Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1963, p. 1

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Paper Insists 0n Attack OTTAWA IOUIs flu an emmcnl nny clawr la dCLi Alon un nuclear Mariana mull 01 he Ilnlcmcnl hy Gm Lauri Nomad Commen munu hm my lhry dnuhl iInnd mid lhnI Ihu reverse may be much morl Thin mm rnrml HMHIm In he prrn rnnlrvrncc mmka hm Ind mrk by firm Nnr Ilnd ull lrllml NATO HINI lnry rnmmnnrlrr In Ellmpf him will Canada 1711 luml mmmmnrnl hrn In NAm uner II Hupln luldrnr wnr hum lur lhn nlM mr 41M Ilnn mrvmu LONDON rulqu TIM Iflflltln Dnllr Hnuru KHku In rlnim ml llrlmh ukan Mmhru urrnlly prnrlmrd urnuiully Illv nir llrlrnr mum mu mum 5mm PM this awn lhvy lux xnlnl lmy nuwmmrnl rkd pInn on Mrrplnnrr of nuclear raymnx pmhnMy wlll pm pmml Thcy nrnuo llml nnadmn xavrrmncnln hm munlly Inn dmd lo mm llrcnunuxly my llrly rxcrml Wrsxun rspr rlnlly by lhr military in ur mnllon major pollrlu run he year ends ll ls lmpcd 11 least 1000 recruit and nlder men will have been lmlncd ln basic comm mid The rccruNsGZ from prom burial police dclnchmlnls and 12 from municipal Iorccs throughou he provincebegan series IIwtck murxcs de ligncd to imprnvc and Ilnnd Irdize police toehnlquu lhmufzhoul Onlnno We in Ontario link Ihix an important nccasiam an the most impurlant evenls or law enlnncmcnl and proper training police force in On lnriu he lab recruits who alknnded the wllcgcl int clam Monday Mr Cuss nolimz lhe caflcgc is starting modeslly said soon it will he nIfeang basic advanced luncnlsnry and command in llmclion Expect Stall 0n Weapons ope In new laxin Police College Monday with prediction Ihal event uaily ll will be turning out po lice omcurs ranking with tht best in the world may OnyjcP 77 lamey genean Police School Opens 564 Recruits Attending 01TAyA ICI Nu ARRIVING FOR Mondayl official opening of the new 0ntario Police College in Arl 99 Your Na For Examlnn Want Ad Tele phom PA 8th The lelephnne nunlbgr Business or Editorial Devi LTPA been Our Telephohes Timur n1 Mm Mal In Ihv Fur wlh In Irpihuial nyrvnmrnh lulrllr hrwpilul lvrahnrnl nr umnI lurm prmnml In Canada no mm row alnuflan weth mvlrn Iv vilaly Mmhunn drum pm Um mum ylm ml um um lidlrlmrn Ho pmmlmiimu unlin Iml gnrrmmrnl mumqu ye will in lhu cnurmgl ya have rhnnzrd hr mm man nl policlnfl in Onlarin lnlrmnllnn nl lmlxan ulmol rMMrrn IImI lmlbzn vntwlal mlrrnh lnin vrtular rumma mly Inrllllltl almlinh In many uvrclal lmllan In llllulmm lantrllaflnn ruvrrnl plan lnr nu mmm Intn Illmlinn IIII lhnllri am If lmlinn Huxviml lulmnn Inn The unlminrd policr uHitrr II helplcu In the new mphhfl mlcd cnvimnmcnl of much larger variety mmcn dim ml of dctcclinn rommillcd hy ur under dirrrlinn lnltlli ml and lrcqurnlly Mllmu tfllrtl triminnh uhkh nhuw tkilllnl plnnn Prtpamiian nnd rxcculinn To lfllilrl SION Hummiln nnltnm nml hm Illuadrm IH nnlrvly lrnnimllnn llw Vrlrmlll 13an MI mlmmn lullinn lllvlllnl ll wwk mrr In lrulrvnl Imminz mul lnlm nrlil Firm my am Hde Irrvirr rullril nl duds um pmv Imy lflmol Judge Mntdmlald mid The quality or Ihc urmlumu rum lhiI Imlilullon will depend more upon he quality deals and dcditaliun il innlnxdion Ilnfl lhan nnylhlng elsp