Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1963, p. 5

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Old Shoemaker Is Strangled an union Ipolmnan clflmallu ml llnflal mm mm publhtm Ia hum 511mm IM Nam VI Arum flu rhu vmfllrd In midllal Dec what hr MM Ml um on vrrt WASIIINGTVIN UH IrnL dull Jam IL Ha of Tramntru 1min Mnurd Allnr myfirmul Mm rKfflM Wednmhy mutuer Nanhvlllfi Trnn mupam whim Alum that he Imw 17pr would at mm no mm In connrcllnn In llnflnl rml ulna mu mime Illa 07 Count of anpltllvfllc MM Vvnlnw 12 uer rxwrl mar lrl ptomptrd mamnwndmm In the plvirum CHATIMM Cll 11m Ow lulu when lrodutru Markd lnx Hoard hm rrmmmmkd Ia Ibo canal nuimllum drer mrnl lime polnl pmynm do gignnl to promote he an punInch wfl whilv wintcr IN In luvfling mummy from Search and name had quzrtcn In Gmnwood NS looked or 113m of ground flare or Mun Wednudny nith but gthanging cloud Harland he apernllan Gamma no miles next at SeptIla Bundled mldml who lives nbout Isa yards mm highway unmay uld Wbdmsdny hl saw In can plunxe Ima In loot up when he bridle uc lion he causeway wuhcd out by Ice put my hand In In window And watched The car to my minnu um um about mlkx an haw She mm In and the just llfll 1y lumM om Aha Ihuwed me red light when ah turned Imam up and uh dluppenrrd ML Greening 51M he plmntd MIIP not hit coal and um um um mummy lunl In mlnmu loo In In nu lhe uumd cnr Waklwd him He mm 001 and be my lpptarrd ll ncvrr pul on Ml brain Publisher Hccused wuvcouvzn CF An al lzmpt burn lubuxban Bum Lby elemmlary lchool lulled Wrdnuday in 11 wake In other elzmtnlary uth lim In mu Vnncomu in the la five day nu lanilar Gknwood Ele menury School mm mm he Ignhohlcry at chllr bum The fire had dltd out Hart doing minu damage sr JOHNS NM 1C Part Promote Wheat GAGNON Que CPITwo RCAF planes were hrwmb the wfldemeu mouth at this north ern Quebec mining cenlxe lodl at tin of vrivale aircralt breed aubland when the pilot was blinded by ice Ind TORONTO CPJAn cldcxly Iboemaker who came to Canada from Trinidad 30 year 830 wax hand In his oneroom 131 in quarter Wednexday mun and subbed la death James Stephens who axe police ufimaled at so was bev lined killed Saturday or Sun Two Cars Lost Firebug Foiled Search For Plane Passcngen aboard but snowwa or 16 1mm wait within as rescue worker road the which on road CAPSULE NEWS nah break lhmugh and up bgkolq let in the tune SNOWBOUND BRITISH BUS lOIKT DOVE om lCPl KMth Jnuvh lllrhzrdn yr nld uncmplnym nu dylvrr mu thargrd wllh capl lnl murdrr Wrdnuday In bl drill of we Aqu The charge um mm by lav lit and Ivan Erwin um rmrxllonlnl Illchnrd will appear In court Ioday 11 lb only occupant at lhc phnr mu dead nu Mme An tnglmcr with lb federal nuairy drynrurwni he um on holiday whm he decldtd In or link am All oflhe hair tagged CAllJMlY CPIThe r1101 cl Iln lunxlne Aimn vnl lulled 1t Wedncxday whm Ml plane cnuhcd In Varmint ma on the wulhcau mum MAQalgafy Dough nary SI died In lhe lama nnzr dunking lmm mm In room In the uranium home an Jurle sum mar moor stud men on mopernlivc thuu in mace mdwmlaky TORONTO CmA lather cl children running In age mm 18 months lo 11 year died 11 hi blazing borne Wrdnuday Eight lryjnz Alo savg lye th WASHINGTON MP The US Nallannl Aunnauflu and 593 Adlnlnlntrzflanuld Wed nasday yubllshed report that the United sum and lb Soviet Union pm joint manned landing on he moon false Paul Ham finlornullon om eer fur NASAI lunar