Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1963, p. 1

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OTTAWA Ml Inlrmm rlnll ck mu In and FM lldl will Mined nul mmvnrr anIvrvlly nl Tnmmln Inf nnlvrflily IllImi Mme mmlwr Imgw In no Iinzlkh nn mum In diIMNI by Imlvmuya uremia Illvlnlm tlll be Ik Mmal Irv1p III III up having dilllrully Illh My flvd dm In Mr luhl uilily In IM Knflllh lumpy PM lllmlru Furer will no Immrdlnlu dNIIlM ll Mala llur Unllnl Hum all lnlnll luManm mlullrl am rrmnlm MIMI III mlntlplp III lmlnrwlrnt Frrnrh mwlrar Hrvrrnl Il mu nnmmnml hula Inlmmmm Illnlllrr Maln lcylrfilln lnhl mruIrrn allrr uhhm IntHIM mevrr Hm lth queqhm bl tlvulnu Inn In nnylhlnfi In rim he lmpmllmnI and rmnplnlly 04 my wolrlvynl JAKARTA inrulrm 11w lnthulnn nulg minhhy IaM lmlny II had IIJNIUI null Irlulnrd 1th ml Ilm WIN in Ihe llrillzh prnlrclnmlo ul Hnml The lnrrtxn mlnIn upoku man mld lhu win rumannl almlvr ward An mllImllAHrl mum In lmwlm Inld wk um um llviluln Ixan on mlInm Nva mmvrd Ila muml lo lmkwuln In an nuurnntn um II nm numlln In in 11mm OMAHA dM twice Furlnzcr 71 Illa Wm lyvirl In numlwr lunu mnl Wnlnmlay Anmng mu Iur uhlrh he wmla Um tumIn mu Llru ululrh wm nmlmml In In Mr mm mum Ilmn Lemme mplu Rprlnurr rollnbnralnl wllh llm lMe cumqu my Harm on Imrnl mu lnrluxlln Surrender mar nml Wrin ler Tlmxlvlu In Drrnvm University Plans Oral English Course Cooper May Orbit 22 Times France Wont Closo Polaris Door Canadian Credit Bequest Cancelled WASHINGTON lAPDAmrrk nrxl man In IparnIllmlulcd In be ermlnul lrruy lonlnn Coopehmny Iiy la mbll lhe earth JI lmun ID llmlrl lunflrr Hum mlulnnlly ylmmnl mmll II rpm lzrnry Ipokrunml xlrclxlnn nu Mllflhfl try or lmlrnd al orblll prulmhly ulll he nnnwnml um Intck llw anlnnnl Mm nnullu and Spam Allmlnlslmllon Ipokrnmnn mldnl WASHINGTON CF The Canadian govcmmml mlln armed the United Slum ExmrlAIm rl flank no longer Mr Ilandhy crcdll lo prom Canndan cumnry bank Ipu mun said anminy llo um Canada cancrllcd arranncmcnu or 00000000 worth of bank cm In no 11mm Rejects Note Abusive Words the building started shaking said Henry Akm 21 who was on the In floor he lwa Ilarcy hr buildlng Mg noiw Hm NI utnlnul and started mm In the aim Lies Lyricist George Springer Dies finned mEnlng BLOWN INTO MR Finally dug hole and saw guy nbnve me pinched him on Id lag and wouldnt let hlm had my lcn hand lrce Imp digging digging and digging Thcre was body xighl under mm could ml the flush move lyhvc alhcr worker warn Injured in lhe cxplnsiun that that hmugh the Home Packinz Company plant here Vcdnu day and six were listed In crib cg cpndiflan TERRE HAUTE Ind AP Rcscuc emu with cranes re canted two more bodies today mm the min of meal uadp In pkmt pushlng Ihc loll Widncsday cxplosionto 15 11m wa€hcvnllnucd Yo an other victim believed buried lhgflmoyfilaimux rubbiel was outside when it hap pcncd Something Just made Ilgi ILqu Edyargi Bland RESCUE WORKERS carry John Fisher on stretcher alter digging him out from Blast In Plant Buries Workers 99th Year Na CF Th Cnnqdlnnjpvcmlnrnl ml NEWS BRIEFS For Examine Wmu Ad Tele phone PA 32 The Meghan number to call or the Bushml Editorial Dept Is PA 66531 Our Telephones ladaj marker we taken nut cl lhc rulm Wedncr day and the body of Gwrzc Knhl 21 was rccovmd curly ammanm line in In Mflzcm or unit In Ihc basement and mm stifling Manic nvcr the am slncr Jlfsline Anlhany Hospital said we wen nll crying and coughing mm the nmmanIn coming ram lhn lung lhu Injured mm nuhcd outhc cmqncnry ward VNurm dannca mask and oxygen to 1m the pagiggu Mom man 200 wurkm wen Insldc the meal packing plan when Ihe one ripped lhrouzh the building 0m worker de scribed hymns as lika rush wlixd Agnorm muss Authorities my Vrcmalncd uncertain ulthe cause ol the blaxl Imcsligfllor were check lng he Wuibfllly gag ex plgslunl lung Hm know llwas mld Oh God lcl