133255334 1hr Ilnzvruhr umuutlu lul on TV THE NATIONS nusmsss Walter Dinsdule DNEIDAY chumu 100 Pmleuorl Mn 00 11w Lama 59m Wt bu NI Dtnnll Mann Andy wnum Gun wm mm mm IUVI Year 1100 cm TV New 1L wuum or 311 Tim rlllllnl muunn nchunu 21 UN Tl Pllllm 000 HEIDIHI Ill Sludlu Pl ma rm 00 LN HIMInt MM no cm 1111ch um hm Ynun an 130 le0 nm 00 5am 1m uu Pm un mm mm mm Mlnhlrr nl Nullhrm MM And Nilnnnl Nmnmu 11 WlDNllDAY chumzu aunzu mu Funewlon Fm Don oo anxqu mul Huck berry Hound Nlllo nunneu sin Rick 10 00 Wulhu Spam Th nlnmnnu £th 91 mm By EVELYN ARNOLD lMa has been busy wacky vwllh Echaol concerts Pupils at Rnndwlckschoal prescnlh their cancer Tuesday night under Illa dlrectiun at turn Manta June with Revu Glll of Crecmore chntrmnn Wednesday evtnlng the Orange Hull was tilled or he Mansfield conceit grades 43 at Iwhlch Karl Eden ls enchcru Studcnl announcer was David Curtis wtm llllcd the pay lttan wellt Then Slantan grudaa gave tnctr programlhurr day nncrnnan and the school was ï¬lled with interested parent nud trlcnns Mrs Don Thump wn nu loycc Gilkcs in flux teacher and award Bailey Icnchcr Am Na J4 was an nouncer Pcnn chnal chlldrrn 3150 held their concert In In school Thursday evening Mrs Murray Irivin is teacher hero and Mrs all formerly Flur encn Johnston at Grand Valley In music supervisor in all there ï¬chooh George Nowlan Mrs Agnes Mitebell was tab on to Smith Nursing Home In Even on Wednesday night allowing nnnlher hear allack EIwood Kirkpatrick has been accepted on lhe Pollen force and 13th Brgcqbridge Mrs EditFerns pregcntly staying at me home 01 her The children lbs Presby lerian Sunday School held Ihcir concert and Chrisimns Tree Sal urday evening Dec 15 and an lhesamc evening program fur the children was given at the Uniied Church white gilt service was held in each church the Presbyter ian Sunday D004 and he Uniicd Churnh Dec 16 scum mu mmmon Fm Hull nmx Hutklehenv nu Nulon nun sink mm mm wmhu Th nlnmnnu Mary of My 111m 5m mm gen Cntl PigrrgSgyigny ll uur nnln lm mm It VJ ylrur phonl mm IS iio cum Fork mls snmflca umim MiniI nl Nullnnal Drlmn mm or Flnnme nuldoor Spammu crv Nun Spam wink Hum le lnll Pier llennn our inn mdhl nuuenn Wulmr mm Cumu DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS 730 pm CHANNEL TONIGHT HONOUHMHJ My mu 11 mmch mm IHINUIIMIHJ UNUIIMDLH TELEVISION PROGRAMS MANSFIELD 351M003 COUNTY NEWS CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEl VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 Mm 511 020 no 00 ll HAO Pnydal mm 11 Unlbuthlblfl on CBC TV Nzwl 1115 Wulmr Spam New 30 Mum Know Whore Im Galnl rum nzczumzn in Domino moo szl lem mu Good Hamill 1050 5mm Pm 1M New Romper Room Papeyll Pmy Ncondly Xipofl The kiddies nnd parents en joyed Chrislma party at the school Thursday ailcmoon Ai tcr varidy mncm Sam was in aliendancc and supbiied nii he children with giila and treats Happy holidays children Eigin McLean of Watwn culr mi hraihen Harvey vis ilcd the Carson amilics an day last week Mrs Rnwn attended lha funeral of causin in Toronto Thursday Dec Mr And Mrs Ram Delaney span Christmas with Ihcir lam lly In Toranta the hblxdaya In NM Mm Marjnry