TORONTO lUlTu Iylnnlv hnm Mylln mp lrnumnl 11m May In In Mu In ml la 11 um pludlnl lullly lo MONTREAL TIlGrnrxrl nvrnlvr RI Jemnw Him null erllrl llnnln Munlvral lmfll 11 null Sylvnln lnnlna 17 or Mnulrrnl wrrs mmlknml 11xundny ml charm nl al Innplrll mun nml mmml rolrlwry Mnnler unm Inc ury nrhnu Inwyrr Ilnynwml 1n mm nald U10 tuned me ur mml IM an and 10 law Illlullnllfll Ilml uniml mm In nrmlgnal wllllin nu Mn llalrnnlly Ir numl HOSTON AI llnmllnl hullclin lllnclnml Thursday or Inn llm llmc 11ml llnlml haul MymrOhl dum Ammrnn pnm Aulruul Iwml num uhHo trmvrrlnu mm Dre ID ovrmllnn Hut Ill canxllllan mu mmlml lmpm The nunmmmnrnl by Dr Llnyd Mumll mmlc IMr Ihm been vm wurucnlng pnclu hum mmlillnn and ml on he mmmy lm wnl Iumr 11mmluy Mn In hm bun lnr umnl dun The pmltlcnll much wnl mud an army ccrunony In whlch nrnrhullsu vy lirld nun um lmllu wm mini through the canlnL Brothers Sonlenced ADEN Reumflnrllnln hldnoun am womnn Illll punulnp lhxpid lHhLcnlury Impcrlnlldl policy lmvnrdl Yrmnn Imldcnl Ahdullnh 51L lnl mld ovrr Snnn mdla Tnurh dny Tho hulk his mum um Mt lo the Cily Vlctarln Vlclarla Colltgcn branch of Iho University Hrlllah Colum hlnlhu Salvallnn Army thn Young Mcnl and Womanl Chrlnlnn Amclnliam and glullst Church Anxllcnn Cathe Thrca eraigned Frost Improved VICTORIA CF Thoma Shth McPherson 1armcr Ilnre clerk who became knan as vmmns qulclm philanthro plxl lefl most $4000000 estate In tho cIIy Victoria Cal lcpe nndflghnfllablylnsllmllom nuhm on he Scoulshbarn bachelor who dlbd Dan and as wnl llled or prabnlu Thurs 31 The report presumed to llle groupx convcnlinn by ll sala pulley cammlllcc mld the la nrics nl teacher in rural urea are the lowest In tho prolmlnn and remain low bccnusc he Dachau themselves show llltlu lnlcrm in more money Blasts Britain TORONTO CF Sahry campaign orzunizcn may have to he sent to turn area to ralse the salaries of teacher In these areas 12er the Ontario Public 01 Men Tcachcrl on laid Thursday CHATHAM CHFlt Thun day nlght burned through storage garage owned by Inter Clty Truck Llncs lellcd db straying twu tractor lrucks uud twu stake lrucks und causlng an cstlmalcd 530000 damage There were nu lnjurlea Flre Chlef chsc suld lack of water pressure ham pered ï¬reï¬ghters The only supply walcr available was mm hydrant 3000 Ieet way through nlnglehm llnc l2 HARM EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER ML Dunlon sad that student editors lend to underestimate their own Innellon What was printed in campus papflflnf eclcd In many way what the academic people felt about stu dents Leaves $4 Million OTTAWA Cli Davidson Duntnnv president at Carleton University said Thursday lhat studnnl newspapers should bu free ram nduitrg gue Road rail and air Irafllc was reduced in chad and moved crawl Salaries Rise LONDON CPi Britain and most at Europe being caught in midwinier freeze oi Arciic winds blizzards and numbing cold chimed mounting in oi viciimx The caunl of death In the snow and ice rosu ta about 50 TPLMrsQay lghl NICE Francs AmBritish author Somerset Maugham has ï¬led suit lojake back every hing he hasvgiven his daughter since her birth 17 years ago Muugluam Why Values the gm at about 2000000 contends lhO lsnot legally his answer $30000 Damage Europg Freezes Free Opinion CAPSULE NEWS 1th polltfnn mas high Maugham To $116 For Gift Value Dnrncll lxxurd llm Ilnlemcnl In an answer In conltmvl court prncrcdlngl now hclnl mlcd nznlml hlm by In luv lIcu lcpmlmtn or hll nucmph In Imp Jnmrl Meredith Nrum lrnm numeran Ihe Unlrmlty Mlululml on RADIO THE NATIONS BUSINESS unar nnsa Hnmcll called Thun dny nlnhl or cumm ho nI own In dmrmlnn nl llm polls whclhcr or no Hwy wnnl Ihclr Ichuola under lho control UN ratml gnvcmmmt and lhl 1ch ml mum The Hynnmld Slmclcnl Delzlnn nullnnal but no dnyl to append lhe rullng lo lhc Board lmmlgmunn Appeal ln Wnahlnzlon Thu ruling was made Wed nesday In dcpnnnUnn pm ccedlnx by lhc US Immigra tion and Naturallznuan