XXI lnmulum Tool lvuu flaw Amlum And my 0111 um le I00 numqu lo IiL Tum rash Nu turn hmw In nohl mm VIAII nu luhv Iilm my hm may zmmm nu mm Ayyl IIM ml 51ml nrmmnmu Wmun In Iln In m4 an rhllduu ma mm nunmun Iul um um Tvlryllnn rA Inn um no pm um ArAn Wm mm mm ml lily mm Humhr nn mu unum Avply Mn HalIL nunIm luh ruu mm AUCFION SALE Saturday Jan pm than HM muum MWHUN SALE Hmwlm unumx mm ma lnhy 1m mmmnn mm mm vlrlnfl nl nammlnn 5m rmm lA d1 EMPLOYMENT wmrso Mr and Mrs ercd Knight and Miss Sharon Mn and Mn Tommie Knight and amily went Chrislmas day wilh ML and Mrs chrgc Kninhl Crown Hill Mm Thomas Wilkinson spent Christmas day with Mr and Mn John Lindsay and Mr wil kinson A17 Dqk Emit Mr and Mrs Saucy King SI hold Christmas party tnr lhcir music smdcnls will map kn singing gamma and lunch The children had dollghllul Mme Mr and Mrs Slzmlcy Waol my Douglm and Edna Jean are vlgllinu rclallm In Tvrunlo Mr and ML chrge Falconer and chhie spent Christmas with relatives at NIagamunthe Lake Congratulations to the three winners In the lucky draw can lcsl by lhe Ladies Auxiliary he Angus Legion Nu 499 who are as follows ï¬rst MIL Viv Inn McCann Utopia chmmo set second Gwen Knlghl Crown mm gossip bench and lhird Mu Mkins Camp Borden tablc lgmp Hy Mili ARMSTRONG Mr um Mm Euml Jnhrr on cnlmakmd lhc John Hone anuin nl Iurlsunnl Ainncr nn Sunday 11mm nxlcnd In wm Mr and Mn Vlmnr Jnlnulnnc aml Mr and Mn quuircd lnr wkm mlun hilly mmnmml hull iyml unpuwnm Andy or Mme MMLIOIUHS llalr STYLING nmp Bordon L11 Jul l3 AUCIION SALES v15 01s Alh Mr and Mrs Cliflord Duckwonh were Mrs Napier Mrs Graham Gulhnc Mn Ana Bell Barrie and Mr and Mrs Thomas nuckworth Angus lhc candlcllghl semen at Zion Presbyterian church Sun day nlghl Doc also at the Uniled church Vesper service Monday night Don with care singing solos and quap leis Mrs Robert McCrackcn spent Christmas with her daughter and soninlawllr and Mrs Slgl Bell x3 Port Credit Mn and Mrs Hulland and Gordon Lee Toronto spent the weekend and Christmas with their daughter and soninvlaw Mrt an Mrs Duke Lee inns Frank OConnor receiv ed word lha her brathcrinIaw William OConnor Toronto had died suddenly Sympathy is ex landed In the relativcs Logan Eag1e North Bay spell Ihe weekend with Mrs Eagles brother and Ilstcrimlaw Mr and Mn Wal ler McMackon and then went en lo Burlington spend Christ mas with lhelr saw and daugh terInlaw Mr and Mrs Mien Eagle Mr and Mrs Garden lpem Christmas With their daughter and sonvindaw Mr Elm Mrs George Budger be my Mrs Carrie Mae Slenning Wayne and Dancl London are mending Chrislmas holidays with wit parents Rev and Mgs Willis Mrs 195 King St re turned home from the Royal Viclorla Haspital Barrie eeL Ingmuchbeucrr IO HELP WANTED Mr and Mn Frank OCon nor and Mrs Margaret Typhair lpcnl Christmas day Milk Mr and Mrs George OConnor Barrie Tcrracc Mr and Mrs Arthur Robert son and family Scarboro and Mr and Mr Frank Woodrow and famlly Cookavllle spent Christmas wilh their parents Mg and Mrs Walter MrMackon mun MIGIHJN Almlm HAIR DRESSER FEMALE HELP CARLEY Hme wa Ram mm Ilmy wiflm Iran IM Ilmnhl ul Mnlllww and lulu In Um new HMIIIIIJHML nlm Iml nonm prmmu