£¥4315 Anmm mum Allan Mu Mu mum Am All It um 00 um nm NIL pm 14L Tho cxhnuslnd survivors made the wa here Vcdncsdny Thclrcxpmcnco occurred Sun day on nearby Mount Whale bnck bul lhcy had In wnil in lodge nlmnsl lhrcc days in guidm and akl equipmenl re plncc lhcir awn sllll hurlcd In Inaw An Imprrccdonlod loo Inrllm mow followed by rain had Inllrn wllhln work on lhll Inulhorn Drillsh Cnlumhla nrca nhrn he Unircrsfly of Brillsh Columbia suulonls hcgnn lhcir climb Mn would have died undrr lhc now hadnt hrm 1m patty lrmlcr Brynn un ne nludonl xnld In an In mirw Hr In llw mrlnlo nm and ILer nhnmlnz or In OTTAWA CPIPrime Min lstcr Dielenhakcr home ham lwday Bahamas vacation was exncclcd to brie his cah lnct colleagues lodny on alks wilh Presldent Kennedy and Prime Mlnlsler Macmillan which Immediately preceded thrwin rhui ay Mr enbaker spariing light an and obviously in top spirits arrved here by air Wednesday with Mrs DIefen balm and members or his slafl cahinct mcoling has bcgn gallcq fur qdny FIELD BC CPIThincnn skiers have old of race to saw each other mm dunlh un do he crushim snnw of mountain avnlanchc 1th lost In hid lo save Juan Sharp of Vancmncr They mid one lhumlcring slide knackcd lllcm dawn They read lhcmxnhc but were hll by sand nnlnnclm took mluultn of Iran dluing nnd pmblng with lkl palm to 11nd uvcryone Mm nlmul mlnulc cllrynue wax hu lml Arlhnr Ilvinc and Miss Shnrp nine WM lunged clrnr nlmnsl unmnsrlmu ll wan an inn when lhuy mm In xlrl LEADER IIKAISIIII the airport he was immv dlatcly asked qunstinns about he impllcauons for Canada NATO member the pm As each day goes by mnre progress cnn be noted at Ccn Ital Collegiate as lhe finish ing lradcsmcn template the Skiers Tell 0i Race To Save Each Other From Crushing Snow 0N TALKS WITH KENNEDY MACMILLAN Believe Diefenbaker To Brief Colleagues By KEN KELLY TODAYS STOCK PRICES tmupllcd by lL Flynn Dunlap El ml IN Hm mu um Tu LIII my man hm luvIx mdm SECTION or NEW CAIETERIA INDURTH MI pnsal made by President Ken nedy and Prime Mlnlstcr Mac mlllnn that NATO csknhllsh multilateral nuclear force The yMncmlnnn agrcnmum he said will be dis cussed among NATO members whn must decide for themselves their course action It was rcporled by Inform anls here that consullnlions are In be held among NATO perma nent council delegates In Paris within the next few days SEES SOME GOOD Mr latenhakcr said only Brimin and the United States are as yet directly alfeclcd Personally he thought he Ken nadyMacmlllnn agreement least will nchlcve one objective Mnrc alldu have acrurnd In the mm Ilnce Four pmth In lwu um were lmppcd In 11 mow Ich Tuesdny on the newly np encd Hocm PM mlion lha TransrCnnmln llehwny high wny crrw dug lhmugh one and ho hum Km lhun Iva murn lulrr Al lctul lhrcr 1an mm occurer Wrdnuday In ll arm ll rum which run nrcu Enhlm and Iluvtlllnh do had laid burden of Shaw 300 yards wide almost miIu lung and mm mm In nine leek dncp One sklcr said We could sen 5k poles and ski sllckln up nul 47 lhe snow being waved by sludcnla who mudnl tel lo the surface We scrnmhlcd ncrcsn lhc xlldc Ihcm and dug dawn wllh our hnnds We could hear name at mm lainlly shouting under the sur face pnc fellow had arm on and had made halo lhrnuzh whlch he could CMP ConsL Llndcn Mcltcnn who hclyvd hrlnx lhe aludcnls 0H lllc mnunmln Inld Ihc lhlrd allda could mve killed the group in Ha cxhnunml candl Him In lnkl nnly alcrlncxn Innd lhe Iklcrl lromwcrlxh In In lhg llm two call out so we could be uumL As we pzlrly ravnrsud the allda lhird nvalanrhc came flaw 1hr mnunlaln ll missed tasks In each ha mum in prppamllon or opening This mudexjn new antelcria Lapin ofvlhe overall project being low nu In Iur In Ha Ha IN III