we No wlnlmullnn ol Hu Malt maul VII nun he munlly Hi all me lllllllnl lo lamv mm us be Im Amulmn Mrwnyn Irmnm Ill MIMI In Lva ululm ll nw pvmlrvl by Ilrrillvm Nmu Amorlran nulhwmra llw al lvn nnlo TM mnhxlhmnry fluvlln lvlrnl III mnlulnln mm quhnrlle flu Hurq mm KICY WEST Flu lAlIIIdfll Cnflml nuvrrnmrnl My lhnl mlllillannl mmlm llw nml lnvnnlnn Mm ruuhl 1mm Culm 0an mm Amrrlcnn Mp wnyl mmnu IL Mnlm la Hm Colmmxnlll ldnml Tho more way upon by llnvnnn nullu Sunday In cummunlque mm Innlru brmlqnmlm nllor mu gunm umubmnlrullul zlnllnm num Ilnml lmr hml llvliruled lm Idcnl Krnnndyl pmlklpnllun Snllndny trmnnny nl MI nml wlmmlnz ml Ilny Im lnvmlrm prisnum Mrmlwn Nu lulumlr HVn chumI hy nzlm mun Ihrn lllr April 17 1M lmmlun vvllnpml lln 1qu pmsihlcvln yrnr nr lwo they mlulll lmra nu tlmr int U1 no lhlnk lhny wlll ever have any nucltnr lam wnrlh mm no loro lrnnMo luluw Mlml said he unulll ulmlly MA HAVE Crmnminlrinu on 7th pnylhll fly China bcmmlnn nuclcnr pr Nuluu Iald may The Sovch Unlon ngrcud Ins nummur to supply number at MIG jet inhlcrs to India and to help Hm Indlnns up plan In build more llwm doubt whether lhc Sovlels would honor mo agreement nflcr numlnx broke cut lwlwrcn Chlnn and In dlg 9n ler Himalayan bqrï¬mz Nclru gave the first 01an conflrmnnon llmt Husslu had nuned lo supply Indln wllh Um MIGZI tighter and up In lury or lhclr mnnulurlure In Ind Mhzn he spoke at mlly In New Delhi In November Bu Nehru told prtss con oronca hum the mnln purpose the MIG is In serve as traln and models lo help India mnnulncluro more NEW DELHI Reuters Prlmo Mlnlslur Nehru snld Km dny lndiu peels promised shipmgnt algovle Mlg Jghlegq In nnive lmrly soon the jcls mum be used Com unis China 93 Year No 306 Cuba Would Free More Trade For Air Service Cnuld this be you Thu Barrio Cily Pollen hops nut but warn that every promu tlon will be taken tonight up In and alter mklnighl In In Indiql Exgecting RussidnuMiGs or mum Dept PA 6553i For Examine Want Ad Tele phone PA 8214 The lelephane number to on tor the Business 0dr Telephones HE saizi ngulnsl neces DONT LET THIS BE YOU ronunnuung Im Krmmlyn HI MW VI and llw HM lurqu vvlumru llnrnna rmXIu Inlvl Krnnruly mlmHlml MI rmllrlpnllml nml mulhullnn nll ï¬rm Irlnlrvl mlst Iho Ilnlrmnmrnllnn drummlrd Ily Cuban mnlullnnmy just try live nmrrnmlu 11w mm lnld he Cuhmu Mm mud llu than lluwl llmllum unrr Inrn um mum wmwm munlm lnn Amrrlcnn nmkmnnn In Nrw Yurk MM lhr nlrllno llml lllHr dulm lu trauma nur lnnl unite to Culm He mlxl rmflcllunn mul llmllrrl lrmrl hm ullllNl In lurnv hum on Cullm Illuhlu In llm cvrxnl lfI Illrnln nml cum marl ll lllzhln ml our llm Mnml wrm lmmml Ivy llw Unllrd Slum duvlmz Hu mm nvnr lemn conlhndhm liovlrvl llllulln hnm 11m mlln dunixml mmme MI Mldlmnl nml hurtlin hmilnn Vunkrr wlm VIIIIII In hln auuvoulv mHcy ude Wm awn vlulnllml Um HAHN NHHHIII lmlm Cood hidvrnï¬l 16 51 My my llluuncr unnwnml wk Hull Jub vr lho Minor 01 ll The border has been quiet slncu China dcclnrcd unilat crl ceaseHm and mop with drawn In Inte Nuvembcr nllcr havlng mndc Mg ndvnmos Into Knshmlr on he was