and II will Ink time ascertain whether our wnrk aucm plishinz thqcm irntlnnl lmmlrr nl nr ul mm Imwim llnm lrxlrml Io Imnl nr mmmd Mllnl lmlhrr Iain mrm mrnl nnnuilh Caulinmng lhnl the day past when xcniorily or know ing somebody Is he criteria or promotion Mr Cass said he rncmils require cardul blending training and experi cnce Training is tsscnlinl In modern police wnrk mMWA 4cm Kry nmmrmlnlianl In lhr lhlrd ml of lhe Churn my um mhnlnn an avcmmml nmnn Indian Mr Cass xaid lhe course and lnslruclar provide he ba sis lor provincewidc police farce which will be unequalled Inywhcm Highranking gnvcrnmcnl lice and municipal officials in cluding Works Minister Connell alltnded the waning cm monlcl The CDHCEO located In 11 buildings lnmcrly occu pied by RCA pcrwnncl Advanced and specialized rm will be inlmduccd in Judge Macdonald On aria Police Commission chair man OFFICIALS ATTEND THESE ARE HIGHLIGHTS IN THIRD GLHSSCO REPORT 1mm Iiém Nudy no mu are lcu to right Altar nayGeneral Cass Eric Silk assistant deputy al larnLy general and E112 Tfiztrrir fiaminvr IM Inruam In flamin hm mum of mum Ia lull lrllwl Mia cl WHYthsz nmnww llmr lavlwmhnr lav Il vlnmminn nlalifitian In m4 mm whlur mMmru In my mmunl nunm Dnrlnrmrnl at unhal rmMmNI in me Mum Ilrmflmrul lnr mmir pm plannini My MfrJar In LuKn no rnmplnlnl had Inm math Ivy Juslice dc parlmrnl nHIciaI when he can mm Irnnlh mlh unimuly nmrinln Lu urck Inlvllrnlinn at man mwh In ilrmh WUI Mil var III ANIMI lmmmrnt lrnmlnlmu OXFORD Miss MINIn nn nucr In charge by Mlornry Grnrrnl 0le Kcnnzd llmmHnr Jahn Williams an Unlrrnily Miuluipnl my he uhml hnx Mnd all Mm nrdm since Ill drun rrzmlnn HM LN 11 Illnhrr If Mrnll In my rmmll dan and an mlrxl Inlrnl nflirfl Ila Umrmmrnl may hm mum rm mlhlir hm lrrlmiunrl In myprd 1mm lnYnmmHnn Irnlrru Ilrnvgunimflnn rllrlnal Ham qlrmllmrn Inlmma um unit In umldr mm nrxm In nrul Emmi nlvlnm nixmi mum In mum mm or mlnuumn mu nu mun muan gram In llu pm nultl is mumrnl um 51100000 year In Ill nmhv imnl My Illnnmul Io rmrr lhr nnmlnl Mid In rllnrfl llamllm Arrnnzl lull maul INIHIMVI nY hrc mnal lnm lnr plum all In rrn ml CamIa mm Ivy mm In In nr fuming mm lupmunm lnlu pmlcssiun will all lllal lmplics ln lhe way ol skill public service and dedication so lhal our people may with juslilimlion take pride in lhm men who will be lhcir lrlendl and guardian and prolcclau nl Ihcir llvcxl llhcrly and prop crly Withdrawal Geis Govt Complaint HOLY WATER N0 FIREWAFEB 13500 in old Judge Andrew Doyle Monday he was mak In mcnlal holy wine or his congregation Common dcpmy aunt5 general Mr Cass opened the $090000 college CP Wira NASHVILLE Tenn AP Nashville church pastor was fined 60 in clly court lnr manuraduring illegal hlsky in Ihc church mllcu Rev Barnard Swain 30 nnslnr lhc SI Psalm Spirilual Churth was an rcslrd in raid by officer who amid Malian drum mash and Islgnllon mum um hick also con lnlnrd mash Hm rnvvlnmwl mm mm mm mini sland lume nmmlllvl In lmidm m1 min It llul Ihry um llvry lvrpnl vi adinm laim In nml flu Ullml ll Ind Ir haul mlhullmn AI Mb fliflmmn bdim he mumlu 0n lnuo mmth um uha flu IIM NM 1pr MI Mlnnwlnlzrrl lhal I75 aml rmirl nrpnflalnll In Hui iwrn 1le 1n lruyh