lhm will be no expansian ol the nuclear ramlly among West em nations it Ihe NATO ores laser up Enve no lndicallon of MI vhws on whether Canada vars such force or whether Canadian NATO force it equipped with nuclear weapons shppld bcpngnc part lot it prime mlnlslers canne colleagues were on hand Io greet him when he stepped mm transport dcpartment Viscount which bmught him mm hlzhw cmpnrnturcs and sunshine ansau to windy and snowy Ollavfu ï¬ynoplll nunr lyrlrnl Jan unry wpnllwr prnvn ltd over he Grrnl Lnkrs MM lhll lnornlnu Sklu nrn mnlnly mm mm and lcmpcrnlurtn MM normal or Ihc nnnsnn ï¬rm unl warmlnn lrrml Ix In Mr dcm Anan from Allghl mud nnllnn In lunprrnmrc here In hkrly lo he lillln change In the amber palltm lodny or Fr Luke 5L Llnlr Lnku Eric Lnku Humn Nlnunrn Lain On lmlu Georulnn llny llnlihurlon rcglnm Vlmllnr Inndon Ilnmmnn Tmnnla ly cloudy today um Friday Almhlly mlhl wlmll ygm 1lmngnml Mum orhrnno mzlnm leh My Surllmry 51 su Mnrle Mnlnly tluudy Indny and Friday with 0cm llnnnl Huh Annw nr hm lnk lllnrfl lillln milder Mmll pm and mllll wllh Hum km or HIllflfl IIIHII lmlny Inllly rImltly uml Mr rmrlrr Eh My cloudy MOI nuuw Hmll liHM pflssconlmncm he said he gave no though to election MIND NOT CHANGED He hadnt changed his mind from the days precedinghll Dec 21 departure whun he had told reporters ho was not can nidering calling anelncllun chéhcrs Vï¬ucstlons ranged widely and Mr Diclnnhakbr made these statements The criticism he had noted of hls Nussnu statement about an AngloAmerican plan In nmvldc India wilh $110000 000 In dclcncc mnlcrlnl cnmo mm than rcpnrlcm whom gave he Inrarmnllnn ls remark nruse out of quns Inns about reports olhcr gav unmcnlx war no advised lb vmpusul belom Mr Dietin bakers Mama to at Nap mu pqcs mnlnrtnce The government will con llnue In bring down the legisla Itnn It bellcvus to he in the pub Ilc lntcrcsl lhll Wm com mtnt on rcpnrt that Social Credit Lender Thompson tun reltcrnlcrl that Soctnl Credit MP will no 10 ntvn the government support In the Commom nnlm progresstvu lexlslntifm In Inrtntoming budget would he brought down ore Ihc usunl dnle for budgch Thin mud to Ind cnlc budge hrfnro Aprll undertaken at the school The most modern acililics are 1191 used in all cases Ex aminer Photo Winnmm WEATHER lfflnn qudy Inllly ll in review of 1962 Ontario Hydro chairman R03 Strike outlined developmenis in the supply of elccflic energy to 355 associated municipal uiiiiiim 97 rural operaiing areas and heavy indnsiriai users repres eniing almost 2000000 custom NPD electric critical wn jont development of AECL Canadian General Electric and Ontarlo Hydro la Um pmmlype for full sqale 200000 kilowatt nuclear power station naw beln built By AECL at Douglas Point m1 Lake Huron HIGHLIGHTS Other highllghls The exlmlan of the Interna 1ional inlcmnnccted mm mm of which Ontario Hydro an Integral part minthe worlds largest power pool Firs power from he second 500000kllowalt coalï¬red ther mal unit at Lakevlew Genera lng Station on Torontos wash em ouuklm which has manned capacity of 1500000 kilowatts age The cmtmdlm 100 mm at Canadas ï¬rst 500000valt extra high voltage transmu sIon line designed In move power from hydroelemic re sourccs now being developed on ï¬ne James Bay watershed mankm In he south Southern Ontario System While relativerHHmH €0009 kilo The conerucHan oi the ï¬rst transmlsslon line in Ontario built complelely by helicopler mclhods In the rugged northern bush country between Manitou wadgu ï¬nd Homepayne DEMAND QUICKENS NEW YORK Mll luhlldh hr rllyl ulna annr vanpcm uhul down nr 11 Ann hlnl my may try In quu mlhllcnllnn wllhuul Ilm INIHHK minim Mn Strike said power de mands quickencd during ha L15 