Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1962, p. 9

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Tuedays mm Gull It MldlcanWalvrlrm mumy nnum Llmlluin Wlmkm Kllbrngwnlnlwl Hamin Windr vMIlurh lmham mm 51mm Wulrln Illvlllnn Hullan In llofl 1135 Icvrlnntl II I00 71 lhwlwslrr ll 17 1011 12 IHlilnllzh ml VIZI flaluvdnyl nnum llnIHnmvr illwlullll lem Ilmhry llullnhl Im burgh Ilurllralrr vimle numm Imqu qmlwr luvlumm Irwlaml Ilnllnln ll Ilnrlllilrr Imvldrmo Tnnllhll film mum at Huduflrr llnIIlnmvr uunm lluflnlu liurhrmr llulinln Icvrlnml Ihxhulrr llushuyzh Qurlmc lmvltlrure Hnrhmlirhl llumcy llnlmnm Todayl Game New Yurk n1 Mrllll Gnnm Tummy Tamnln ll Hmlnn Drlmil Chic1m Hunm lInlrulonul llullYllnwu Klngsiou fiudhury Syrnrnsc Nulunlnyn llunl Synan Klnmnn Mndnyl Huuu llullvOIInwn Snurum nlllmhyn hum KlmNun nl Mrmuw Alurvlrnn hallu linttrm lelllrIn ankmnl Lulu Chlcago 1710 172 82 Toronto 11 5113 ll Monlrml 91110 8139 DCIN 1611 81 111311 Ntw York 1119 510811527 111mm 521 11111110 hnluldayl mum deil Monlxrnl Chicano Taranto Chlcago Toronto Monlrml DCINH Ntw York as an Sundnyl lluhlll Mnnlmll NM York union Chitmm But the Packers are used to Ihe cold Temperatures In Green Bay the last lwo works have dipped well bclnw um um the Packers wan mills and aid masks they prepared hr the Giants Last year the Packers ramped la 74 win over the Giant in the title game but they had morcllmublc Sunday lhcy war lhur retard elghlh Televlslnn midlanth In the Unlled Stale and Canada and 60892 paying customer watched the Packers with tremendous dclcnsivu exhibi lion overcome he Giants in 17 dnycc temperature wgnE Mms MASKS NEW YORK CF Grcen Bny Packers proved again Sun day lhey are he bcsK lanlball team Green Bay dwarl In com arison to other National Foot altheaguc ciliag Is 30 gm ll Pac era cal nséli Tillctawn USA The name far the city at 72000 The Packcrs whipped New York Giants 1M Sunday at Yankee Stadium In win their ucond successive NFL ml in musclecrunching playotl hampered by bitterly cold winds chflmmgqahw By THE CANADIAN PRESS NEW YORKS FILL Winter km almost Inlerccpls pass intended fur Boyd Dowlcr as the Packers in first hall at Green Bays Packers Remain TopGridders The stub 01 Sundays game UnlMln flvnlllv HOCKEY RECORD HZ I7 71M UNIV IL 17 112 51 0100 11m I101 III 3130 IN LT 1M 13 li la 31 ll lllunmhmal hum Mmkrmm lml llumvl Ahmad Ruhr HHI lurk FNI William IMMIWI Jineknlwn urinal Huhunia lnluulrmn hum Imim 1lnlnn Nrw llnml Knunllh hflllolla Oulavlq Junkr WM ll lltmummllln llrlmit Wnllurrlmr Hrrsdrn lmllmm Mmllnha Junw Winnle IL Winnimu HI Ilflnlnr Wimp IL Mnnunn New GIMLDW rm Hrrlun ml mm May leh Syxlnny Hmhkllflnn MIN Ymklml Hum Jaw lenkbfllm Junor rum lislrvnn Mrlvlllr Vrylmrn Home JAIW Iill Hun Ellllhllhn Saxknlunn VIZ flunmulnv llnlnllo Junk 11 Dmdcn IAnmlnplnn HUNIMY nlfln hum Vnurumrr IMllnnd Nullllrm Mlvb II Mmhmrng lurnwllm Tlmmlru Mulllhl Mrlm annla Jr Illumplun Mmllmm JJtawn KIM III Mumqu uulir 00 Fllu Hon IIIVIAQ All Monlrml 12 99 6730 Pclcrhoro 12 35 6030 Niagara Full 5100 7529 Hamilton 00 9075 Catharine l5 8111620 