fragrant laid flu report puhkhed b1 the French nzwxpnper mm Pm apparently arose from misunderstanding recently announced usus deposits at uveral bank and wallet canulning 115 In task were lound 134 store Murder Charge day police eald lie was found in the room behind his West Dundns Street shop with the 00rd of an tunic twn knotted tightly around his neck throat was wished and bread knife was round near the body lite roam wae ipatlertd with blood Police laid the limp vm ransacked and Mr Stephem pockm were turned inside an gnnklbooiu mowing nibuaniizi Pilot Killed Father Burned Moon Tnp person we aboard the bus or the time they we mm bdwccn Portsmouth and Pet ersfidd Rampshin Eng land Monday Thirty Mn Nu Huh at Jun rnmum Every Friday Saturday Night rmoav NIGHT DANCING IOOF HAll OllIER ST ADMISSION 75¢ PER PERSON GIB WILEY SATURDAY NIGHT The flip My lhala who heard llefll or law flu Cardinal 11w Inn rmrltd to hurt old In mmlnz In re Ipanu In quullon IhM Hu llyrnmld lnml wan tulluinl from an undlulmd 111nm chitin in lrlnlxlnn rm nxlonlnh mad rm flu muam whitMd In HI VATICAN CITY Rankn The ankan City nmlpnpn Osurvnlans Romano my qum alum on mnlu had Elven nn ownKc meaning la rnxh mndc Iboul Pope John beam by Arbhblthop Faul Emlle Cardinal ksar Mon full The ncwwnvcr my in din nlch from Monlnnl Cnrdinnl er mman In Monlml Dec 17 rdtmd to the lnpel htallh In ll most gnuml mm probnhly In lmply Um In old nit it was dlmrulmu IrtaAAouriclm Rim Any III Thin II report farunch lng consequence and will Xe qulu carclul may by firm mmt employer and trad unions laid Mr Judah in prepared statement ln mn vlew the upon ruenu an Inn to raven um Unemplaymm lnlurnnce Ac to la allmlbla purposelo deal wllh relatively IharHerm unemployment We nnle um Ihe num ohjcdlve of lhe com Inlltee ha bun lo ulablllh ha Unemployment lmurante Act In what ll canalch to be mad lnsurance princlples nllhaulm lh rtport l1 careful to poln out that hm are subnanllal dlllcrtmu bdwun mlnl lnnl OTTAWA CWThe Cana dian Labor Consuls lald Wed nexday It wlll week an early apportunlty to make representa tion to the ledeml government on poulble ltyslatlon baud on the CHI commltlee report on unemployment lnxurance Claude Jodoln pmldent at the 1050000member central 154 bar federatlon Iald the CDC lm mixed lcellnge about the recommendatlone ol the laur man committee at luqulry nle ommnllleel report made yubllc Dec proposed threerum pmgram cl nipport or unemployed warkm tn cluding universal unemploy ment lnwrance scheme The 550mword report made 45 clllc remmmmdatlnm In ad vnnclng dctalled bluepflnl or flnnndally mlstlnz lobleu work umzs mwrom Leger Quotes 0n Popes Illness Said To Be Misinterpreted mow the Wok ll 6year that have already lallen this winter AP Wirepbolo THE RAVENS ed The mlhem porllon at WWFM May or Mixed Feelings On Gill Report Mndnl no MIXED lMNlefl munMm Ilnmmw my Iha unllnnl uud Hm phrnu In Apcclnl ranlm rcftrrlnl lo dun dmm lnla whlrh in min walk the council wnn dhhlrd uylnl that would In mumd in rewind and tn nmd arm or the nu Imhm flu mnrll Cardinal Leger nlw Ind bcLn nuoltd In Montreal pan on he Hm man the Romn Cnllmllc mmmlcnl council Ill Mylnl ncryflllnl HIM wan dune wu done badly and won have he dom all over Again In pup lnlrL Earlier lhll work lhe nmn nmlpaper sumpa Sen pomd Cardinal Mar um Ielumm In Ian John rum llnx tcrtnln nmnrlu he madt had been mislmerprcw EXPRESJEH CONCERN the um time we