lhal Inn of mrmlwu rhlldml had wvll In Hm ulml p19 The Hmunlu Gurllm and MI mud on women Mrlrlnl In Intllly or Iqualily wllh uwn and mm tlurlr nrrumyllldunrnh lhulnl lhe pm mr ll Jnimum rrzrl In Udl on he avialn ol 10w Iluronln unL rtmlrul 1m MIN ol Inn mu Mud try llu Punk and In Ivy Mu Milnwn um wry mum MIHUINHC ronlnl lzl nmmlu r1 Nu Imb HII mt In Holly Sunday mum on Drc 27 or Ihcir fhrlnllnnl mnllnz Mm Furyt nnxldul Mu Downlna In In mer Ilnll cull wan mumrd ry wllh th lnrurfln uvlvluve nr mrnl Mulla II II man Mum In aivu ml to WIN my mrnlnl an by Mu Fury and Mn hvhmon Nut nINllnl or um mm wlll lw Rulunlny nllrnmun 11 pm In Ilu Sun day Mlva mun Jan 11 mu plnnrml rmllrr VMU Al In 01va III Cnmxnlllre Mn mkle Mu Imk Mu MIEMM Ilrl Kmm Mn Grimm Mn lmkir ml an Alllfll an he Mlldnl Guium run III mlnrla and II IM Mr and Mn Dun Cook Mr and NHL Jamel Miller Mr and Mrs Elm Smllh ML and Mn Gclnsundor IIan 1amily Mr and Mn James Smilh and family wan all Mr And Mn may Sml hogcunn Sunda Mr mm mm Mr nnd Mn Allm Howdcn Kenn nnd Kim Mldhum nnd Mn Kcnntlh Young of Shanty Hay were he Imrm of Mr nnd Mu andcn on Mn Illinm Vernon MIL Robert Hmwn nml lnmily illlord Wm he harm Mr and Mn Joseph Vernon on Wnlnradny Hy MIDI llflleNO ClllllfiTRIAfl MEETING Mn and Mrs P1d on Dunedin were nl Mr nnd Mu Jack lalloys on Sunday Mr and Mrs Harry flnbcrlwn mm Newmxuu In Chrlsb The lpltndld pragram put on held Thursday night with good attendance The xplcmlid program pm on by he children Mslstcd by numbers mm Tom and Robert Park and Allan Wil son WM mast delighuull The ley Snooze Christmas was well presented The leach cr and pupils are In In con ralulalcd The draw was made or the lurkcys and won on by antnon Cavnnagh and Veronch Hawdcn Mn lrwln Kriam who has been In Tomnln is mending lhc halidnyn at her home hm the last party the draw was made by Mr Doran for U1 fruit cake The Chrrlslinagcznccn was hldlhsrsday night with good attendance Sincere sympalhy is extended in Mrs Nick Taylor and iamily ol Cnldwaicr in the loss oi her husband who Iosi his lilo in tragic car and rain accidch on ï¬re crossi nt Carley sla tlon on Ihe day ailer Christmas The drivzr the car Don Beaudoin dealer and his mixer companions were injured This has been the ï¬rst nccin dcnl on Ihis crossing and ii is sincerely hoped it will also be Ihe 115M By nms scan Mr and Mn Babe Adam spent cw day visiting Mr and Mrs Joseph Jones Grims by and ML and Mm Basil ngd Pony Credit Christmas day visitors wkh Mr and Mn Orville Armstrong were Mr and Mn willlnm Gill and family of Mongolu Mr and Mrs Ernest Langley And children of Primx Camera Mr and Mrs Barry Armstrong and Rnndy of Orillia Mr and Mrs John Ayers and Glenda of Creighmn and Mn and Mrs Fleet Mr and Mrs Cllnlon Bailey and Mr andl Mrs Danny hiding and children 01 Jarr au were Chrisunas day visitors with MA and Mrs Everett Johnslane The pupils oi Carley Sunday School inserted Christmas cbncert Sunday morning In place of their regular service At the close the concert lhe pupils were each glven gilt lrpm the Sunday wheel and has Mr and Mrs QM Martin of Oxillla spent animus with Mr and Mn Wallace Douglas Mr and Mn Nx Beard