Guelph 7511111 Guelph 7511111 finlurflnyl lluuu Guelph lcmbornuph Sundnyl lluull Mnnlrcfll lhnrlnu hAranyl Game Monlmn Cnlhnrinu lrlcrhomugh Nlnxarn Fan EATUIHMY ultnl Milne nnrumcr Scalllc Spuknuc Cnlgnry Minm Hndwr Munclnn Balm Iflk£ Jnhmlnwn Cleveland Ilmmlolphln Nashville IOUNCES 0N FUMIILE Shelly after he Gianls scared their only Inuchdown when Erich Barnes blocked Max McGees Ihirdquarlcr punk and rookie Jim Cnlllcr cvvrrcd In the cnd zoneNib schke swung inln action agaln He pounced on the ball on lhc The chance was veteran flay Nilschkc he Packers sixfonl three mnaund middle line backer who played as it he 1n lcnds lo be an allstarJor the 11er 1h yclers Nilschke recovered Phil King tumble on the kals 28 yard line lale In the second qunglcr with the Packers hold in pcrjlous 5H Mad Two plays later after 11yard pass tram Paul llamung lo Boyd Bowler Taylor charged head long into the and zone on sevenyard bum or Green Days only touchdown Earlier Nilschkc deflected Tilllc pass that was inlcrucpud by Dan Currlcl is best old by Ihe voting or the must valuable player it wasnt llm Taylor Green Rays flakribbed ullback who was star despile unmcrciru abuse from such New York strongman as Sam flu and Andy nobuslclli And it wasnt Time the Glgnls Iccjnbrnlcd qqarlcrbgck NFL title game Yankee Stadium Pass Ihrnwn by Bart Starr was deflected by Giamsr Erich Barnes 49 Ontario Junlnr Hnlllnx up Mm Omnfir Howl nl Mlaml Mn lmum DI and Nu Mm lmmu mu Nu lrltcml ollml 11an Dnll Na Tuna mu nun Mule ll mu unrnlh rnnkrd hl llh pm AllAmor Scnnn nhmin Um upamnm nro Tum lmlulmrn guard lnhu Truulwrll and Imulilnn IMH lmxk Jrny 5mm The Irxlml nlr Kmrlml hy JIIW Ilnynl Former conch lidmmllun Hum Sugar HUM New 011mm Thlnlvmlrd Mluluippl 00 II Iukunsu nnd xixlh Inked urlllnu ID Irlnviolnn lrmlmcnl um NIH nl pm OVAL LI COMII But he compelllloru mmn Tursdny nml Inns nrc lnlklnn nlmul he bl lnur Hard rundnwm use Howl nl lnsadrnn Colin Topranked Soullmn Calllornla with 100 record Na Wiscnnxin In lhc Imzucsl he bowl amnls lo he lelcvlml hy NHC p111 AllAlnrrlcm player on tllr ulny HI IN Silullmn nl gum Hmunun llama nud Wlicnmln ml lnl mmm By THE CANADIAN PRESS High of tho lap 10 collage learn in jllc Unilcd Slalns cul lldc New Ycaxa Day amid profusion rum ornnurs gum and callun III lho annual cxlmvuunnm lhc howls Today mm be cnIInd nor prcvlew lor lhc wlhall Today mm be nor prcvlew lor lllc wlhall Hula Pam T1x Wcsl Tuna Slate nfld Ohio Univ nHy lush In Klu Sun Bowl boll bungling jl2 rygnrds uuii who like both Monsch The Glzlnls are much much bellcr said Pucker conch Vince Lombardi comparing the 1961 cam Iilh lhc club You Just cant compare am GIanLq 42yard line when Sam Homer rumbled punt Five Elays later Jerry Kramer Ickcd the second his three field gaals The kick travelled 29 and so yards You cauldn Ihrow the long one an day like lhis said coach MUL Sherman cl lho Glanls whose duh won me Eastern Cunlércnne Me on be passing of Time course It was the same tar them It was 20 degrees at game time The wcnlher soon turned for the warsc sllpplng In 17 de gums wind