The ymr m2 mmrHlimz hclml Inm lu clmn up Kemp cnIcll nay Work was Itnrlcd In mnumlon wllh an ulmsha Mr pmgmm nnd cily coun cll no ogrflmr Mm Industry Io uluhllxh weandary real mcul prumlurvn lnlcr icssinn lhc cnlim council hmmc cmhmilcd in dcclslon In suspan the Emma County ummunlly Hccrmllnn Scrvlu Hurry nl pcflllnns Icflutlwlhtvmlflor xlalrunllnm lmd pleas cndcd wllh the ï¬rm gram bring cnnllnucd on Its mm broad scope or his year nnd nualq in you Although nnlhln munch hm born negatinttd Ilnrrle nlnrlcd In make nunlyllng nlmul 0111 llahlng unlvmlly xIrve the Cambrian Hay rrginn Mnynr Conku nnd Aldcrmm Gerald flnlmm wm he main push er or lhc 1m THMHC snuu 1110 mm mule glory the Members Simcnc Counly Council plcklll Jack McDonald Hum 01 01min as he wardnn of Simcoc County by mnrxln at two votes nvcr hls nearest opponent Kennth Glllrsple of On Mp was mlscd three and hall mills pulling the budget or flu clly nvcr $1000000 for the llrsl llmo ln ill hlslary ZONING BYLAW Alsa cariy in he ycnr Ihe ciiy intnarl accepted new znninz bylaw Ia govern the way in which lhe city will gmw over 20 years Thin byinw is Ill being considered and changed in council pending an oiiicini hoar lng by he Oninrio Municipal Board World event had nn Import nm Impact on lhc pcane In Barrie and Simon County In 1902 but local happenInKl In IIxc City and County played land Ing nnrl In thglr ye too In Jnnuury lar mcr nldcrman or ha clly of Barrie took over the head mag istrnles post During the Inaug urnl mantlnz CilyCauncl he announced tune of he must am blllnus pragmms In he history Ihc city Including him mllllun dolar scncr prggram Luxxr Mmlidflrr nrvmal mun nl Mlllhunl ulMlo llrm lnlrly quip mrnl Intmulnr 01¢ka mmkup lw tlrrllm up mmlmnllm rum TNlml ml Tmluln Unil uhll MIDHUHST AIRMAN TESTS EIECTOR Thu um Na Win at Zurllmurkrn lenmmy Mun NW NW lTPIM uxwr Mmliilhrr nrvmal mun Mlllhunl This Is all Ihal rcmalns the Timbers Elms Mole on Highway 400 Gasollnn Alley Oro Townshlp nller RecallTop Area Stories Of 1962 LOSS $150000 IN 0R0 FIRE your nrlginnlcd mm the liny hamch llcclon uhrrc Manda mymmld Thamnslnn Hukcr rzll helium kidnapped from IN arm harm where he wax playing wllh hzr llme brnlhrr or dimupmmnrc wm rllmax cd by the mural mrrh In hh Iary at me county wlth mom Ilmn 5000 ncnrlo akin part In Ivarch mm mm mm dnyl Hunt Mklmml huh HT mm mm mm nl Wing lmnKllnl IHAV trvlmlclmvl In nanny mm nr mm lrnnnrr of II Mavllzhm pl Ilnmn II III Inn Wbflqnn IIIMIVHI 0M ï¬re destroyed the limit buildlng early Sunday mom Ing Loss estimated at $15000 The owners Mr and MAYOR LE5 COOKE HHIIHIL SMITH nclllllcs Tia kimcluré will be bull early in the new year ma al he Grove Street Park and lemming pool onrcal lpnn uan ofllclnl nnuncrd llm dale Sunday nnd dtunhcd anrnlmlI devkcu be It developed or Illltflï¬l In any oul lhc exrlflnl nnlxn mcnl an Mm mum 111 Mm Inmllnl would 1an nmwnlmi tiuflllflll haw mmmnn II II Iho unlvrm lrlncrlon ulrnllll MM nml llml In one nl llm moat Im wrlnm ulmlfllr qurlflanl aur mulury IIIIIADELPHM MINTim Unlud Blnlu plum lo lnnd an expedlllonnry lam who db IKHVM MI Marl In IBM In umh Iar Illa Hum unit and County were saddened on liming the new that Judge 04 Mnanrcn Md dlcd Flnum lram lhu building In Apmarl alllce Indlcnlcd lhnl once again Barrio upped the $5000000 mark ï¬n Iha value bulldan pcrmlll luued heplng pace wllh Ill conllnucd nroulh Harlin rIllwnI wml In the roll nnd decided In Invor Iquar nnd dining Iounzu AI lhe year moved la dose mambo nl lhc Jayccu and the