spent Christmas with Mr and Mn Ra ljlll 051mm KILLED IN ACCIDENT Mn lenm Gill and child ren Mongol are spending the Chrlslmas holidays with Mn angMrnq€arge Fl Ill MKS BDWDEN ANTEN MILLS HOLLOWS HOLLY 51an Unmd Ihunh vuu ml rd an Smith ymmlnl Rpm InnIv will 1mm and lmlar duliu 10me WWI Mn EI nw lynll 1mm and Baum Illmk piam Mm Made Mnlm arm and mm MM Muml mun Jay It In wand Ill mun1 luv 7m Jaduwl Hui an IM mm Fa Ch hunt On Sunday mnmlnl Holy Vlnptlun minlllrml ln Thoma Yltdrrv Irl llny mm cl My mi 1er Id nilull we Hulls Mulllnllandl nl CMKIIHI MVNIM mum CWITJIT HmmM Joluvrm and Inmlly Ilnmlllcn nu Johrmm and lmnlly Nu Tannin lpcnl hrlllmm mlh IA6r iarwll Mr and Mn Dave Jnfmmn UNITE IIIUINH Mum amt1 mm mm Mm mm um held Mia Chrlnlmm day vlnllau ha mm Mr and Mn Eric Jackmn II Bay Point mu Mr Imd Mn Hugh Jackson And Hum cllfldrm PM Mr nnd Ila Annmuy Jnchon nml Ihu lhrre children ol Hmo lnldae Mr and Mn Er Jul Inn mud Illm children ol Wu Ill Mr and Mn Allan Juri MI and our dilldm of Oak v11 TO 011 Mn and Mn any Jamlnon ana math nrcnmpnnlrd by Ilwlr dnuzhlrr Hurley and hrr hmhnnd Handy lrfl Dec In Ipmd Hm month Dn Flurhln Mr and Mn Dcnnls Thump wn Taranlb Mr mud Mu Wil liam Goodchild and daughlm Barrie and Ircd Thompson Hannx mm Chrislmru wllh lhcir parcnu Mr and Mn Jack Thampwn and Sheila Christmas ay guuu nl Ihe home of Mr and Mn Sc mour Hutchinson were Mr on ï¬lm dalxgh Penny and Fall Max and Mn Ruben McAdam and flabby Smcn and Jullc Mc Adam ol Taranlo lollct Corr Ilnhle and MrL llukhlnwn nnd lhrtc Ions Garry Wayne and Davld llulchlnwn of Pltk ulna Mr and Mn Sydney Swrct nnd rhlldun Todd and Lila name 11er0 guull Joyrd Chrislmnl lca puny In the evening flu hnmc ML nnd Mu Norman Willaughhy nnd Mm Wrslcy Wilbumhy win nxutig and qnu Mn and In Wllmn Tmnto Mr And Mn llu II Mod Md lumlly Gmph Rn Ind lrumhky Ind lumlly lnlchlum lpcnl GuiIm vim Mr and Mn mm In my 1L Mr iid mi smlan Ham and family went Chrlxlmm In Kflghcner wilh relatives Misqueéxrzvand Wilson Wlu Iplnl Chrlslman wllh Mr and MEL KengctPTEIngn up etc Cindy Wmdy and Tommy at Ccnkralla and 611 and Mn Dan Menzul at Ottawa were wnfl lhclr mmuy at Fred Mul hollnndl nuns and her lamin remalnrdqu week Mr and Mrs Harold Slroud Ilcktriug nee Audrey Bow man 5pm Christmas wlih their mollhgr Mn 40mph Bow man and Palmcr also BILan Mn Jnuvph Bowman In quiqnlowcre wil By ALLAH December Wamml institute meeting held at lhc hall was lull Christmas lplfll Treat ums report Ihowcd large amount ol bill paid The New Year will star with plenty of work ahead The rug culling was mecca with picnly of display on hand er while gill box was filled or soniar Cllizcm also used game and lays were plunlilul be sent to Pcnetang Mrs Dalian Ferr lcrconduclcd carols which were wing hpaili colorful table was ael will Chrlslmas dccarallam Time was an cxchangc ol aim lunch was tenad by Ike hos cmsl January meeting Citizenship and Educalion will be held at Mn Gllmorel homo MRS unnr MULHDLLANI cumsnms vxsnons ullu nanny wn Graham mum Ting carol xerviLe leaiurinz the junlur their will very much an yed Christmas Sunday at Holy Church On Dec at 11 pm to 1205 Mn there will be vmh Night