Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1963, p. 4

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Aulnnmad mam mu mu rnu mun nunlmm nun lml Inr pmme mm In huh Swim AM slumm le uuylod IIVNHII wAIII rumm MIAN pulmlr 1mm um mrnlnu Mm rlunlu uAmr In Aan WHMN Allmlmn In mlm nulmn mlum Mun wnrum mu unv mm 1n II mu In 0mm Inn mu mm um mu nnlk mm mnm mm mm ml 1mm um Duné lvnlvpélvzv Im rmn mm Alumn MM 0mm mm Vinan Ilnhm Am In Hm my run um um A04 mum dualMum 11mm mm ulvulmy mm 14 ml VII yuillumn II nlirl rhn ll IN nun purl 1lle prlvnlulynwncd 7IV nclwork ob mncd cxcluslvu rights In he he Cup Iclcmsl lrmn lllo Canadhn Foothill IM guo havlnu nulhhl the Cnnndlnn llroml cull Impurntkm Sumo nruuc that top apom npcrlnclrl Ilmuld nnl be sold on In nxclunlvc ham my nrv nnnvcxcluslva In Hrllnln nml he ltflll lllklnglon GREV CUP TELECAST Ottawa Citizen The Board of Broadcast Governors ls going lo havu 1M cxrlnlnlng to do ht orc tho dust finally set from the Grey Cup lclccnxt tow For In tho ndnds of many the board has abandoned the min of Ilnpnnlnl referee and has taken ho Me of mm or the dis ulnnla whllc my tlatlons vrrc sllll go my on Others In an no dlsposcd In Muse lllo MG 11 da llbcrnlc pnrllallty find dlflicully ln ramp Ing he mncluslun hat II has commuted clumsy blundrr Barrie Saturday Morning Jan 1913 Town nomination largely attended with no dearth of eandldates for municipal oillce John Craig will oppose Mayor Alex Cowan Sam Caldwell will run against Reeve Jack Bennett For iirst deputy those nominated were Dr il Sprott ll Robertson and Sam Wes ley Eight were nominated for second deputy Alex Clark bowe George l3 McLean Dr Evans Stephens George Viekers and Albert Sarjeant in each of six warda min imum of six were nominated and in some as many as 12 Barrie Citizens Band played between speeches at the Rubllc meeting in the town hall the layer Beecroft defended the civic en gineers work While he was being paid $2000 year he had saved the town much more than his salary Boys KC MP announced that new tow er and clock would be included in post office alterations Ratepayers were to vote on tour bylaws granting iixed as sessment oi Simcoo all private hos ital tax concessions or new induatr rn Allandale lor manuiacture oi exco The suggestion is pure nonsense The Ontario government does not recommend this honor llghlli The men who receive it are invariabl awyers of high skill and standing in the respective communities The Jaye proved to be tops in their prov lessionand have frequently distinguish ed themselves in the courts the civic 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN is Eiven almoét Indeciim nately H3 thinks the government should begin afggsh and hand ant the titlt sparingly Lady Luck probabl was factor but the motorists themse vcs can take their share of the credit for no fatalities dur ing the year The city traffic department and Barrie police can also take bow The traffic branch through the City Council carried on with its carefullymap ped program of street signs which help ed to guide motorists and warn them of impending danger ots The police maintained steady gilance and came down hard on Speeders who disregarded trafiic lawsr In the final analysis however no group of individuals or organizations can take the major share of the credit for fatalityfree year reduction in the ac cident toll is responsibility resting most One able hallonallyknuwn Toronto barrlster has suggEsted the eliminatlan of titles of Queens counsel and start all over again He contends that the gesignatlon ls becoming top qommpn and Barrie has good reason to be proud of the fact that it emerged from the year 1962 without traffic fatality Thts is tine achievement indeed although it is somewhat marred by an increase in the number of accidents and Injuries over the pievjoue 