Service NEW YORK AN Mchcl SIruclcns Knlungn pmvlncex controvmlnl Inmrmallun chld In the United Slates MI been ardcrcd lo leave The article was reply to letter from reporter Plcrre Lc gar of La Patric who said he had been told by Montreal prlcst Iha some orders of mm are either golng la than lthr ways at once or else Ihcy are soon galng In lose the uym pulhy of everybody for ever Bamelt Urges MONTREAL WP Paul Emfle an n1 Leger has launched an lnvcsllgallon Into Ihe questlan pmpmy owned by Roman Catholic rellgloul ur dcra In the archdloccsa Mom real Walter Dinsdulo Tl lmuulu nunull rm NEW YORK tCPtAn nnnual study at the worlds telephones showed Thursday that Canada mntntalncd ttl poattton In 19 the country with thy hlghos rate at telephone use averag Ing mare than 551 telephone conversatlons person tar thc year That was up ram 533 In th prcytqgsnycar The xtnlsllcn were conlalncd in bouklek compiled by the American Telephone and Tele graph Company TORONTO CPLUniversity ni Tornnto provincial lands and forests and Agriculture depart mcnt oiiicluls decided Thursday to hold symposium next month to discuss eradication at Dutch clm dlxense which threat cur elm trues in several parts at thu province Dr Slsnm dean of forestry at the unlvmlly Bald here much misunderstand lng on ways controlllng the disease The symposium will nt temp to assemble rcllnblo in nrmallon on which groups and lndlvlduah can act Ordered Out Maglxtrate Donald Graham recommended at Thomas flexgm 72L an airport employee and Eamon 75 student Rachelbe dcpurled In their nallvo Ireland nner serving their Iontcnces uughur never cared aK rap about me said Maugham who will be 39 next month He revealed that has April 11 ha adopted ns 11 non myearald Man Funk Sam12 his lecre wry 32 years three charge armed Looks At Nuns George Nowlun Mlulnlu Nmmn MN And Nlflnnnl numru ch court in Nice and dil clmd Thursday the writer said he in nu the father of Elisahelh Mary Maugham She was conceived Maugham uald bdan Syric Bernardo divomd Henry Welcome to marry 595mm Bells Are Ringing Discuss Elms JACKSON Min AmGav PigrrcSgyigny Amrlm mumu mum mim STATION CBL mmfm Imm TONIGHT MIMIAME llllNfllYlMflLfl HONOURUH 900 pm My HAMILTON CDD Kil mer of Brantlnrd president of the Ontario Secondary School Tenehcrs Federallon uld Thursday ha federallon will meet with In and lotal op posmon any nllcmpll lo mm ale zone area or provlnclal egghersllnhry sghgdnlqs He an at edcrallan an nun convention salary scale suggested by lmslcea nssu claflun or uxe In bargainlng Calls Salary Scale Very Unrealistic This man and young girl are locked In an amorous cm bmza as they are reunited In HAPPY REUNION FOR COUPLE next yang xeaflsllc Mr Kllmer said he federa llon prelcu dlrect nognliallons between lndlvldual school boards and heir teachers HI did not menllon spccillcally current proposals to amal gamale Metropolitan Tornnlol 11 school boards and seek unilorm mlary scale for the um He was referring10 pm posed pay schedule dcvlscd by the Ontarlo Trustecs Council and circulated to schnol heard throughout the provlnce SpEaklng generally leach ml BLIng or cases illlulhe ciTy an and hnclropulunn UquBAu lenco Dec more than 1500 Minn yesterday ulougwith hundreds ulher Invcd ones alter boat landed nearly wns complélely un MEASLES IS EPIDEMIC CALGARY CWThe Cal nary health department purlcd Thursday an outbreak measles In Ihe city has reached epidemic proparrions In the last week 306 cases of measlcs were reported bringing the lo nurnher cases by lhe cily ntion Mr Kllmar mid Just so long as Metro Is no the cm player of teachers Ihls nation can only he lonkcd upun with suspicion and as an nllempt lo contrulthc movement of leach ers salaries both up and down lhousand Cmth refugees AP Wircphoto To my qucauoh whclhcr discussion between Baldwin and Miller would be desirahlalor the mum of GermnnAHritish rc lnklans he the king replied in the allowing words Whn LONDON APlA myslerlous envoy