ullnul nuud 000 watchrd he 1mmulnv puma hut anly 5m lumen nul In Prague Lmkn Mama lhv luw nllmdunrt an Ihu ml Um flu Cnnndlnm hm pllrd up lmd upu on during 1er our ill The two wrtkrml vlrtnrlu evened Um Quflen card at our ï¬stula and our rickall In lhclr 101mm our Czech mum No xnmu rcmaln EACH COUNT TWICE Juklc Mrlml and Irrry F1d Mrh hm 1w Kalli uhlll lulu wcnl In Geanul llun dunk Mnuylcu Olllllru and George Scnlck an Saturday nlxhl mm Oflclvw and ï¬enlrk llm lmml Eunday nlghl lldlll wlih Herb Jcflrry and Dan fllnllll Hawaver ll called lhe Quak erl lurer the weakest Cana dlun learn cm In have plum In Czechmiavnkin In Salurdny night game at Chamulav Saaknlaan dtlcakd lhn Chomulov VIZ lmm nnd he new agency contch Iha lhn Canadian lhough playing hard game woro not flu HI mlnulrl Iht umu Wll mmly lmlnmll VIENNA CHANTM laur lnx Salxntoan Quaker won two weekend hockey gamrs over Czech team but again received harp crlllchm or rough play Th tech news nxmry Ccv aka mid Ihnt In lame In Prune Swzdnyln whlch the Quakers beat Comml Bahtmy Ian team sam Cunadlnm not my laugh lhc local play art but conveer on tho am behind lhe board n1 wclL Play had to be flopped whlla an relates admonlthed the cam cnplnlnl Quakers Win TWO But Style Booed NEW YORK RANGERS goalie Gump Worthy drops to Ice amid group pinym la make save on diet by Bernle Geoflrlon we Montreal Cmsdlm In Iecond wind of GOAHE GLEN ALL of Chicago Black Hawks KEII in clear an any that while lwo teammates cover up in the Ckucagmlmnta Haw BRADFORD STREEY TD Youpun FAVORITE ELITOME ma MANAGEMENY mo swr BEERS TIRE SERVICE Krllh Vrlghl Ind Kerry Band were the olhrr lderbnrough nmhmcn mu llhcy nnb lnzcr nnfl Dilly Tnylur Iallkd or In Calhnflnu mu Inzlll pm lha llnlu In lrnnl lhru llmu In His llnl two perladl hul he Hnwh mumd wllh mill Ivy Dcnnll Hull Hrrnl Hull mu le ï¬tlnliold Nulln umnd ï¬ll an min llwlr Iinl hm hm hm Inumvytr Imml ll up or Hunlrrnl my my vymmx lklrnrklllinrlnul wlnmr law The ckllnrdwolllnx Royall lwlll rdga nflrr lwo pa rlmll In Peltthorough hut flan Nnm lied Il up Ind Dnnn irunl cxpladfli lnr Iwo no Mile man than bred minum The Huhplace St Catharina Black Haulu ktpl ll lhnl way by edging he Cnnldicnl Sumlay ldla on lha wccltnd Nlngan Fall Plyeu lyrenlhlnl down Ihe Imdcrl nun not pull bnrlgln lho Ilnndinl Pclcrbaraukh mm and Hunt nnl Junior Canadch Me Me by lldo In he mnmhle nl the lap of Ike Ontnfln qu Mm tiaflanl pmvinclal Junior The PM climbed up lmlda he llabl Snlurdoy night but mg the lmtplau Guelph nap with I7th xldc engaged blown and Hnlculll nanny mid Petes and Habs Side By Side In THE CANADIAN PRESS Nallonal Hockey League game In New Yarkl Madison Squats Garden other in the scramble for lha puck are Dean Prenllu I7 hurry Leab Nallnnnl Hockey League game In Tomato Sat urday night 00m Chicago player are Ken Whnrmm l7 and Pietro Pilot PA 664 ll Hm 1mm In In lha OIM Iltlln Tumult Junior term ha unma plum Turnnln Ilnvlhornl pullnd In Vllfllln point lini ylln mom Nrfl Mrerl My mom hy ddullnl man Sunday Calgary Del Tom and Randy Hum 1mm for 590 RAM Mflnn Mlmlla Ldlltd or Calgary III point while HID llnhl hm nman In 031 prpnllyhux The game dnw lam U1 and lnruul tram of IM ul wn Inr llvs Hm Sunday um nver played In 5L Cflhallnu Inllwlnx vale bro Sealllc cum Guyle Fialdcr scam luo null and assimrd an lhhll or lho Tmrm Jim Iawcrl Rudy Fillnn Boll Rah Inw oh Sabourln and Dan Chluplm