iv 13 Bandmaster Prepares Plans For Bandshell 1CqmivdlHeCtdIS sure jBav To Freeze In Time Dr ma Imam pronmu um hallan mmphy lhpaflmml in 1932 In 11 Maine lrdmur limmphy AM mmmmy Mann Frmn mu hr llnm nulmml mnlcsmr ol Ko oirnphy MHMII nnd Wnnkn IMrmm Ilonhlmru anl mom 1w WM mm lwur nml rhalnmm Mm phy qunnmml Mrmll And MnMnM mmer Douala llnll In nm In MI Ilenlnndmm lxmdtm ï¬vhml linmnmlra in DIM withml Mmrr Unhcnfly bl Mumhum 1le 41 Klmnflnnlsl UK Mr Mm Inlry IIMVHHI Hank llilhl lAculrnAnl HAW Hum Dr Hm ymlmnr ogmplly and mammary Mcï¬lll II vlrchnlnnnn ol Ilw AMI lmlllml nl Nanh Anmlrn and mrmMr tho NnUmml Ilurmrh Mimi lam In Wylye Itnflnndhln INV Dr Am rnmv to Mmln An Inunlcmm In In nnd Irrmme mmdlun 111er In 15 Dr Kennth Hum Dean Am and Sclrnco Al MrGIlI Unlwtnlly will nddm In Canadian luh of Harm Mon day at 530 MIL In the Library 111 plrmbcr mmlng lho nunla llpo Hunt and the Km penlell Tnlmnck Hand Mn rc xcunlrd mmmiltcc wnl nrmcd lnlrr mccling con Imlnu Vlam llulullfln King Thu urlglnnl propowl or lhl bnndAlull was prescnlcd In Sep emher at rcgular mrclln lhc Clly Conrcrl and REPRESENTATIVES An clam our tool 111ch depictlnz nndshcll proposed by Kcn Halllcr condurlor or the Barri City Canccrt Hand should be mcnlcd In CHy Cuuncu wilhn nicguqle ol wagkg other Indium whuk Select Speaker At Canadian Club The IBM extravaganza chnlr mnn Jack Malone sald today hns not overly concerned about either the weather or the con dition 01 lb bay Bom cu oplcgnle at the pmper IIme ho In While not prepared to claim Me an any new events for the comlng show Mr Balslane did My this yearl edition of win ccr fun would be least as KEN omen point In proposed handshdl yrojccl and $100000 Examiner Pho mm elwntlon of he csllmnlcd belwa $60000 In But the carnival pmmatm are better off than he fisher men The carnival and speed nkullng met last only can 912 of days The ï¬shermen look arn much longer mason Every year at thL time these two lacllonl look anxiously at the buy 110511111 above all hope that it waud maze fast nnd grow lhlcker with each passing ay ITS STILL IUST PROPOSAL L991 ANXIDUSLY The qaldlnnp also brought lhaughu the annual Winler Camlvalp Commute head and members the Barrie Chamber of Commerce lelt for law llcctlng moments that the Ice would be lhlcker 1th ever or he midFebruary evnl Bul lol The nsrhcavlly us over The cold map over the hqlL seasonchcercd the hearu or the ice lllhcrmen They felt quite sure It wunld only be mallet day Dolor the 159 would slur Io arm on the bay and they would be able to think uriausly about putllng out Ihelr shantice The Walter heaved mu on Dr lime lflflDlmlm Affllc MNNIh ulugy INMr lirmur 1W hnlnnmn 50ml Eude nml Tatumm Imp ml umqu Mum IMJICHMImIM imam Imvlnvllm nmmfl IM and lnrnflwr Tanninth mm anm mnmum Demrnwnom IP61 4005 Um Fde Am AMI SCI mn Ilu nulukd In Huh Sxlmrv Fume In Stplrmbcr Mr Halllcr mm The clly had wnnlcd band IM lhrrc wmolhlnn lhnl would be caapcmlive effort Edward Lndlcl Choir nos Caldwellv Rm Cnldwzll Sln Shlrhy Shclmrll King urd Lndlu Cllalr lllnrloxy MncDonnld Narlh Colluglnle Jnck Sllvcrllmm Darrla llpo llnnd Glh Vllcy and Ken llol Her Barrio Cily Connor and um Gmlmm Davll Kempcnlclt Trumpet BandI Mdl 11M Sharks