ma llve through lhlu our or llve limcsl Then landedl could see lillle light started gllglréblng down he slde 01 he under rubble Horne Pack ing Ca In Tam Haule Fisher was trapped or over four hours alter an exploslvn rip Inim equ pman Jud Hrmvcll uh lmmm he mun HM lwab IM nllcgnUnn mum My Mu he flwldnl Io Mu dWIIIMI lmmrdlnldy ml LF llur the mm gm nl his MA Int wmrmlfll allrmllnnu nl Ink but and AM in lhq harm In wunly mm Jud mun HM In Inquiry mu nqurllrd b1 mlme umm Inllnwlnl mm plnlnlu v1 homo Inlvlmll um mlnlualn am Imulw qualnly cum lnv Judy Hrnnrll NM tHIM lo lullmnny ulvrn In 111 trrvlce IIIHan nprr aw VIII mld he law Mr Llndmy lrrnllnu Allan Mnlmm njmm mldrnl Mrfnrum urn Almlll Ma In liugmla NmIng Hume Iaur day nilrr Ilue Mlch lwal in COUNCIL AEXI OWEN SOUND CmWed Llndmy luptrlnlcmknl lhu Grey County Ham or lhe Innd hm lnfll tlmrnl liarng of Imllnl an elderly midrnl at the home Judge Call Ilrnnrtl tun durlinfl lurnrlna lulu the up Million he hamr laid Wfil nmlny nlgm he wlll Il lull Minn an my mum opem Han cl Um lnHlullnn ha nul rmNM Grry Caunly Comp rll The Dunn II MMIuInIr mllu mull n1 me Round rxulltm mmllllonally llw II en llmul n1le llw Mica In um rlumpg ll mm mum Orville So or 20 long year you and you wlfi were dellr lowly happyA What happened Mm Mbm We mrl Ballaflnn Chic Frank Laxnay veteran your wllh the dwarlmcnl bad Just led Ihrce the Toy children mm the house when ll bum apart Fire Chic William Murray 99 ilmalnd damage at $35000 Firerncn remanded to gal icnk nlnnn and Iound roar ing dustvsvming leak in ith mu main Firemen and gal company crews were deciding how la deal with line pmbicm when the house oi thrimp fish orman Thoma Toy dixlnle grated The blast lied up rush hour tram Wednudzy and creed lcmpamry evacunllon 1000 residents mm allvcblockma where Alcmany Boulcvnrd Ne vada sired and Crescent VAve nue come author SAN FRANCISCO AP war like lighting firecracker in matchbox observed and witness ailcr gnu expiaalon lare apart imuse and rained da bri an nearby fire crew kill Ing bauaiion chiei and injur in nine other firemen OWEN SOUND MAN MHLIGNED Gas Leak Causes Death Chief yed the plant Eight men have been found dead he dub ril and 12mm are unac counted for AP Wkeyhola Home Head Cleared Of Beating Charges HERES ONE on Ill Mnry annnrll nn Mllllflnl tank nl Hm llama lml tummrr who qull an an amu mrnt wlm Mn Hml lull fled Wnlnmlny Um hr law Mr Hmhny mm In rhlrrl Inr mmlucnclu in Clark nary nnd dumbed 1an glrl bmugm lurwnnl Ily C1mm III prrhulirfil MIMI mllrrly IMIIHNI ml lhn Mary loll by flux Clvyrkoll untrue NOTHING LIKE FIIIR WARNING it WM 11er um prnlcu vntcrnn Vulcrn observer in Mggtow taxld umnmbcr Thu Ihabbfly drtxscdpcal ants laid lhey had mm mm Chcmogank Slbcrlnn lawn Eévm omunh mfi they wqqld be 1ch la hotel 5h um about In can no Ike uh uh man out1dr he Ilau klnnl hrr she ml nu in bu Mid III mm man walked up 3er ll walkrdmfl and iuwznd MOSCOWA determined In Me hand Slbuhm pennant med their way Inlo lhc US Embauy today locking Mug mm Alleged rcllzloun penccu liqn by qulct affidalg Nearly our hour Inlet the group ol about 82 men women and children wax lnkm ram lho embauy ground In Russian M3 51 rqllcsflngloudlg nwy vfld Mn Nadlu Tmmm Ink Iald lho mnn lnld ur It uk lhe lnuury hum Hm Ink and tan dmml mul plnru II by Ibo linul dour 1110 7mm IahL Dunt do nnrlhlnu valh You lwv In waldva 1mm mllllde am we no mld 1mm lrlcplmnnl flora In Wul Vnnrnuvrr my he run an nrrnnmllrn mo sn In In In It Th victories mean that the UN come major secllon Katangan communica Iians and opens Ihl way let concerted drlve westward to the own KolwfezL magnum swarms Wu not lmmcdlmcly known whckhcr Knmugan filmm ol labomgegnd qtrpclmmgct fighting Jndolvillcwen cur4 fled out below 19 UN 1001 the Kipushl Kamlnn and Jada vflle have fallen to the UN in drive launched mm Elisabeth villa Friday after