Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1963, p. 10

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mun moo In In In ma 11 14 am In In no am $31 Al 1m mum Good llama 5mm rm Sn nmm Rana ropqn rm Sound KIWI Hm mm In My mm Slut Mn Mam14 nrnd mm cum Vouhl Yul 1mm mm um nptyl fly lull Hull Ida hhnd Mr and Mrs and family entertained Mrs George Belfnrd and Mr and flu Cockwcll and family Imam uxrAu we rmmmn Inuuny Illam am AndLrson went erislms day with Mrs 4chqu Sr oI Tarnnlm Mn and Mrs Dchncy spam Chrislmu with their chil dren in Tummu Mrs William Emigh and daughter Mrs Inna Caflll 5pm Chrinlnus ere with Hr and Mn hm Slam and Christ mas thy with Mr and Mn Don Fuck and and Mrs Emigh Kamau my dewi 15 hon BicITEM holifla Scum mix Pawn my mule mm mm um hn ml the Cbzllmn Nun wmlm spam chum Detrndm Plume na Enlautmhlu cnc 1v Stu vrmhu Spam Ken llmle Flavor 1o rnmun rn Church Sunday Dec Z3 min 01 Tallenham and flick Hill United churches under the lead mhip of Hannah Laird of Is Jinglnn sang old carols and hymns mos enjoyable Lalhe large g3 west31y Regarding the beauldul Christ mas dmrafinns in our villag prim wen awarded as follow first Abrams 1mm mum lwnh William Any cin ILn aha works for the holler mm and mammalian hi community is be cammmdnd PERSONALS Mr and Hrs 11 Hapr Prmimzc Town Mass um Chriszmas gucsls Mr and Mrs Wilson 3m mm nbgen spent Chrisimns uixh relalivcs in Osh awn Jr and Mrs Palmer micr Iainad thrir entire family for Christmas AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY bald lawn Dec X6 Malta ing included Ina 6mm and their wives and members of Lhe council and their wins flbmx 50 in all Be Iida lhz banquet heady sing wnz was enjoyed nursingmug sponsored by he local Womeu MIIE was 111411 the Tavm Hall Doc 17 Pmyam included numben Izy puyilx 01 SL Jamar School 90133 and Tallmham school Pupxls from Mrs Elma room Tolmham schao calmed me dance and he singsun mas ltd by Malliou fiwflishl we at 69 wish usher in firemen hamlet was my um Im lnlnd ll yum rho All Win 30 Mind To In IHERE IS NO CHARGE FOR rm SERVICE 11 MRS WICE TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 my um im IHI nnnnu Lu 7m nu 1mm MMAH us um Julan mu goo Mada llniiday visitors Mr and Mrs Gabriel Beaudmne and family Jack and David King Tot am at Mr and Mrs Theophile Kings Mrs Buchanan lady with Mr and 1m Ed Buchanan Mr and Mn Bill Espey and iamily liillsdaie Les Espeya Mr and am John Simuichcon and iamily WzIki cflon Mr and Mn Don Archer and Danny Mr and Mn Fran cis Bounie at Toronto Mr and Mrs Ed Trudeau and Mr and ti Urbain Marreau and zinc 1y oi Pcncmng Mr and Mn Richard King and iamily Tor onlo 31 Mr and Mn Phil Kings Mr and Mr George Gone at Frawicysz Mr and Mrs Jim Manger and family of Midland Eugane Balan gcrs lr and 1m Stewart Jamie son and lamily 2nd Linc Flax Mr and Mrs Dale hmler and family Pdmbom Mr and II Karl Miller spent Chrislmas rill Mr and William Mil er 1040 MM It Mr and Mn llam mnnd rammed Mr and MIL Jack Garvin and family Bar fie also Mr and Mrs Jack Hughsan and son Pele at Al lisum or Christmas day Mr and Mn Hem Adair Anllzr Sash are visiting Iriends and rdalives hm in hes23L Mr and Mrs Hammond of Tolionham and Mr and Mn Ed Adair Schamberg al lcnded the 501k wedding anni versary of Mr and Mn Allan Hall in Fergux on Dec Ed all at