are concerned about certain other rccommendauoru which may haw an ndvme filed on my tmpiayed worker flllng dalml or benrlltl Concern was upmsed about Ihe propoml Io txclude worker alleded by Ienwnnl unemploy ment mm rtgulnr benefits and In cllmlnm he pment un mnal bnnem mlzm um will remain with him unlll the and of hi dun Approval 3150 was upmud at noommeudnuann that the mm of benefits he tumcam to higher ratio cl earnings Ihnl than be medal regula tion for married women but the naliannl employment nerv Icc alrengthtned that an unemployment Insurance advi Iory committee be given In created ualul Ind that 0110 ml ol the unemplaymem Imu nnce wmmlulnn be lncrcnud and enhancch Amen the point cited by Mr lodaln were pmponnll exclude mm mvtmge worker under In yum of an to changa the cllziblllly requireth at entitlement to burnt and dunno the Iyttem of cnnuIbu CHI Mr Jodaln said he CLC ll phased about lama recommen dations at the committeeSm eluding proposal extend cov crau lo variant calegorlu ol emplayees now excludod to preserve he practice of gen era pooling or lhc rink and to reject Iha concch or mch rate for unemplnyrnent rflqcehnnd conggnercial or vrl In 1960 the last year or which Dominion Bureau of 5m llxtlct figures are available Canada upon2d m1 ol 15 900009 lam Iron an In va rious lnrmm The UK was second Lo 1110 US with 3700000 tom Under lemu oi contract with six producing lran mine on lhe Pacific coast the tutu will climb in almost 2000000 mu during 1065 Brfllsh Columbia hlpped an eulmnled 1631000 tons can mum In Japan In 1962 rude wartll around $17000000 lllE BARBIE EXAMINER5 mununn JANUARY VANCOUVER CPD Japan making all her Canadian Iron ore purchales ram wencans mllm won may replace he United Klngdam al this coun erI best overseas customer The posslblllly is seen In min ing circles here allowing the relnrn In Mnnlreal an Iron are trade mlarlon to Britain and Europe The mluian reported in part The world lmn on mar kellng slluallon waschnnged so rapidly vIrluaUyno prospects exist or ullinngon ore aulslde North Americq Ior perhapl den udu in coma Expartsw me UK here part laid warn lalflng 91L ReporisSay Clark Gives Resignation IMPERIAL IN EASTMAN COLOR mm A11 pm CARRY 0N CRUISING MM lhu unlmu Hm lMUlV 0N MI d0 4va Ammlnl Lruhlnl ll Dcpuly Comminlaucr Junlu nnrllrll who nuHmd hum nllntk low dnyl nflrr luulylnu belan Ontmlon n2an mmmlulan on crlmu In Juno murncd to wk lull Orlobtr ncwmpcr my could not be confirmed whuhcr lhn provincial govzmmcnl Inlendcd Io Mth the tammluluncrl mlannllan nar Wlll Hum any mdlcmon who wauld mmd BE ON LEAVE pct my Eric Silk uulunnl dcpuly mlomey general hnl Imn and In charm of the to me an lcmpornry has Commllllancr Clark 56 hm hcndni ll arce llnca 1m Th erpnper my It llnl been rumarrd for some limo Ihn he Inggndtd lo mmn Mr Sirlrki mm In an lnltrvlcw that hl knrw whim of Hm gnnllon Ila laid he balmd liu mmmhflrht win in hll nupan lrnve Wed arrive on lhc Ia and everybody would down and lay What can we do now ha would be Imny1 So Id come up with wmolhlng Now anly know two lags so you can me how many Vaflnflnm had drum TORONTO UNThu Globe and Mail my Clark On lMIo Provincial Pnilcc comm alaner has mbmllled his min nalivn In AltnmcyGcnernl Frgjcrlnk Cm Ho wnl unavnllnblc or mm mm will their Whenever they needed cw laugh In picture theyd lay Letl not good old Jack WI no secret that In the No Buya uric did wllh Dennis Morgan