reslsunce lhere was wiped out The UN naw controls Elm belhville capital of lhe neces mum Conga province Kipu IM an Imporlanl copperyummy lawn an Ihe KamnganRhadu Ian border and KflmIna an other mining town Russian Believers Attempt To Escape Protest Persecution It was Ihc third important cenlre taken by UN arm Inca he dflve against Ihe Kalangan zendarmcrlc began Friday UN ahakasman lald no other details of lho capture the lawn were available LEOPOLDVILLE The Congo Untcd Nations troops wday captumd the Important Ka tangan mining and communica tions town Jadotvflle the UN announced here 8min Onlarla Canada ThursdayQJimirlnryy I963 Em Reginald Nomnha com VANQoqwzn IYID UN In Command At Jadotirille mm ReulemAP Him rvhlrnce at be Mrllnnnl body when nnlmlmnl ha would havu In lhn odor In churn Mn Ionian On hmllh who nlwmlrl he imam Nunlnl Humn wuh hr huImml when Mr Mann dial um ha um Imllmi when Mmllld bu no mam um mu on NI body MM Hr Mcmnn Md 190th Ilml Ill Ilenlmeut nl Uwmry CONN we Jun Bsnnall nld plunml lo vlnll nu ham and mi um mum and would picme up mnkm on Mn lrmylng Walnmlny 7mm uuul tanner our Round umIrllnlu new um lrnn In KingIan Im llrnIlnry or bank mc1 launi lunnghi mm Kin Ron lnIcuIHy gahl he had 031ml Judge Hnmcll laid Mr Lind myl charnclcr had been munzmlly mallxntd and In hnmd llml nmnpapm wuld In Ill murh erII In lho drrhkm In earl rr Ilnlr mrnhl Mlu Mchnnrll err wrlllm lunlzr Hrmull Inylnl Ihu hm um mhlcnl brnlcn Acvmly him Judge Hen nrtl Vedncntay um wnn an rxngmnllan Iho roplhd Yul Mr VlJnilmy dmlcd hltllnz lho mun nml mid he often Inn help nlldtnu from he floor Mfllflfl EXAIIGEHAHIH mnle mldrnl wmlo lhn man my onlbc floor We dant want In zu any where one leadcr laid ley will limo be mm In My caunlry ll docml mnllcr Thml nn yum for hero nn place in Ng mm 10 no The groupl Icadm who and hay were Evangellcnl 01th ans Prnlcxlnnt not pm Icstcd hlllcrly They Iald they war lacing ram pcnctullan Iacnl om clall wha thrcalcne la jall hem and lake their children nwny mm lhem nboul 2100 chs can MOD LbGen Prem Chand Indian UN commander Knlangn had described 1h earflcr milling along Hie Jadolvllla mad at he heavlcst rlnce clashes erupted mm third round Kaungan UN combat last Friday WIITES WIUl ITSHOMBE Namth mid he thought ml In all there were about 100 whlle maxunarch Ielt tn Ka nngn and between 2000 and 3000 gendarmcs local Unlvn Minlm alflclall were reported to have decided Wednesday nlghl that the whale of their Jndalvllle plan would be demand necesmy President Molsc Tshombe lo day repeated his throat of qu deslmdion In his mculonlst Kalnnza province UN Katee did not stop advancing Tshambo was sald In still be In Jadolvllle He Bald mortar and recoillen mm In support the troops were mind acres lhc river by copm as the UN drove nnrlh was mm Ellsabclhville an the Wmfle advance The Indlnna crossed the Lul lr River Wednesday and ad vanced on Jadolvllle by 001 111 spokesman 121d in unpaid mandar of the Indian troops whlch made the thrust toward the town had predicted carller well be In Judatvllle today or tomorrow Afing us mum mrlvld armed wall an Mm um wad mm mm dmvmnw law mm 5mm as um wousz Mr Jnhnslan mid 10000 arm on luppllcd milk tnr lho 65 000000 pound or them pm ducal In Ontario during I062 11m would mean 12000 lnrm would be needed lo pmducu 00000000 poundl He Id In an Interview at mtcllng pmldcnu Onln rln cheese nmclnxlom that am lah dcmand or Oninrlo chcuo 1m Irawn Ihnrply In the last four ymrn became conllnu fly Iupply dollar dnvnluntlon ndvrrllnlng and rhlng nnnd nrd n1 livinz In llrlmln Mr Johnston mid the prnv bite can sell 30000000 lo 354 001000 pound nhccse la Brit nln In 1953 compared wilh about 20000000 pounds sold last year TORONTO CP Ontario needs up to 2000 mnra dairy larmcn Io supply mllk for them for Ihe growing Bflllsh mnrkd Johnston Belle villa sccmlarylrcasum or Inn