Ihal hll about 40 miles an hour in gusls hlcw passes punts hats dust and even Packers bench un occupied across the frozen um Thc wind pmvcd to he lmuMesnmn ercn bcInrc UH lame shrlcd The Packurs couldnt keep the football on lhn cc and finally had In him man hold or Ihc opening kickall In baékgrvund Pagkm llm Ringo 151 wAI Wire photo Grid Bowl Games New Years Day MURDOCK VIIIZIZI AH 37 mi ALA INH mom Annnnunn MJHII IUNI HINT FNIR RNIION VIIIKIMUL TORONTO 5T IAI lI llhrrl rum PA 81202 HARRY all members units played HUI qmflnlmrk nryln Ln manlu anrr llama Hm TD mum of 41 and 22 um um Mum he whmm la Hus Klindlinu loutlvdnwn on 1m un ynnl drlw Iownl Larry Fur zuwn Nuan lug yard Inr Hm dflllll Inurlnhml will II mlw Mr 77 aerandl Irmnhllnu Sonny Mn lhc Wrnl nlw palm or Inn Flovldn pullld one nl he hlx gm Imam In Gmnr owl dll IIan ngnlnxl ltnll mm mxlmnwrc qunflvrbnck Shan nnn pnmd MVUI ynrds to Larry Duprre and In anuml 711ka for lourhdownu llvb Lyle ulnrlnd lhu llorldn uorlnx Ml uynnl IrId analha 1nd If xensrm lnr Hm cum nml Ihe lummt In inlnr lwwl hlslnry The last Mukmd cl conccn mud nullvily mum Satur dnyl Hulda upsrk Penn Slam 177 in the Gator Bowl nn lwo ouchdnun passes by Tommy Shannon 11m Ens lrfmud lllc Wu 2549 in he Shrine nnmu Hm lllua uhlrprd Ihu Gm 1M and Iho Smnl Collcxe AlSlnrn up rndcd lhc Mnjnr College All sum In In the Alluncrch 110w om ABC n1 In One all Amcrlcan will he on lhc Held Alalmmn cunm AC Hay Jnr dun In Hie Hands will be lru Idem Kennedy They are good ball club But they can be beaten They only scored one Inuchdown Hall the defence has In have somcnne on ila side Yau dont win lhe world chamnionship wllhoul scurlng some points Taylur zsycnroid backfield are who scared record 19 outhdnwns and rushed for man than 1500 yards In my ularAsLzxsan action 115 year was on the Glunh list of markcd men The only points lha Ginnll scmd warn lunmd In by he ddch an lhc blocked pun by Ba and the recovery by Coillcf no game had his cammenb Taylar 25paundcr was the up roundmnincr in the battle with 03 yards on 31 car rics4 He caught Him passes or 30 yards dont remember ever be Ing hil sq hard Taylor xald in Ilm dressing mm as he dis played collccliun or ugly cuu scrapes and bruises nu he kept bouncing up llom vicious tacklcx shrugged min Glam mm mm were meant In unsculc him and rubbed in wilh his touchdown blnsl NEW YORK GMNTS quar terback Tittle fails to as of pass as he Is rushed by Green Bayfs Wfllla Davis CASH AND CARRY UMBER 149mm 51 AT BLAKE 51 BllllDlNG MATERIAL THORNLEA um min unFmmm JEWIan nml lllll Nwdhnm unto Dam flnlrlnmn In lull Hut 1cher In lhu MIL Icoml our gun In lmdlnu Ilullnla om 1rvrlnml 1m Slrnllnn had In rural nml Ulrrc um um Jlmluy McKrnzir llvc mth lur llnflnlo Hnrry Cullen Imml Hm ullurr mum ml hr Imvldrnco army Anxum Garry Human Jlmmy lnmuln Irqml or Lhnlcr each In cl on Ihm nul and Wu nl ndl HCOIIH TillI HST sum llnIulk Hun Hrlllnnl nuny uprllrll dld Iha ml In Snlurdny nrllon Clcwlaml heal Ilnlllmorc Jl Sprlnxflcld whip ml Ilnchrmr IH llllh burg Ilnmm Irlmmul nullnlo 41 nml llrnhoy Mn and Qua btc