Wllmn ll ndvlwr rrprcsrnun he Dania Cigy Council and Cammlum An there usually cam lval Ball curllng bonsplel and olhcr pnrtlcs held throughout the cltyl sampling of events that have lhrllled rcsldcnla and visitors at past camlvals and will do so ngaln thls year Include Kc knrt races do sled races do 13de parachute drops ï¬sh derby horse and cutter show hellcoptor ham and buggy and Alrplune ridesï¬rkldoo races aquatcer demonstrallona lln can curllng log lawlng mn test featuring mayors and reovcsl and draw or cash us as well as trip to lorlda In fact the run is not cnllre Iy onldoarst 0n the Saturday evening of each carnival stellar indoor show held at Enrric Aunt This Includes benuly conlcsis dug sled de monstrations barrel Jumping competition minor hockey garner bmomball mniesu iig urn skating Ian year Barbara anncr and Bob Paul were featured up 1357 WM hold on the Bay all St VlncanFark It was pm pared amund ha International speed skating meet Jame thing most Barrie rcsldcnlx had not seen in person and wmclhlng that proved lo he lasyng thrHL EvEry year the skating Is 11 Mature But no longer doc stand alone good as the many In years gone hyluandumlost lik91y b91101 II Al Ikd In lunaxllan Fwlmrv and anatln Inuly Hm mldcnre MI of lnl nrmlun Tina vamhlp 1an 10 Flldny Inmmw wlll 171 at 51 PAL vhln lemriuy 1m Mr Ilmlml by Kiln Mlmlnr Mrflulnnl mm Mm IMIyrI Hulmru Joe Hill Jrnmu MM naught Mmhllno all lhzlrnlnu IM Ilrln nl Nlngnrn Fall Nrw Talk Axum Inn 11mm lmum ol Hank Mn mndr mum Anunmnmtu nu lly Javan ll Lynn runml Ilnmt Hm llruulrm Mn will In InM May nl IAllrkkl hunh lllthvmm nr Frnndl Alivrvl Mm Flnl Tuumhlp um Illnl Turnlny In hil mr Cum Baumn $100000 he mld prvgmslnu In nnlurul develop mm nur talents and um By not ulvlnz oumlm ndc qunle ncmnmwdafluru wero mm ourelm mllurnlly And car than whn wuuld air Jecl lo the price Mr llnIllcr hnl nn nnnwcr Samu maple will my damnl pay nnlurnlly II will an yny 11 ml luppoard In ray bctlluM ll am new lmy llnnnrlnl mm TIll In nr lhu mph nnd Mann la lhcm An ninnnlhlc nml nm nelhnlnmy plans Illa le be prurnlcd him been drnwn up by Mr llnlllrr They lhaw he run and Ildo lltVfl Hum he pwJNl nml Hm lloor plan The 9mm 1m Jul ll nlvrn ronunl would cnnalnlclrd nl ho wul ml of Ike lmy mu In In wllh lhn rllyl Ilmrlnpnmul Ivtanl or that mm 50 hr according In Mr al llcr pmnm Conlndcd huvn Ihuwn comMcthc nmounl Inmm Ix Mn pqucrl Yeslnrduy he sald We hope In proscnl his plan to Cily Cmde wilhln mnllcr nl wcckl We Ml hold one more muling la 01ch chairman helm wn d0 this 03 behall cvcrybndy concern In the weather warm while Let the water run and heave The chamber know all will be equal at carnival time Negotiations or in honarnry chairman for Ibo exciting week end an underway If usual Iy someone that cvmone loves to be near The chamber is negotiating fur and near with bodies that can add to your enjoyment An nouncemcnls of these are ex pegtod within cw qays the speclmrs EVEry year more and more people take in the event Every year 101 In some H3119 new 01 lhrilljho heart HumI5 IL nioN OBITUAHY JACK BATSTONE MadInd VIlHn Tuvan 100 lomw it Zum Tuwmhlp mm LaminaTM P1an link Inllmnuhm nmcnnma mm er nml Hmr rlruuly ï¬wnktr by mull nt 1mm