wmu unequal1m nl the mlpt nAgjrg IMAGINE Alteriieavlng Warncn Car Ion buan one of Ihe first mm mm cam air151011 doing SI feel weighing zoo poundJ he was master the dauble lake the pained expresn lion the over the simmer glance with bulging eye wrln kllng lorehend and open mouth Canon had had five years upeflence including vaudeville night club and stack camps nles when he gped or 111m He regarded himuif as an acior rather than comedian but wu ion time breaking out of the movie maid of 5mm in loudmouih revered con nection with Warner Brothers in 1950 after 11 profitable yen WilliI the Ituqio Ligierjm raid Biz bimierer with witty ability to enlivcn any party such waI Ihe llkabie Carson charm movie inns begun in kngw it the late 30 The aclbrwna barn John E14 mnr Carton on 00L 27 WW to Mr and Mm Carson In Carmnn Man The lamlly moved to Wisconsin whcn he was youngster and he be fgnrge United sum chlzen In Carson collapsed Last Aug 26 on an Andmvcr NJ stage dmlng than rehearsal of cnuc Choice Dacum said ttihen he had stomach dlwr er Mlnlll FUNKY JAM KENNETH WILLIAMI KKNNKTII CONNOR Report Says Iron Ore Market May Shut Out Canadian Sales Mglvzs 110 gut1125 said Hed been walking around ladny and was talking nar many II bedside were his wlle Sandra MI brother Ruben Canon and his phyalclan Dr Seggnoug nglrnar ed to Mm Just lhla momma uald Carsons bus nen investments pnrtner Frank Slempel who was In be when he dlqi Hed been talking wvhls wife She the room tor cw minute andth he rc tugged he wan dead Stcmpel lie hm beenlll far more than 5b manths ENCINO Cal AWJack Cnmn Cnnadlnn gborn actor who blusteer urns me screen as the laudmoulhgdX comedian who usuallyglost Ihe girl dled at hhhome Wednesday alrcnn my lawn 52 53on Holiywoiod Stars Frmeancer NOW SHOWING Commluiancr Clark wm also witness before the crime cam mluloner Mr JuaIIco Roach whm report or Illa vmvinclnl lavemmcn In wgyarpflarn The Male Animal Arsenic and Old Luce Mildred Pierce One More Tomnrrow The Time the Place and the GM Aprll Show Romance on the High Sean John ach Mary many malnly related la measure that had been taken Io plug lcaknxu olpallcu Inlormullon lo Knmblcrl which had dtvelopcd helm he lank offlce Na nllegnllann worn mndo nxnlnsl lho commluloncr lhu htarlngx At Warner Brothers Straw berry Blonde with James Cax ney WM lallowcd by long teml cantract Cnrwnl films Included Viva claul Lady Denry Ride AgailkljeBEldq Cqme 901 Carwn was manInd 01m llmca previously Ills um wllc Wm dancer Belly Alice Llnde wllh whom he teamed on the Orpheum vaudeville clrcull In his pre Hollywood days slnger Kny Sl Germaine wllam he married In mo di vorced lllm In 1950 They had lwo chlldrnn Jalm born ln 1941 In Gemmlnu Catherine born In hl yaulh Carson attended Carleton College Northfield Minn where he piayed loo ball led the sdml hand and toqlgvnrt InAdrqmntlcy Altcr graduation he was salesman in while or his lkera Insurance business then went mo vaudeville GOES TO HOLLYWOOD In 1936 he went to Hollywood dld hit parts and entered ra dio n3 mnsler ceremanlel of nynriELy show In 1951 he made riproang debut in musical comedy In Texas Dnrlln helm an enthusiastic audience of some 3000 in Pnllas The next year he appeared on Broadway In Thee Slug rc ancing In mnviBS he played hardrhearted press aunt in Star II Barn with Judy Garland and James Ma 5011 and was talked about or rupporflnl Oscar nominallom In Cut on Hat Tin Roof he had