played uvcrtlmr llr The Hui brake aul sec ondplncc Ila wifll Springfield Indlnns on the ntrrnglh Sun day nixhl ram Hammer Amcrlcams while Unlumurc was edging Jurbzc 41 Huflnlo sons lwnl Cleveland Indians In the only minor mt 11ml lrll Qunhtc wflh 39 palm Imvldmco wllh in mud Sprlnnllchl with 35 In lho Huh qutcm Diylslun Alrunxlc Pruvldcncc Dds gelling paim parrnrmance ram lhrm players and provided with major nislsl rum Bulllmnre Clippers once naaln me wllhln Wu Winls the Ironbrunning Quebec Acts In Ihc Amrrlum IlockLy League Haslwn DM Jack Nixon sk1ppcd hls Bar rie rink in the Campbell Trophy at lhe nnnual Yulclidn Bonspicl Camp Burden Army Satur ny mma muuua EXAMINER MONDAY DECESmEn 1L Nixon copped he maln cvcnt prize with victory over club mnle Gnome Kennedy Jacks foursome IncludLd Arl Powell Andy Swvcnsqn and Frank Vyso Kennedy had Harry Michic El Crawlord and Charlie Scagrnm Second cvcnl winner which look the Ted Fax Trnphy was Providence Reds Nearing The Top ixonj captures Yuletide Spiel um and Bill Qulnlan left In first hnli NFL title game Yankee Stadium Giant PA lWll Inn And No Two lust goal In the lust hall minulo produced Ilushurghl 42 wln over nurmxu Vic Suuluk Imulu lhe mun 730 or the lhlrd period and TI lcmndx Inter lcnmmnlc nub mllnbounh um um Innl Home gonl llll lmmd um nnmcl Haw Mm nrd not he nlhcr lltuburgh Inlly John McKenzie nnd Ant Hrlcma ncorinu for In lllwnl Thu name wnn IHlnhumh lho Mushrollurshny Ila look nlnce nl Hmhcy when lho can lrurk lnr Hum lhlnlr period unnls lu urns he ever Unm In Du fled the name whilr hl lwnm wnl marl lmnllul qurhcr hulll llle Jo mlxn on unnln lwy Trrry Xrny kulo rlw Ian Rhlwy llurA rhell hul Wnymy Illvm and luck Mrluner made Ihn cman xwuuuouonm Springflcld not lwogual pur lnnnunccs mm Hum player Dlll Swoonm Uruco CHM and Jlmmy AndersonIn plundcrlnx Rochrslrr Wnlly Bayer Dennis Olsan and Man KHrca xol Inc Wm unal llw Indlnns piny lnu nl hmnn Jnhn Mncmlllzm and GUI Uhrlngo 0le or the Americans The llumns win Salurday slrclchod Iholr undehalfd streak on Cleveland flu lo In games Fred llllls chk Vnn 1mm Mlkol Hunk Clcsla mu Bob Olaoa sham the Cleveland acorlng Dan Meangar gelling 11aner Ionc goal Daltlmorc built up 10 lead nnd coasud In nunlnst Qunbcc Vlc Hndllcld hm lwa goal for lhc ulppm and Bryan llcxlall and Chick nnlon om cnch Dan Lewickl and Frank Martin scared or he losurL Knobby Clarke and his army rink Harry Chalry Cy Mel sogxe and Doug Acla minderup is an RCAF Bor den rink skipped by Bruce For Iunc Dyment air force skip ped he lhlrd cvan wlnncr which won he Hill the Mover Trgplhy omcr Barrie rink in compe tlllon Included Vern Adams skip Bah Green Herb Shun non and Jimmy Clyne and Gard Nocdhnm skin mm Simpson and John Ilodgm mmm amnlyl FWIIIM find nmwr um blacker are Joe Morrison 40 and Roosevelt Brown 79 AP ercpholn mm mm mm Itll Nullmall Aduvllmi mu lvkl EQUIPMENT TRY $2995 When You Think HWIIIY FT FOR THE GARNERS Hyulllnl Illrl ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN SPORTS alglpl mum wmr Alain Caron had two goals or ha Bram and Merv Kuryluk and Murray Hull