All llw varmI lhal HII nvhrn In amJulian mm hit usnuml lull nmpallzn may Iw un film Thr Ummi 5h um lb 5w irl lfuinn ml lnlmal Ilrplrmnllr rm In lhv Culml mm mm um mm an Mvmdnx Ihr nmrlurim nl Hm lalh WASHINGTON 4M The Unllrd Slaltl mun May In rally mnunr pmnuu agalml ulmallll me me far an tr Hmnlnl MW l7 In Ilan mlmmm lhr nut mp In an rllull In Irma he nm llllmlll hvml In lh nlrm Imllnmwl mu Ml drlmlrd lhc rtrommrndnliam ronlainnl In Iinl hm mlumrl lmtl hill nnl Irafive lln third nl mun unnl il nhmu Ia mrk Jan in thl nml New Pnrllu havent vaicrd nny suhxlnnnal rtillrhm Glamu recommtndallam Sonu ohurvcrl mum mm in Hue rIcclion campaign boll nu hkrly ll ml nmrv 51m nn lhflr fmmumic lhmrin lhnn rm Knvrrnmrnl amnlmlian Ind ndminhlmlinn Hamv letrnl may he re pan could not he 1m clullon lune In In narmal unu ol the mm Their MN Hm Hum would be no divixion among lhe parliu ml the annual Issue rlvil unit ndmlnislrnllve liclcncy nlllmuuh hm may he bumediflrrrxlqos owr dclml Thin mummy was suzgulcd In Consmalive cinlts In he third volume In the cammls sionl report an nudiu war made public Monday nighl IL was loll Ihnl me panyl appeal flu rlcclarate would be hanccd rcmmmmdnllans of In lint lhm ulumu um put hum elmI mildly and firmly MTAWA cm Recommen dations he Gluma royal commlssian on xnvtmmtnl ar xnnimlinn may be major lhcmn of Prime Minislcr Didcn bakrrl campaign In Ihe next ltdcml clmlom Diplomatic End To Cuban Crisis In bolh these licldsflhe royal mmmLssiDn arguu lat lhcre is considmbla wasle in lhe duplicallun Mimics by ed eral Ind provinclal govern mcnlx It my yea cmnomiu and increased ellicicncy will propose sharp Wilh drawal mm the Indian school Iyslcm curtailment of military education and hard look at he propriety oi caniinulnl irce schools or Ihe children oi nerv leamen Third valume he Glassca royal commission mum on government organization made public Monday night by Prime Mianlcr Diefcnbakcr says led cral Ilnspilall Iar velcrans 1n dians and military personnel should be turned over the province or local cammuniliu OTTAWA CW11m lcdcml government ha been advised to call halt la in massive activity In hospital and cduca lionIncluding Ihe 550000000 ayear operation at war Velcr gns hospitals Glassco Looks Hard At Hospitals Schools BIMOMIrIo Gund1 10nd Jnnunry 1963 Only Criticism Report War McCutcheon Posting BAR RE BOOSTED FOR CONVENTIONS Nu lulormnlku In Id In ludknle llunlun name no me My muted in nu Cw ban mllllnq ryflm than pm than 10le PM flylnl 021nm mania nnflaimnll mIv mu hut wry um um 4am ulmuvr 11mm m1 mm mm min now Inhmmmu HM Ihe nunml nl MM Ill I100 lluulan mlll Iary pawnan Ilm In nha lnlnlanllally high Hun purl nm llamaMN Mn naiuanml lnlrlllum dal unm Hun am on Influx ol Harm lnx No lmlnmn lluulan If Ieul mm In Inn Dldi umA mum Emu Hu Amntd 75 Inlwl In urrnmplinh IN by nuhlmy Invmlnn nml pmmul mmnm me man yuydmlouh ral Ind mmmk and mm MI Indrfm period M4 lay MKM llfl nlflda mauled In ram nl llmv may Iuinl 31ml Iknlflunl harmw Ihlth MM mu be nvdnltt hall lnlmn Iulnrninn 1an lo IIII plnmullnn HIal 1hr Cullm mall mma thy be lmly Mare mmum nlonl we linu nppcar Ikcly More lhc xnvcrnmml min Ilmnncr mandate than lu minarin 