Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1963, p. 8

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SPORTS TYPE lo THE BARK EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN 196 CHANGE THE RULES ORREFEREES Maybe they ought changeilherules of hockey And if that doesnt work maybe they ought to change the ofiicials Yesterday afternoons Georgian Bay Intermediate Hockey League game at Barrie Arena is good excuse forbolh Barrie Bay City Falcons were pla ing Bradford Mels Express The me was fairy good rough and tumble uriiil the irdperiod Then the whole shebang got out of hand The Ex pressmen apfiarently gave up all hope of catching the Falconsron erscorghoard Sqtheytopk tocatghhng ifiérnwrlith hrgh strcks Boarding bun ends trips hooks and everything else in and out of the book They picked up lot of penélties for those goings on But in my opinion and that of many others not enough penalties were assessed It must have been obvious to referee Jim Mackcra laine who was closer to the play than any spectator just what was going on The Expressmen were con tent to forget about playing hockey andconcentrate oh overdoing the rough stuff making it downright dirty Some examplesvof the needless and senseless plays Defenceman Gary Kwasnitza of Bradford letting the butt end of his stick flash too often in the direction of opposing players in front of the net Stan Thornlngton crashing Gerry McBride to the ice while the play wasnt within 100 feet of either of them Many Brad ford players using their hockey sticks like quarter stafts to ram Falcons into the boards And 56 it wenL Relerec Mahkerlninc caught many of the offences and assessed mfinor twominute pen tics But isnt this just ridiculous Acts of this nature by hockey players are obvious to injure The note in the book about intent to infure is more than just two minutes Its anywhere from fiveminuie ma jor to banishmentfmm the game and then somei Certainly the official handling this game can dis flnguish between normal contact and hrutality An aid to hlm Would be how the Bradford style of play changed Few etlorls were made on the part of the Expressmento carry the puck in the Barrie end It E€medlheir intent was to put an end to some of the cons Sandy Air was the victim of couple of butt ends hooks and slashes in succession The offender Lloyd Boyer finally got penalty because he fell on Sandy and this just couldnt possibly be missed It might be good idea for games to be halted im mediately after one team forgets the name of the game and turns whackalley tactics it might be wise too for the Ontario Hockey Association to take look at some of the games and see how the officials are repro senting the governing body Then maybe the games can go the lull 60 minutes and the officials less Fortunately no Falcon was hurt But bet had blood spilled after one the stupid thumps in the third period the oficnder would have drawn at least major sentence Why not call them before the blood 513111 At least two of the loops better officials A1 Pm mine and Jack Shropshire have said they like the way the game is played They call tewer penalties than most otticlnls but when they do point the finger theres no more tooling TheOlm shoulduse these guyeas examples It