awncm llrml Hullml ru ll dqmly lffflll mlnlIhr dutlnu Um ï¬rman Warm War rimIna AIILJnrk Cam wrllkmmn llnllywmd ndof hnm Cnrman Mm mum litlflpbllmnlll Sulllrr may hlrlph In mun THE CANADIAN IHEM llallylMDlrk Powell bl hm Hollwmd mmr mum lmm Ilnxfng In rmly IAIkIa mulltnll In uludln ycmn mum Mr Roscvmr ll lho pruldml flu lloynl Canadian tollcgv Drunk pal pmltlml and malnnnn mo board of ex nman the Ontario Huh lmd Mus Tenchrrl moda lkm pmkmr cl munlc Knnx Imlnuiml CumKc Tomnlu nI wcll Ill Ewnrt College Tn mum No II nrzanm Glcnvltw lrrlhyltrlnn Church Toronla Fcalurrd M113 in Henry Roscwnr lCCO PTCL of To runm SL Andrews Prcsbylcrlan Church will ha ha mm at orgnn mllal MI ovenan Hi County Count llcks HI ymr Jan 15 51mm County munch back to husinw next week with lwwcar round going lnm the second terms and many new cnqnci chl Monday our councils 51 down In the rim meeting of I963 They are Eun Townshlp Elmvalc 0m Tawnahlp and the City of Barrie Slnymr nnd Crccmare coun cils dart lhc yrar Mn ncv Lee AL Ilslon will be pedomung part llme ministerial duties at Cen lml United Ohurdu flame or the next month or until new mlnisier appolntedl The ormer minister Rev Brenn has moved to Rich mond mil Mr Graham laid today that last licenceyear tom was 11 300 He admits that me 900 dacsnt look 100 big bcsldc bu help course though said Mr Graham we expch laslml nule scramble but Ulcrc 00 we dont have In worry abouL Councils Start The Year 63 On January Organ Recital Is This Evening Willglveï¬ul lmle brea thlqg sgacg he mld According to bureau operator Clifford Graham his repres cnla bit 01 holy By this Mr Graham meant that the 1961 selling year rhould I101 be qulla mfurlous CONAIHUUTMN LTD link FA Ill Approximately 900 licence plates were purchased at the Barrlc nulomoblle licence om ct from Dec 10 1001 close Ill 1961 Alliston Minister Helps At Central 1Imz Emma innmm munsmy JANUARY ms Hm Inc on occurred Lne harm of Lucius Bram so who Eves alone an Hrzhway besz the M11 and ï¬lm can cesslcms 01 Flo Towmhxp Van Gaaldied In an Elmvah doe on office following the thoob ins Ronald Howell 16 Thornton Dennis Greeley Incookureel and 15 yearde BanIa juvenile were all charged with brealdng and entering with Intent in connec tion wflh the Wide An Inqlicst was called of Bid alternm to flunk Into the deth Comele Van Gaal 19 101 John ï¬refly who died Dec 14 from Ihoizun wounds Licence Plates By End 01 62 Ecoxuo Davies 900 Purchase Calllnque5t Into Shooting Near Elmvale DEATHS past muslin hold me when the ï¬scal ymr and at he Slmcoc County Jail In March lhcre will have been about 1400 Cily Police Chlcf lZd Tachlr hart ynludny announctd Ilm Emmallon nl Comlnbla uoy any In CnrpnmL Cpl Lacey hm hm wllh he pallrc mm uncc Jun 1050 and nlnre lhnl llrnc he hm hm udivcly engnnrd In Inlol Innmcflan wrk We wouh kc In use Cpl Lacey full limo Ialrly lnnlmdor Inr Hm dull drcn lml Inc In nUnr In pnmlhlllllu ha cannot 10 Ink MH Tfldmhnn 17H rnmnllnn look tllccl Ncw cars Dny mu One olvour major Items of wark Jahn said is to try and get to as many new teens unding hm canlcrencns far couple of years John Is one 01 he dimian of herorgani zalion and 15 also chairman of Ihc ways and means cnmmlllce SITEEAD