nervice Holly Churdn Sacrament 01 My Communin WI be Jnn IL Johnson and lamlly vhilcd reclcnlly with relatives In Tor on Chrinlmax visitor with Mr and Mrs Jack Hullema were Mr and Mm Jack Vrm Ecr kum Dalslan and Mr and Mn Van Berkum Palmlaw and with ML and Mrs Moon were Mr and Mn Archer and Leslie Marie and Mr Barry Toronto Mlv and Mn Arthur Dycr Mr and Mn 13 Robv emon MlnElln Rohcmon and Mr and Mrs min nobenwn qnduflngcyz wllh Mr and Mn Mr and Mm Poole Jahn and Shhlay Jean Wm Sunday visitor with Mr and Mn Deï¬ning STROUD LEFROY Two lulu mm Burl Cur lrnl Colleulalc enjoyed day curllng ln Orlllla on Wednesday Flm tam lklpped by Ron Camvbcll Vlce Ken Green lead mu lluckley 2M Doug Campv bell ucondlcam Dan Cram Sklp llau Spurn vlct Alan Hamr lead mend Blll Mul hollant Thls team was Illghlly bcalcn by PM Perry In lhl finals Russ Campbellt rink won lrwhy ponsored by Ihe Geomlun Day School Boy at mlmlan Conuralulnllonl Ia Paul Campbell who played ln Toronto will Banlc rlnkI and came home wllh luggage prize By MRS HAVES Sunday Dec vhiiarl In be tammunlty were at Mn and Mn 0ch Shcardownl Mr and Mn SheaMawn Sandra and Slmcn 11 Sheardnwn and Chick Manil all of Bank and Mn and Mn William Sheardm Edgar Mr and Mn Hayes 1mm and Mn Ham and Mkhatl of Yhilhy Mr and Mn Hon McDowell and Glm in Grace Beanie Tommu thil Hay Darrin Mn km Dick wet and Vinan am with Mr mu Mm Gor dan Lauder Ilrl Wood of Wmcrlby Mr nnd Mn 34 Land and mike and In Elm Laudrr Coohvmc wllh Mr and 1111 Mchan Mr and Mn William Mclun Ind Rel mmo H1 mg and bnpy Unqll ohm McLean flaylnl wilh hll nmndpannu or bond weak Don and Mm Gall2211 Mlluon mind their urr Gmlon IMde Sunday CIIIIIJUIAS AWAY Hr and Mn Cecil Silur dawn mm Mr And Mu Hem NEW YEARB FflOLlC Dont large the dance New Yearl Eve In Strand Commun Ily ML Modern and old llmc dannlng Io um Mulholland and Ill 31x More orchestra Any pins 01 all Board cgnuxï¬ NEWB pan 0n the other hand Strand has come up wilh hlx ion in an noddenl to John Smuflhwalle lie had ihc mixinrlune in hreals bone in the back oi his hand making unwary can Jahn will be out union ior about six week Till big loss In the Simud cam and every one winhel the be or John Come out and lumrt lhls local cam who are doing Ia well BTROUD ARENA The Slrnud open nlr arm is in lull win again thin ynar Hockey practice wnn held every mamlng this week with Ikallng evenings and allcmwm Salurv dny morning Ihe lnnisiil Bull nm Mcnn liachay will be play ed he Arena or Thornton 72 on Wednesday Dec 19 Strand made lhc flm round as winner over each learn In he league hut placing Ihcm In ï¬rst place On Dec 30 Strand again plays Mln Wamm ls gallant ln Royal Victoria Hospital havlnz nndcrgana an aypendcctamy an Chmnu day Mn Georgn Yuung Sn who all out ola chalr breaking her collar bone wan nullad to the hospital by ambulance She as year old and reports are llu ls In good mm and quite happy ngplgzv Nzws Conmkulallom to Mr and Mn Cralgvalt onlhe birth Ion In Royal mea Hospllal 11110 to Mr and MrmJohn McKenzie 81mm onthz him of dauzhlu NAFWL on Dog flu uh lmllh pmnu II llmll rm for Ill Imduul Ir1 llml IM IIMII Bmio and Diurch Roll Elma Bond Coop CONSULT ANY