Monlrtnl Cnnndlcnx the Ontario Axsuclnlinn pruvincinl Jnnlor gruup will Imu chance lo rrznln mdmlntc He wilh Prlrrborauzh rem when Illty mm cellar dwrllinx Ellrlph loynll lonlxhl nl Gurlph Mnulrml ml lhvlr ucond place In wxlll Ichvlwrouxh Thursday nlghl wllln Um lclcl dclr ul lhcm In lclubor ouuh Nlnnurn Fall Flym re lulncd nutpalm MN on in law nlninfl llmINOn Ikd Wm In llnmlllnn Niagara Falls lmlllng Ivo nllrr Ihc Im pmml lwlm mil 11rd llmnillnu mum In lulu ll Irml rally in he llnnl pc llml unlIIun mhlml mund gm wllh Mllr more llwl lnur Inmulm It In tho mum lull urrr name In Ho Ilu mum In lllsllninmc ll CrussCaunlry Survey by The Canadian Press showed 63 compiled deaths during the year but fina ï¬gures were ex peeled lo be highcr Thch war 81 lnlalilics in 196 and 94 the year before as the year drew lo close dmp mm 22 In 1961 and the regard 36 nllbe prcvlou year No new surety measures were hunchad he pravlnce during the year but hare was Intensif lcallun such nmnlng projects as lxunlcrlralnlnz program In which abnut 50000 persons have been laugh in our years md prosecution or careless gunhandllng BMWJNG BEflTllA Qucbcc gums and fisheries dcpnnmenl record showed 10 death compmd with 26 in mm but omcinls cmphnsixcd he gum wcrc incomplete Some game wardens do not re port until after he and lb yenr years hunters wore kilch In evfry pfav llnu Ilrrgull Frm Hclnnarr mul Hr Mnlurr nctuunlrd Death stalked the huntsman lhrnugh the Canadian woods ngaln In 1962 though yearend ï¬gures Indicated the tall might he css thnn Ihe previous year THE CANADIAN PRESS Junior Hobs Look To Second Place Alr Force Academys nlch Porter 30 is brought down with rebound and the ball bounces right in lhehnnd ol By JOHN MELANC Canadian Prtu sum erler Newfoundland had two nlnlv Death Stalks Hunters In Canadian Woods wwwmmoommmmmm elmw HUBERT DOWNS AIR FORCE or he Nlngan Full goal whllc Earl llclsknln and lab Thoma unrcd hr Hamlllan In he other game Ptlctbar nugh held lhc due ml the way Mm lead over Montreal nflcr Ihe um pcrIod and margin nfler the imam Scam or the winner In cludcd John Vnndrrburz with nnd Danny 2mm 1mm ernhl nnd Don limimnn with one wth Jncquu Madam Md Huh Chn rloboll mm In Munlrtul In the Mr WM lonixhl llnmlllnn In Nlnlnrn Inlll In lflrn Junior llnn llrnmplvn dlhfllld Whlmy Dunlup to man Mn 14 UNIflare In with Tomnlo Klmh Hull thhy main In lnll plnrc New nmnswlck ï¬sh and game branches cancenlmlcd ml an educallonal program or younl people and he Mnnclon branch opcrnlcd anling 11¢th 60th pound air horn with range of 12 miles used In guide lax per lnnn on the woods Bertha which transported by lmtk led at least Ihree pcrwnr lo salety Alberta pt need he Ialal oddity of flu season nobm Wesley of lhe Morlny Indian Nev xervc placed rifle In Ihe mbv bard ham and started to load packhorse The 1er bars Ihook Hull and lhe rma discharged Into Wnslcy Nonlrral lullcrinz Ill lillh Ilmltzhl Ian drnpping lnlo lhlrd npol In Hm league lira polnls ahead nurlhplacl Hnmlllnn REALISHC CALL HELD LEAD Inesthe first since 1957 when here were also twoand Nnva Stella with five and Prince Edward Island with one cqflallcd lhclr 5961 1an In the western provlncu la ulillcs had ups and down ran the pmvlaul year