Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1962, p. 8

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Ills louisn Collcy CodiIngth and Dimlar of Simon Coun ty Recreation SonIce will wand Chrlslma wukcnd wllh her pamnls Mr and Mn Gallo ha ann Mount Rayal Mammal Quebec Mr and Mn Rmscll Yndge Inn Rumll Jr and daughlor Knrcn Gun Stuck wUI Wand Grimu mm at the home Mn mlgcl parmu Mr nnd Mn Kangar mm Inlm Mr and Mrs Ran Gretna ni Outlay Park Squats will mien tain Mrs Gremo cousin Miss Eileen Bruickshnw of Manchest 01 England during the Christ mas holidays lulu Bruinksilaw an opera linger is member oi Linn Doyle Cane Opera Cnmplmy Ind has recently completed six months inn nf United Slate with lila Company Commencing Dec 25 She will appear at he OKeeie Centre hmnlo HOLIDAY GUESIS Mr and him Marvin Rul iedgu oi Kitchener are spending ha Girlstmas ilniidnys will Mn Rutledgo pnmnis Mr and Mn Donald MdAan Donald Street other Guislmas Day lusts at the lildknn msidnnce wlil be their soninlnw and daughler Mr and Mrs Jlm Dui fieid Jonathan Omani and Mr and Mrs ilnrry DuifiLid daughter Diana oi Sanloni cnlcrtnining cur sanslnlaw and duughlm Mr and Mn Mex men and hmlly of Don Mills and Mr and Mrs Keith All of Hnmlllon and Mt lla nnldl mower Mrs Rwy nuldx Wcslon durinz the Chrisan wotktan flmmin and Mn Butlers bmlhersinluw and alslm Mr and Mn Inter and Mn Winterbmlom ol Toronto Mr and Mm Bruce Ru 53 Mk Holiday gucslx the hama of Mr and Mn Jack Bullcr Owen Sheet are their son and dimlcblnlaw Mr and Mn inn Budcr apd son nkio of wlnk mu spend lh hqhdny Weekend with his brother and sistervinlaw Mr and Mm Dav 1d McPherson Paris ms Sally Inn Ahem asst ant editor of Ihe Regina Leader Post alrlved at Mullen Airport yesterday morning In spend the festive season the hum of her parents Mr and Mrs Ahcm of Slannun Strch our 10 QUEIIEC HallcPhemnM Paint wick managing editor of Ibo VBarrie Examiner spending Girlsums with his snnhlaw Ind daughlu Mr and Mrs Rm thd Richard at their Term home Quebec midmce Allan Icheron3 n1 Palnsi Hnme from Mount Alvemo at Orangrviue tor the Cluishnu holldu are Danny Saunders who vislflng with his parcan Mr and Mm Ross Saunders of Dumb Street and Paul 013 Ind ho Mn lhu holi dw Th Ms Ws Dr uni All Gossland of Dumbo Christmas guesls NLECO les Stave residence at Mr and Mrs lame Was will Includn Mr and Mn Glades Was and 13m Newmnrkcl Mr wm jpuenu Mr and Mrs Hqu Burhidgo 112 Mr Vass bmlhm lnInw and sister and Mr and Mn Alfred Emile Brampton Wnss hrblhebanaW and Vlslllnx no home of Huber don wlII also be huh or Ith hnlldays My ang Mu um Wm Lei HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 5uuntu HOLIDAY humIkmInmuman3nIuInututtiituqunugumrnnunuuuquml IH0ME FOR HOLIDAY Miss Calhy hlchcar ol Colllcr Street wlre editor of lheBurrle Examlner will spend Chrlslmas the home or her pnreul Mr ud Mrs George lllcvlcar Part Cleil Mls Mchcurs slsler Susan student the Unlveh ally of Western Onlnrio Lon don wIII also be home for tbs hulldays Mr and Mufan Vasskoi we sum will spend Ana II smuh up and Mn Smllh n1 Vanderbeek orromnto sneer fialllngwood street mar lsha 135 fWNlelndndlty Mira Chunkn ve season are Vallendedndesserl brldxe an slsler Ills Ellubelh Smith rheldal the home of hlrmmeZ Copper Clltland Mrs Smlthl molherhlrsl lllllnm Guelph and 51503 guest at the WW mulch Home mmoaslern Canadafor lthe lesllvetienusun nglaland Aamn or orchard Dflxe ell son lr an Mr and Eplell of Dunlap Sim West Laurlo ondDeglalo offingng Ronald ls wllh the Royal Cfln Road wlll have to Wlndsor for ed 521 $53193 mum l2 WWW lrnnn Synon Sunnldalu Road Mllchell ol RR Barrie Slayner Presbyterian Church on Dec 29 me brldoelecl ls Iha daughter ollllrl and Mrs Nor mun Hutton olStayuor Guesh or Christmas day at the Puget SLreel alliance of Mr and Mrs Manse Powell Wll Include Mn Powell mouthwammnm