MEMBER OF THE BARRIE and DISTRICT HEAL EiMTE BOARD EDGAR EFFECTIVE JANUARY 15 Will Bo Chnngod To The Chrmmu Candlcllzill mice the Unlch Church an Sunday evenan wan wrll atlend cd The chlldun Inna 61ml with llln Mary Dummorc no companybu Ihem at lhe organ 111 your PM who gave lhe reading tom the Bible and the Senior chair wm much chd alm lhc violin mmlc Izy Mr Fouls nude wilh Mn Tuck ncmmpanylnx hem Quite number of thlldrtn mound hm are conflmd la thclr hnmu with hlckrnWL Chrmmm vhin wllh Mr and Mn Dawllng mm III and Mn Duwllnz nl Alliunn Min ll Cough and ML and Goum llr Dune nnd hll dauzhln Mn Le Nallre and hildnn al Mldlmd were wilh Ilr Ind Mn John Iltlflmy or mman Sham Ind ilmllwr Rankin Ind hurl And my him Wilimvdnic Ire holidaying with lheir Inndvnrrnll Mr IM Mn cénziitulnum to ML and Mn Wayne llirllinl upon Ihl miml of lam By MILE HANDY 1112 mm Cnldwpll Slngm wm lplmdid In their lnvdy Chrlslnm program that lth prmnled on Sunday evening In nubidze and Bob Mr lvor me vcdrnd Vllllan ll HcElmfl Illu Mary Ann Ptdlinvum Ipcnl Chrhlmn with yar mlg ll Crnlmqpl The concert at Illflview and Edgar Admit wm well allud ed and congratulations go In Mu Shclswell and Min Handy retpedlvcly and he pupil bulb hook or very mm mm Mlu Handy it rpmdlng the holiday with her pnmnl Mr and Mn Jamel Handy Cod riqglon Mr and Mn Waller McLean and Elizabeth Willowdnle V154 Had Partridge and HD1611 o3 Vedpegd Mr and JIcCquodI Saul Ste Marie and Rev Norquay Toronw mm mm vlliton wiLh Hrs Mabel Ever WONDER VALLEY Mr and Mrs Slum Oril Hz and Min Mary Kinick To mnlo were Monday sum of Mr and 11 Slcmr Mn Jean McAlary Toronto men lh holidays with her lir £91331 Parlri Crliimden Mr and Llrt Wiggins and lamlly Paint wick Mr and Mn Crllim den and lamlly Simud Mn Cmihm Kirkland Lake and lilr and llrl Norman Shana llan and family Edgar wilh Mr Md Mn George lluckcil Mr and Mrs shcllwell Bd gflr Min Lillian llackeil Bah He and Wayne York Midland with Mr and Mn Slwar Mn and Mrs Key and baby llldhursl Dan Key and Wal lace Key Clown air and Mn Cuppage and mildrcn llnwkuiona and Mn Edna borne Barrie with Mr and Mn Shelaell Mr and Mn Wlllinm Shenrdown Ilr and Mrs Sinlswell Edgar and Mr and Mn Week and lam lly Drilli will Mr and Mn 932an llLML 29d Mu Glenn Bldwell Edgar Mr and 3m IL Collin and Randy and Mr and Mn Bldwell Bar he remal mum to mend flu holiday weekw Vincent Hay Ipenl Christ mat with his mm Mn Dicker Clown Douglas es It In mm or the ML dayl Mr Mrs Pm ridge and Mm Jean 11th with Mn and Mn Handy and lanfllyfDnIuan Mr and Mn Glenn Bkiwell um Mr will Btuman Shanty Bay urn Howell and are with her parenu Mr Mn mum at Atwood CHRIETMM VISITORS YllnMr and Mr William Mn Anuln man Mlnhall hut Mill In nl uun mam Mn saw and daughter Manlrcnl are holidaying with her pmnll Mr and Mn 53ch airy gut in Audrey Hlbbard recording mrrlary mu Winnie Manlellh ï¬nancial Icmlary Mn Gretta Fang her Ircuum Mm Winilrcd Andmu Director of Ceremony Mn Dari Davin Conduct Mr Hugh Andre Chaplain 1m Mervin Frnllck 131 com mluu Mu Marjorie lelrk lnxlde Iyler Mu Ellie Mow lcilh Ouuldn lyltr Number nlhy Bundcll Nu mccllng will be January 16 Visier the home oi Mr and