added Ilnglm on Mullth Irnrrd bum ma nr Vnnmnvrr Sunk Tatum dumped lhe Canucks 74 Saturday while Spo kane Comm tdgcd Calgary Slammdm 11 Gnnlic Gillcs Villemura rang up his fourth Ihumul he Vrslem Hockey League season Sunday night In Vancouver Ca nurh cominnzd Ihclr hm polnl lead in lhc Narlhcm Div IIOIL Ran Hulrhinmn Mom win or Vnnmurtr nnd nuddy Boone in HM olhrr ï¬nal ViIIcmure lumcd away 23 shots as the Cnnucks hlanked Pnrlland Buckaroos Soulhem Divixlnn Icadcrl bdorc 10 Inns lhe lamest crowd he mmn at Portland The Buck tunllnuc to lmd Ihc Saulhcm Dlvhian wilh 41 pulml he more than mandv place In Angels Blndu Villemme Hams Fourth Shutout II THE CANADIAN PEP55 Cahan hidden and Doug flab vey 01 New ank and Honlrcall Jean Helium The game mind In lie MP Wiupboln and the Iona Toronto plaer is captain George Airnatmng Game mded In 11 stale mu up Wirephnm WWW WATCH FOR IT IN THIS THURSDAYS EXAMINER place WIndlar Bob Brown liflld In Him flap thou la laid Halide unllnz Hll hncmau Jean Han Mull mun gnu AM Vlchd up mm um and Tom Mlulkl put IM am my It or Windmr with flu Mullwflaml Willie New uni Ray Marlyn and Ray of nu mud or Um Hum Jim Dahmrr nu Whan and Don Dukc llvldnl the Tlurl $0111 Th 10 Ml lhe 111m lied Itllh Gall Tmlrn Im Fourth ha other end al he mm mu he tonnm 51mm Ham came up wilh IhrSr min win he Mason edging Klldwncr Waterloo Tim The 11m an only right mmlar la Sar nlz and dressed our play mm hllby nglm Il tho mm hm niirlum kn Windsor Bulldogs Hold Big Lead fly THE CANADIAN PRESS Windsor Bulldog opened up their lead Io ï¬ve poinu II he lap 01 lb OrtizIla MU Am cialinna Scalar mm Sunday by healing lho thirdflat Chm ham Mnrwm 51 Alec Scull put Ranger anlha rail la 10 VIII St Mina by scoring their ï¬rst goaL Jiflk mic alillar got the other Rang ers goal helore hnmime Pamtck one point he Rangers cancch an my goal In lï¬lmmod but rallied to had with 1011 by Duffy Iowan and Whilehw and held on to win 37 games in the dlvmau Ray Palmer former England mm forward scared gnal in each 31le Bury displaced Sundnland from second place In the mud division blasting them to de feat with three 1mm gnah Chaim not in action Salar day still is at In Iran the lap ol the secund divixion with 37 pojnu Bury gnd Stmdugqnd boul ave liih Bury an nomad place on goal average WAIFDRD MOVES UP Wm weeping to win over Carhfle United that uy from eighth to wound phu in ï¬le third divllian hanger and 9mm mule lop two in he Sailï¬sh rm di vi mm mm celled Saturday In England cm of about 130060 shivering whmnonelllth Ike nor mal Mal attendance turned out in with the 10 math played on barelym ï¬elds HUBNLZY WIN Burnley third in the first di vï¬lqn Winnchi Shzlï¬zld Wed The mhcr lxntdivisian 3am saw West Ham United bra Nob lingth qul WNDON Rcuim Fwd Ice and mow Saturday caused the biggest blackm in the hi lory of English League lower Only 10 the 45 llhaduled matches amid be played Including the 5mm ï¬xtures uven which had In be post pgned the Irma equafled worst previousy Imi cngcq dgyjn Bdeh soccer Saturdays to post panemu maldvd he number games called at Dec 30 1961 The postponement oflnwed severe inltrlerenae with lhe Dec 22 program by for In eight dayx dial at matches have been postparled orabandonnd Cold Freezes English Soccer 9001732 75m Chiéfldwks In First Top Bostcnians 42 Th raxrhnl Husk was in 1mm In 1m Th hm mum Han pain hm dunme mml was mm 1thme In Im Frrd