should see that all Its olllclals learn to handle the games slmllnrlfr When game breaks out of control the good offic nl slops ll in hurry with couple or scrluus penullles Things just have to level out after wnrdn As or yesterdays game ilmls horse of du lcrenl color mum Tarnnln Mnnlrml Drlmil Ntw ank Hnuun Mnmluvl Nuull Mw Yqu Immil Tllnflnyl llrlulll Tnmnln Null mmm lxlmxu film Tmlay Tumnln Nrw Yolk amhr lmviuwu lvulwy IKlItld Vrdnn Ilhlllml lhlllnlu II Ilfv III lTlnrlnml MI leuwhr II III Illlllnllch II II Mlmllayl Iluull Qurnc Ilmlmlrr Turdnyn qu1 fiprlnzflrld llullnln IlelnIrIll llnshry llnlmnum Ilmllltml llnlllmum unkind am Tlhlllfllll l7 I1 KJV 913 WW Mfr Tall anln 311 NIB Tnndnyn um um HumorWmqu II THE CANADIAN lfl Tmlnyl Gum Fpllnullrlrl nl llavrlnnd Quflmf Al lilllmrgh DuhIla Nahu Wlmlmr Woodwind TmIlmn By STEVE JONESCU Amrrlmn hum liunlenl Milan anlnnal lnluc mo own 1912511191 ul nulm R139 HZ M1 M19 Mk 11W NY 11 011 WHIZD HOCKEY RECORD 11 17 I7 ll 11 MM AN 1m In 111 10111 1115 mom IN IN 11011111 Ninuum Full 13 Mnnlmll 12 Irlrrlmrfl l2 Hmmllnn to 51 Catharine n12 urlph mum 3an Windsor Chnlhnm Woodnlock In Gull Tllrulnyl null Munlrcul SI Tnihllrlml ltlnlmwuuh Nlugurn lul llkluyI Glnm Munlrml fll liluvlph IInlIIIIlun nl NI In Full MONDAY limllm lllllul Clinlun Jnhnnlnwn II Mm Island Hrrrmlmm Ihllmklphln Nlllllfllll lnrmnunal Inng Mmkaer Full Wayne HI Inul Omaha TlllfllMl 1Imndrr lily Junhvr lull Allhur Full leiml Mn Tnmnlu Jr Hmva mum NM Irerl Mgullxum Kmh IIIII lllmlwlml Hum JIunr II Wilvdmr ll IAMnlnlhm Vulrm lulu PM lmllnml NI will find Nrw Hanw Minn Wumlmr Mumhm Mlnflolln Junhv Bl lhvullaru W11ng Nllhllrhllln MM Mom Jaw new luknlrhewnn Jlnhr In Hull Hakblnn Emma new Jaw Wrylmnn MEIVUIF Int Illvmnl luau lllnnmrmlll Im Hum lllmhn LL IIIUI iIMMHmI Suhlwu TWUHIII Ulnmehn 0mm Junlor All 5m TBJI 6102 7130 530 5100 0015 01 HHIIJZZ By Jgnnv CLADMAN The Barrie Bay City Famns of theGeorgian Bay Intermed lale Hockey League acet cd the New Year will happy surprise yesterday polling Brad lord Mels Express 74 at the limits Arena What uclunlly brought about they surprise was the act that yesterdays win was the second straight lor Bzrnie over the Expressmcn lhe first time um mason the hardruck Bradrurd crew dropped two in yaw 70 Sunday the Falcons moved into Ihe Bradford Afiha and came from behind in de their host 43 handingme Express boys their first Sunday loss at hame The victory pushedBnrfle mere two point behind Brad 9rd in theglalldings and yes izrdayl Virlsizave lhcm lie mu Winger Gerry Mcnrldn vm vided thehcrolu registering his semnd threegoal spurt of flu yea and ralslng his nulpnl to 10 Throughout Iho alfalr he was constant hreat and might have picked up acouple more IA nul fur Bradford goalie Bill Duo lo rivalry hclwun the two clubs roughflough game can usually be prudicled be lorc eadl encounter and this an ran mm to farm Elbows Mgh sucks and body slams were lheanlerlar the day but sur prisineg enough there were no Iifiicuffs or our mihules of Ihe game had gone by the 800 fans knew they were in or sun ex citing nflemnon In lha short time the red light flashed twice both or landlord and lhree players visited lhe penalty box In spite of the 11 goals In the game bath Don Rlch and On perfarmed