quarter of 1962 rencding the general rend he econ omy Peak power demand In December reached 5943800 le awaits an Increase of 62 per cent over I961 Rcsourcea la mm 1th demand totalled 038000 kilownlu Forecast In dicate electrical consumpllnn during 196 will rise about per cent equal lo the long tcrm average Ontariofllydm 11m puhllnhm ARM In mm mm IrlrnmI Wodnuvlny mu Hu munl nrkuuwlnlzt llwlr Inn Iin MI Ilnm In nny pmmlm cl mm In runlluw nllnn at normal mocmrl rnncillnllun Inrdmngm um ramle lmmnlnlul lhm II quirk thnnua In Hm LOIIHH nl Ih Tynomphlul MIMI 1hr nlnlnmrnl mm lhe pub llduu wm ccznilmln irrll by My mullnlu mflhml mum at lemming Al ï¬lm xlaln Iha mvlrt htIr newpm la lha your Now Yolk Th pulrlimtrn tnlml ll mm IvmA lunandn ocnnmnlully umhlhilm and uld 11mm Imrll Ivldmcu In dwllyu Mllemvnu mud hy men9mm uulu cflulm Hydrov Calls 1962 Year one 01 NuclearEledtronic Age Publishers Hint Return Press Without Strikers II1E BARRIE EXAMINERTHURSDAY JANUARY 155 Hnnia Mayor Lu Cooks prcmllcd Imuqucl law In Hm molller mu For Onlarlo lmrwau Yunr maj of le nuclearglam ge 4V NPD Cariadas ï¬rs nuclear lecuic powerweatlon wcm ritlcal on April lland Vlwo wnthsrlaler delivered the Nuclear pywer oHy MOTHER OF FIRST BOY IS HONORED 1962 was also year when the value of Hydros current lhennnl expanslan pmgram was pmven Low water level on the major watersheds drastlc ally reduced the autle of hydro electriq generating sullen ln Samba1 and Nodheaslcrn om nflo But new thcrmal capacity look up the slack aupplylng up to onwamer of power qulremonts SALES FRONT To maintain thejconomlcs and 16w rate which resuit irom increase in the growth pow er demands Mr Striko said Ontario Hydro and the associa ted municipal utilities will con linua their driveinr greater share at the energy market in the home commercial and in dustrili field integral part Im the worlds largest pow pool stretching mm the Gulf oi Maxim in James Hay and from the Rocky Mountnlns lovihe Atlantic nea board Thixvmup oi utilities by pooling pawcr rcsnurm on an emergency basis lubstam ially mince individual require ments for ntandby generating iacilltie and thereby reduce operating mun Interconnect iom wiih neighboring utilities also provide economies much the min or purchase surplus Powcrl supplleaw per cent of the pro vhlces Rowe rcgulrcrmnls 0ne of the most signiï¬cant developmenu of 1962 was the expansion of the International Interconnected power 5yslem whlgh ontmjlo Hydro isgfn hofuru lha Ildku and alarm lan Hm InlrrnnUnnnl Typournphlcnl Union ll drtmnlnul Ia lnumu on Ihe mblllhrn nl the NM York newnrnpm VII In crmvl Mu mmmlnxu Mum ramlrlned will Im heyan Hm turning mmclly me new Nu In nmnln and tould hnnkv mm mm or mare the Ulyn nuwwnprrn an wall much all unllnnwhla mm at lnrnncd rmu In newspaper Im unmf The year 1962 Mr Strike com tinned was one In which Ont ario Hydro made manyvpcrnt has and administrative econ momma 0n the sales from 1962 was successlul year llrl Strike Bald with spools emphasl be lng placed on eleclrlc heullng By the end the year some 4000 homes 1100 apnrlment miles 215 motels llï¬churchcs and 50 schools were electrically healed Veare forums In Ontario in having power mes among the lowest in the warld Mr Strike said We at Ontarlo Hydro aim to keep II that way As In any oiher business we must keep sales volume up keep mm oust down As in any other bushes 00 we must strive for every possiblé Im provcmenl in elficlcncy and Iachnology boy 1m born flnynl Vlrlurln Hmpllnl 11 um nr rlvcd In Hm Jay at Mr nml pygntxiiï¬Ã©iipgfrnjmnnn Kinsmen Club Handy Lamb president We can look back an 1932 with pleasant autism tion Our childrenr allergenic room at tho ho itni addition will