mamas anomalimnnnasbmneozemsc wz it was wrought bonwekh aorranmn Reuters tag new ausrs nousa Christmas callers prmed the electric doorbell oi ahousa here freeway and the house ex ptoded destroying two others next door Under the rubblewi oi the house Dutch policeiound the bodies at an old bcouplgi dead from asphyxiation to gas which had ï¬lled their home The gas exploded trom the door bells electric charge APPEAIS FOR LOVE JOHANNESBURGIAP President Charles Swarta ap pealed in Christmas broadcast todayto all peoplesol South At ttemess reeriminatlons and viliticatlon bring only mls ery and degradation Snort said oaonnsanucn TRIM Los ANGELES AP ct median Lenny Bruce has been ordered toappear in court Fri day datcwiil be set then ior his trial on chargmol poo sessing narcotics Bruce pleaded not guilty torthe charge htondaytte ls tree on $1590 bail Agents arrested the lec Oct in hobby shop They said narcotics hadchanged hands there and Bruce had Matchbook containing heroin DROPS BUNDLE CHEYENNE Wyn AP Airman Anthony Torsielto ot Warren Air Force Base and his wile Linda received Christ mas bundle nrcrdaybut it was treat the stark not Santa Claus Born to tilts Linda Torsielto ve pounds one romeo iive pounds two ounces and Itourvpounds eight ounces Amorous NAMES TOKYO AP Peking broadcast said maday the Chi neaelted Oman has airmalled to New Delhi the namu at 528 more Indian ottieers and man captured by Communist Chinas forces during all ï¬ghtingin the Himalayas list Dec 15 idem tilted 399 Some have been re turned to India urs crmlsrrlns ATLANTA Ga AP Mtr niclpal Court Judge Little played Santa Claus and sua pended tineshiahoutzoo per sons lacing minor chargesln his court Monday lie said fGo and sin no morelto Christ mas ROBERT FROST ILL BOSTON MP Poet nob ert Frost was described as in air condition at Boston hos pital Tuesday 15 days alter Iltl dergoing surgery tor an undls closed ailment Doctors said theysare hopeiul tor the com plete recovery of the 58year old poet WISHES GOOD WILL LONDON AP Moscow ra dlu Tuesday wished all itstlist eners in Canada merry Christ mas and happy New Year The broadcast said my the spirit at good will at this holi day season become predomin ant in the relations at our two countries BRIEFS room BRITAIN HISTORIC LETTER LONDON CPI letter from Quocnvictona appointing Dr Datad Livingstone as Brit ish consul in East Atrica has been added to the expiorers museum at Lusaka Northern Rhodesia MIGRAINE RELIEF LONDON CPI The first annual report at the interna tional Migraine Foundation says 90 per cent at the worldsrni graine satiaers now can be cured 11d was made posibte by the discovery ot drugs by voluntary research team TOPS Wflfl TEENS EDINBURGH 0P re cent survey ot the reading tastes at New York teenagers showed three at the five most popular books were by British authorszthey were William Goldings Lord of the Plies White Once and luture King and ill Forsterl Pas sage to India EOOKWORMS REGRETS NORWICH England CPIA bookworm with consde has returned no books he bon rowed irom this citYr library over the last L5 years They were delivered in truck alter elmlair had agreed not to prose cull TAIIIII TOUCH SANDOWN England CPI This coastal resorts council has approved plans to turn the Isle ol Wight into South Sea pm Idise Palm trees bamboo tropical birds nd monkeyr will bring the Tahiti touch to this island haven for holidaying Lon donrra BACK CAUMIIY PLAN WNDON CPI thrcc OI tiritainr largest real estnta companies are backing 00 000000 Man to build block at apartments in Calgary The property will Include 30m apartments swimming pools tennis courts