spectacularly in Ihc ncll The BrndImdite klcked out 31 puck while Dnn clnsed the door on 36 Thcrc were ewaccaslnns when goals worn scared that the nctmindm had lillle chance to defend rams Bradford Fdr New forced to call pnnallles 13 llmes the Ex pressrncn carrying lhc load willl 10 Earl Boy Slnn lemlnglun and defenceman Gary Kwaznlt were llw main culprlla no counling lor three each Onlwa ol Kwnzmlux pennlllcs the Falcons rclzllntcd with goals Barrio wn nlckedonce In the The My ml Milk the llnrrlc Anna on Snlur day mul murle MI lhc mm In Spnnnlirldn ll mulan our Spokane in the Lenin Minur Ihxkry Imam IL Mlkakn 1er Um nay will three lxlllim nml inryr Ma 11 nml McKnlum 5mm Wu nplrcn lxlmllmN IIII winnml llmwlxm hrpL llm kanuclx mm numch mllnrmumml Mlh no1 In 11w llmlrmm Thu Barrio rink Andy Elmmom It Jack Nixon lklp Ar Pawcll and Frank Vysu oak in place Sm mm In onunum zmz In Irmliuz Klnhlml In 74 xidory rr luluunll with lullnun pvmlmflm swar In Iunml mum lm llm hm nrul Llinhhm null hlltclvmmu mmle mu rmh hrr mmnll mul Kinzalrm ipmihrly r£1mun hmml pm Iurluh on gum yy dunk 17 IllIIvlmrrl mu Minna ll lmmn thlwr nml Jmnlrum armed fin flu or cum mm nmi phyul In LIYHI In 31 it In II luninr MIL wnllun 01 F4 Nldmdn viral Doll with In and llorlnn VIIUI mm Emmi Hull and II lnmh vmvlvlnl lnrflna mob In hlnllmlng nllm hwlmhr nvmaml la nI lhll Ala 01 Mrson mth Iv Ilrilll lbw9091 Han AIMI IIIml when lxwhmm um mm Kony Famo Aml lIayuall Mcflmwu durum UK My Boys Spark Action In LMHL WINNERS AT CAMP BORDEN lhlmll The Falconsan mm behind Mice and mm pullgd ahead In the second Mme onAl Smllhl lally Bradgard Med hard but couldnlmalch up when they reallzeqihey had little chance to comeback he Expressmen resqned to mummr tactics number of lime lhe Falcons taste 2mm and high mm and spent most of Lhe final per fiod upslde down on he mt ms 594 twlceh 5h Kwnznltza and playfilgmnch Bob Haggard counted two quick goals in th in line minum healing Rich with lawjflvq mm the sidez mu Fcrhan uh sisted on both goals and came within an act or notchlng hIl rs ass se Tharp nglnn gavc Brndinrd 31 lead second aim ieavlng ha penalty box Be slapped one at Rich and men ranked in la lip in his own rebound Smith rounded out coring or the op cningperlod drilling ane mm the blucline inio Ill open corner McBUde go we back on the hpmezawnerg flrlqg Iq seco outde lanceman and sent findy Air on breakaway with nifty pass Alr pulled out Orr and pastnd om inlu Ihe net Shuky Moe File mnde he play to enable the Falcan to lie my gqrpa Wang 7537 lb Fife almost caused disaster seconds inler when his mm was ended fly on Lloyd Boyerl stick and me inner want in to more But ralinbie Murray cam right back with another pass to up McBrhics second counter was hcnulflul play with he puck going mm Mr to Ken Robertson File McBride nnd lnlo Ihe ncL This evened up or the Falconsvand 5c the ulngc or Smiths winnlng shot A1 sknltd In lurned and than fired law backhand drive Into the open net McBride got his third of the day with alap shot tram cen tre Ice and then floss Cameron turned Smiths pass Into the final goal Bradford awnmwd the Falcon net tor tufl lhree min utes without mrhlg and then gave up flmsse and mu they remnrkiizic thwv desire Th same spirit has km