andkher noncomic me III Murtery grasping son of Burl vcsr series of oncAhaur comedy prggraygls You Still Cant Beat Natural Gas JACK canson Never one to narrow his an llvfllcs he lumcd lo directing wilh 5pm Scmnd By the 1an 1960 ho had added pmducing in directing The Enemy Eclaw and other mmm ember Powell cun ccllm his televisinn appearances on lhe weekly Dick Powell Show or he rent of lhe 196 sub son on hls doctors orders Powell spokesman said the ac torl doctor 1m said he wasnt ready ye return to work 513nm pg MUSICAL In singlng roles Powell made complolc nwllch as hard pnvnla delecllva ln Mur der My Sweet allowed byCor nmd OClock and nonmusical drnmtlc roles movies totalled mm than 60 View Ark on Nov 14 1001 Powell first rule was downnpdou cmncr in Blessed Event Some his subsequent musicni films number with Ruby Keller wm 421d Slreei Gold Dlgxm at 1933 also 1966 and 1mm Foollighi Parade 20 Million Sweethearia nnd Flirufion Wnlk Next month he stepped out the presidency of the highly suc cessful Fan Sun Television Inc telling hushed meeting gtockholdm am not damned bl leand am not resigning the prgsiderxc 93ng pugpnses Um stage he said the physician In ch was pleased wllh my progress and said Powell feel health ler now than ever have Pawell sald he had been hes llnnl about lalklng his Illness unlll erroneous rumors spread and always lnslst on he lrulh Chcenuily the jaunly per sonable Powell said he was enn Iidenz of making lull recovery Nowlhm know so much about cancer am morn airnid oi gelling pneumonia he laid reporlersgnthemd in his Bev erly Hills home With him was his wile actress June Allyson mgrsrg mum He said he had been receiv lng rbdlalion treatments or mallgnancy an lymph gland an the right aide his neck and nnolher In his chest cram Ar dlcd at 930 pm only five hours nner tha dlscasu claimed actor Jack Car san Powell thus became the fourth mam slur to lga tiled It Idays HOLLYWOOD AP chk Powell whose Hollywood career ranged from singing In early talkle musicals Io sludla ty coon dled Wednesday nlghl of mean In 58 41 Chnrles Laughtonlznd Thomas Mitchell died in midDecember The onetime singer In screen muslcnlb who later xwltched to toughguy roles and then dime ing and producing dlsclnsed last Sept that he had cnn Meanwhile Pomll had armed FRIDAY Ind SATURDAY TO DAY mm FEATURE ms snown AT um 115 us pm Its like ha spread the fingers as though each represented talent Why mule nurse to any one branched out to protect Inwa In could stay In thus bushIan Powell wan manled three times HLI first mmlage the owner Mildred Maud preceded his Hollywood days may Wm divorced after five yearn Whm came to Hollywood looked around and saw what the business was made of Mn sleds comedies westerns Ittaok 0ng much the old Republic movie in and turned nu such television series in lime Grey Theatre Thu Rifle man Wanted Dead or Alive Black Saddle and Robert Tay lorl Dmivcs The handsome still boyish Iaced Powell six feet 175 pounds wllh blue eyes and red dlzh brown halttold an inter view in l969 Four Star Television In 1962 with Charla Boyer and David Niven AS HAS BEEN IIIE USUAI PRACTICE IN PAST YEARS THE GUMR II NIGHT DANCE FEAT URING IIIE BOB IIUN TER ORCHESTRA WILL BE DISCONTINUED FROM JANUARY TO FEBRUARY BOTH DATES INCLUSIVE WELL SEE YOU AT OUR BIG VALENTINE DANCE SAL FER Orillll Club Pavulon DICK POWELL NOTICE Mon 32

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