Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1962, p. 2

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Lnte lhl momlng the roads ram Slnyncr Collinnwnod were compltlely cavcrcd by arming snow and visibility was reducnd to 20m Tempurmurns across the county over the weekend stayed wall wllhln Ihe 20 below zero yum lmIrrn nIvI mmn Ivuym um IWHIIAIIM lIw Illllll vmulvl In MIMI In by Qluv Ivor yammum nI Ill mm null mm 01 IN MONIIHIM Hl Ilunvl winI we rn Im rhnnmi In llle llmllnu Imlny Til My mHHly WM mumml In lhr per ml In W71 Mum lnmn lnurr mnmllhln luut vhlrh In IDMIIIHII lulu 2m mm mm thulnlgnn mum lhmynl by yr Inlr our ln mmln Irvldny Ivy urle rmnlrr Jnm Irufir he l9 uve htlrlrll In 100 11M and 101 MINI flhlpl Inuxhl uhrllcr In will and Inhaler Lulu1mm nlung Nuu Scuflnl nnulll Ilmu raml hmv luur In IN 11 lrhcnmn haw hml mrll Annlhrr mu rlnhl lnrhu mow mu mum In nnrlh am Now Hmmuick Mm nbuul Inclm In Irlnru Edwnrd Illnnll nnd mullwm Nuw mun whk Nuvn 51an would er lmer Illmllfllk Nrufuumllnml Mu rxprclrd In an IUDHI mm and mm wow Fnurr nml Iclrmnlvh and Mr lphflnl mmmuIllrnllnns cu knuckrd nul nl Intrrvnll durlul llxo hrlxhl 1hr nluym llnllfnx wlu Ivlmkrll nu Inf IrII lhnu Ml hnur Him nlml 7mqu le nuulnwt plum Nunmm Bond Prices Are Unchanged In crnlml nml nnrlhwcsmn New Hrunswlck he pndpllfl Inn wm rnllrvly snow Nearly tun rm all In some plum and mud bro phlflucd Tun mm NI at heart nllnckl whlle warldna in Um mow Vlclnus winds hil nll lhrtu Mnrlflmu pmvlntrsh cxrcrdinz 100 mllcs nn Imur nl Grrcnwnnd In Nova Hmllus Annnpnlin Vul lry Chnrluucluwn hm gull no mllu lm Imur EXPECT Ml NOW Slmw and rain muck he Marillmcs Sunday wilh the fury an nummn hurrlcanc The xorm men In mm the Mlnnllc pncklng winds wiul gush oi more Ihnn loo mlltl an hour Mild cmpvrnlum eased lhe Impact In soulhcrn Mnrl Ilme dismcls us he storm ap prauchcd hul Dmpcrnlurc plunged it mam northward Severe winlcr weather with balowazcra lcmpcmlurcs hll Orv tnrln and Quebec moderating hand was uxprclrd In Milan Calumhlu nnd through most of lhe Prnlrlcs Into parts of On nrlu Du lilrlhcr anal more lhe mmc hillcr cold and wow 01 ha wtvktml WU cxpccml Thu wccktnd wonflur clnlmvd at lust Hum Hm Framing lcmpcrniurrs and gusts wind up In 30 and 35 miles an hour nccompunied by drilling snow on the highWnya thln weekend kept mnny malar lsl the roads By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario Hit Hard By Cold Weather Ilrcman Jucquu Thibaull covered wilh Ice llfls warm cup of coffee to his lips dur Hundreds POf Area Cars Stranded By Cold Wave FIBEMAN WELCOMES COFFEE runul Low mum Wlmhur Fl 11mm Illmlnn Klldwnvr Mmml Fmel wlunhnm lllmlllon Lulu Hnrnu unlcm Nln Ln Erlo wmrm Lulu 011 Min nmllwnnltm llrnrgluu Ilny Thnunnu lrflltml mm mm llnlnulnn Tmnnlu Nul Day mum vumly Imlay mmly rlrnr mm umlluulnu my rnlll Innlzm lnrlly rlmuly um um uullr In MM IIwulny Vllul mnllmly 20 Irnrnllluz by 1qu emvnl mu rnmlux HRlIl Innlllll rmml 1mmumu mm mu mm Lnkn SI nlr lrquIL Iul Sunny lmlny Inlr nnd 1mmqule rry tnhl lunluhl Inxtly thmdy and no nulln In mid Inwlny Vlm nmlhwrsl LI hrmmhll Ilum llII nmlnz Suulhwnlrm Guam Ilny cmlrm Nlngnrn nfllnns Vm IIlIkI clmnhmu Mill annullur W1 um Irw unnumuulln In My lmlIy tluml lumhl ml Tumlny Wlmlo urnlhrvly in drumml In If Ill Mmva lllrlllrrffllllllll llnlul lunlzm lcccovarcd ruads blumcd or at Ions one Marla dunlh dur lnn lhe wcrkcnd