Barrie Chambcr Com merce vreparcd or number Bar rle Vinlcr Carnival and the big uul hope ls ml will be successful as Um held lasHcly wary The Barri YM YWCA an nounced plans lne In lha year bulhflng 113 house group of handplekcd lead ing tlllztnl of Harm nllawcd lhclr name to Ikand an rcprt unmtlvu of pralelanal board dlrcclan llal had he than ulabllxhlnz new Industrial dcvrlopmmt or 1h clly4 In the am yur Bnrrlc rilltcm wlll ImV nn oyportunlly Io lnml In lha growl ol lhclr own My On June 18 Haber Smith MP PC SImweNanh was re turned In the House of Com mom or Ill lhlrd term Mr Smllh defeated Liberal Howard and ND candidate may sell Paguc In DullerinSimcoe Han Earle Rowe aunln won out as did Dr nynnrd 1n SImcoeEast to make clean Iweep in thl area Iar the arm November few aludenu at Ban19 North Collegiate had their name splashed acres the country when lhcy rdused to Aland or God Save the Queen on lhe graundx In It waml truly Canada national anthem About the middle the year Barrie acceulcd 1h cilyn Hm Iveyear capital quks program unedulc In an mm to Insure against annual lax Increasu CARNIVAL Robot Detectives To Search Mars There mu has been no me the Illlle girl although Pro vincial Police are continuum In conduct an inlenslve lnvutlgm flan Mn Fallon were In HunAH an at the time Examiner Photo ï¬illï¬hiï¬Ã©fhï¬iiï¬Ã©ï¬iattnnlr Camp Borden Army Sgt Wil helm Vcilcr 75 captured an allaround first place to win the PanAAmcrIcan gymnastic lrlals In yesterday mm Murphy Will urmd by ncclnmnllon mn tnllngm clnim hey um lnnlnll mmr rmrlrnry lnln lnwmhlp nllnirn Thry Mm thm Hwy werent nrtllnu lalr nhnko nn nmumrnl Thu fourth ml wan won by um mldcnl Hurry Fuham nn lnmmbml counclllor Ha II mmmcr man npcrnlnr who the Iupporl llm Hum wdnllum 5mm perom were In lha running This Accomplishment ac cording to Mnior Firioitc Wciiers commanding oitim in perhaps his highest gymnap tic achievement and it in tin ï¬rst time country autside tho United States cxccpt Japan has captured the United Stnl Natinnni open gymnastic tliiL MurderCharge BrothersDeath MIAWA Spatial While much at the ntlenllnn 01 the camlng Conservative party n2 Inna canvenuon will be an the ulecllnn of new naklonn dir ector Io uuwecd Swahil Allis er Grosarl cholca of new nnflana president will also oc cupy the delegate Present nallonnl president Senator S4 lharvaldson of Winnipeg who was elecle in 1959 ls planning to slap down Most likely successor is belleved lo be John llumlllon Tor anln lawyer and larmer mem ber of parliament to York VcsL Mr Hamilton was de feated In June by hockey star uonnrd fled Kelly The convenlion which mom Eran capilgl from Janggfy 17 Wetter who this year won the amateur Athletic Unlon cl Can adas highest achievement wnrd he Norton Crnwe Mum artal Award tor the second sue cessive year detcntcd Dan Ton ry 1962 United States gymnusuc champhm Fred OrUsKv 1961 title holder and many other top Unlted Slates gymnasttc champ tons Weller competing In Ab enm utsary evuntn took ï¬rst place both the high horse and in vnutllng DALRYMPLE om cm More llmn 20 collagen mm lhu Mnmpolllan Toronto area came 70 mllu lhll resort nrca ms of 0mm Snmrday rlrd lhm their number lo Um lawnshl bl ubaul 1000 eligible mm 001 mu not yearrrnund ml denu 11 hrce rlnclcd collunm nrc Gordon Mcflhcc Smnlcy flung nnd Hobbs The Federal Department of lhé cast at the cvnlract and Labor has mum the Ontario equlpntant or the nddltlon to Department Education that Central Collegiate at Barrie It BFPWVBIOI an lncreme In