Cooksville also Mr and Mn mad and daughkr Montreal for Chrixtmas Min Joan Bdlard nlknded Camp re union orretarded childer th1 week Mr and Mrs Simpxon spent Chxislmas with Mr and Mrs Fry Nnbltum Mr and Mrs Carlwn entertained the ollawinl at their home Chrislnm day Mr and Mn Carlton Parry Sound Mr and Mm Don Carl Ian and son Oakville Mr and Mrs Chm Smart Tar onw Mr and Mrs Ii Delck brader and Iamlly TornnIo and Bliss Jun Carlton of Tor nnw MOUNT ST LOUIS My MRS III FRAWLEY 7m but Mum ol um um hlmrlnn um um mun mm4m nun mum Wrodlln mum wun 7m Ilmuy mm Mme lnmmlMl lhup um um mum firm In my Tm mum rum all the Sloan Cumnx 1x Lhlmvlnndllp cull noun1 xlnxwm Con Juu Bunny run nme nu may show an numlnu TORONTO To nu mu nu nun mu mm NIL llxhy qu may Unnmma nun Inxluv lwhunvl rumm nu rumm umx Jm rysm 11V Ill 59m Nu an nun Mu nd mm mm mm Mu mum Hm mm nunn our BARRIE Tommlanc Tumor am mam Spam Dr Imam Camry Mon Tm Tommy Ammoc lmplre Mum cuc ewl Mu other lpom Ham Yuk Tom 1mm Mam Harm Tho mum swam Wuum Nu 1m II To luv nllltmu Gunmole guru mu IJrhullv IMan Thu IA rmdm Ind Tumn mu1 Huvl mm You up In comm up Im ofl IE mm ma Jammy In Ila Cnlumn um Inu Alumi lounlll Milt Um vdld www upon Tom hot mum Mm our 1m wailm gin7 sum rmr Many wnlram sland ur all dcpmdmz soldy on how um dc Icndm cards are divided The doclnrn has no uonlml our me outcome inch hands and Inn la uly entirely on he luck of the deal Bul mme minds Ihat my par dcpmd only on luck can be made by lubslilulinx lhc clrmtnl nl mu Hm ll such hand Soth playing lhm na lnimp and Wm lend made Th Jark win we Irlck and he ucslion in how dcdmr thou procczd 5mm can mun eight sure Ivkh II poinln made hm hearts lwo dlamlmh and Ihm tluhl in but amped East dealer Both iich Bobble Coming In mending he wcck with his aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Fred Oakcs Tar onlo Mr and Ma not Ritchie Jamie and Douglas St Calho mines and Mr and Mrs How an Hammer alto Douglas Nousmith at Toronto spent the lmlldays with Mrs llltclllc Mr and Mn Jaln Campbell Mr Mrs Pal Burton and Mr and Camahan were guests Mr and Mrs Ghatlex Burton Toronto dur lnglhe by ay Miss Ida Ramsdcn spent the holiday weekendwhh rtlalivu in Toramnu Mr an Mu Pelmpoulol and son spent Christmas with the mun parenu Mr and Mrs Tipping Mr and Mn Morrison and children of Eranlford and Mrs Mosmp Tar anto Mr and Mrs Train and amlly Hillsdale spent Christmas wilh Mn Reid and Archie Train Mr and Mn Cameron and Brian of Port Calborne spent Christh with he lallerl nih cr Fred Grin Mr and M11 Evmll of Whilby spent the holiday with the IalILra parents Mr and Mrs Waller Draper Mr and iiiu it Sims and children Whitby viaikd during II holiday with iiir and Mrs Thyma Cgoper Mr and Mn DAdaml Flex hertan pent couple day withMu Emcmn Adams Mr and Mn Ray Erlglny vXp lied lheir son and daughterIn Iaw Mr and Mrs Bob Sflglcy Danie Misses Nancy Palsy andSal ly Campbell were with Ihzir par enLl Mr and Mm Camp bell ourlb hnlld Mr and Mn Paul Row and children spent the cmth holiday with the latter par umhyh and MIL Robert i032 lianqver ILST QAQIM on 911012 Mr and Mn Kobe and at Carleton Plane spent 11 max with her molher Mrs vnlnnulull mm nu mulncr mu White and grandmothenmrm mined Bunl Soulh Wu 1571 PHI Norlh NT DAILY CROSSWOBD man 01mm 1L it 15 mm IL 155mm 11 um mu km 11 flmllnl