and lhu Assam Plnlns an lhc onslcm and the mountainous bardnr Mutlnu lllo much maligned mayor ï¬nally Hm nuluul vlal lnr Inqulrcd whnl lsmy hm not Imnvrm MN no my mac Prcmlcr Chou Enlal China but said certain basis must bu eslnbnshed befom we meet Nehru aflld he thought he grcnlcsl event In 1962 was lha prevention big nuclear war which might have oc curred because of Cuba Ho anld Presldcnt Kennedy Ind 50le Prcmlcr lelln Khrushthev deserved congruu lnlluns VISITOR xcrcml Emnlo In In small own If they ncw um mnyar bum unld llllnfl nlnllun Mlcndnnl 01 no good sum grocer wind or hlm In my IV hmber sure that New Years Eve revellers dont um lulu kill on the highway Perhaps this plcture ls cxtravnganlly posed because person does not have in be in an ulcohoï¬c annodncimelil ha mw HERES ONE 511123733 arripiExaminPr HENFIIEW Onl CHPal rlck Auslln Tonvr nu lixml nddronn vnl Inund Mmzcd In donlh In his Ct at Illnnlmw Counly Jnll hen Sun my Thu larmrr Shnwvllle Qua mnn Imd hren urmlcd the pro vlmn nlxhl or bring Mox Eflhd tumllllnn lnr prrmlulnx mm Cuhnns In lrnru WM accumgn nlrrl by IININH Npurlx II mlm hm Ilsrum4l nrrnuuez lnrnll or nnnllwr group In lvnw nml ml llm pumhl wnuM v1 0w llnllrd ï¬lnlu tlllvluanc Mum In vann MM Illdny lhAl lewl rrulmo mum an an ullrr Allow mm mm fulmm In My Um Illnml cm nccund al thmlrml Ivy Um ArmHum Illtl Lrnn Jnnm IL llnnuvnn Ilm Inw yrr wlm Mrnullnlcd Hm Inn lhn lnnuhm mlmnvn uld Rahmlny Lulu Ilnrltl PM ml umlrr llh ï¬lmme wllh lnm Im mlnlllluunl 15m nil Hm Hm rvlmmll NB Iv mun In lluI lulled mm ummmlilin NMer In ll MHEP luv Nw mlmnuu lunar um um 1m Mam will be mm on my Immunn MM the llad lnu lmlmlnn nrnml mqu In lnle unnlhrr Ihlymnul dan and mm In fulm um hrlnl hmk mnml gmup In llhlliHl and vlrwlk In my mu uuvldcl iwthrr Imtnlmqnl pr lgnlnJMmfl In lnnds Reuters Indoncala dny symbnllcally assumed comm or the lormcr Dutch culnny of West New Gulnca puns reccivcd horn and One lmur alter the Dulch mm was lnwcrcd lhc Indonoslan Hm and he Unllcd anlonn lug were mlscd side by nlde mark lnz symhnllc transfer of power to In on calu our monlhs ahead at the uttqu handing over comrnl West Ncw Guinea In Innlunuln by 019 Unltcd Nnnnns The Dutch flag was lowered far the lust Urne in the lerrilory omclally marking the end of three cemurlc of Dukh col onianIon In the Indonesian ar chlnelngo Lnn August The Nclhnrlnnds and lndmwsln nxrwl lhu UN should Inko over lhn Inlcrlm nd mlnlslmllnn he Indoucslnm clnlmcd lerrllory mm Lower Dutch Flag In New Guinea Find Prisoner Hanged In Cell stupor to be dangerous be hlnd the whch ol an automo bile Tho ullco want you and your 1me ta have Info and happy New Ygar Tgm JlAGUE nlc Nether Lilixmï¬lï¬cf Photo mm mm worn 1c nn or man than we hour Sundny alter ur rlvlnu on nunIlvp v5 Mr Force lllghl mm Guam TORONTO CF lolloo Md Jnmu Mndlcy dmled Saturday le Mrlmwflan Toma palm wrm In In rnluwhm liquor ugulnllonn durlm Hm my Cup muva and um mmmrr bhflnerl WIIVDMOIL llu lnhl lhnl durum Hm My Cup uk oml vmmn wm Amxlcd or dnmkcnnm Na 5hrle wm mam lmcnnsa ll dwunnltnns no Inme wlld dnlnk enncu