liogm was in Oshawa Jar Christina Day Mrs George Wick ls spend Ing the hoflday scawnln WIn nlpcg with her daughter and family Mr and Mrs Kelman Mn V0 Clnrldge Eben Christmas in Windsor with her plan John Clariddxe and am Mlxm Juan Campbell and Bernice Hamilt gre apenélng Mg and Mn Anderson spent Wednesday last with Manda In Lindsay daughter Mrs Ivan Weir near Glennaim hut nfler Christmas will spend he wï¬ntcr with her other daunhler Mrs Gordon Forbes in Barrie By MR5 WING CARSON lenpll In Canmtl un Em Up Pronuon quuny Tm Llflllfl Byon wumu Nm Alva Ta Demr Iunem Gummoh Ludu lull 1m Put shvw CTV NlIl cm spam Numk mo NI And Wilmer Inm Hanan sna mum cnc Nm Nwl Wmher Spam Mam mum mm New Romper Raom Papey Pmy Neon mm mm Mlxllomlrl Mumum Friendly mm laxem Ymmz hn min mu mll lpe pm Ilm Dmi mau laxn4 Tombllont Ttnflory Nell WuLth Evans Dr KHdm Counlry llocflovm rrun Tammy Amhrou ï¬mplrt TORONTO By Mrs ETHEL WICE TOTTENHKM APTO Unfunuxmlely Mum you load lhe two clulu wm worthy ndvrmry May the lack 11m 1mm you will no unhrr enlrkl lo dummy and Thl doesnt rhxlurh you an much became yuu lead low club plannan lo lintm the en nnd lth up the hurt mull Assuming lhc club Hume work which mm llkcly you Iran nine High Lcll my ynure dcdmr at lhrcc nMrump and Wm loads the live dubs whlrh you wln with the senn You play ho ulv km Illam IM naturally lhioppoycnlq danl lake il DAILY CROSSWORD Unable to canverse wim he quaï¬crmaslcr because of hawl Ing winds Davies dcrldqd to rush lhe door The door opened when he ap plied his running welgh against but he fell out onto lhc 5101 In deck and rolled towards Ihe railing nmum mm 111 ulflmcl 43 mm 11th 1M ll Morrhlnl Inp 0mm II lflllh mu of Arm 31TH my nqu In no nvmomhn Virc opernlor Dav les Cnrnarvon Wnles woke one morning lo hear he quar Iermaslcr poundlng on his door He got up In lei lhe quarter maslcr In but found he door was jiAlmmed because the mliug mnun 2m llakh Iodnmm umumh Um car Nearly 13 fluprcmfl Counl Hun law rm 1610 nlmvr IIIhumor xmv mivo l7ï¬plcy mmurlum 21 Mick 241mm no my glam told of nneinci Idcnl during Ihe ballleto make Capt Case of Portswood England decided Ihe ship mu list of 25 degrees at times wnuld havv to tun around and head back lo port at Esqnimalt near here Olaroam World mun ll llecelved The leaking ship with full load lumber and addillanal deck cargo noun develdped slarbnnrd lIsL Then the woalhtr gradually be came wane and gale hit thorth afterwards Aguqsw pVERBOARD Opening hm When check of the relghler alter the storm failed to dis closc any serlom damage he Nancy Dee took an Ila harm and sailed for Jgpan However walerbegan do seep into the vase fuel when the ship was about nneIhlrd of the way across The skippera troubch started the night Oct 12 when ï¬erce windslorm battered Van cauvet Island and the lower mainland Brilsh Cohmblw The 6573 IreIghler was blown aground In lhe Albemi harbor while walling winks on laad lumber nu mums Bouu wag Norm Em Pm PM mm 1151 mm up v15 no 419M VICTORIA CP ArBtillsh freighter has xafled from here mm repair ardnmage lul lercdï¬urinz vayageflle ves Icla Aldppcr would rather lor Capl Case of the Hon Kongbased ltelghler