$5 DRURY lane This oliers much speculation but Rowe city solicitor doe ML remember if it is named alter the Hon Dmry lormcr pro mlcr at Ontario Belween Buy leld and Clappertunslreels originally intended lane amily by the name olDrury lved in house at end ol Dmry lane and vae Sh DUCKWORTH nlrcc Alter AdmiralSiï¬lnhrbuckwm who in 1799 with his slngle Ihlpl uptured and brouth to port 11 Spanish vessel laden with gold Ind nilvcr 875 Dundonald street BanXe we at the streets in this section was nriglnnlly named Harriet and Mellnda street by Charles Rem zy owner the Benny Block H5 ran out slrccts as he hndtw many females in be amlly The streel waslater re named Dundonnld In honor Ad miral Cothranc he 1th Earl of Dundonaid Was OnceiTWdRoads Thls scctlnn also covers Bar rles maln strcet Dunlup asst and Dunle west and gives brch dcscriplipn of how Dunlap wtst was rammed from Eliza bath to avold simple contuslon DALTON STREET Presum ably contraction the name DAlton McCarthy NJ for Simone North and County Solic itor 187396 who llved ln areal Run from Toronto amt to Hayï¬eld street DAVIDSON STREET lhls street is numcd In honor of Harry Davidsnn the manager of the Dymcnt pruperty 1n Oakley Park area When Mr Harald Dymcul snld lhe properly to Charles Newton Mr Davidson was part nl the parcel and he was so honored by the street name noNALn STREET No known Runs rum Anne street north east to Eccles street norm DOWNSVIEW DRIVE This name was on plan submitted by Messrs Murry andMcDow who were both golfers and as Inch remembered Dmmsview Gol Club in Tomnlo The street runs 110th mm Blake Sm DUFFERIN slrcck Agaln pure speculation most likely an Ler Earl Dullcrin DUNDONALD street Orlgm plly named Harrlct and Melinda street by Charles Eemy alter lhe remaining two nl his many tcmalcd lnmily The slrrnl was later changed to Dundnnald street In Honnr ol Admlrul Coch nne lhe Tenth Earl Dun By JOHN HUGHES Federlllon Agflcullur his Ilme ot the year when we or thinking or our neigh born and lriends uhcn we exchange gills and also whnn or remember the rellglous six nllicance nl lhe season per ham we should project our lhoughl little lunhor nlicld lalhlnk nl people ln olhrr ids nerlously of some mclhod ol mnlrnlllnx producuun so Ill the Imnll surpluses lhul lmlld up do ml have detrimcnlnl ellccl nn nrlm Thix hm hnp pennd ollcn lhnl larm people In no be blamed lnr lhlnk In In those terms llul when we cansldvr Ihn mm nnw he world Hm II no umu and In so muud lhnl mnny mlllinm pie In olhrr land go to hm unxry Mary nighl can my hnnmly lhink cnnlmllinz pro ducllnn know lhnl Iha Mum Ilumhlin block 10 leading hm pcople In Irnnxporlnlhm and quullnn mnncy nlm tamu Inln he plclmc hul llluo prnhlcml €an In uvcrcamn Me Are inlrmml llumnnflnr Inn lhoushls nd lecnh nl ml junmn the year urge to In whnl um can In help and IN dot nnl lnrlud mlllnl hnrk In pmlurllnn Fmd pmluclion IA Nmmlnl Ill muorlnnl Inunxmrnl 1n lhl mlrl war hm In nnndn June pvrlemltd lhnt lmxl 1m moth unkrlo lrmll There Il nol enmmh ml mm ml lhr Wflrltll Ihm hullnn ptnple lhr wpulnllnn II uprtltd Ira qlnulrh In nul 40 year Says Food Gap Bigger Threat To Peace Than The HBombs huhl1 hlndlnl llnl lam Nullunllly Mvmlml Our mm $2995 Whoa You Thlnk Of EVERY OIFI yon THE 81mm CodIf mam mum WI mm DUN If If PA Mm EOUIFMENT TRY GARNERS lpalllnl lvlul ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN SPORTS DUNLDP street Named al ler Caplain Hubert Dunlap who in hla naval career took part ln ln engagements and was under ï¬re over 100 tlmea Captain Dunlnp was the ï¬rst member parliament to the County Huron and remalned so until his death The western aecllon Dunlap was called Ellzaheth and was changed within the last 13 years to avald conlnslon Not known why Ellzabeth war Chas en except to honor the great QUeen donald whnse 7mm naval career in second nnlyv In that of Nelson DYMENT ioada Farinérly East street running between the north endaot Clappenmn and Owen streets Reason for the name is not known unless It way or the plum act that It rum east and west ECCLES street Not known Run from Ihe bottom Ross slreel when nnss nverpasses Highway 400 mum to one black south or Dunlap street west EDGEHILL drive Not known Unless reason was to sultale name location of street located on the edge of hill ELLEN strut Not lmown ELM street fairly new streak