HIIHDNI Cqu lllmterll All 15 mm Abnnnl meh lrllnrr um lllled whm um vlnna rrnrJud In maunlnln nonr hm Hnlunlny mrucrl mnflrlxml Many 11m llut mu mrum to erII lhe mm ropmml ly rmlln Um worn um um mom NIAGARA FALLS OIII CP Mra Irena McKennn received walla ur Chrlslmn 50 she gave her old one newspapcr cur rlnr 111mi guson NEW YORK AP mm luxlmnt Hm Gwmdalyn Stur1 which mdlocd hat 3210 mm akin on water In mlninz mduy with 16 men aboard Tho United Slnlu Conn Gunni mm It wnx checklnn rcpofl that the lug lilebonl hnd bun Ilghw with body In IL Hope Peeved Ill Customs HOLLYWOOD nob ape wmuMmk pound mid to dny 1110 only hardship on bur mmunl Chrlnlmnl lnur wnn no lnu lhmuuh cumms has Anne Inurnnllmnl Airport nm II lnmpo lyelmllnu pnnn 1xm9r nnd Jim LONDON llnnrm leri lmnlrr Khnmwhev ha mlrlmt IN han aml mnuimmm nn llrrlin him on MI l= ul Nrw Ynrll nwlullmu Hm nMrln 5mm now my Tu mun Sunday Bravo Winds To Mako Rescue IEKINII illeulernl 1114 vam Cvmmunm vnflr 1mm Io dny vlprwmv wllcm Um uhmrm uh mount in llmnflelln NAM ottlmdux In he hum MMkï¬lul In world mmwmhm Mm rm mnlllm pd In lï¬mwnm Morlnl In the Purple Dolly lhu mm Dam number LONDON RememErltlsh Treasury ChM Reglnnid MaudA ling laces tough talks with un Ian leaders Wednesday an the countrys problem rising un engloymenlh The mouniing iota Jobless 31 566106 this month the highest our yearsis be lleved by politicians to he the biggest single challenge facing lhg gonsgrvaï¬ve qupnlment step up lhelr pmssuru on the govern ment for more expanslonlst eco nomlc policies and for opeclol measures In deal with lhu hlxh unemployment nun notably Scotland the north of England anfl Northern lrclnnd They want nmen to use more vlgomus pcrsunslnn with employer to create new work by movlng Industry Into doprcssed agent Many lhu propoxnls the big Trade Union Congress in crcaung new work nreln ilnu with tho gnvernmenla own thinking but lho union lenderl wan bolder action VSundny night 11 yenr old Brlnn knocked an Mu McKen nnl door Look in the lure impan mom hn unld ho nlurned 019ng it coï¬tnlnod ZSmoney Mn McKcnnn had placed In It year ago and had molten IAIIUCESTPZR Mum MI Unlml tum NM Gum mu rrm uldlml mXlnl wlmh AM Mawmm hm mum tulny In her mime mm mm IHIMIM rm lmnl ll vu ul unmml MM flu Munan Ia lwcvmrn lnMr harbor Police Chiéf Denies Charge Nikita Makes Resolution Unemployment Is Challenge To Tory Govt Plano Crash Kills 25 surrenderPlanesé Or Be Destroyed Giit Wallet Contains $125 Red China Defends Policy 16 On Tugboat Missing Burris Onlprlo Cand3 Monday Docomboral 1962 NEWS BRIEFS Five pmvlnce shared the dozen deaths Ontario reporting seven denlhs Quebec um and Newlnundlnnd and British Col unihla qne each The llvedny Christmas week end produced total 129 ll ddental death 35 at them in mm FRIDAY Mn Marin Budum 53 struck by car whllo stopping bu In Hamlllon The 1an uhowdownwlfll Russln has mt may of conlldcncu lhmugh Vaxhlng lonl leadership lhnl ll can Canadas muddenlh all In the um hall 01 he ourday New Years weekend was less ban quarter that of ihe com pnaable period Christmas weak on Canadian