Manitoba munkd our against um for 1961 Saskatchewan had nix men In 1961 Alberta in six and Drithh Calumhla xevcn nix In Odinrla Ma huntc callin mom gradually called in There were five donth In he New Brunswick woods lhrca shooting and two drownlng against lwn the previous yLar and record seven in 1954 and Alan Mass of Georgia Tech 150 In the tam at Atlanta Georgia be other night left in II Craddmk Ml WM In Snthnhhflun wilh Iuk at Mr maklnl MHHI dllliru IIow hill val rim rm Ildcuhly mm IHII um and lhl Irrr In Ital mlurul flul llflnlfll had an llnlr maul mmnlul anmnpv nan In Imnml mt nl hmm Imlvlrn Imng munml mm phraunl puma IM mun turnsler and hvnflfll um huh Amm mud Ialvly nnd an IvvmllflL Ihkl would Imn bolt wilh man mm Dar WNW IM hm huntinz mm Im no and unlalatm ml in In mm and IM mm In lamb In mlh CainMm rm In any M1qu hu me In mm mm ud lui in down Thus npml an bu rmmlnm In Ilamlnlm uh IMI uh 211 dell EMS mom lml Mound IN nullw Omnnrl hm my nillar lnry Irrwm nanny WM In and mm plrnflml nlru v11 nhnvlnu Inlnle Hum Munan MI flood 11m drrl llll mu perlrd In In ml mzr ML mini mum uhn in MI ml mm mm Indium whom mm mm In ml Moon Hmlm were mmdtd In 961 or tour or Iixdny un mn dcptndlnl on Ibe ma Ind Hu bnl wnl nllmakd 7154 TM mmpartd III In 1961 Ind In lowUM um moou mum llnu ma llunflnz or molt Erna um Impmvtd In Quebec 0mg per mm Ixnml dm In 1mm 1mm minma 1111 due lo vrclnmllcnnnn 01 mm pm mlu Same 00000 mm um um ol IM wmldn nnly nod mmer up mule to flu mu mxlrrn Unilrd mm horn lhc Ami all poor mm mm Meta Ilon launched Iralnlng pm gram lubsidized by Ihe 31mm men at the rain of or every graduate The program Included rifle instmcuan am Icclum by conurvadnn afï¬cerl Sawhunb In cartoon were made avail able go ngwmapcrl chom Indicator load deer lemon In Nova Scallfl The Mack duck ann mm poarly but picked up New nrunlwltk inucd In malcd 000w licence ompmd wilh $6000 in 1m Dar hunleu had one at In but ynu em Ihe aural It Around 74000 animalt Bird wen reward pILndlul El2L bIrrl hunku Ind poor mum nllck duck um me and pheauntl lulled grouse and Hungarian pamldzc nlmm mnnlnml Gene um nlrly plenlllul bu mom 19 malan 1n ml um olhhou In younng In the use oI Hm arm with 11400 laught to far Provincial oIIIcialI my person under 21 are Involved In In In hunlInz achdenlL IOIIVII mnklnz up only 11 per cent ol the hunIInz muIaIIon mnmou TAKEN In animal taken the hunting picture we molly across the land Ihough ï¬nal flzum In no you compiled In Newlnundland all no of lhe carbau 11mm oflmd were Inkcn fly and the kill wan utimalcd about on per cent as poslihle 130 Far mher species hununz wax raled ullml PLENTY DEER each nlher Finally one Ihat The ï¬lm wax wounded though not alaIIy New natal ryegsum Again and um Mike Tomanovlch of Tech on the back N0 30 Tech wan 6148 AP virephbiév the yen no rta program mearch inlo hunt lug Inlalilch The province also ls Itudylng Iho wulbflity Inching young persons xun handling alarm with conserva Hon 3nd unluraflhlmry Ill nl Ibo Unlnully Wh ml alflmnlI no 11ml 16 lam MM rmmm Thaw an In lm Ann Ham Mom IMhall 11m mint MM momtu mm 611 um um Mr Jalan JAM Hut lht FIAI rmxlfluï¬im My IN mm mum In IVY1 whcu IN m1 m1 mavvaan flu Mum uo II MM Du In 4an M4 at nunym