12 months Nonsensical Suggestion FatalityFree Year In VCity jl Is PfoUdAchieVemeflt Tho Barrie Examiner rccoinmrndn lhllflprncllcu Earrit Examiner Walls Publisher OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 18 Hayfield Street Barrie0ntnrio DOWN MEMORY LANE bllsher Brian Slaight General Manlggr mun JANUARY 1m 41 ll Ilamls In rcnunn HIM Ibo old llnu of Ihlnklnu In whlrh annrmn nunulaclur were nafo hehlml mung mm wall can hanll slam up In thnmfhuz had pallrrnu an guluu towel nur mnu ulatluml gnmh ahmml lhrn we mlul ha cunuwlmve pllru value and nor vlco But lnda It not onuuy IlmL Sarnla Observtrl Then cntnlnl room or III to ha more so nuHMcn In mlny way Ind wr know that we Iro to mnlntuln our Imlllmlul xtwnulll wn munl oxporl our nmnulnrtuml gnmln we cannot rn Imc lllmv mm teawnalfle pr re and of gum quallly Ihcn 1ch In In polnl In us lrylnu lu paddle our wam oulnlde Hfanadn llnucd Th howcvcr does not help who the problem of the momcnl which ls Ihnt lhc nclwork with 10 exclusive rlghll does not control enough slallonr lo hrlng 11 popular broadcast lo nvcry purl Canada wllhln lhe range of lolevlalon Alluui lIIlrxlnl lhc yuunfignlm he nurvuful rvpnrla Dr Glenn lmmynun mac nlu he wrong prmluct with IImr lmnrllo prourmnm mm 01 them will lmvr nolhlnu to do wlh erlllICl ul vcrllml an heir lnvnrltu xllmws and 510ml mnny lhcm Just take all lcluvls Inn mmmrrrlnll mm big ruin of II ll lhn nnml llnrlnr llllnlu ha In mun If lhn good doctor lhlnfffimt II unux unl wan unlil he rum the umu nurvry Inme ndulls RESISTANCE T0 TV Toledo Blade ficslslance nmnnn chlldrcn lo blandish menu lclcvlslon cnmnwrclnln 19 sur prlqymly hlgl hlld psychologm grayed signct rings to Dr it Davis and Banting or loyal support Barrie intermediate hockey team got oil to bad start New Years Day losing at Peneiang 103 The ice was bad but our boys were in no shape to play Barrie juniors lost to Orlllia 96 with Gren Caldwell as referee Bradford friends gathered for presentation to Mr and Mrs llnrry Stoddort and Miss Vic toria Stoddart prior to departure for Harrie Mr Stoddnrt has been aproint ed Governor of Simcoe County jai The everpopular Marks Bros com any will play the Grand Opera House ree nights next week in repertoire oi come edy and drama lilias Ruth Porrilt won the guessing contest at Olympia Cami Works her guess oi 16 pounds for lie candy cane being correct Thompson realtor completed sale oi valuable properly known as EightMile Point on Lake Simcoe owned by Noah Cotton to Grundy at Toronto $151EffioPOMEEEWE MI dlllon lo collcgln vfllake Street tak ing over puhllc brany and establishing free library Ivy Baseball Club met at honle Harry naming lopreaenl er As traffic becomes heavierInd ii is increasing every yearthe odds against fataiiiyiree records are decreasing This means that everyone involved the moi orisi and pedestrian particularly must work harder and more deliberately io wards the ultimateihe maintenance of low accident rate in Barrie Probably there was time when the title was conferred sparingly somewhat like V0 or D50 in the military field The fact that more and more lawyers have been honored does not detract in any way from the value of While nor water down its significance The title should be given as its being awarded now for distingulshed ser vice not simply as plum for the very few who have found their way Into mythical maglc clrcle The pedestrian cannot be forgotten ei ther tree soul he much too he quently crosses street between inter sections rather than at dulydesignated crosswalksif he darts out between park ed can he pieces an added strain on the motorists blood pressure and increases the possibility of mishap it has become evident however that more and more eopie on foot are beginning to obey the aw at least in the downtown areas arena or in provincial affairs