gal on ouch Syrncuu animal he anlcn 3534 Bradford look Ihe lead for ma first time In the second stanza as GaryVusey talllcd Murray File led it ngaln and Down second goal set the siege or Bmlel lhhflpcrlod comeback Syracuse lhe Canndicns lrnllcd 31 mm lwn pcrluds and answered only om goal Io lhrcoy In morthhd Camn BenFimll Red Ouimcl Merv Kuryluk Phil Espasiln and cc Lahndo ml Hcd at Syracuse Jacques Ln pcnlm and Terry Harper cored or Ihs Canndlcns BRADFORD Bay City Fnl cons closed out the old4year In flash of amino Sunday roaring back In the lhlrd period to lick Mell Exprcll Al Smith longcansldcred Bur rlel most comment portalmar played the major role In thu frame Not only did he score the winning goal but he wlsledon the lying marker scored by llne male Chrln Clarke Bnrrlg which hosll Bradford at Barrie Arena Tuesday anar noon opened Ihe scoring at 516 he first frame an goal by Sandy Mr Braves Aid Frontenacs The luslplace Brave played buddies or Klggslon Frontenac this week en The Frontenac ended sevengame downhill sildc In Ihe Professlonal Hockey Dengue Samrday night when they came up against the Braves and won 74 in Kingston Syracuse enva he Frontenac another helping hand Sunday night upswing Ihe firstplace llullOllnwn Canadians or their sixth wln cl flu season The result mavcd second place Klngxlan lo wllhln four points HullOttawa The Frontenac scared nlx un nnswcrcd goals In the first two periods men had he Bram aulacoru mm 41 In lhe llnal name Red Oucllclle and Don Black burn bath scared lwicean Kingston Pat Slnplcton Dick Cherry and Ken Stephanson ndflgq nlgzles Smiths winner will ch flamed hot butcame as re Iun some hard work Print to 8pm uprising In the finale good deal an visitors load was carried by gonllznder Don Rlch whos made it habit at playing ex copllonafly well agalnxl the Ex prmmen Don rubbed Bllly Fnrhzm and Bobby Hassard on breakaway belore Lloyd Eoyor scored his second goal alvlhe day late In the third perlod Bayer tied it just 20 seconds later By THE CANADIAN PRESS Smith And Rich fif Sparkle In Win The Falcbfis me nuts RING OUT OUR WARMEST WISHES EOR VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR was comprised 01 brother Dana and Ken Green and Bill Hocklcy It has until January to play the winner of the Northern region han ms Swoml Period Elxnress Vasey Hnsaard 05 Fnlcgnl Fife Mr McBride 102 54 lgpygu Bayer Glbaunl 17E45 Third Periud Clzlrkc ynulyertvsan on Dcmpslcr Enrrle North and Wallace Smith Allislan Banting each hnd two win In Hm tnurrink roundrobin Cnmpbclll rink was given the nod by virtue at nlgnplus rm lcrlud payer Davin For Falcons Smith 1745 Ross Campbells Bnrrle Cen Ira Collegiate rlnk won the Ontario Curling Association Dls Irlct achoolhoy pInydownl Salurdny Eajfims Mr Armstrong Central Captures Schoolboy Curliilg By THE CANADIAN PRESS Au rrpaxrl and to II mum of curl Ind truth NHL LEADERS WHITE ROSE OPEN mm Do pm Dally SM Hnylltld 5L IA DIJID Terms Can Be Arranged On All Repair Oimistons Automalic Transmissions our Specially

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