INFORMATION The purpose of the Toe Alplm nrganlzallon ll lo supply young people with lnlormallan as In wllgl alcohol fund what ll does These are buk lwa many questions hat John Pcllefler 17 Grade 13 and Bruce Reynolds 19 Grade 11 both of Barrie Central collegiate dlscusscd with almost 400 young pcaple at thcToc Alpha Confcrencc In Toronto What is alcohol and what are iumeflccts on yaulh1 City County TotalUh Lodgers nnucla REYNOLDS of Bar rie Extreme Ian shown chatting with Rev Eric Smel BBBRIEITES ATTEND CONFERENCES Youngsters DisCuSs Effects Of AlcOhol CORPORAL lhc Darrin Cily lulirc db tnflon cells duran 1962 here um loin 55 ladxm who Ilnycd overnight an gum or the city 111ml people who are detained an charge mu mennl hung drpaxlml In Jul Me max Immnllnlcly lrnmlzrrtd Io lhr munlyl falnblhhmrnl cuynr unnle pay In mam he ml Io lhn munly In Ihln mmd mmtn HI Ixmmllon lhnl perhn women dn not have 1m crlmfllal mlndl ar nlllludu bu Just dont in mughl ll aka lo handle Hm number of mm nml wamnn who me In 11 rllhcr nwnllln trial or laying Menu under me month 11 duratlm One llnllslic Um worthy um lhnt over 91 per an he prisoner who am belnz held alulhn Jail are men Acmrdlng In 111 governor William Casey lhc average flay tnr each prlsnncr In About 10 day allhaugh some are lhm fnr month at llmc walling for lrlia In lhe Syprcgnu mum The average number of pris oners who are accommodated during any can your armrally numbers about llme nlh warnt lhc can at Christ nm when lhcrc ware 15 men for Christmas dinncr al Nrw Year here were In Pl onm all hand or the cxccllm are hat over during lhe halldaylL Figures now available to year end aclually ha in nine months operalion Indicate hit this will be he cant Bruce and Jnhn were span wrcd by Central Unich Church and the Womenl Amcialinn at Central along wllh he Women Chrisllan Tcmperance Union of Barrie The two other who allcnded flue conltrcnm Brian Edey and Connie James were spammed by Collier Street United clutch lodgers who were detained on lhgprgmhcs We Ieaï¬e lhemrvio make up Ihcir own mlnds once they at tend cnnlerence There is no chapter at branch of To Alpha In Barrie but John and Emu almg wilh three nlhcr youths are actively engaged in speaking Young Peoples meetings and upon In vilzllanl as possible and loll hem aboul what we have learned Ihese mfercnm and Invite them int thc organlwtim lay the Alumni codexmu Pefldfler with Home at Comm College 11 Daerr andJud Km we tenlrp cut Mm Barrie lad banquet at Central Both Can nnd lobed Lccpcr um have one year to no on Ihnr emu whllu Nril MacDonald Pom Ill and Mllld sallcr each um have an other we yum Io serve on he board 14 Council mmmum or flu put yrar hal been A141 Mormw cholnnnn of ma my dnclonmcn mmmflm other membm who emu upire are Thoml who has just xvmpldcd Weeyear lcrm and Paul Fisher who ha been on the board or he pm ycnr ï¬lling out he km of mun member lry 10 are sillon win Aunrninn Genera Elec number of new lam will probably be prcmll the lul meeting ollh MW year One ol he in task ha the board will lam will be picking new chairman la me the board Thil ha been bmughl about by Illa miznnllon Tcdl ha ll leaving the claim The Darrin Planning Board will hold IL inaugural