will ngnin be hnmnluns and police wnrnml drlvcn to he Lllrrful Snow mum hlnckouls up lo hours In 0kvl1le nnd Oalmwn Kynnplll The mid Ilhrr will prnlhi Mm mml of On Inrlu nnlll New Ytnrl lmy anuwrr nmlhem rulmu wlll Ive twin an cult onlnhl Mul Itllm mmlnrnllnn In lumer luro Ill helln In wulhrrn nu ginng Tundny Hrillsh qumlvln AI proh nhly be lhu wnrmcsl pmvincc lex lunrtrnlurvs rmhlnk Ihe Mali many mm and he lug catnip Ihrupxh The cold wnmhur bmuuhl ms or house Hm ncmx Cnn mln nn mldvnln mcrhmml llml and lumnrc but no lu lnllllrs worn rrporlul Flllilrllll humd by In Tur nnm wajhrr nlllrc mm mm storm losses since he lobslcr so upeqeq 13m Lillln roller from Ihe biuer cald was expected In Quebec but wind which Sunday In creased the harshness of It belnw lcmpcrnmre In In esti mated 65 bolow were cxpcdcd lo onse Thcre will be scamer snow flurrch In Onlaflo Induy but warmer lam ornlum are on the way In ammo thn lcmncr nlurc dropped In 15 hnlnw Sun day nighllhu rnldcsl since 1966le was expected la rise 015 navelodny MAY GET WARNER to above range playing hnvnc with car batteries and ex used noses Garages rcceivcd undA rods phonl calls or booster batteries and many mohirisu were myriad 9n the highways Only way ac cm were recorded and hose were only minor collisions with no scriopsdaq1age or In ies on one cold est weekends far this Imc year on record One 01 Ihv warmest places In Ontario was Inn break whlle battling tire In downtown Ottawa yes terday One fireman recnlvcd WEATHER FORECAST 5L Cqunrlnu Turunlo lrlollmwunh Tnnlnn Klllnlno Mudka Nnrlh Ilny Sndhury linrlhm Knpmkmhm hic Mr Mnmnnre Iull Slv Muxiu immhu SInuglllcr Mlle 13m Chnlca xlccrs mznm min In 2000 5mm 205045 nmllum me cnmmnn 16 mum heifer vhnlcc 2310 mmlium III 2150 cummnn mu chulcc ind yearlinxa mo gumls 254750 gnnd cuwn 11501350 snln In if mcdlum 117 cnmmon 15 rnnmrl nml mllors llNGtI mm unvy hulvmnn hullq mu mmmnn nml nmlhlm llnlll hull 151 50 nghl snowfall are expected or some time tonight In con4 Iinuc on and clearing by lomur mw mnming TORONTO CWSteer lud in was slow and prices were 1mm pnrllculnrly on the soul and clmlcc grades at the On lnrio publlc slackynrdsAlndny in Toronto with high 01 degrees above zero rcported for Sunday Prnvinciul and local police olllclnls request mulnrisls In my all the highway unless necessary chlerdny along Highway 400 from Barrie 0r lllin mnny section of the mad were sheer slippery packed snow and Ice Sgt Andrews Dnrrle OPP said Were pulling patrols on Ihn highway at Camp Burden barriers and RCAF Slallon Edgar In an worn to prevent drivers ho might have rouhle navigating lhcir mm mm cl llng onln the roads This is prevenllva mchod ralhcr lhan mean of prose culion he said Holler nnd cnwx hccninu nlcndy V911 tall nrlrm were hng nnd lamb lnuhun Barrie City pnllcc are adding nxlrn men on Ihn bunt and In crulscrn Steer Prices Low On Market um MIMIVWWWO warm 1qu mm 1mm face while ightlng the Ire in 15belnw weather lCP Wirephulo 5ch moved His body at he Slccklcy Funeralllome Worsley Street for service an Wednesday at pm Burial will take place at James Cemetery men Mr Sinclair came to Canada Irom Scotland 55 years ago Print In taking up residence Crown Hill he lived In Tornnlu and Aglncaurz He was associ ated with Don Aldn arms or azhycars survived by his wife the former Mary Whylc daugh er ihe late Mr and Mrs William Whyie whom he mar ried on June 