10 my il wan lnxl Jun In nm In principal pitch nn whlch Hm unmixth likely In nmke in nppcnl ml lm bclun la mnkr mil rmnamlrl and Imprme dlirlency In all Al panmcnll goummrnl Mr Dinlcnhnkzr and hi ml Incl colleagues boiler the an vrnl for new auaull on he pmhlcml umnnmml when it mum In 1117 plan dbminlon pmvlncinl financ lnx mind In mlcm mark nlIlumI mlnidics slarlcd man In an hlu nun lumlum miwd mninl Irrurfly hrncml nnd inlmducrd mama to uvumge nnndinn indmlry expand math ll ham and Abroad The panic camplaimd lhal an Icnalar he no mumm nble In the Common Ior Ml minus Prime Minlller Diclunv lmkcr rcplind lhal he govern mcnl will be answrrable mllrc lively and minislm Individually nr their own dopartmcnu the Com pulntmonl at Senator Wnttacc McCulchcon minister wilhuut portfolio as the minister tn charge at imptcmtnttnx the ammcndaltom The onIy crillcixm voiced by 31 Lima and NDP group in mu it he lgmvlnm are gut in full contra with Ottawa li nagdnzr gr exlrjn burden 11 lwomxéord report can lalns mm prenatal pull me government out activities FRANK GLASSCO Am um um 1le the AMI wank fumunrr 1M vim Hay Mattan mm llallmyhm in Nut And helm rqlml nur mmmmlonm favor than mmlu which nulzn In other 5n GLASSCO HHIOIIT pan The developmvnt cl xlmllar urvim hy pravincu nr prlvnle nrxnniullom ran mnvm lhn m1 at the lrdcml gnvrrnmrnl rnm ha plumer Ia Ihnl mmpclilnr he cammll Ainn my Ollrn chair of mellmd ululnl or carrying oul pur Ilcular uniu In lhin area It calls far In trcnscd chmpu or nnllnnal park admission Intent on harm and Ira mdlina Same hadboon umhangnd In 50 or mnrc Mmml nrry Mclion the port rrilirizu the mud In pcrpclualc any avcrnmrnl nc livfly am it ulahlishrd ii my million dailau are being last an public service Each year bmmsc ihe govern ment doesnt charge ennugh for hem and ailcn docgnt knnw ihe lnxc mix on which in base IULh charm This latest nportlwa more are lu camcwnlnins proposals Involving wld range or 5ch lcu lmm nnllsliml work should he expandrd and along planu key should he mIdL Serving with Mr Glassco are Eugzne Therrien 56 Mnnlreal Insurance camnany cxcculivn and lawyer and Winn Sellnr 63 at Ottawa rrllrnd auditor lcncral Canada The lhrceman royal comme flan handed by he Toranlo ac countant and hullness executive Grant Glnuco 51 went two ycarn and nearly $3000000 di rccllnz an Intensive sludy into the complex nynlcm whlch runs the masslve cheral BIRMIin Hm hired pccinlisu to gamer research but the written conclusions are those of lhe commiuionm alone ll urges halt the naie government annuitm cnnlend inz Ihey have oullivcd heir arlglnal purpose calls or scrappan he Velernna Land Act ndmlnistralian suggests an cnd In lhc wXHree operation plensuwcrafl canals and roc ommendl more busincsyllke approach to posl nmce opera tion In each case ii argue that great economic can be achieved with no 1m 01 public service or efficiency Hui avnids pulling total price tag on paxsihie savings In which maintains Ottawa no longer bellongst VIEWING BY INVITATION ONLY Ibo hm mm lm II Mn Mum Udall human mm and dimfly behind um gm mm Mumm MN And at an mm M311 Du ynu knavl how In lrIl Hflll girl Iardiul lmm Hula my lamina Imk nnd which can