Invariably they are menwho have served their fel low men well heavily on themotorlst He in the man with hand on the wheel and foot on the throttle Hls common sense and judg ment of traffic often is the reason why an accident Is avoided CANADAS PROM lM Hrpom from flrlllh luwlm Mvo lndlcmd ml the lumIn vunh hm bun mu wmk llahln wllhln ml 1M Ilmu flu lwlme llu lumlmll lulmumml lIhrry rmmxiun nnl Hod hy din mer an mu Ibo Ruulm bud lhclr mm ha hrrn Inllnwrd by rhnr mm Mon and qunllh Ilmmcn um llluo lluuhm lmulnn hxuklnl Ihc In lrrmlvllnl lur mHn llmlmi Hlml Mul mm way at whim nrml or lIMnl wllhln Ihll Ilium linnlhh call ll ll Millmi that Ihvy lmrn in llw 1an llommuy In nrlllnh IIhny pmrcl Inn pm mum lhm pmhml upedltmu MOVE IN llllllnl PLYMOUTH Devan um Vlolcnl llle In lho Enxlhll clunnel Ind oluwhm Iraund me mm nmmn Imumd nllrnllnn on Illa Ind llml lnrco llrd nl lluulnu lrnwlrrl ll wornllnu In Hnulluh llmnnrl lllhlnn wnlm Tlme wrra llronzlul Illnrply la lhn nllcnllan ol llm IIIllmvlllu wlun er Mn lorml lo Ink Allill lmm llu Ilnrms ln Ihl Iliumred lmr born and hay nlmlz llw lum ncl roan ll wu If louml llull llmul 7D lluuln lrnwlru no by pmml lncln ll pmrnl llnhln nl llu mull ol Cornwall and van Alune Sam Ikln Illmznll are Very dllllcull Io cure but lhlnk oull In much beucr mum Illcklnx with Ipeclnllsl or Illernmlvzly continue In ha alumntd In cm happrn wllh lhe but mm hl may relcr ynu to one ha his medical cylerl In mu Dear Dr Molnar ma condlllan on the sole my me and have one to Lhrte doctor but they havent helpcdmeu Iv taped my leek used penm Ieum My ointment and other medlutlnnx plain hand lotion anlc wakgd them in Epsom Ill malu norm lunulionx which lhlnk are lmnormnt In yugr 31 Sam like your nnly one Slubba cues ome llmel requlreyl vnrm lemma belare menu ul 1m men is found Ind by going mm dador to doctor you In wnstlnl lime Ind money be caun on doclnr may hnve to do much or that Inolhur hfll nlgndylflgd Slop lrylnl Various home mm min Ind pnlrnt mtdltlnu ex cth undtr Ihl cxvllcll dlrmian ol your daclnr mm They break out In bIIslm dim Itch and eilher dry up and crack ar II brtak hem hey peel down the rawakln and sup Thu dncIorA my Isnol Inlndloul but In InIecIInn the sweat Iandl undIIIII It in not fungus consullld nkIn medulla and two regular prac MountLEG By JOSEPH MOLNEH MVD REPORT FROM UK TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH MIINTYRB HOOD Russian Activity Worries Fishermen Feet Give Troublé Blisters Break Out DEEP SEA PISHERMAN Iv rut lhrmm lvmk IIM he llyllluh hklypul cle 11ml Inmrlhlnl In lion lo llmlt lhrir ullvmu hay ulll um whulo urn nl Huh Mlnler lnlm Allrn Ialtl malt In Armm lo our low Mll Ind dunod Inl lhll Ihey ml mum on tho gnmnmml la InImduu Drum llmn unund the mm of lhla muuuy Iur lorelm um ul wllhoul few AV lei inch um Cnmlth lhhrvnwn Irvntlml mm um nl fllrll um and pllthlu uulrkly luuled In Mr lenI Kenr Ind moved out am hi mrmnn Hm In munm skipper Dnullu Ed nyl Ilunlnn llecln now my nn anlhh Inurvnler Mm them He rrmrlnl Vhllr all mm lolnl IM nlhcr my mw our lb lluullm Illhln mlll cl Ihn Ihorl ullml up lhu nulhur IIu nn In mull lnrrunry Hut llmflll mm mm nl In nu my radio ul III Iluulnn Ihlpl heunn In mnvu cm In In ll Win at Imll ml lhry hull Inml lisl rum rm he Inhny pmkcllon Inqucnry GREATLY WUMIIF mm nnd Cflmlnh Inhrrmm mnlly wankd nlmnl Hm huhln mlvlllu he union um 11 hnu bun thin Inlmulnly 41m Irawl my Imi nlghl anhlnl hnwrvor mull mm Inal Ianva Lth Man mm mm on Iwoldul Cold ha numblnx ellect and thus ulvu nlleL Inlet Ian prurnl hut mly norm llmu uzuvlle Il ya hu ll nflzn loalhlnl nfllmmlllon II prucnl Let your knm de cidu Wllh which do they in bum Surprised lo hear than Well 11 line And man why Im liven you lhll ndvlcn today And and luck now wllh 1h arnzry problem Dm Dr Moluerx 11 do you my to Ice bag for onen 1mm pmumlbly