them or hlflnlo 11h our whllo nknglu were tndilcd lo lluydmz Numzhneuy Ind rr Mlkl Mnnfixh and Sleva Dc anry de Icond goal 1ch lirln In In dose dctL Alum mrr dwelnnd Gm Gnrirpy mum Cleveland ally Imy broke loom nnd What the Barrielkshdged In Imy broke loan and luncan In mm mm to al mrM nlmxldnndnlly IN Mtwn In llrrniryl llZ wln filnulu wrl lo Slmrmndl Cook mg Mum and SHIHI Mn Malnney Mn mm um Providence goal MINI bolldny Yumlde nonmch Ll Camp Bonk To mp lho mnln cvcrfi MW lhln lwur AM lulnm nhnufi In Sammy lll bombing of IlmlllmlL MM Ihe ml kn Hum IIW llmu lnl Lalrmr lrallml MI and Ilnllu wrm xlwmml by Ilirlmnl Tnhin mm comma Jim Ilaflrny mu My MAIN hul Imm limitu ma Iaul lnxh Dmnz llwlvrmmh and Hunk HMIIV man all 01 lli 1352 and dc In mflhcr Ik gnnw Wind mr and Whfllry midi ll Mil Mu mmum um mm Juln quia luv hr wmm Mk IIle ml In FAqu and 1mm Ilannfllmu llryh Lrndv anh ml In Rowmam Im lop In mung Mtllmwu Flanntm and all mm nnzlu gm Kildmm win mw Nmth My Mainnn or Nada Day ml golngnll Ind wflh little bit Inc ma bring about big change In IlanthKl theyfnnubr calch the Collin They will up tho at tho Shipbundm next mm when Lth trawl tn Collan and hen coma buck here In match an Sunday um Fem Bradlard Kmmflu For han Boyer 106 zvmadfard Hussnrd For han 254 Falcon McBride Mr Smllh 1305 Bradford ThumInxlon Err yer Fnrhan 1606 54 Falcaril Smllh Edwardl Clarke 1750 Penalties Reid imidlnx Davis nibpwing 3253 Kelley highslicking 4cm Kwnznilza holding 1155 Thorninzwn highsiicking 1309 Kwnzniua highsiicking 1mm Second Period Falcons Air Fife Mc Bride 137 Bradmd Boyer 756 Faicom McBride File Robertson 48 Falcons will Mr 1533 Pennltles Kwamitza lripp lug 1510 no Falcons maria 251 IL Falcom Cameron Smith Edwards an interfer ence Ll K2231 interfer ence 1149 Armstrong and flmmlnmn roughlngl 1420 Thornlngwn Interfermcei 1715 Boyer highnlcking 13054 an The new year herb and with la be mm of II mm pellllon lnr IM DKeda Trvphy In he menl uxllon Darth Curllnl CML 11m II mnnd lhm annual cvtnxlnnd Hm lum ml nul 11 51mm below lhc plnyum um on he Wnlmsdny mm mrllrl bum lhrlr mounmewurek uhndula anle mm oclnds Sklp 1th Crawford Mn John Smith Juran Her Jawk Ilnclmrn Dam Smllll 1an Damn lulun Frank Iluurrnm 5t Ihry Smlm Dmnk Moran hunk llnrurcnm Jr John ltrdn llnnullon Knrl Jenan and Prnlclgh Clwe Mod amhcr nano rink Iklwcd hy Genru Kennrdy in nu inIL lExamlmr Pho New Year Brings Curling Activity 11x Mmlnmmmluy ynupn and II Inllmmw nllht and nlmlnrrrmy mmpa and mm on Frlday nllhl Mummy uh um Wm lnvltnliwnl Inmplrl III um for rum nlll lair plan and the Hm UNI Illh mulfl lmm Tumult and ollm rlul In nu mvlnre Thm an no draw at and II um wlIlI lhrn gum or all la 11w lullu mtm will dart and Khtdllll lhll Ink nlm will mu playm on Malay ml mm mu and 111mm momlnx Mm Idmwlmyl and nirls W1an will hack lulu l0 llofl an Ibo Inle nllmmn TRY iZXMHNF WANT PHONE IA um Third Period Smoothskulan Andy Bath gala at New York can equal National Hockey League record or Icorlng 1n consecutive games when Rangars play Tar onto Map Man In tonights nnly league game The Wycarro right winger scored goal In hls cighlh can secullve game Monday nlgh when Rangers lied Detroit Red Will 11 he can Icon tonight he will In he league recard streak nine conseculivc