mm 21 um Cirng MIR llJuk any um um rm nulial IL Aflllml XIV Pub l0 Mlnl Iltl uIrkOd mm mm ACROSS DOWN 13m 11m An Imlblll Inn lnquim Illxuomu mum 105de amm 110mm Indlm rm mm burrfizinon mi an mum In of lumm Openlnn loadnix of pad Mm HUMPVI mmY ELMVALE vulnerable Mmm 01101 1A7 06 191052 EMT A75 uQJltJ Q95 7763 Form 6392 UK65€ QAKI 55 CONTRACT BRIDGE new mm with Ian llllthu ll MM 15 Huh Nummnd HJKM ll Mmlkl wfllhl mum roma ert By JAY BECKER 011 Ch mm 11 Blnfll Imfll 1601 lhrd lnlmll 11me nimnltrwLLH 70 um Imam mm ruin mu hlIM Jul Wllh with In it nlllrhu mnpnn Am ballroom dum ll And runum Nate whal would happen In this hum South playe to be are and then cashed the KO of clubs He would useorcr hat the clubs were divided 42 with East having four la the luck He would Ihen be unable la make Ihe eonlmcl regardless of which any he lumed Bu Soth ha halter Inc lay nvnllnblc um nuhslan llaly Incrlasu his rhances makmg he conlrncL thl he Ihmfld do lead law club 1mm dummy nl rick lwo and uhrn EM play low finesse he dam True lluc tigln lam to flu Incl bul West on rm can do nothing Map he mnlmcl South nblu null our cluh rich In man he oblnlnn the land The Hume of luv duh into the Isle hand msurt the contract again any nr Hon or addlliunal rich lien In clubs where he may be ablc to win one or In more tricks dcpcnd in on how the missinn club are divided count this mull could In uhnrm Ind luck since he mnircfl would have been made lhc clubs are divided or may were detd 41 mlh West havan lhe dub 1mg lh In the Inner case Soth would give up club lrlrk In Wu nnd mm aalcly dcvclop Ms nimh rick Tomarrol 11 mm lhc rflpnndrr Mrsl Russell mm and Russi cbtmalned some 100 fiends and neighbor Wednesday evening Dec 26 lurkcy dinner served by Iho Uniltd Women in ma Sunday School room The evening wal spent in dancing in line hall Mr and Mrs IlnugMon and Danald of Hamillun are visiting Mr and Mrs Iqughlon Visitor with Mr and Mrs Allan Smith and Mn Leesan during the week were Mr and Mn Murray Pamcmy Ol lawa Mr and Mrs Dean Mr and Mrs Wilbert Staples Mr and Mrs Bert Staples and family and Mr and Mrs my Banner Taronlo and Ruben Smith of Ottawa Mr and Mrs Lame Clement Mr and Mrs Keith Clement Miss Ruth Clement and Allan Mel20d Toronto were Christ mas guests 01 ML and Mm LIoyd film Cassclhian and am Hy of Pram spent Christmas with Mr nnd Mn Earl Rowe Mia Lecan spent New Year day with Maud Mrs Bert 51311125 nnlomgl 7M7 LlndaGossllng la peni lng the week with friends at Aglgco dayld Sgrgcgsvlllc Miss Vlalcl Wades friends will be sorry lo loam xhe pallen in Pcnetang General quyilal Congratulation are extended to Mr and Mn John Haudcn who celebrated their 55 wed glug anniversary on New Yearu av spent Christmas with relatives In Toronto Mn Sloulcnburl was the guest Mr and Mn Don Gill man BILalum la lhe Christ ma hplid Gordon Hockrldgc Water dawn men the week withjis grandparenlt Mr and Mrs Pinch Mr and Mn mulsHodgson Jamie and Kerry Toronto are spending law day wilh Mr and Mn Eons Hutchinson NEWTON ROBINSON ay LESSON qumllly 39 mm mm mm pm vnuI wun In 16121dean inmlum hmt II MNIY mm mm IMVAHA MK MN WWI HIM ROAR mam Wu wm mo rm mum mu mm Two rm IMPOR com lDFHIE BAflfllE XAM THURSDAY JANUARY 138 In wu owlm CIWIW if Hamhnn mum mm mu mu qu umer

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