Tbyer 1er uptain med lo nutdc Hither Jim Tn nm ml to man up dot bthsnd ha plale Tynz Inum ha pm at mm 1111 ha hymn He not warn mat Ilnxmlih nun05 Ma muinl Lux nrhnln In ho bummed In Tho The ï¬n Luxz ruund lhizk padded Mdqu mm was worn by Joe Gum who auzht or Kansas Cu Blue bx In The mm now mph nred mo in Ibo Nuimul Base ball Museum erlu RV Gunsanl Inn became ovumth mullan By mi of the 1m nun awry mum lame kind thickly yaddzd llavr Th mitt nvalmianiud he am Thu ï¬n lammam tum mm hurt lab was worn by Butt EninL Nov York Glanu 111 of Fan1 umr III In In ma led he inï¬elder glove ruin broke aï¬ngamhbleflhmd In 11 any lpaffl wen amid In those dayl it minty far him In cvnï¬nue in mien To be Ihle In d0 haunt buckskin drivinz lave sev eral 11m Inc 1111 and padded it to pram the bandau armd Ihn ï¬nger Mm llanlzamny Ward ma phyzr of hu day qukkly bongwegi the Ma and It yam later in 1225 that plan had the murky laden afloveJlemClndi Waite ï¬rst bumw with Boulun dub thampinns of he Nalianal Amdaliau cl meesv ional Baubm P137911 ka Wail an and with the thin leather on his km bewakablolkxddingandk was not until mo hat amen allowed mil adapting it as protection tar their hands An Imidcat In Arthur Irwin 51mg lherï¬dmtz dub can the Mn you mqu LA MADE HR home Saturday nimICanaï¬m flashed to of that mama day drubbing Detroit $1 The tenths n1 win games 1303 woré 01th clothes It am until Jgne 1351 that uniforms by 5999 fang MpgIr By JOE 321cm NEW YORK flyBaum was born batHmde mater of act when he Knickerbocku and the Yark Nine met ax Hymn W141 Habokm N1 bl the baseball played dummnlhwduheyblewl Irma lead in New York 5m flqtamihadbuule or lug wiLyRagxmL ahead at Red Whig behind Tomato Canadizns and may Wm QM only yam to In dim MAME RALLY Eric Nesluznko started Ch LOOK AT ME NOW 37 cANAnw nus otherbigumluyzzjend Baseball Born BareHanded HEW SALIM LIT HALIFAX CPI 1k 155 ml ï¬sbtnd lit mum Am About Mr law nimmxl H4 qrz mm adult ruined Inf dub mom In 321 adufl mam du ï¬lm again mm mm muwuim The fan 35 fps ftJR wnrelhmasnflnm mghieummdflakimm 11 ï¬n Imer at It mtg m1 ï¬bre thin 2221 in an Earningsn as inï¬nan gzdfléï¬uen $3931 38 33 nae 32353 Nb 430 flzgguï¬mes Dunlap was 33 ï¬gs35 53 gnusanding Ann 0qu NR3 Bum gBuhEuSHkg Wm mm m3me Mm wmmmwg yam WW mmmm wwwmmmmmmmm Ta EVE MWummmmm mm thW Mmmnmmem Wmmmgm whmmnk Wmm mwmmm mum CALL SAFE QUALITY FUEL llLC PEACOCK PA 85226 DEPENDABLE E35 ail Eg Eggigg ï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©aséï¬gi I010 In pm 1030 In as ï¬g ï¬g g€ am mm wgtiinmmmmm 1010 an 410 pm 510 am Londoner Grabs Drivers Honors ï¬xmmmm EXPRESS SERVICE 050 am a9 Sundry and Hofldm NEW WINTER TIME TABLE In LIO Daily Trip From Barri ia Bnubrldg II unulhd C715 pub53f only IOJO pay5m and Hal CTo Callinng only Xamp I1 um Tbunday Apï¬l ll In Luvcu Son Ind Hal LID pup00111 MD pub5n And Sun in and ml lo pup$01 kl Md Hal 915 pm Fri Sn Sun And Hal TO MIDLAND AND P£NETANO XIOJO urnFri Ind 3J1 on 410 pub59 Sm Ind Hal gumDnin 11$ papext 59 Sun Ind Hal we un Fridty and Sandy Effective Jammy I963 Tuckers live Minnows Mmqu IUS TERMINAL Mudflamflm um 10 OWEN SOUND STANDARD TIM lEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY TO WRY DAILY TO TORONTO DAILY 070 Orilli rm Wmmwmmmmm mmmp adi dnrefTbea in Mot means in wine we Em gm mm WIMme wmmmm mm WWMW I40 TIFFIN 5T Salted Minnow PA 87530 Live Pichui Minnmn 715 pm LINE 740 pm omw pm 550 in MS pm