Ontario Chtcsc Pmducm Mar kellnx Board Iald Wednesdayn BfifiSh Buy Ont Cheese Kcnnelh Manda rc membcred by racing an as Windsor Most Popular Driver Award winner In 1051 nnd 1953 turned himself In to pol ce yesterday Richards wnl bolus sought in connection with lha violent dealh of hi wi 25 CP Whnphom SURRENDEBS VIEW FROM ABOVE IN COPTER STRIKE mle Ma defi mo Whit too New damned IMr Ml nn mm In uw Damian 91 51 am Nd Nun flu in When Hn Gauthirr 1m um In philosophy at he Uni vmlly at Toronto mined two week no this pravinnlnl NDP laudcr Donnld MacDonald mld lhe ddtdlnn was no major one No mld Mr Gnu lhlcr had nul been nfllvc on rummlllccl or policy gmupl Mr Martin dclcalcd last year In provincial byckcllnn In Toronln Egllmnn whm Mr Gauthier nm lhlrd In the 1rd eral Mullen said puny om clalx had been rude In Mr Gnulhlcr TORONTO CF diffeh once In pDHHul philosophy led David Gnulhlzrv 30 in rcslxn from he New Democrutlc Parlyl Vcdnuaday his mm min manager In Ihe last ed cral rlccllon Eamann Marlin Im the party because treatment anMr Gnulhicr TORONTO CF Provinclal Pollen CumminlonMWV Clark want In resign bo rauso of the health of his wlfc gwmeyflmeml Cass mid to ibwever Mr Cass laid he has not yet received leller ol At lean 17 death were blamed on the paralyzing weather and more were leafed Thousanda arm anlmals lay dead ll be snow Thou land more were In danger un less load could be so to them Vegetables lwero scam and costly ln shop as the snows rulned cropal Up to all Inches 01 snow 211 over most south cm Brllalndyringlghe gig The lempemkurewoxe treating only few In the country Cantlnuous lnowlalls were forecast or flu rest at the day Weathermen said they could see no slgn break in be cold before next week Gauthier Differs With NDP Concept LONDON CWA new bliz zard swirled steadily down an Iaulhem England today deep eningtha worst snow in Brit alnl 100 year of recorded weather history Clark May Resign As Commissioner Ken and ertio rd shire Farm Animals Die In Snow Feed Prices Forced Upr No More Than 7cpcr Copyl2 Page above places when turn 56 infirm Malnly cloudy May and FH day Low tonight 17 High to 23 rFyr complete Local Weathef mA an Ullgd Ind Wmemm Mam um tnmna Amman human WW Into Mb madman Mr Cm mld Commlulnner Clnrk lndlcnlcd manlh no he wnnlnl lo Inslgn bul talked hlm out ll Dcruly Commissioner Jnmu mum who sulfcrrd hem allan low day allot lcslfly lng harnro Um crlmu mmmlb lion In June mlumcd In work In Octohcr but has no yal nlc Inpmi lxll lull dunes Mr Can Md hu did not put the dopuly tommlsslancr 1n cmpumry chnrgu at hr me hmuso he all was not nd visnble wllh the cr um not brought dnw Comm 55 met Clnrk Is on monurs vacation and Erlc Silk assistant deputy nuurncy gcn ml has been placed In charge of lhe provincial Ioncc on em pamry basil Mr Can said he hope In have the report by Ihn end of this month IS ON VACATION would be very reluclanlylo accept any xcslgnnllcn from Commissioner Clark at lhll time the allomcy general aald would like la be to deal wllh lhe OPP when lllr Justlcu Ranchbrlnzl In his report on lhe royal commlso than on crlmc rcslgrmllcn from the comm flaunt Londnn Airport poor fun way conditions aflch Incum Ing tranxallantk nights One flight mm Chicago was di verted to Paris and one from New York new on In Frankfurt West Germany There was eight cm law on game rum wayl lamina only moderate new snawlall during the night But film hzrdpacked mow and black Ice made the street daqggroug Hellcoglera look of again on mercy mlsslans taking food and medical nuplles to ma ragneq mmmunlpes caught the wars IL Wind plled anowdriflu cut on more villages along the banks the Megtyqy Rim Kent Highw had bun plowed clear Wednesday were blocked once more Isolated communities were locked In even more tightly by drills that some plqcesjo Eject

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