gnmu held jointly by Maurice Rlchurd and Bernie Geallrinn both Mont real Canadienyl Ba he Rangcrl can tutu earned $500 Tuesday night without stopping on the tee The we leaiuc bonus fur the player wtth the mat point alter 35 games and Tar ontae Frnnk Mnhovflch The nearest contender to Bnlhgate wu held scoreless hlesdny night when the lastplace Boston Brutus trimmed Mail 30 Bnlhgute had 38 points at the hallway mrk computed with diahavllche so HAWKS BOOST LEAD In the other game Tuesday night thu tintplace Chicago mm Hawks Increased their lead over the mudplace Leah to tour palnts with an easy 442 win over Drlrni THESE FIVE happy horkey player were responsible or Barrle Bay City Falconl 74 Georgian Bay Inlennedlalé Hockey Angus win over By THE CANADIAN PRESS NEW ORLEANS AWCann dlun dlslnnca ace Bruce Kidd Ihauered Hymnold mm rmrd In the Hummus and his Taranla Icammalc Bill Crom acarcd nu upscl In the mllc In the Sugar Bowlan mccl Manda Ilunnlnz In munglike dauru wealhcr he 19141de Kidd ouhfislancrd runnerup 6w Walker lloullan by 150 yards in lhe lparkllnu um 01 mlnuleg 313 accunds New Yorks Bathgatev Closed In On Record hidd he Amnlcur MMlHl Unlnn Ihnchlla thnmp mid voted lhe mml aulalnndlng nlhlclt clippml more lhan one hnlf minula mm Gm lllccl Ion mark 13 llunnlnz In lulu usual unnrlho dax llylndnnzllnz ll Mm and llmkllll hll hbndKldd hll lha mlla In 415 and the lwo mllo In 908 Wnlkcr Who lin leml In 4012 nnd Malcolm llnhlnsun nl flmllhwulcrn lml Illnnn ho clocked mm nlm umlrr Illa rrconl mm 70 Icond nur prlu lw ynnl vlrlnry Chl tun lnynln mlllr Tum llarn In 4001 nlltr hlllcr hut qunrler lurl lehmv who hp mrA mlddln llllnncll hum 1m OIlnral almuldrr through up 100 and 3M Crnlhrrl pullml nlnnushle In llunl lnm nnd nllllnl Ollam ml lhr Imrkulrrlrh with bllllnlng llnnl quarkr Kidd Shatters Meet Record llnnln ulinl luh rluk man by Im £4anwa Klrmnl nnd lklppld by 1mm llnrry IL Mlchlr wun um wm mu lho lhlmmlrr Tm lly IL IN flurlph Imuplrl hm Irrk mum on Ilm ram Jmk Lynn and Mrvv wm my van turn lmnu In Ibo mrly draw This was In mm nm UN mu Man In llw llnynl uy naméici mm 17m goal 0mm 11le nhmlv Iw Ink 1mm lnlral Ming Hc wm flu mnln fvrM 111 IM manual on imnp bell IHp Kcn NHL vim Iklu Doug mnplwll 31x1 Hill lkxklvy 11m zmn lhcm due umrlnn Hay mlr nry Mal Hill MAtKayl Mllln mm In tr ml um Dim mwr hon lmmnlrr nml Imn llmin Ilupprnl wink WI um Banio Curlers Win At Guelph an rebound in he Hm perlnd In Monday 11 lle In Detroit but he lngs Andre Pronovost evened the score 11 curly In the 5mm period usual nnngm were uuuhot by wide margin4m time 44113 Tuesday night Bruins started on lh new year on bright min by helplnz rookie goaxie Ed Johnston lo the first lhuLout 01 Ms NHL carecr But the nyearuld netmlndcr did his share In the an IrIumph tolling Mnhovlich the leagues leading gnal mm with 22 goals at least six times Bradford Me Express at hc arena yesterday Stand lng behind gonlia Dan Blah rare Sandy Mr SmRh Ger ry McBride and has Ca Left winger Johnny Bucyk scored Ms Islh goal or the lea san lnlevin he int period to give Bruin 10 lead Cenlre ChmHe Burns made Kt mid way through the mend period with backhand Mn and rookle Bab Miter scored 111 fourth goat the lemon 1m In the Inn period to make the Johnston shone