do much to eip the uni lerlnu Continued su part to the niety ratmi and Emerthu safety Elephant will 5aiwlard our citiunl oi tomorrow The Christmal hampers now Kinsmcntmditlan were distri buted to the needy and the ion animate Assistance was also given to the Retarded School Workshop building mud and to neighborhood workers Yes these wort mme oi the service that Kin are pmud aiand we feel sure that tho year 63 will produce and extent past en deavars JAYCEES Om of the moreyopular pro Jccls In 162 or some of Bar rlcs service clubs has been lhu purchasing room or moms In the new wlng at Royal Victoria Hospital and cflï¬rlbuflonn to the needy Ind All clubs have shown pros pemus results or the past year and are optimistic in their outlook for 963 KINSMEN CLUB Junior Chamber of Com meme Bill Brnithwulte presi dent We eel our most not nbie achievement this year has been the Grey Cup float which has received wide pub lie acclaim One at nur mart suecessiul iniemai prefect ha been the momherslup drive We started the year with 24 members and we now have 63 members going into the new your who form part of 28 ap pointed committees of these 17 are active new 12 nre year round committee We are helping with the winter cam ivai this year looking uiter Ihe urenn show Teen Queen and Carnival Queen contests We hope that our Dominion Day testivnl this year will he the usual success and we also hope the student exchange pmzram will be bigger than ever SENIOR CHAMBER Senlor Chamber Commerce Ilobcrt Sarjcant president The year 1962 was year uncertalnry and change The tight mrmny rituatlon the elec llon he devaluallon the do lar and later lowering of in terest rales resulted in an un sellled year business How ever believe Iha In the lul er part the year business In general started lo mil and malt OIHLLM lCl Elvic cm lnym rclumrd hnmu Ml Vuluudny uhcn Iprlnklrr mum hunl IIan maan tmlncll rhmnlrrrl Um nul nmlnx and nucumcnl drum mtnu Huck mum Ind the In nlllqr nw mlnklrr Nro hm amm wlly um um llun hmkc mulur urnuxrr when lhn hrnl WM lumnl in an In wouklng day Hm new yum Mn II Mnrr Rn Ilru 1010 nun New Year Dny Examiner Photo Civic Employees Get IX Drenching Service Clubs Report Progressive 1962 concerns were reamnghly alll tied with Ihe total rezulll 1114 I1me addglion Edprqmls LOCAL GENERAL and expansion hmlnuss rallon In Banlo would in am that business In general in the clty was good durlnl 1m It the optimism of the latter part 1962 will cny lnlo belleve that lt wlll be flood year of steady grow th We have running pro sreulva clvlc Idmlnlstratlon and better than Image mup human people wllllng to invest thelr luturo 1n llIlI clty The play prestntnd an act worahlp and love that Gad Ian His Son Io dln nr tho world Eplphnny means lhu mnn Mentallon nl hi lrulh la Ill man use mural plnyl Is an nnclml lradflinn wllh the Church or drama ha largely developed In weltem clvlllzallon FALSE ALARM Shortly an pm yum day Durrlo Ilro dtrmmenl re ponded In an Inrm at he Slmcoe Dlatrlct Coopcrnllvo m1 Innlllll Slrch when lumen nrrved they found he Ilnrm be him SLUGB FOR COINS Darrin clly police are Invul nllnz Npom wppcr 5km bclnx deposited in lhu change machlno lha laundromat on 51mm Slml Yulcrday total of Wm exlrnmd by plndnz the alum 1n lha auto mode min vending machine Immian to rcpom NO ASIAN FLU Dr Scou mcdlcnl of Iccr mm or Io Slmwo Coumy cth Unll anld today ml than have bun no re port of any outhrrnk lulun In lnr lhl year 0th mm at Ibo pwvlmu have upomd nnly very low can of he Allnn flu vurlrly Knlzhu olColumbn Fuhk lehl Grand Knlghl Among name of our man lmportnnt pmlccts 52 was the com Elctlon conlrlbullonr to thé ulldlng om Aporu ltld It SL Monlcar Wu have also