lhry cnmo out nl Through Ilm yearn he mld many dunrm group had v1 fled am or macaw bul It now lime or nanfie tn play new role as mnvmuon mm Charging his cnuncil lo 1min In the project lhe mayor also rallrd upon the Barrie Chnm Mr Cummma to up committee under lhc loadmhip of an aggrcssive chalrmnn undmukg llje cnlurch gram Mould complcmml he present aurism progrnm now Min stimulated by he Cham ber ol Commcrcc but wanld nnl wlsh to ace Ihn convention program lost sink in the brand pith Iourilm he laid believe it In worthy new cmphnqig of lu 1961 Mayor Cooke wake enthuy Iaslically about Barrial polon llnl as major convention com tre Iladevelopment and rcnova Hons of older residential areas SITES POTENTIAL paints the mayor said round must endeavor to mmplm what have already hnzun 1n An 73117 hearing by the On tario Municipal Board on an ncxalign Hi5 new venture was oullm ed lo Barrie council last night at the firilmcctlng 1963 It Wan he major charge by Ihe mayor now entering the second half at his term wilh lhe IL man council Funher progress on the cilyl threeyear sanitary trunk mm system Continuation of clean up the bay Further progrm on sorm drainage and pmlcctivn of wa cr courses Explmnz he possibility at more lnduslrinl growth In 1963 Aade crusade for Barrie new thrceyear road pro gram or the only final connecting link agrcav men with Ihe Deparlment of MI Mayor Les Cooke hopes to make Barrie ha leading com venllan cily Central Ontario and the Georgian Bay nglon 0hcr points adavnccd by the mayor Include Thu convention centre pm Early Hearing Predicted For VeSpra Bnnexation HERES ONE Na Mora Thin par CopyI4 Pays Cloudy mlld Freczlrixdrizzle Low tonight 74 High tomor row 32 For complm summary turn Io pagelwa Local Weather Ma Mama Edwqu row WWMM lnmr Wu sn minim only HMIII um mm held In IN Sill MM mum hrlim llml In Kth of our city ullh In lmnroml nnd xpnntlnl wlliliu 0pm Du fire IIOOSTlIl man In He urm that Mndlu buln Immediately lo annlyu ladl Illu In nddilinn ll wouldho mrtunry to develop mmmil lee lnr he pumm of pep wading Mrvlcc mum lodges diurchcx mmpaniu and lrndfi ormnizulinnl hold mm mm mulnnx hm lle uld he amulailion of H1 CNll properly nnd ho expm mm be My Iron park land luclopmcnl wlll he added at rucllnm that cannot bu dupli cnmi hy any clly not lllunled an ghn walr Hnmc knovm In one the loading automoblla and MI mum in Onkario Thll is wry important to flu rawL ling viniwr mch the may Hc nlsn munlionM lhe cilyl ability to mvicn he need of convention vIsilorl Thu ur vlm include nddlllom and thanan of he rcmil lions In the downtown area as well Hm shopping plazal Also other commercial arm disbumd mmmlcnlly Ihroughout mo city make or wide ulecflan Our my has many new lea lum offer for such pur pose We have one new motel with mu stage of develop mam complm and Marta panslons pcndlng At least two our cxistingAmatcll havn un dmakrn major ex nnsionL Th new Barrie Dislrcl Collcxlnlo Instilule LIOMML audiwrium Insmme LIOMMLV auduxium will be completed In low Alon wit flu arena this bemmu reality will actually be major new industry In the progrcsl of tho he mld MAvon um coma

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