he mull of mm have been laid llull lhg we de yuawMrm AK clnrle ullly enoulh why auva don Yau Ira jun do your but to lry lo slumblu onto mmclhlnl that may halp The chancel ll urn mlghly allm when your doctor Already hm famedand they are llmmar with has things plul good many mom besldcs Time and hue male hm heard In Ikln epeclnlllu moan about mm of thelr cases There have been no runny lhlng used on lhc skin and mmullmel he mule been further Irritation that la Im passlble In figure out what In arlglnal problem waxl We have to wall for the secondary lrrlu Inn to Iuhllde belure we can really um lmllnl the reel outfit wouldnt call It the new ldu bolh hut Ind cnId him been uud Ior lam llmo Illcvlale pain 111 chalu db tndl on he clue In mell mz grjdyhkh wnrkIAbe miapoa am Man kill pl In Ml ml um in Ihp huxh rldnm IL lmk In unlru vmnkrvl The nleIHyliu In hunl in lluu lunnl lmn Ihe llnu lur Mm In Ihfl Iho lull round nunll Hut winl but than ha In ad mil bvlnl mmnully Imm In Im than what nmuu to AM In Hy DON OREARN TORONN In plcklnl 1m yuru mu the year from hm we loin to do doublo llkm Wu lulu to pick two 0n lhen lhv mlnlller nl unnamlcs and duvdopmlnl nobcrl Macaulay Thm an in no quelllun Hut Mr Mmuhy Toromn Inwyer jun turned to Ind member has alnce 1031 ha been In uulxlnndlnz man In Onlnlla If lhllyur Tm hm Mm will my lhnl man mnller Ike nworlunlly btlnl hm Thll any mm Ivan Mr Miruh 10h vauld luv Ihom Bu lhll dual not And Ila mlhed lhnl our bill ml promm mould Ind mull ha ml Ind lhll our mnn ulncwrlnl lnduxlry mun bu Illmulnlrd Durlnl he yur he dlmnn Itrnlrd Ihnl punp but brain In Hm hmm mm blnrd wllh how rmluu In llnllu Mr Nlmn II hll of Item rld mm In NI er Ihlvllu Hull Ilrmnvluehar lmm llrnnl Jul mluhl mm on In he rm Ihl ml nun In aur mullul hlalnry II log 1y la lay my Thl 7mm mun IInI nnly bun mom mm In Jammy who wnn lhl ml med Iry hl dulh Ma lnlhvr lhl vrlnun Nlum The mend lecrll Roh Nixon 01 1mm hu m2 prablbly our molt mloul problem 01 lhu maman renrunlmunn of In ccnnomy Ind Ill Ihown brllllnnu In meeting ll And lhmulh MI mule trundn mm mm Imnxinnllnn Ind drlvu in Inrlnl than QUEENS PARK By Ill CANADIAN PRESS mllm Toronto Ilreelcnr and but opcrnlarl went on mike over way d1 la 11 year no odnyn 1m caudal In dm ol Amen jammed with cm Ind than undl hilchhlkm The no reported nu Unan clal lcu when he mum ended Jun 22 £780000 The 4766 apautou de manded 15 can me but received 11v cent In creue blckdnled to Oct Suwmlan 01 mm dunInt thy dllpute gum umvm 1m Ed Hanlln who bald th wnrld rowing chumplnmhlp for yun dlad II Toronto 19561119 my Blucnun mada her mnlden My rum Yarmwth N5 la Bur Harbor Mllnm Rs Outstanding Picks Two Men YEW MAN KATE ml nulv ill urm TODAY IN HISTORY mind an nbnlly to uprm him nll 211 And downmum Ippronch which ll forum II II worlhy nut lhnl both then my pmmhlng pollllcnl menuthew an l0 allv IcllnL Mr Mneuulnyl fal If course hnvlnl bun Ihc nolra Leo mu Llnn Mummy umcx Nrcnouow OIIAWA Canada that rounded the comer he new year wllh all the signposts pomp In awards continuing prosper Johnn Cnnuck And hll wile Ire enjoly more of the nod Ihlnum illelhan ever be are while amunprecedlmdly large hbar area of hqu known dlanl ll working Job nl peak WIEEI But the lonnterm danger of our foreign trad pattern re maln uncorrected And eclllo llly we atlll have arm 11 In ended anlry lnlo in European Common Market hanging over our head llko award Da mocles threatenlnn lo dlampt our lradlllonal market In Bril nln by th ending of the Com monwealth Tar Pralerencgal Thu aupertlclnl critic have mast underrated the very pay lllve role whlch Canada has plnyed In this Common Market olmallon Those crlllcl rollerm that Canada 1m been pally carplnn ulllah and uncommo llve In poslng Bdlalnl pro posal from the Common Mar kel They all examplea the advent aland taken by Trade