On INK WNW In AMWJL Mivfun hark Im Wuhan of IN II In mmnil ham I71 mu Ilium ytrml mum or flu Wm om IN My Lanna Inn who id muting Ill Mde In Wmniprl Jan II mm 0mm uwlannn hillin 1de IIHKII In mum Iha meeting in mid II at mu importance flu but Im lad that Ihvfn Jun Mi dam Mun In the out rer mlnly IIV Jrihmiu nmmuy uimyér El he Canadian mom Avarip lion flulnday mm and ml the nowmkml nnnual mm In um lrbllmily mum Dnlnlo VANCOUVER CPIRevu unullvn the W21 Coaul powerful lamCin mm Leuue Jaunted Thumb that tauwen competition or the Mann Cup may be good idea They add zliminaflcn the phyall might in lad provide rm avenue la lmpmv he Ca mdlzu game Intercity Camminloner Tam Gordon and pedal delete Illll Elllmn and mm Knlfllt laid hey will and IN wrehnd prepare mud for annual math nadian ham Alwdalirm The main wax scheduled for Wlnnlpez Jan II but EHL nu ma the 0mm Amm Auoderm arbitrarily decided to wllch Ihe venue In Onlulo Ifler lha InterC117 tame mrnllmd the ï¬rms wanted on Ibo lunch 1hr belnl deliberately um Ellison MM AM Ihe Him an All media Sum day to drdde whether In In Wed Hill at cm In Inna BC luml haw mm Mann Cup uvm Hm In 1h In em pm In laxl plan New Wmmhum IM An apparent Irma mu men in than months as hu been shattered in amau of ioniullon charges and WHIP iercharug aver vim wan agreed upon 11 min quniion in whether agreement um reached on million in track and ï¬eld that wuid replace the MD as tho llï¬ governing body in liw 1W alter the Tokya um Th Mde pontd Track and Field Federa tion nan yet lhe AM Jay and add nevnr Win the break between the groups wide an ever Presi dent Kennedy im rapped in GENEVA CF Saskatoon Quake Thursday night wound up their Barman exhibition hockey inur with hankamed victory over Slovan oi Bra Maya Czechotiovakia Th Sankalchcwan Senior Hockey League duh played 11 1mm against Cudl leanu In Cuchoslnvakln and her Thaw day night winning men and losing nun The In other der MY EVMIVH By DON WEISS MS mam MPiThe National Collegiate Athletic udnllon apem In 57th annual convcnï¬ml loday wilh Its 11 umevwilh the Amalch Alhmlc UIIIDYIlflIB to occuw most 01 he lineman The hm between the two marl amaleur alhleflc bod threaten to ruin Ike makeup of United sum Lcams or Internallanal competition including fanAmerican Gama III Sac Paulo Brazil lhll 1min and hp Olympic inTokyulnzxg 152 rapean tour the Quaker played 13 game and ï¬nhhtd with record of mm wins and ï¬x 1mm L051 10 SWEDES More Ihan 700012 In Gm ma Verne Indoor madlum saw the Canadians score all their goal In the second period brlllianl perlannance by goalie Don Campbell nipped Czech rally ln Ihe third period The Gzneva newxyaper Trib une Geneva described Cam hells pcrlmnance al uupily lng apd upxglloggl CLH Denies Meet Switch InterCity Lacrosse League Against Mann Cup Competition Saskatoon Winds Up Hockey Tour MIND5 flnl ltIDflcrrx AAU Gets Attention Afr Annual Convention Asked About alternative my elimlmud Emma 5316 Ionldnlbgm arm literal um dtllllld Brampton Ont numblm In mam umu mifWeve 51 E09 and numb San naming th Dongle MacAr thur mediawf APPEAL ACCEPTED Animus be sides have ac copied the pmidems meal lur arbiuaxllm the MU will arbitmle only nkh me NCAA It has minted it will not down