14 liJlL Aim sur viving are lhree daughters Mm Ll Beak Mary of Agin cauri Mm Bell Isabel ui lslinglon Mrs Bur rnw Christine of Toronto and two sons James and Rub ergo men lllll Accordmg Io pollce Mr Flcar had seen lwn pedestrians and dldnt know whether he had hit them ornotl As wall as he found clear spat he stnpped the car By thlx llme the clear spot was again covered by drift and car ddvén by Jack Sal ladnu Al Oro Township slam med lnla hlm Phyllis Saludana 33 mm ed talent on her right knne and Kurt Saladana aulfercd ml nnr lacerations on lhe face HI head cracked Ihe windshleld Rabcrt Charter Sinclair of Crown Hill died at Royal Vic toria Hospkn yeslerday follow ing lengthy Illneas He was in Micah LTHEfBARRIE VXAMXNER MONDAY DECEMBEfi 81 Two persons Inflated mlnor Injuries day allernnnn when car driven by Douglas Flemu 32 of 18 Newlan SL came sudden slap on Blake Street near Willuwdnle and par hlt hlm from the rear1 Weekend nub zero weather Ind arming mow were mm ntedmy police causes ol series mlnnr accidents In and around Banle qurvPevrSohé Wéré Injured Inflccidénts On The Weekend ROBERT SINCLAIR OBITUHRY This New Years Eve when its MEN W110 THINK OF TOMORHOW1HICTIOE MODHIIAIXON TODAY Halllnx DL Owen Erawn Keddy M4 prominent Nova Sculia physician and former mayor of Windsor NS Tnmnlo Arnnld Raper 60 president oiBnles and Dads Funeral services lellcd BaltimoreDr Imhur Onc kcn 89 professor emeritus of philosophy at Johns napkins University alter long lllntss RomaThe Duchess of Tal leymnd El ham Lela Emery and native of Bar Harbour Me an lam Illness nénnUnrdEarl Papple 72 me of Ontarios bushknown breederg and exhfllllara nelmlt Snmmy bed 55 lruil hnndlcadcr since 1925 Mr Miller suflmed head In Jurlns as dld Mrs Gladys Mill er 69 or the same addresl She also suffered Iaceralians an her legghmgi apd leg Mr Davis ha been charted with Improper wing of tha highway accident occurred around pm on Highway 400 near the Thvrnlon clnwzrlenl Na details were nvallnble mm Ihe Ontario Provincial Police car driven by Earl Da via 54 Highway OILwas weat bnundk and turned an inn service station The vehicle behind himY dr1v an by Robert Whitley Miller ms Howlund Avenue Tan nnto tried vass and in do lng sohslammed in Mr Da vls cur Elsewhcra In the ally and on the highway only minor accl dcm were repelled wllh hn cold being the only detriment to driving Two people were Injured car ly yuslerdny nflernnun on Hlxh way can Ihe CPR rail road crasslng The two pedestrians had 1c the Icena by lhl llme No charges were laid Damage lo lulled aboutuoo By THE CANADIAN PRESS DEATHS THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM LTD n9 for the road Barrie City Police have been nomicd from he Liquor Control Board of Ontario that all bani quot permits have been cxlcnd cd or one hour lonighL The change was made In pro vlde for ullawnnce for New Years Eve revellen It menus um liquor privileges wlll pre vall until 30 minutes ufler mid night tonight Instead of 1130 under he conventional Icrml the permit CABMB LANDING John Cabal dlscuvarer North America landed Cape Brclan Island June 244 I497 Firemen had to contend with 20 below zero temperature and gusts of wind up to mllcn an hour Vern Hawkins Ihe Gulhrlu Fire Associauan received the call The only water available was mm creeks and um me up coupln Imus wners were away In Hamil Ian According to police the motel was