and other inciti lien GOOSE IIONK WARNING DUMIIAIITON Scotland LII owners oi uliixky ware house here have copied the urn cicnt ltomans by installing lock arose as an early warning system Inciting Reese lated ttomo Iran the vnndals nml their Scottish coun terparts are claimed to be just as adept at roaring ott ralilern DOIITIOIV SOVIET MONIY ItlllDlI England Torydominatth late at Wight council has Imrrmml 00000 tomato irorn Smlrt bank to Intlld ledan trip The low lntrresl loan ram Irom the hinsmw Nnrodny itantr whose Imrlon branch is run on rye enterprise lines Said council ofï¬cial Much better to have the Russians spreading money around than misiiesi SAFETY DANCE BOURNEMOUTII England CD itoad safety oiï¬cial Frederick Cook has dreamed up dance to quicken drivers re flexes 11in dance strengthens muscles and irrrmed JIM ness MODE FOR LONDON LONDON CPI Work will start soon on the building oi mosque tor the capitals 50000 Itoslenis It will stand in tie goats Park and will have mo loot minaret to call the Iaithiul to prayer Artists from the Mid dle East will do the intricate interior designs DINNA HIDE AWA EDINBURGH CPI Band rnaster Maurice Pope who no eompaniui the massed hands at tho Argyll and Sutherland lligb landch and the ltoyal Soot Greys on their recent North American tour says they have scores of invitations tor return Their 70 pertomtances were seen by 500000 persons DEMAND RELEASE LONDON CPI seven mnn delegation from Ireland has petitioned the British home oiiice demanding the release oi trish Republican Army sympa thizcr Joseph Doyle serving the sentence for was raid on on English barracksi Doyle Is the last lrish political prisoner held by the British Train Explosion Takes Lives SAIGON All The South Vict Nam gorcmment reported today that seven passengers were killed and ts injured inst urchend when Communist guer rillas blew up train loaded with misth holiday travei U3 The government also reported that the Communist Vch Cont kidnapped more than so youths south oi Qut Khan 00 miles northeast ot Saigon but cerem mcnt iorers Intrrttpltd the en tiny and trend the prisoners Fire ict tong was reporttxi killed in hoary their ltlondrty near the roaxlnl town at Toy lion mliu northrnxt oI Saigon the ovrmmrni sold III lorru lulled Jl Vlrt unn nnd ltllltl in Communist buildings in mountainous trnnln The now unmrnt sold only one Vletnn mm soldier was wounded ad anon FRIENDtY POVIItER mom GROCERY SPECIALS EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING MON DEC 31 NO DEALERS PLEASE mmmmmmmmnmunmnflmunu mmmunuflmuuummlm BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA onwsllmeioN smut mjmKtOmflflmOImONNIONlINIOIflNNtmOlIllKNOOINKIKIWIFIKKH covr canoe oven READY LB39 auahs snncxaaa MEAT cause oovr GRADE IVER AND BACON TURKEYSéiiiiii 45° snnunscnwncrruvmnou 49c 75° PORK SPARE RIBS COTTAGE trouser 51° OOO999000QQOOQCQOOOOOOOOOQOQOQOOQQO9OO9OOOOOQOQOOOOOOC00CQQ SWIFTS PREMIUM SWEET PICKLED CONN BEEF 0t PIISTIIIIIVII SWIFTS EVERSWEET BRAND RINDIESS wnoonoooowoouuwuuwu ooowououooooouowounwuw THNIIHTIIEAF HAVE In REYNOLDS HAVE to MAD AWE 69 int TEA BAGS 23 77 ALUMINUM FOIL Iqun 31 POTATO CHIPS HAVE to Roll On FLAT POWER SPARKLING EXCELLENT QUALITY 49 nunsumcuovnsz Especially Grain Fed For Tenderness Young Tom 20lbl and up OZ PKGS Pko It on on SAVE on TWO OUR REGULAR PRICE FOR 27c LARGE OT IITL GINGER AlE Apple Oran Grape nr IIllflnlllr Orrprtnrtt Ian lite AltENS DRINKS it Deposit norm ï¬ttEtZt Mtxtin 89= mus 29= éSFFEE 636 Iiimstant corrects33 CANADA NO GRADE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND or tar or In I0 ONO DEALERS PLEASE Am Naix AI