yur chased lltllngs or dauble room at the Royal Vlctorla Horpllal and we have purchas ed properly for ncouncll home at Barely Street Over Ind above those few agcompllsll men there Were the usual beneï¬t drives the Christmas hampers and the nudent loan and Our prcdlctlon for 1961 that the year should be good onel All our commlltees are not and they are adlve Thlnu are Illaplnz up well BARRIE KIWANIB pageant has been written by nu anonymous member the Young People at Trinity Church For he elghth yur It will he presenmd anonymously by can of no icon aulsled bymlhe phurph ohm Klwanls Club of Ban1e Ron Slephenl past pmldenl or 81 Wave evaluated lo bulld cabln at Blue Mountaln Camp at Colllnzwood 010000 pro lccl or the crlypled chlldmn Thll la the second such cabln weve bum Th club has spon sored lhe Enam Scal pramam ln Barrle and dlilrlcl all mon les to aulu crippled children lnroughoul the year braces and apeclnl Ihacs were pmvld ed along wllll transporullon to he Hospltal or Slck Chll drcn In Toronto We hav spon Iored launlay TB and can cer demcllon cllnlc hi the ally KNIGHTS 1115 Feast of the Epiphany Sunday commemorated at Trinlly wkh lhoEpllhnny Pag eanta7pm Epiphany Pageant At Trinity Church Annlhcr pm prnsldcnl of 11 club Kcnnelh walls wal elected as LieutenantGovernor for Kiwanis for Dishlet No We had tho pleasuro or the ol Hclnl vlslt LlculenanlGov emar and Mn Kelller MI the 0th MMva dim 1n lhc darkness of the hull maka lhclr way luln lhcir abbey at lha midnlsm hour or Iho nad In at one of the Mommlc tlccl They no dresudIn lhc hnbiu heir Order led by lheir CrucIIcr They bring with lhem their man prized pomnlon carried In chem on the Ihnnldm the monk WMle Hm monk rend lhu lured scriptures flu drama comm alive God but vlnllcd plane and come In lha mos nnlurnl way baby Belhkhcm The uvmll lull In an ad of wnnhip ngulnr and moving bcluly POPULATION INCREASE The wurlï¬l pnpulnllon ln maul by name 50000000 av ry yearmanly In counlrlu wflh loodproduclng dlmculllu Kiwanis Kem enrol Club Grnydan Koh pan pres deni or ez We have had our 51 regular meeiinu weii AI Ieveml direciorl and commii ice meetings Stvml of our member were promoted In higher poslllam end had to mova out of lawn but 0mm Ilely ihcy were repinced by equally progressive memberlr Our iundralsinu camgaignl were weil received by the eiLi ml of Barrie and appmxi muter 51000 was raked it ward our Ernie to support in fleipï¬iy Chidrenr Work Rotary Club Dro JimVelteh president 50m oi our ciuhl contributions to the community have been hockey boards tor outdoor Iknting rlnkn iurnilh his room at Royal Victoria liospltal donation of $2000 towards the purchasing oi the new site or the YMAYWCAt Some of our service included booth at the winter carnival hm year park benches with Individqu advertising chick en BarBA and radio nuc tion 0n the international level the club supde the Rotary Foundation Service which help students attend univmltiu in countries other than their own Some oi these make will he continued on into tm end we look iorward to very good yearr originally under the Chrhlinu Church There has been mark ed rciunl to this conccpi dram with modern wriim such Elliot mini their role not simply an the production of lecuiar drnmn but means expressing philosophy oi iii and their own personal commit mgua ginning The mllng the pageant an anion mannatcry with the ilnzlnx the ulnrlaul hymn cl ghe Iillt cgnlury oma2qmnnl KEMPENFELT KIWANIS shop program In so favorably We now hnvn leveral application or new membership In 63 Ind with he mmraion from cluzens in Icneral that we have had In the past year we feel aura that 1963 will be hater year ROTARY HEATING FUELS Phono PA 6653 COOD BARRIE