Named ln all probabil ty by the Central Mortgage and Housinl Corporallon alter it purchased the londlarmerly Oakley Park Farm from Char les Newton Runs south Oak ley Park Squire to north Qfleen streetl ESSA mad 115d mad leading Io Essa known reason EUGENIA skeet One the Berczy Bldck Illeels FERRIS lune Lends out he Farril Farm now owned by Dnug Ferril FLORENCE street One street west olPukside Dnva mnning beside QuaenaPnrk bflween Park Ametand Sophia streel No known ream or FORESTVIEW road South ram Cundlc mad about one half mile Reason not known FRANCES meet Not knawnx FRED GRANT SQUARE N0 shnwn on any map named lfler City Hlslarlan Fred Grant Farm the apex triangle between Simeoe Sheet and Dun lpp Street It the nld CNR Sla Ion In um hurt llama GEORGE xlreel Runs west mm Anne street second street Th Food up Msz threat lo peace than lBambs mm warlnre and mlsslleu and mosl Idea to solve lhe food shortage mnke only lmall that In lhe lolnl problem Nol only our world dlvld ed lnlo anal and weal her 11 llunur curtain dlvldlng In The excluslv nod club cnnslsls Noflh Amcrlcnn New Zealand crs some Iwo hundred mllllon Euranenns and lame Hun mllllnn venom In Ocennlul 0n he wrong side or he hunger curtain me many more per son who neverlhnve lcnoqgh ML The world need nullity prnllcn II ther ptlce Ind whllu lhll need hurt one mm of the worldl catch ï¬sh load mum of prolnin now gnu la red poultry and llvcslock In xiv Amzrlcum high quuhly pmlein In up brpjlerl um pork chow New world all mcnll are being drawn on Inas lhosa who hive nnd lhose aha Imve noll win our wlde open space and undeveloped wurcu huh In In dunner htcomlnl pnwn In lhll world chm gnml other coun trlu would my to IM eilhcr develop your loot producing Ionrcr lully Ind pravlda load or nzcdy world or man om ml lei mmmnc In who um Whlch wlll do Mayor Cooke do hareby proclaim Wodnasdny December 26 1962 Boxing Day In Ihu Clty of Barrio PUBLIC NOTICE was the No other soulll nlvDunlop street Nest N9 know orname GLENWOOD dnve nuns east rum goreswiew road In Cundl GO tween Ccdargrove road and Glenwwd dflveln lame Candle road west Irea ls parallel to Candles mad west There lszln nearby gallcame GOWAN ml Run parallel lo rallruad luck ihunllng yard ln Allandnlcs south from Essa road Perhaps aller County Judgeslr James RnGowan 134m GRANVILIE meet Selecumx not knnwy GROVE slreell Runs west rum ï¬x Toronlnlslreer cros St Hayï¬eld street and intu St Vincent meet on the em Sex ucllon reason unknown GUNN meet Not known Run parallel lo Welllnmn street east west from Peel Io St Vincent HENRY street Running east lrom Eccles street to Highway 400 claveflul Dunlap west Name seleclian not known TWBS THE yNIGHLBEEORE HIGH street Rum from helnw Bradfnrd street and norlh to Park meet Name not known HIGHLAND avenue Origin ally named Fellow street one of Admhal Nzlsonl Captains at Traialgar who uc¢upled the lur render of the French and Spam 13h navies CiHlEns requested this nam changed In presgnl name one of main reason be Ing difficully in spelling Ave mle runs ml jram Cedringlon and into Duckwoylh allowance coma MAYOR HOLGATE street Name san nok known Runs 50th from lnnlsï¬l street on Iouth sidevof Essa rand and slap shortly berm Burton avenue Santa comlnul Can you beg III flaith km bell aré ringing dil HOWARD crescent Runs south from Highview road and Wllh his eight tiny relude any pqck ull qfhloy Comma lo In Ihe iiiLI mg pm Hy dmssed an In red with Pun WK HI face ll plak my Ind zlowlnz The night dark but he hlgwa his way in lonwrEwa mu Iul Wonderful rday Wltfs me Mani More mist mgs Ill Altlll In Ihe hmgse Except Rho yourrnlé bui lm unly the msg Barri City Pnlice are on the lookoul or 16yearold Toronlu bgyl bulleved to be carrying ll mm or III Hellman Av enue Toronto reported that um Bll Mailman ha been ml aing llnco 530 yextzrduy and urrquz that an cue Police Seek Lad With Gun unrrii Pnllce anld lhe boy mu an uncle ln Collinwa Ind may hnya dpddnd lo vixll hlm inki zu Plinth Iludqumm or Phnlo lnphlc GM All In by Fivovo mm um GIVE IOMIMIT GIFT CERTIFICATE ENTER OUR LUCKY DRAW Pbolggraphy BRISTOW INNISFIL strut The street leads to Innlsï¬l is must prob able rensun for name From westerly bend at south end Eccle um past Esn road lncrescént at both ends Into Duckwnnh about enema mile south of Highway 400 Nama reason no known