meeting for 1963 on Jan 15 at 710 pm Kenndh Johnson Iccrmry Mi today EM Jam Ill55¢ Chief of Police Metropolitan 7mm wha make an Drink thin Sulb Annual Comer ence held at the calm YMCA be them WM Seek Truth and Make 101mm Among some of the weaken Wm Dr Jahn MA Cgmgdlgn del egalé In the World Enfererlce on Alcoholism in Sockhalm ho make on ï¬nds 11 We have no an nlIcalpeaple In our organiza Ilon yelling Danl Drink As matter fact we are never told not to drlnk but to use Jayzemept He am laid that large you have dcmonstralcd nimilar crested reacllons N9 FANATICS Since he lint conference alluded Jahn laid mind that there doesnt mm to be too much Interest unlll you Land Jppk for It By talking to YoungPeaplel groups lhcn ound tremen dmu amount Interest in uur mnfenncu parflculmly Ihe lath on almlkm preven llnn all in line with the con hygnm Planning Board Meets Ian 15 Wopd Gundy Company Umlld ML IJIIXINTAHVKI ALAN Hm I76 Welling Sum bu hulk 1W1 114th The Srcmiliru Hut vrmidri vlumifm Ii Inwmlmul Muniripal null 01 mutian munilir mud ulrrlinn nl pur lnml and rmllmon plum milalllc In rmmll hwmmmh Th January inane 01 am Rcvicw rum menu nn ll Canadian 1mm and Mmk mariaullmimpmmurul in lhr nmmmy mu the outlook larlhc mmily umkm lor IM MM an Raina and Srmrilru LIH trill bl Immnlnl HamHI an liqmlv The and MnrluI uml The Slack Market nmrc will weak In In Ynunz Proplcl group at Crntml United Church won nnd also the Womenl Chxlsllnn Tcmpcrnncc Unlan nruw said In changing Ihc mbkd mm lha hlghllzhu Ihc conference were lha odd Mu mlous In mime about drinking Pclcr Tnhblt who make on Boclnl llcsravulblllly Chrllllnn aulh In Cnrixl nun now Mcamlng balm openan unmn Instead mm opinan ujnm Anaxbcr dy he nlumnl un dertook la lnvcsllgme further Wm ndrcrllflnz of beer and he ads whlch use youthfullook Inz moduli Idler will bo uni nlklnx mph to lend In llmu plum and name Ids when hey we tom of lhll lypc ndrcrllslng dlndcd lajnulhs Gavcmmcnl ha bccn vrom sing or year ll would rcvlu ll MM toward alcohollxm but he majority he work be In dune by pl Ham he mht ADVERTISING We 1pm lot at mm on the drinking nnd driving studies and we won laId lo watch for Gavcmmcnl action nn lhIl mal lcr what dolng and what wjn da luau xww mm and mm are given In delezum la the conference during lhclr amday flay Thir teen lecture were delivered to hose autnding the wnlcrcnca and at least ten Imuru deliv ered lo lhe alumni All laclixrï¬ wzie uccampam icd by visual aldl Including rc cordsnnd fllmI 1111 year we at the Alumni delved duper lnlo various nt pcclx al drlnklng wcial drink mg alcoholism and drinking said Bruce Convenlion that was held at the lame llme as he conferenu WM been gum or some llme lo the comer encea and we really dIdnl get In stud maqy MW name On 01 he things Bruce and John have definitely learned lhey my 13 um when drink ing lht mental capacltlel 5a out int and are the 13 to come back Mr he only lhlnu not necessarily aflccled are he mechanlcs breathlng AEUMNIV CONFERENCE Much Hm was devoted m6 upset of drinking land driving and Hm wen shown on tho mazes lug Driver and Law Bumce mull mm out show Bzrrlclm Brign Edey and Connie Jam el outside Central WY Photo by Bruno Remm vrlvhle unanim