In the leannd period maldng poinbblnnk um on Toronlol rookie de Iznccmnn Kant Douglas In lha first mlnmahon blocking breakaway scoring attempt by ccnlro Dave Kmn The Bmlm rem mlred In the league ccxlur with no pain eight fewer than filthplace New York Munlreal and Detroit are Med for lhlrd spat with 39 mm MAKES BIG SAVES Goals by Amos MaL anty Perry and Smith mablod Barrie Jumnflcs to nip Ponclnng Juvenile Ontario Minor Hockcy Magus nation at the Barrie Mom on Sunday Imy And Smith clicked In file final pvrlod lo offm goals Ivy Sglmm Marlon and Dca damun HOSE OWL Saulhcm Ca Vllcomln 37 CWON BOWL Inuhinni llricxixrn HUGMI BOWL Mllllsxlppl l7 Iuknnm ll ORANGK BOWL Mnan 11 Oklnhomn MICLnOUIlNH llrulrrl lCnfllnnLL wlfl one umnd In nlnxl wlckrl lawn nmla 125 mm nr vldary nvrr Auxlrnlln nflrr Hum dnyI Klny In Hm Irrnnd Trsl Innth rrc Ihllvlmm mnury hy llrlnn loath 10 um MI wlckct Ilnml II 171 brlurrn him And lllll Law rnnlyled Aul rulin In late mm nvrrnlsm Anna or luur l0 and Iglnnd vlclnry 1mm cl Tumlnyz nllrr nlumplng nunlunl Hm ml lmwlm by Mm Imletenn um Grnhnm Mchrmlr Ilnnlnml MI hark In ammo lmxr Muxmliml Irman Innlnl ulduh lnr Barrie Iuveniles Shade Penetang England Squad Trails Aussies THE CANADIAN HUI BOWL SCORES Tuckers lwe anows and Lents occupy lecnnd lace Wflh 41 Chlcéigo hoosled mm to 45 palm with he home Ice vic tag 1ne mm mm up 441 12nd beiote mki Alex Faulkner plump 33115 red mlls first goal In the ma ml nule the 5990de pcrio In the first pcrlud cenlre Blll lich Hay scored from fin mulca Bobby Hull and Murray Bnlfaur Early in the second period Hull scared his lllh goal the season from Hay and Ba Iour At this polnl in his record equalllng season Ins year Hull had 15 goals COUNTS WINNER emn McBride led the nor are with his second three zoal production the ycar Smith had two and Mr and Cameron one each Ab McDonald scored what proved In be the winning goal midway through the second pn rlad on pan 1mm centre sum Mlkltn and Ken Whnrrnm added he linwa fourth an Ilva minutes Mer nsslnled by anmntes Mlkitn and McDonald Centre Norm Ullmnn scared hallway thraugh he L15 perlud mm Detroit stennng the puck mm Hull near the Hawks no and drivln It behlnd netmlnder Glenn Hal was nulslandlng Inlho him period In Um Vlnzs mad an allout mm to anvc the game He made 28 savu dur lnz the game compared will 311m Delgoill Terry gnchuk Bnlhgntel goal Man ay ugh glvc him 39 polnll top In lhl league Mnhavllch lollnwu win 36 point And Ducyk nnd Mlklla moved Into He or lhlrd not with 34 points anch DALLAS APJcr Slovnll huisluna Slntcs AlAmerln hullhnnk and Don Estes ISU tackle algncd pm football can tracls Tursday wllh st Mull CurdInnlI lb National Fool bnfl League Both Slovnll and £1ch wm on lhe negatinllnn 1m 0mm Rough Illdm cl tho Cnnndln Foolbull League The two nlpncd wiudn mm um unu hn llnnl gun sounded In the Conan Hawl classic which Inulslqgm Slnlp won 114 All Stars Ink Pro Contract uomouo nu noun 18 EVERY GIFT ron Till hlrly lllndlnl KinI Ham Nndonnlly Mvmlud Our rr¢ 51mm mmlyl Rnonlnl Goodl UNLOI NT IA um $2995 Whm Ydu Thlnk EQUIPMENT TRY GARNERS flporiln Xtkel Salted Minnow leo choml Mlnnovn I40 TIFFlN ST ARLBERG SKIS PA 87530 SPORTSMAN SPORTS Ouflr

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