In letter to Hgber Smlth in 19 will nai ionni cxeculives many of Ihem exoiiiciu nominating commit iec will bring in slate oi new oiiicm and ihcir recommenda iion is usually accepted allhaugh other can be nominaied from he floor in line past several years there has been aniy one Cottagers Elect Men To Council Farmef Barrie Man May Hehd National Conservativé Party Camp Borden Sergeant Weiler Captures US Gymnastic Title ApproVes BoostQJn CqSt Of Collegiatémddition Weller competing at Sarasota lhmugh an invitation by the Us Gymnastic Association will compete cl Snskalaan Feb In the rllmlnallon In represent Canada the PanAm game In Brazil March mm contest for the presidency when George Hees defeated Gordan Churchill other recent national presidents have been Leon Bel er George Nowlan nnd iocdonnell Only other name mentioned here as possible candidate is Goodman Toronto law yert However there appears to be lot at sentiment especially among Conservative backbench Pa in favor of Mr Hamilton and in may win the post with out iight The president in el ected annually but then is no set number oi years that he serves although most are re elected or second and third Mr Hamllum Is 49 and native of Barrie Ha enflsled in the war as an armored corp lroopcrand was discharged an major wflh mention in day patchesr He was first elected to he Cummona in 1954 byelec Mon and was melectcd in 1957 and 195014 lie served one time parliamentary secretary lo the aiding mlnlsler citizen ship and lmmlgrnklon Weller look Mb place all around in lhn Sarasota meet in 1960 Last year he scored sixth place allaround 15 BAYFIELD ST GUARANTEED HYDRO RENTAL TANK =Now Reduced 115 100 Barrie Public Ulililies Commission ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED MP Simchorlh Labor Min ister Michael Slammidili de partment has sivenap raval lo IgvlSed submission ram Ihe Barrie District Collegiate School Board The estimated tqtal cost the building and equipment has increased 1mm 41823760 ta $1652583 The governments wnlrlbyllan has been Increased accordingly 1mm 39mm to 5961789 two main Federal government is paying 75 per centoi the cost or build lng andeqnipment and the pro vincial givemment assumes the remaining 25 per cent The Provincial guvemment has ni randy given its approvalto aci dltional cxpendiiurev 0an Cun adlan Signals Sgt Sleep will he radln and telegraph operator wllh the amnnl unit Sgt Slccpa wife Elaine and Inmily llvc 114 Kcmpenlen Dr He Is the son Mr Jnseph Sleep of RR No Berry Langley BL The entire cast oLlhé prajccp being absorped in ulyby £1 The reason fax the addition has Is that the board has dc clded that it needs better el ectrical shnp Some additional equlflpgnt hns Igeen gugchasgd monnl ehulpmcnt has also been purchased or the proposed Wqurvzrkins and washwho The board has Indicated that It would llke lnopen up at least apomon the new struc lure by he and at this week 5in Henry Sleep of Banin was in group oi Canadian soldiers who nrrlvcd recently in the Congo by RCAF aircrait to hegin our ol duty with 57 Canadian Signal Unit in the United Nations Force CANDLE CLOCK King Mind the Gm had llmrkccping candles manufno lured to burn for hours Barrie Soldier Now In Congov PLEASE CONTACT Evanlm1vyuscr families can he sum of all lhu ho waler lheyll em nerd will Uds new mrucovcry electric water healer Two lhermoatallcnllycnnlrolled elements nllor nnln nulmnnlknlly to provide maximum scrvlco mlntmum cost lem nite and tapnclly lo mdt our household needs Why not