told Adoll Hitler in 1936 that King Edward VIII new Dukemi Windsor strongly lu varcd mum nlllnncn wllll Nazi Germany and wanted urgently to work or ill To Ihnl end Ihe envoy wrnlu lllller Englands king was randy lo muét Hitler personally regnrdiess oi wlml the British government oi the day Ihcn led by Prirnc Mlnisler Stanley Baldwin might think The unnamed envby re counlcd conversation with ma monarch in these words In memorandum intended only for he eyes 01 Hitler himself and his foreign pviicy ndviser Joa chim van Anibbenlmp The lunaral Illa Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was conducted by Blshop Bruco Gnlbmilh Alberta Pre mler Cl Mannlng pald lrlb ule to my colleague and es teemed and respected Irlend RAYMOND Ana cm Stam and bualnau 0mm closed here Thursday as more than 1000 pemns attended in neral service or Solon Low former nnllunal Ieuder nllha Social Credit party Mr Low 62 died In Shelby MonL Sat urdny In the Held pubflc life Mr Law was undoubtedlyrone nl this countrys great men the premler aald Hewnn the le spect and Bdmlrnunn qt his own party and his golitlcal opponents £1150 Thmnpson national 5w clnl Credit leader also attended the funeral Interment Was in Ihc Card ton cemetery Secret Memorandum To Hitler Says British Alliance Favored Funeral Held For Solon Low king hem Baldwin nr my self wish to talk to Hitler and will do so hm or in Germany Tell him that mien Th memoan to Hitler was one of ihuusands oi prim documents on German ioreign policy captured with the flute archives by the Allies the end oi the Second Warid War selection oi these documents covering Ihe periodApril 1935 March 1936 was published simultaneously Thursday by ihe British US and French gov ernmenisi ubllcauon the German loreign pulley documents shed new light on the bird Reichs rclaï¬nn with other areizn payarguinclyding Hugh major ihcme period however was the attempt ai the Nazi regime to form an eiicc live wnrking partnership with British lander sympathetic toward Hiilcrl uh plrniions Under Ille agreement an naunccd by President Kennedy and Prim Minlsler Macmillnn lastcak Britain will receive lhe Polaris submarine missilo instead oi ihe Skybqlt airio ground missile Skybolt arlglnully was due to he avnflablo by 1965 Balance Minister at Thorneycroh has said the Brltlsh Palms sub would he lnzluse before the 10705 Macmillan has laid reporters there must vaflably be gap because Skybolt was two yeqrs behind xchednla but without Polaris there would be per mgyem gap and Briish oiiiciaiu will canier in Washington early next yam an way carrying out the new AngloAmerican agreement giv ing Britain the Polaris missile authoritative said Thuradnyi The prlmé mlnisler Indicated Vlhe government might have to To Talk Further On Polaris Pldn Mrs Marie Shlakalf unom clal spokesman for the Free domltel camped 1300 strung ncar Ihl Fraser Canyun centre said delegnllon left for the Ireproof federal prison Thum day to see water will be available wheix they arrived The wanderlng Sana have been ordered to leave their pre sem quaners the Sethday Adventistscamp near here by Jan Thameycryfl will be 0105er questioned next Tuesday by group hlaawn Conservative partys parliamentaryjuppm era who are critlcal at the decl slon to accept Polaris In place of Skybalt Polmcnl sources uald the Con servative groups mnln rear Illa In nccepllng lha Maris ngr ement Britain wauld was to major independent nu clgar pow ve MP John Elsa Dnvlson an outspoken crltlc at some of the governmennrpol Ides ln statement Issued Thursday desgribed lheMac milï¬anKcnncdy Bahamarlnect mg 13 dlplomallc Dunkirk mam or of the radical Sana cl Freednm Doukhahar wiil break camp Jan and resume their trek in Mountain Prison ni Agassiz where number oi their brethren are coniined consider going on with Blue Steel Mark British alblo graulnd mlsslle under develop men Trek To Prisori Soon To Resume HOPE ng CPL41ml 3m CONSTRUCTION LTD Blnll PA um Eeorge Davies