Press survey ham pm locni limes Friday to midnight Sunday showed 12 mm inlalilies compared with 51 at he nmo point week ago The survey does not indnda Industrial or natural death or known suicides Thu Omano dead Mrs Adelnlne Hurrls 79 struck by bar while crassan anlnlcrscllpn In TomnXa WASHINGTON AP The ycnr 1062 mm into 1903 wllh the lnlernnllonul plclum much Improved 1n lhc eye the Keyed qdmlnlqlmllpn Kennedy Administration Sees Improved International Picture By nu CANADIAN mass RoadDeath T611 Numbers Twelve Percy Vader 57 and Kml TOKYO Comnlunlll Mnal nut lap mm unl mm In Culml lendm lot My urnhlnu hem lnr waxlng unlllnrhlnnly Madon muz Ilu nunlnil U11 lmvulnllrm 11m nwmuelem on Ilu oc cmlnn Ilw luuvlll mnlvrrmry ul Fldrl leml lulu11v purer IM Illnnl Mm Tum luufylho CI mmu EMU rhi mun lmldrnl Llu hnoA luflumem llml 0m Trh IM lmulpf YMMV FinIAL ll WM nddnmd lo Premier Flle cmm ml lmldonl m4 vnldn Imum nlo mama NM In purl me ntmlemi Cuban Emulrv Vunlnllouary drum we aln mungan prnvrd ml mm at the mple lhc llulnlnn tone dnekmmm ol hmnry lmldtnl Krnnedyl Naulm purl nilcr UR lnlnrll nuh Innrlnn mlnnlln ln llrllnln nml lvmnrn Inwldnl my arm huml In llm Nuer Allnmlc Tmuy Urlnnlznllan lorco llvkrlrd or NATU dlncuulnnl In lnrll Ilnrltnu nu mnnlh lllua Unllcd Slnlcl xlrnto KIM look lor lull ln Moscow ollcnslvu over llm next low munlhn Tnllu on auch long Ilumllnn Imus dlnnmlnmcnl and llcrlln um expected In cnnllnub lhauuh nu pnrllculnr larwnnl movement In In lehl OTHER TRIALS AHEAD Amnnx lhrso Ibo nhnplnu mm closely unitrd Allan llc cummunuy Ilnlnl In be In mnHor lame UH larclln pa ry in gho comlni my An liaIMVcsl lurnnlhrr would zlvn Hm us thnncu In nun mm on olher problem whrm dilfltulllc 11 nheml Mnckeler 31 both of Bancroft in carruck collision on high way 23 near Bancroft SATURDAY Rev Edmund Patrick Behan of Toronto when his car struck tree near Ottawa SUNDAY Incr Mlnze 22 Maple 1251 when car In whlch was passenger left Highway 62 md struck tree near Bancroft Comldcrnblo null for tho lmpmvnmnnt in the inlcmn Hana xccno in given tn lhu truublc nnw husculnz lhu oncu seemingly moflnlllhlc Commu nlak bloc mnsslvo rcnppmlxnl in by llLvcd under way In hu Krcm lln beset by IL lnrrnnulnl quarrel with Pcklnl vnrlou nconomlc Iclham rullvcncss In mlcllnu and conlullon shroud Dougias Wilkins son of Mr and Mrs George Wilkins oi Ernniiord in iwtrcar coilision on Highway near Melbourne Richard Dove son of Mr and Mn Henry Dove Oshawa asphyxlaled by make mm in in homo lucmslully tackle the complex gnnllonnl problems tho Red Chinese Praise Cuba N0 EXAMINER 0N HOLIDAY 11m wll be no ndltlnn The Earth Examiner la marrow Ncw Your Day Publlutlon wln be mde an Vednudly United Nation forces today salted control another key own in Katanga province and warned they will destroy all Kn tnngun plane 11 thealrcmfl an nut surrendmd to the UN by Tuesday momlng Knlnnun wnl duo lo mum to hl Ilrllu lorn pmvlnw lodny mm Salisbury Soulhrrn Rho dcsln when lhrmlenod Sun day In bnlllu Unltpd Nnuonl arm ho exlem an Al wynlyre wu The UN had reported Sunday that Ghanaian