IA Formcr pnme mlnlslnr Lani st menl mld lhnt while Mr Low never wm nble lo mn vinm me Ike value of mm Crrdll doclrina hne may tansldrrrd him In mm In he rnnrmntnllnm he made he lorglhejlnusc Fromm Manning Albcrln and IL Brunch milk Columhla heads or Cnnadu lwn pmvlnclal Soclnl Credll Kovemmcnu prllsrd hlm or hls Invnluahlc con lrlbullan and arm WIN Cnnndnl public In IMMJIL Mlillllu lNflHLAl NEON BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Mme um rcccdcd Low as nullonnl under crcmlod Mm with help In Alberta rcmnd mars than 00000900 In dnhu dnrln uven yam pmvlnclal mn urer can Juwmle and amily mun Judge here and Medicine Hat since his rcsignm lion from ncllve politics Human nY COLLEAGUES Ruben Thompson who auc cecded hlm nallunnl Social Credit leader described him as one the zreal Canadian 01 ohn Blackmorewhq HI had been aillng or acv ml yam In November 1555 he sullercd heart altack at Calgary and on Jan ml he olllclolly slapped down as nallonal Social Crcdil lender Ind rollgnod as school 125 ncarby llaymond GREAT JOY AT THIS SEASON Iudar Loam rur mu rla arm buy lell college bent on sclml asllc career but the hinh ol Soclal Credit and it was up lnlo power in Alberta sharply changed hls llle nnd shot hlm lnto political pramlncnce He led he party or 16 years Mr Law who Would have been Jun had gone to Shelby 55 mllu Iran the lnlerv nnglannl burdcnm meal son LETHBEIDGE CF Salon bow whose enforced accept Ance of scrip pay during the depression palnled hlm Inward his national leadership or the Social Cred parly dled Satur dal Shellyy Monk barefoot Santa Claué 115 ens carefully at Waikiki Beach 4yearald Amhony Former Soaréd Leader Solon Low 62 Dies mun mu rctumlnz ham or Chris mu other lenchm nl Raymund worked or scrip whlch wnl ls auud lnslwd tummy by dnxpcrnlc mm nulhorllirs dur lng Oh cpmsiun years rs Interest In the munclary principles sum Credit came during Mudica at he Unlvmlly of Southern Ca lfomln when he read the wri Inns Douglas Scnulsh barn exponent at Soclnl Credit AIDE ARTYN BIRTH Hu Ion an active part of blth in Albqnn mgch he nnd son and Dnuglas New Democratic Party ltadar 0x4 prcsscd shock and narrow at Mn Lowl death Cohen Tuxedo Manitoba Canadaaska why theres no new In Hawaii Inr Chrislmns Sanlnl ready explanullonwa SOLON LOW Cant Beatl Natural Gas Still Mn Low uId his unlll Ihe March 1933 federal elm lion which swept the Conscrva live to power and saw all 60 da Crcdit candidnlu dcloulcd amv Mr Low became education mlnlster In Alhmalnma and In 19 assumed the national leadership of the party your later he was eluded In the Commons In River num as given the task oi pulling his pariys monetary theories inia pruciicc Federal courts and the privy council disallowed much of he govem mgms ï¬scal iegixlaiion He was Elected as Social Credit member for Warner when he parly swept into powcr In Albala In 1935 No lalnr as pravinpiu Irons practice because It contravened chcral currency laws but In Mr Low it was concrete evI dance that the theory of Social C1ngt was workable the sand mnwl Barefoot Santa arrived on the beach not In lradiliunal sleigh but In canoe AP Virephalnb Jï¬cxsowsï¬apr STORE l9 Dunlap BI PA 115 On Oxfnrd Slrccl the dam nllanx lake on dimrent tone They are of more garish type with illuminalcd Christmas trees Christmas ball and stars huge In size farming canopy over the crgwï¬cq street 0n Oxfoï¬ mu tho lame dcparlmunl slorus play large lhls year ht Regent Street the decarntnrs have turned to the Blbllcal story at the thrcc wiss men who carried gifts to the lnlant Jesust 0n large il luminated pancls three abreast and spaced at intervals between Piccadllly and Oxford Circus rcpmductiuns at the three wise men glnwing ln colgmd llghts turm tha central theme the dccnratlve scheme But they are only part of It Thousands of aslooncd llghts hang across the street from Illa bulldings on elther slde Above the wise men are suspended glenmlng whlle stars and loaklng north the over all plclum tremendously lm presslve owlng jnmm Mum cuuu the west end and as usual they have spent mnnoy lavishly ta make it highly effective The competition between the vari ous streets in which they vie with each other or bizarre ei Iects is very keen Each in it urn way has distinctive din Pay ninth year which the erecting of Christmas decorations and illum lnalions hf Lhezn cnaperalvegllort Ablaze wllh llxht Ind color with the central at or alive heme hanging over he mas people and vehicles than east to Holhorn Circus and west to the Marble Arch with side branches shooting elf dnwn Bond Street and Park Lane became pilgrimage of delight was as some great magicianhad wavedth wand and lranslorm ed these normally drab and cm ventlanal slants lntaa airy lund nl cola and KIEaminz 113mm NINTH EAR IMn 11 MCINTYRE noon rSpeclal lo Th Burrie Examiner LONDON 11 ro Is one night of the year whl think after liver years experience ll means march Londoners ymmc and 91d alike lhauany other night That Is Lhe night when the lights Ihe Christmas il lumination and decoratlons are lumeg 911 to herald in lhe com tug at just ï¬nished st gating through the masses humnntty gath ered In the West End of Lon donnand trying In vain tn cross meets through tha ioltd Jam at buses and motor vehiclextlmtd not even on the daytol the trooping of the Color on Ihe Horse Guards Parade or to the Lord Mayors annual show have ever flat so great an as lembtynt people saw mttl tug along the streets leading tram Trafalgar Square to the Marble Arch Are Thrilling or 1L0ndoners ROYAL BANK or CANAbA VOWER SUPERMARKETS By Hm Following Bunlnazmx WOOLWORTHS mu wnrApalnt and costume gather ed around large wigwams Even by daylight these were Impres sive and attracted much mien aannut up at night lhey attracted crowds which com plplnly halted all mama either SHOPPING PLAZA was speclnllyslrnck by Ihe dccoratlnns all lhe large Sell ridge storm because it wn based on Canadian motif Ihe large balcony whlch runs alongthe Made Ike stare Indians In Ml GUARANTEE EAST INSTALLATION SERVICE DEPT PA 66418 HO Dunlap Sf INSTALL LOWEST PRICES LIFETIME MUFFLERS 17 The May the Chrlslmas bells ring in for you lwo toy beyond all measureolho kind of ioy that your heart will forever treasure on You or In Nehlclea ofhcr stores John Lewis and 09 Peter Rnbinsnns Libertys gcrs Marshall and Snelgrnve all huusehold wards to London ers have made their cnnlribu Han the galety the spec ROBRAY RESTAURANT HOLIDAY IBOWHOpun Chhlmu Day pm to msistheseason when all hearts are ï¬lled with prayer for peace when we wish every blessing go you and yams MANAGEMENT AND STAFF DommloNiTIREï¬oms lADY ELLIS no BRAbFORD STREET 1115 man EXAMINER DAYDECEMDERJL fade provided Llnr thé grehljeslénd area crowda peaplejhere Io herald n4 aluminum the eslive season Away ram this the greal eslérid area the decoratfans herald and Illuminations are no an massiva scale bulthey an parlicular null beautiful PIAZA DRUGS