertson One thing the family will do movafrom their preaenl Washnoun home with two their children Ben 16 and Sluart 15 Two olderlaru Thomas and Inn are married Buying Wave Hits Garment Market Dr Rocke Robertson was surgeanlnchlcl Montreals General Hospital until his ap pointment lo succeed Dr Cyril Jamu who retired Dec The énpélntmem came surprise la the nmily probably see more her hum band now that he has llvcn up doctorn hours MONTREfiL 1GPMra Roi lyn Hnbeflsan wife nl McGlLl Uilversllys new principal and vice chancellor says shell profitably see more oi her huh Wife 0f Universitvarincipal ngks FOrward To Easier Pace FA 66525 ITDIHC HOUM nlIy Ml nu Illa pun mmwr 313 12 Nm The Robertson lived In Van bouver or 15 yuan before com lug lo Monlrcnl our years an mu she me Dr when he was In hII In year al medicine at MeGlll rrmu hmnarlntiu til llNENS AND BEDDING KimIL pllIuw um blankII Inlmll lnMIn Inc clown IIIIHIUHH rlrn In 1007 ml ml and nylon nrlun vinyl quallliu anc Ilalnl lml mulllnl II ran mplln and nlllch nml Jnrqunnl lulxnl nu Flt um 1mm unr la anl Valuus Io $IJ9 pr 100 Canadian maria in inp qunliiy drlil and car duroy inbricl Smnn nimk Ami plain coin Fully lined ior wnrmih Snmlrclmilc bnxnr wnl Sim Hs10 Vnshnbin WAlKERS JANUARY WHITE SALE CONTINUES ancn flannel and cotton qunlillcs In nmnrl plnldl and checkl Completely washable Sim la 13 Beaumully Vvasha Excellent color red rust green and blue SIZES l56x SIZES 7310 199 299 Usually 298 and 398 wvnvvnvl ma Canadian made corduray slim 1n colorlul floral prInls Fully kasha lined Full elastic boxer waist Washable Size In PRICED AT $199 SALE PRICED $249 and $299 Ulually 349 and 398 GIRLS PEINIEP CORDUROY SLIMS AU AT ARGAIN PRICESI CHILDRENS MITTS AND GLOVES BOYS SPORT SHIRTS BOYS lINED JEANS GIRLS Orion Mohair Blend FARDIGANS SALE PRICE 99c and $199 TO CLEAR VIémPRICE Usual Value to $1498 fimcgcoébé plaln lnxfiurlnlnl flnnnnlolm Uuully up to lllem color range In SIZES 74404114 Shes also Inleruud In French and prncllscs during bridge game with Englllh spanking lrlends who agree In nlmke ll compulsory during ha ay Mrs Robertson ha Ieryed 5n the mum at the Menueh chil drens Ll hr ry and mom mend hankbindan or nnyono wholikes to work with hll hands $24

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