partly covered by in surancc Early Sunday morning twu Provincial Constablu John Stone and Fred Parke matted smoke pouring from under the mm of the Timbers Ems Ma tcl in Gasoline Alley on ngh wnym call was madé lo lhe On Fire Dcparlmcnl fly the lime Iiremeh arrived the Mall mo Iel was well nblazg and cuml 10 me It were ullle One the coldest district weekends on record or this lime year brought rash at chlmney Hm In Barrie and $150000 blaze In Om Township City firemen were caled out Ive lime yesteiday Iuquell chimney tires and once this morning The average call last ed only about ten minutes Extend Banquet Permits Tonight BASH or ommks Damage Is $150900 In OraMotel Blaze report arailona advisory council oi principal recommends discontinuance oi summer schoolu for students who need extra trainlng in weak subjects If they are continued Ihe re p011 mld they Ihnuld be sub Ject lo appraisal and report on controlled experimental ball by Ike Oninrlo department at educnilon until such lime at The Metropolitan Toronto school board ha decided to ask the prnvlnclal government to pass legislation permitting cs lnbllshmenl at unliorm pay scale for high school teacher in the urea The board has also voted in ask Ihe government In help examine some aspects of am Eemallon HAMILTON CP The On larlo Secondary School Teach ers Federatlon has come nut against amalgamnllnnml Metro politan Toronlut 11 board of education The actlon men Saturday the closing session Ihe eralinns annual mcellnx brings the 0551 Into llne wflh Tor ontoArea teachers hop every dne of you real lzes this not just Ihe M1 at Ihe teachers In Metro Dr SG l1 Roblnson the federa llons general mercury old lha delegates allecls each any yo WOULD DISCONTINUE When vnlunlccr firemen ar rived they Iaund the door lock cd and smokeyourhm out he window cracks Flmmnn were called lo 47 Essa Road Saturday evening after Mm Basil Courlney called the hall to report the apart mcnl behind her house wnl waking Setondaryf school Teachers Against Métro Amalgamation Agreed to rank the Ontario government to give schnlnrrhip winners 5100 each year at uniA varsity so long as may maintain high Ilandard cl achicvumeni At present III award oi $400 is given to ilraiycnr university aludcnis who average at inst 110 yer cent in eight Grqde subdue Dnieuled mnve to he 1h controversial list In the crallon ofllce far private view Ingpgkaphpn Inpnjer to pre The school an helng bur dened wllh students Illprepared In carry the responslblllllu 1n valvcd In the more advanced work Aghc nfifigyndefi Federnlhn Add the prlnclpals criticism which did not hwulvo school engaged in givlna prunes teaching to On lmlo College or Educallon liu dams will be arwnrdod lo the dcparlment of education snu Xmas qunns The 0551 Snlurday 310 Decldcd to continue ralan school board on me alafl rc lallanl and approach In educa tion and dislribule the finding all hlih school teacher In the ngoylncei Vin Ion They broke duwn thejum and found chattelHeld chair on re Angus Leslie the only occupant of tho npnrtment wnl laund tn upgtntrs bpd aslcep The Ire believed tahafi Ilggwdlrollln emucue VMFTMHUU was escorlcd out 01 lheJnause by Police Corpnral Roy Bridge lhelr validity has been accepted or taken The report mld Iha summer school zlve Ikudcnll 141151 lemma security In lhelr aca demic achlavemenl public

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