UN Imop had seized the lawn 280 miles north west of Ellsubclhvllln cnpltnl In secessionist province Eu iam report taid 1h Ghanaian troop met mlulnnce from Kulanxan sandalme near be his Knmlna UN hue and ouisidc Knminn town and did not aka the strategic ccnira un tilllodny Tho lawnl upturn mm In the who lwn weekend air ah tuck by UN ï¬ghter plane on Knlnnnnn air bases lncludlnu Ihu mnln Knlnngnn air base Kalwezl The UN urgcnlly requested hm lhu Kalunnnn nlrcrnfl be flown to II Manonn Mr Hnse about 300 miles north Elm bclhvlllc It Knld ho p110 whom plane should bu un armed would be Inktn lnla Unllcd NnIIons custody and their personal Inlcly xunrnn Md Swedish and Ghannlan UN lroaps advanced Into ihe norlh em town Knmlna lrnm their base 15 mllel away after aver camlng reslslance by human Kendalmes he UN mas tonsolldnted Ihelr lixhlnlni mllilnry victory lhn UN command gnu Kmnn Kan pllnls until noon andny to surrender themselves and lhgir ppnps said It wlll rdeslmy all Kn ungnn nlrcmn wherevnr they urn lound llmy am not aur rcndcrcd mummy Am mnnm An nirpml Imku ulmuglru hmuxh mm xh at dun knoll youlrrday allow lu Mlmnl IMrh llll mulb om ï¬nd The Hum EQPOLQYILLE cam Vllowvcvcrv howlinlud Nullon UNvForces Give Katanga i1 Tuesday To Fill Order CI mm lumenAP HUMAN SNOW PLOW No More Thun 7cm CépyH P1563 Continued cold moderating on Tuesday Snowsqunll expected Low to High Tueyiay 12 Sea inï¬mnry page two Local Weather llo tflld chdlm lmnnllnn also had taken mm 10 mile rnllmnd llnn loin cull 1mm lhu lawn has gunrggteed Tshamlzgls lree dam on his return to lhls cap flu or Ellsnbclhvllle Llle ap peared to he 510w returning to normal there to may allowing the bitter UNKalnnn flaming during the weekend Unllcd Nullon troops mnvcd out Ihe Mu Knmlnn mllllnry him In northwcx Knlangn 10¢ day in mapping up cpcrnllan whkh up cured ahnllur to that around Ianbclhville The UN salt Ohnnnlnn com nny Infarctd by Swedish maps hnd lake road and rnll junctan ID mllcl ouuldt Knmlnn spokesman Inld mm Wu 1qu Kninnznn rcslalnnro lo Iha onqrnllargynd yo qgunll Tshnmba spent tha night at the horns of Pflma Mlnmer Slr RoyWelensky Tahambe told raporttra that all Katnngnnx including my sell mm ta dis rather than accept political settlement im posed by area on Kntnngll Th head the UN Canln misslnn Robert Gardiner said no UN mnve were defen nlvu ucllnn to exercise our man dnla and were In llna wlm Sec retary Grncral Thnnta plan for munmcaflnn The Conic rlnsrd lo ham and mm pllm Iuvhd Ilvrouuhwl IN mm In 51 Walkawm mun It lmï¬n lmdmn He said Katmal realslnncn lo the UN would last lam than lhe sevm year Algerian war which ended last lprinl why Ihuuld we not even blow up the Unlan Mlnlere mlnlnz ln munuom he Inked The com pany la huge Belgian con trolled mlnlng cam lax which accounts or most Katangnl wealIlL flAlNED OBJECTIVES In New York Sunday the UN Announced It had obknlncd all objectives in Its dclcmlvo lcllnn 1n Knlnnzn He said In UN was no my rm to make lha mislnko or flow plng shun this llme but cm hnslzed 1115 map would con mm exercise 11 mlnimum nmaunl lone