llllnluler um and Flnanca Mln later Flemlng at the Common wealth conleranc at Ghana in 1961 and the alternatlve Inner Ilon free world in lrada advanced by Prlma Mlnlstcr Dielenbaker Ihe Common weallh conform In London last September PAC ENDOME CANADA Naw an eyen uranzcr oplnlan mou1dllll volce has been added to those Canada Eden and Mlle and Churchill Lard Boolhhy the Icndlng TV cam menlulor an current Allnlra In nrlklln And um 01 he rounder nu European Union mav Alon wlh lhll ha hm load up pomlu whlch ha nhuwcd In hll when victory In hll hyelecflun ntlpeclal bunul we may Ihorfly hear the and new of the two largest In Mdual trade deal or annulled by can But time lupmlclal crfllu would do wall to and plc lure ma mars dew or the to can nllda thelr opportunist For mwned mam mum In new nwlnglnl last round to the Canadlnn position Brllalnl Prime rumm Har old Macmillan thfinl or hll pollllcnl life Bedevllled by by Iectlnn delenls lmperflled by aplnlon pong and milled at Nauru hll repute ham and abroad lml Iunk In Iha murklm de Worn all three Ilvlng Br llxh exprlme minister hnvr issued the gram warnings Ind Idopfld the manger opposlliun Macmlllanl mm of raking Brlhln into flue European pam Icnl unlnnr ham 0n canon from Unlvvr my nlmnto Wm Knmw Nunh llny enhyl mm mlnl ltmlulltl fly 14mm EH Clvb Ilao OTTAWA REPORT Broader union Urged By Canada ENIOYS AERIAL ACROBATS mom has now publlciy con damned Macmillans pulley warnlnz the diner lojrlt sin Iolnlnz the Eunfpeanpm llllcal union nnd drawlng nllen Ian commIn destiny Io be com the Muchpin an Mm It Unlnn The volces critlclslng Mac mulan not lltlle Engllnd or puny anelaemhun wry nallannuuu Hwy are new pla who have the branderyvmon to tense Ihe greater prusperfly nnd aulhorhy In be qund In more lloflaul broader tumm lippgl union venture to suggest that should nuw break all he nega unflom or entry Inta the Com mon Market Ind Awalt an Atlanllc Union Itrong laugh negotiate an agreement wllh tha Soviet Unlan um might pre vent the extermlnnllon of man kixy ulq Lord Buoth On behalf the Barrie Branch at the Canadian Mental Health Aasoclatlon would like to thank you And The Barrie Ex aminer limerer for tha ter rlflc help you gm to In our recent Christmas gift cam pnlgn It prnved to he lucms Iul but without your sup rt we would bu unable tu me many citizens The mponse that melvtd was hurt warming May read mm exclrpt Irorn Chrlslmu card that rccclvcd from one the put lentn We at the Homltal an Indgcd cxlrcmcly lucky And Messed that tho caunty hava Inch tapnotth dttzem mks Km and Flemlnz In Ghanaand Diefenbuhr in Lon don then voice min broader union which would In clude Canada Uysr and other ngtern pr jre nations wmfld lur rather that Bril lln formed pm an Atlantic than European community rlme myflstet Agllu Would any let any Inxlefiu we were movan to wurdn edernllan Across the Atlantic Including Canada and tho 157 Not one ml de clgged 9er mlnlslpxj Iden Deu sir Sn bi work dona by Ind Ill ls Iniwmd In that excerpt my thank yuu am And nnd he bluslnu ol lho le Yelr with you In at Your lincerely Mn Ron Grlmo Chalrmm mun lemn Invmlh thl who lumpflllllllnl mu oak horn 11m Icarm The put pasture oi the Com nervaiive gavemment here and then comment directly involv ing Canada but oken by prom inent Britonl niJuggut that the moat Important issue in our iederul niinin today in thin um ior an Atlantic Union needinK nniy the Ipurhpiug to initiate utign Canada couid constitute action Canada could constitute sell that sparkplug Action wauld Inlve our lannerm trad Ind wvercignty problem How odd that thin mph hu never heenmentlonzd by my MP our fume twenlyllflh Pn linmenn minnomm 1m in by oxullvnl Cl W1 Mogmhfi Ikl In MI hulknakilni or111 mu hm mm mm BIBLE THOUGHT LETTERS TO EDITOR Chrlilmu 6mm KW

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