Nancy Dee xald he couldnt rememher worse voyage during his 40 Year sea South dealer Neither side vulnerabla IFierCe WeStem Wyindstbmï¬ The Worst In Captaihs Memory The protecting canvass had South damn Ngnher lxda vulnerable 013m ACROSS WEST CONTRACT BREE AME OAQDS 4KQ12 qumu 9152 +Am mm mmn Vllllfllfl Noahs May MM 20 rpm mu Illm 1mm 290pm 21 Mpoum lhb tDrlnrl 121mm uupport 1m 54le Clmmmy wan 7Ancknt Jinwk yan Inlnlul EAST clï¬hg By JAY BECKER as whom ambit ndvmtum In 21 ovum 21 13mm 27 lek ll Mlnlllnl m5 Dhauppou Tnmonowx Au ununul nun elm play Hus king hmrla and Her il WM le Iustd he lwo clubl plan nlnz ï¬nesse lhc Now It wouldnt matter whcflmr or not Wm put up he luck at club Immune he did lha lrn would brmme mend entry to mcd nflnr he hearll wen estnhllshtd When you think the hand awr lam you realize you would ban made he canlrncii it on late than in do anything ahuut ii but you add the deal flour slum of experience and ope you wont repeal the error again it all gnes back to your play an lhc iirsl rick instead of winning the upnning lead wilh In seven oi ciubs you should have wun it with he klnn You needed lwo cnlrles to dummy bring home line hour tuil and In bcsl chance at obtain Ing hose cnirlcs was in piny ynur king or queen clubs on lhgopcning Icqq So you play diamond and linusse the queen hoping to ind us will the klng and he mil divided 33 If lhls the case you sill have chance In make Ihc camract nut West lake the queen wilh the king and urns cluh You snuggle while but eventually wind up 0ng one down due largely lo Wests inc play lheJack of clubs It becomes pointless In not up lhg heart He married Canadln flwnrked night and day eventually bulli up rhup at his awn and loll the jewelry ï¬rm to go into the business lull time Now the hmfloor shop where 0min spend as may as 16 hours day has mach Ines ranging ram delicate panla graphic machine tar copying engravings lo Ihc drop hnmmcr In the hmmanuscd when as much as lam oi pressing is needed In strike He has an eightemployee zl mhahlne shop which turns uul lame 35000 religious and mill laxy mtdals ytar When he stepped all he ahlp In 1951 Orazio Mmbardo had $20 and promised job with Francis Costnnza lhe Sher braoke jewelry rm nulcial who had advertised lhmugh immb grativn officialx Sighls GOVERNMENT the lap Caï¬dian ol military numismalic medals smnnaoqu Que cm Maven years ago Otaan Lom bnrdo Milan engraver nn swered an advertisement Lob In place calm Sheb roake Que Ha engraved medal which was selectednl the has of xix sent to the Canadian emhyar by Milanexa craflmnen Inï¬lltu grnbhed one nflhe rail asvhe went by and raved himself lromplunp ing pvzrboard The Nancy Dee survived the warm arid limped into Emu malL The ships cargo war In loaded the repair lo the hull made and the cargo reloaded htlore the lhlp again Iafleï¬ or Japan jun blown away am It lll had Inn gapa between them lllcll lhbr Topï¬anddign Firm Tums Out 35000 Medals Now Mr logbardo me null Ihalltf Hub mouurv mum 10010 Allb maiuiidur religion and VANILLA mvonm 12 TEE BARBIE EXAMINEE WEDNESDAY DECCZG I961 AND THIS ms nanrs cow smmmm gssrmmm 5Ln ASKED FOQTWIC As MUCH AS EXPECTED