ISOBEL street Wife Au lln Bowmgn Iormer contraclar who built many residences be tween extend Cadrlnglon gnd Napier streets JACOBS terrace Not knbwn Between ll and Anne streets parallel to ONE tracks 19 Camp Jimdent JOHN street Not known At onertlme there were two Johnt streets and maybemnre Runs east from lormer service road now nailed Dyment road to El len street JOHNSONJIIEW lnls was part of Ihe nrlglnsl Kempenlelt Vlllage lPlanY Selecllve reason not knnwnl Bun northward lrom shoreline eastern llmils of city norlh In city boundarlés and In parallel to Penelnngul shene mad LAKEVIEW crescent Slight ly northwest Cook street on Codrlnglon 119 Crcsmnl curves into Rodney street Presumed Ieledlon name because at one llme the Lake was plainly Jnihllethcie LAY street Runs ram Duck worth lnlu ngh View Rand Named or Lay family One or eaillesc families nwncd pmperty where Hemmt Nursery located JONATHAN com In the Oakley Park area named after 3rd postmaster Yo Barrie JonaA man Lane KEMPENFELT drive Honor lng the memory of Admiral Kempeufelt who Med with near ly 300 men and ofllcers when the Royal George vessel sank in Portsmoth Harbor in 1732 KNOX street So named In honor of Wflllam Knox pre sent Grand Treasurer of Inc ernaIanal Order 01 Odd Fe lowx The street mns into Brooks street and like Brooks is net yet upen LETmA street One of the old sued in 11min running Sunnidnk road and report edly one many trail 19nding min Vespra and Sunnldnle town ships Name selection no known leE Passlhly named alter Male county clerk In 1906 Runs from east of Highway 400 Service Road tn In lIIsfiI IWILIM Little ainin owned propeflYv wRENAxtrecl Runs snulh between John and Bmck streets on mock west Anne meet Nnme not known LOUNT meal From norlh Drury lane and 5113th was ol ll lulu he lurMH clavcrlnnl from 400 onla Bayflcld shock Pnsumnbly named antr Gm 112 Aunt Hut County registrar nl Lands 182671 Forecasts issuedby Ibo Tar onlo weather aflice at man Synopsi Cold arctic air will retain strong grip on the div trict today Some cloudiness and law snowtlurric are ex pnclcd near the Great Lake but elsowhnre mainly sunny conditions will prevail For Chrislmris Day southerly flow over the province willresult in rcium to more cloudy condi tions and moderating tempera tures law periods at light now are likely through Northv em and Central Ontario but the possibilities seem rather ra motc or any snow of conse gucnce through Southern 0n EEG iTahBnyWaflIf cloudy with scattered snow flurrles today Colder today Tuesday Increasing cloudiness and not quite so cold Winds an orlhcm Georgian Bay Tim agami Algoma regions North Bay Sudhury Saul Ste Marlo Sunny and cold today Increas Gnomes pacing the main 5mm Barrie Saturday hril led the hearts of the youngst ers not only by Ihcir appear ance but by hamilng out suck WEATHERAFORECAST CHEER CHILDREN soulh lng doudinnss Tuesday with few peflods of light mow Winds light Forum Ttmpernluni Low tonight high Tuesday Windsor 10 5L Thoma Kimhcner Winflham 10 Hamilton 10 St Calharl 10 15 Klllalae Muskaka North Bay Sudbury era The gallydrcssed painted accd gnomes haw been mak ing the season marry or the past three Salurdayn Ex amlner Photo Our best wishes for the very happiest of highday Seasons SINCLAIR SUNOCO flrndlnrd PA $6305 BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Commlnlomr Mound THE BARR 2W2 MONDAY DECEMBER 24 NEWMARKEI Stam amlly cl three was wiped all early today when Cnnadlnn National Hallway rlrclxhl lraln rslruck car at level anuan upsu Holland Landingv Dwd are John Macacnald vylfe ElIHede 37 findwa EnglneerCClark Ayrcl of Bar rie laid the car appeared on the track and there was no or gonunlly to get me lralnllmyed mm rcn 911m all cc daluéhper cupayn of mg 93 ThtééfAfe Killed Train Hits Car Pnmngm on bull Ihal angomom In Sh SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO OF CANADA TOM ANDERSON Brunei Mumm JOHN BOWLING JACK nzgrmuhflve gag WISHES TOALL mamame CHRISTMAS JOY AND PEACE TO EVERYONE tun MYERS MOTORS lid HS Bradlard $9 Banlo flopped In scene of he so cldznt laid the car Wfll olded nplike in accoyhn TCom Donald Bond the Gwlmmbury detachment of Ihg Ontario Pravincia Police in In velllgnuï¬i cuy Pollu PA mu Pmlnnlal Polka uPA mu Flt 11 PA um PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY May Hook back KING Hammad