Dirt Li DAnxia during the Chrixlmnl holiday wcr Air and Mn Ii DAnzio and daughter at Baxlu Bin and iiirl Hunt Toronto iiir and iiin Caliman and Lnrry oi Bee ion lir and Mn Ji Fairinx oi Totltnimm Mn Ted Fairfax and Ian Toronto Bin Li Ca burn and Min mu Bccian Mr and lira Charlie Day 1pm Glrixlmm Day with their um and family Ilri Ind iirl William 71 Toranio True Blue lodge held their meeting In Vespm Township Hall Dem l9 with 10 mem ber vment and ï¬ve member mm Anzm Lodge Vishnu cm or are Wonhlplul flaunt Goldie Dobsan Vlmzm wllh he Mllllganl In cluded Mrs Gllchnu Laren of Bank Mr and My Graham Tarnnla and John Pickering Sunnldale spent few day wilh Mn Sarah Pil kcx and Piggy Mr lid Mn George Smith and family spent Christan will Marshall and Domhy Pilkey MRS 110312111 llr and Mn LInyd langlLy and Marie and Leona and Mr Bob Lavrlnz Coldwakr went Sunday will Mr Dick Brown Mr and Mrs Reynold and Iamlly ol Penelang were guest at lhelr daughter and lonfnlaw Mr and Mn Walter Hall Mlu Evelyn Reynold re maJned or cw day with her mar Mix Pickering Tor onto and mm Helen Plckmng of Callingwood were guest Alex Flglayt Thoma Huey Branllard and Mr and Mrs John may Sumn and Sharon Banle were holiday leltau with Mr and ma Mr and MerEveretl Ed ward and Emily viliï¬ed Chriss man day with 1m Edwards mull Mnand Mn Fred Ab man Wang Beach Mr Indjln Harry Traln and Harman Train were snow at Chrmma 11 Mr and Mn Ra mm legwoqd William Rainiard oi 8min lpeni Chrisimax will Mr and M11 ArchierWanieu Mr and Mrs Allen Sinclalr and daughter Callingwood were VIIIer with Mr and Mrs Sign nawn Mn Alfred Budding and Jw mum at Toronto were visier at the hem of Mr Ind Mn Harald Smith MLu Sandra Finlay Wemm 1919an aulew Any with Ir nnd Mn Andra and MIDHURST STN You Still Cant Beat Natural Gas Ilr Klllmer and hln Orr are ll be commended on the Inc concert prmnlcd In he hall Thursday nlzhl by pupils 01 Pine xmve School The Sunday School also had very good cohccn Salurday Evening Santa was prawn both wllh real or lhgyaunulerl ulna Kahlua of play at th weekly cuchrc and prize winner were high mom Gladyn Scull nnd Hum llnr lane handl Am Holmes mud Fred McBride aw Mar ulla Man and erman no bean travellan Mrs Clough lay and Dolmn oommlllu In charge Mn and Mn 11 Clouxhlcy and Mr and Mn SCDH CONCERTS Conzrumlnllnm lo Mr and Mn Dan Dcuhamnn nee Belly Gublmh on Ihu blnh of daughter Friday DM 2y Zambia vltllorl lnEiiIdLd Hurry Taylor at hit home Mr Mr and Mn Ken Bush and Mr and Mn II He Cam Ipcnl Chrlslrnas Day with Mn and Mn nrldger and amlly at befruy Mr and Mn Hccwr Turn buII with me Allan Gibsons In Allistan The Bruce Millers the Allen Miflem Mr and Mn Bell and Min Bella Miller Ban lhellvqn pc¢m nm mggzo 13 iomma wllh her husband patient In Wen cry liosplal Christmns day found many families gathered to spend the hay Mgagipu qgether ï¬r and Glenn McCann and Connle with the Mc Camu Mr and Mrs Jack lllran and Juanne Scarborough with Mr and Mn Jack Ellis Mn and Mn Jack Ellls Jrl and arnlly motored to Montreal to spend lhe esllve mason with the Del ancyl parcnlu Mrs Ellis Mrs Caulmn Mr and ML lllrtl bulsont Mr and Ma Russel Coulym Mr and Ma Harvey