enjoy lhls lnwcustlcunvw once WITH NO HIDDEN CHARGES Installation Heater Service and the ELECTRICITY You can now have Hydro Flu Rllo Rental Water Hunter Including wyeamld Wnubaushenu man was nhov anfl killed yes lerday momlng HI brother has bcqn charged with murder LOCAL GENEBAI An clg oo au num lo boggan was reported stolen lale Saturday afternoon near Hillcrcsl School Mu Glenn Gordon 190 Hayï¬eld 5L re ported that her lwn sons and yams were playing wiLh Ihe loboggan near Um schooL They Inn or short while and twb older youths cum and look ll duvm Tmunto SlrceL Waubaushene Man Victim Of Shooting In His Home Percy Hodginx 38 oi the Waubaushene area was dead on arrival at St Andrews Hospital in Midland irmn 303 calibre rifle shat His brother Mel viilo Alberty Nuttan Hodgins 27 oi the same address has been charged with capitalmur der in connection with the shooting incident Flyl la Know Your Full C0 lnAdvunu The shooting their place in omer collage on the snuth side at Highway 12 threequnrl tern of mile west of Wauban shone Provincial Police said yesterday that they were called to the scene by an unidentified telephone caller shortly alter am yesterday Four theft were reported to City Police Saturday rem the Embassy Dance Hall Miss Marion Webster Royal Vlctarla Hospital snld her blue wallet contalnlng was stolen She reported the that at 11 pm Shortly before midnlght Sunday three other persnns reported their wallets stolen Gail Ken dal ol Hawkestene lost Aud rey Burton Oro Station $3 and 3le llolyroyd 4H Naplcr Street 13 When police arrived lhey laund Percy Hodgins shot and they rushed him to the hospltnl at Midland but he was pro nounced dead on arrival According la palico the shoot ing took place outside the shack where the we men lived with their father and other brother Clem age 21 The father Her her We 75 was also present when the shooting wok piece TOEDGGAN STOLEN ELECTRICALLY for Illa cu 26 OTTAWA CDThe govern ment has given the navy nu lhorlty lo proceed wilh con slrucllon of proloky mum Intlvsubmarine hydro all boat mam said Sunday Aumorhles Insulated with 12 years Canndlun research In his Iold said lhe project may he lurnlng point In the history at mince fleets hydrofoll would have Moo 1hr speed destroyer Ilydnr oil are still whlch tuba vessel out the water when the craft pckl up speed hydrofall boa um am nde the heavy burfcling rough seas wlylch reduce xpced slsler live about one mile from the scene of the shooting Imd another brother Edwln lives in the Halihurwn district Melville Hodglnsls laborer who does odd Jobs In the Wau bnushene dlslrlct Hls brother operated small auto wracklni huslncssadlacenl to lhe small home whure the four llved to getherr Early last nlghlMel vllle was taken to the Slmcoo County hill in Barrle where he was remanded ln custody unlll amid appear In Penman The coroner was Dr Church ill Swan Mldlandwhlle an autopsy was permmed by Chch palholugisl Dr Colplua ol Barrie Hls ï¬ndings wlll ba dlscloscd at the prellmlnary hearing Prnvinclal Pane olficcr who investigated were 53 11 Howell and Cunstahle Hill Mo han and Jack Ambcau ml of he Victoria Harbour delach men ha OPP The body has been removed to he Nlcholls Funeral Home Midland Scrvlce will be held Thursday at pm wilh burial in the Lakevlew Cemetery Mid and Police feel that he will prob ably he remanded over until nexf Monday morning In Mld land to appear or prelimllh my hearing to Xnvesllgale he charge Govt Authorizes AmiSub Boat NET PER MONTH Par Month VA 568