with lb yearold U5 Track and Field Ftderallan which it call puppet the NCAA Th NCAA which mnxldcu llufl only 1m Ike dew ml nructure Ian will not tlrhjfrate Individuafly with the On the the ughlong convention hm uw ualian flared again with the ï¬x Imre that the NCAA proposing leg lulauon Io had up comm Gallons that could all but dink luau collegiate panidpallon in he MUdaMfloned Indoar track mm Ike agenda or Mnle mien next Wednemay isan 3mm in the NCAA by law hat in and would knock cellular out at the NCAA Innka new sham bsbriampg béénléi anopen urn n41 sanctioned by the Track and Field initiation call came at the hands at champion combination Six ml were mated In Ike wild mend period Thmday night Guru Senkk came up with Iva ml in mid lo 11v the Canadians their vim mng oulbunt Alter torch ï¬m period the Czech went Ihead to early In ï¬le mm period Em Undv my Ind We Goodwin 01 land vile mu la put the Quaker In mm but the Czech came but to but the mm Then Squid luau loan or his pair in the 171k minute Lesflan The thl an another In the lhlni but demmlned Canadnn uaud vaunted the Czech mm bteakifll through main mm desperate law gnlnuu cum la squib my Mm AND THE VERY BEST lSDOW THE BEST THE VERY BEST open meets auctioned nitration but not the MU Allde like NiMlxdixlhga vaoposa isuliveyrm ï¬lming only champimubfp awn and not other college competition it could be ME dent to limiti1 not diminw collegial participation in open indoor meets min with the 1mm Column games If dealingflreSCMalz rgadybmucotdwitham Em 5gigk¢u at am in milieu and limit their lacflhia and qldyrnznt to ther nwrom new This latter is partimlarly Ill niï¬eant Jim the alleges 1mg 90 per ml of the gymnasium 5516 mm ï¬eld 11 Mi almost in ii iii mod to give him Iiiaï¬bié rm included In uni at he trial rife 7mm fink in it dawrdw plan In marl Wm Polk Olflar Italic Gina It tilled that Hm launder and Whimmmnflhemx 11 Imam her hwhml had applied Ior The manna never wag Issued 5313114 standing by his wile Ill volttd bail bind 1111 and has maimed to live Min Mkhmu my has it aim we mam diewhol minz was joke flu and Mn Sarnan tornIn roan SAN DIEGO Cam PiA swam that L150 and another rain on that plan to in him mar Sam was In murt win 1m Dari 53W 25 and Mr Madam Leflani Alkxw mfluflnlflalimm Wind day munday He bend the mam wzr mlion allegedly made 27 hi wife to policeman m1 lnrvhirz tilzr in tape Suggests Bxush Wired For Shock George Davies CONSTRUCHDN LTD Mk 31 MAWA TIClad Im Clair mm Ride raid that Cams Igamma mm Wu clubs or the 36251521 Nodal Lane in order to 1026 wk flamï¬n US 069 talent acting the i8 in ad 6557217 um and might M12 nancially an Earlier Clair lrM dc 0114 When that lhe um Us around mm it were win an of 119 CAXT COMPETE We mml mic with same he prim offend by the American leagues it we med or van PM Wmu in man he wan mm ms were my ryésémmmwm ear in Maï¬a rm Dana sad the Ottawa hum Football term dot is leaking In build ID its mad with Ike lion Yeoman league OQflim and mat 113mm T115421 and Jim Trimble ad may inflicting Canadian Grid Teams Might Have To Work As Faun Clubs One Loose Screw Causes Z7 Deaths HERE MOTORS 03 mm mm ii 32353 ï¬gï¬gg mm Wm mmmmflm SHLLYS SALLIES Mr IL SFROULE CONTRACTOR PA 60966 In