Tumbull and lnmlly were with he Ken Dnbsans Barrie Ten tables of Euchre Player and keen compeuynn rcsulLs Alia Troll Allah Miller Mm Yvonne Nickle lhcksan Marvin Gice Hildn oImeI Wil rod Amum lame congregation attended the oclock candlcllght Chris mas Service In lhg United church when wee David Arthur Dobson son Lorna andWanrd Dab son was hapllzed allowing lhe service relatives and close Inends the amily attended negation althc homet Saturday evening Ihe Unllcd Church held Christmas Supper and party or the Sunday Schqal in the Community Hall nnd had lnvely tlme Mr and Mrs Borden Jenan and Ruth of Bradford aligndcdl mm Mm l1th Channen Scar bom and bur brother Paul of Oakvllle spent Chrklmal hou dnyt at the home of hair par ent Mr ï¬jnnnefl Min Manleilh Mrs Monuith Brawn and mend Mn hrownvand son at Bar rie spent tdnesdny with Mr and Mn Langley of Cold water By MM ALLW MILLER l1 MR3 COLE GBENFEL UTOPIA and Mn William McArthur Bond and and Mr and Mrs Philip Dohscn nnd Baby Contra chpra with Mr and Mm Char lu 9010 and Inmily Mr and Mrs Holmes Brcnlbmod Mr and Mm Ivan llolmc Col mnwwL at Ffank es mehrd and High hllu were guests he Swilzcr family of Bums Ior Chrlslmns The 127pngo bookch 15 almost whally in the language medi cine and allied sciences and intended primarily at physi cians and rcscarchm The rcpqu altcmpla to llsl all the previous prepared sclnn lilic lnlormaton about research programs on the blulogy re producllon which are partlcu Inrly relevant la the problems cl birth and populnllun control UrS weiiare department made public Friday report on birth canimi research which it oncr withheld on the grounds it might be misinterpreted by the lay public In an lnlroductlon lo the pan lhe dcparlment says study ncllher advocate condemns 111th control ar of Ike methods described The report was issued with out critical evaluation by Ihe department by lhe public heailh service or by lhe National ln sliiules oi iinaith which pre pared the highly lechnical study Mr Hamilton reported stronger demand or cheese but he said this can scarcely be significant In reducing he but ter surplus Only seven per cent of the torn milk supply used Iar cheese with 44 per cent 30 lng tar bullet and 31 per cent or fluld saies The rest kept on arms The result way that buller producflnn ran 40000000 pounds ahead of sales This left Can ada with yearend butter stocks 234000000 pound compared with 101000000 year can and 106000000 twn years an OilAWA CPtAs lhe year ends there is enough buliér piled up in various places across Canada to meet the need oi Ihe whole countrytnr eight or nine months This was reported Friday by Agriculture Minister Hamilton in part oi yearend review lie did not attempt to forecast 1962 conditions The gnvernmenl last May by gun paylng consumer urlca subsidy of 11 cents pound on hufler Retail sales Increased but butler still had to compete with chenpor spreads such margarine Birth Control Report Released WASIHNGTON AP The llllln SI Specializing in BODY WORK SIMCOE MdTORSm RAYS BODY SHOP MECHANICAL SERVICE rcpuried Friday by Minister Hamilton in yearend review attempt to forecast PA 52311 the In any 515