Mrs Douglas Pawollall of Guelph am me hémé Mn Dawn at liame ROBERTA RINEHARI PAT CARPENTER FRED SARJEANT BOB MEANT INSURANCE AGENCY IJD SARJEANT Mr Ind Mn Charm Warm and dnuahlcr Anna Davidson 81 Ire visit It ho ham Mr Weds mam Mm Rm nll Wndxo Onkvlllu at flu bolldny Mcktnd ATTEND FUNCHONS Mm 0115mm Tor onto In gnu lhll trek nl lho homo ul Mr Ind Mm Hth Mr and Mn hum find Shunly Bay Rand cultn lnlnlnn Mn flcadl Drummin law and mm Mn Ind Mn Archlo1rnlg Andgildmn 9r glymflbhfld In mad mm docking at SL John New Rm wick on Tuesday my n1an lmm St John Barrie when Hwy am mum Mn Charrizra mull Mr and Mr Whack n1 Cumin Sheet In New Yur LL and Mn Gunm will his up mldwge 1n Quobec my when carrier will be summed ll LI Citadel wlth ht Royl 228d Hakiman Mr Ind Mn 03ml Sunnldlle Road will entm lain Mn Curran parcnla and Mn Vemnn neither on atrium day other suem will be lho Imus bmlhuMn luv and mm Mr Ind Mm Georg Watson Thornton Hm némEmia Home ax the kahuna hau day alter fluteyam posting In Saul Germany am Li and MB Chmflu Thu couple returned In Canada this week aboard the Canndlan Paglia taken up residence In Brando MInllobl Miss Jan Moflry 1hmnla will spend the Girlsan holiday at In home of her puma Ish Mn lama Morley iShnsEn sited noun raw GERMANY Iq uaxg le Elan Moiiail Codringlnn Slreei Judy Dingman Shanty Bay Road MOVE WEST Mm James Morley and lamme old son Richard An rived Winnipeg Iiipan when any were met by Luna Bomb miicr Motivy who had 1d Ban rie for Camp Shiio Mnnilnba iwo days beiore UIE birth ni his son Richard who is recent arrivai at Royal Victoria Hos pin and his mother have been visiiing at the home of Mr Ind hits Jnmu yorieyuiohnmlg Ms Mnrleyjridflmchgrd NT the In family on ChristiMi day will be Mm AuHes hm hebhllaw and skier Mr and gun MacDonald and dnuxhler Miss Rudy MatDom nld and Ion Angus of Tomnln Vlslling wllhDr and Mn Saymour Toronto St over theholiday are their somlndaw Ind daughter Mr and Wallnn and daughter Eliubelh Georgelown UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Amman the students Univeb sity at Western 0mm 1m don mnding histmu lions their norm an Camr in Cum lflglflmd Amma Mm Dangle Codflngton 5m Anna Kw Vauw Drlm Paul Smith Bum Quanuo Kama Embean Le gully Bay1ad David gm ngaié pm and Mrs Gladstone mm are their sonMaw and daughter Mn and Mrs Elliott of North Bay zhhelr son Hm hmlo and Miss Beth 0m bglh Tangle Vlsilquwlm minim Nun Senna mrisunna holiday guests he Kempcqulg Drin gslfinnce Home eastern Camdator the leste sensun Ronald my loll son of Mr and Mn Fred Eplell Dunlap Street WesL Ronald with the Royal Can adian Nnvy and Is stationed rg mailings fiesouchaak SI Andrewl Presbymlnn Church Tannin wn lha cl llng or lho uddan In Canal Mno Davidson to Mar vyn Hall an Waller Welsh Min FIan lchregor of High Street is spending the fluislmm hollday at In harm of her cow in Mrs Mafia Genger at Ham burg New York BRIDAL SHOWER Mm Lemma Humm RR Barrie was guest honor at miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mm Bruce Par lnn William Street Slayner Miss Hullnn will marry Carl MrlndllrlCKBymn of homlun will spend lha holiday weekend at the ham Mr Byrons parents ML and Mrs William Byron Mderwood Mr and M13 John Holder and family Hills Lake will be guests of Mr Haldera bmther Mum and lunar Mr and Mrs Starkey South Kinxsmy Ton onto on Sunday FAMILY manna family Wstmu cflebn lion will held at the home Mr and Mrs Jack Ml Karen imam Oflllla on Sunday Guest will bu ML and Mrs mk Mlldflnm Sn parent of the hostess Mr and Mn Jack Milehlnson Jr and family Mr and Mrs Hamld Bren and Iamllyand Mr and Mn Al Hangman md Iamfly ma Mr and Mn Walkman Sn will MW 00 Imdan to vfit minim Mr and Mrs Dale Martin and daughter Heather of Belleville an spending the andth weekend at Ihe home of Mn Martins parents Mn and Mrs Munl of Queen Street mm ruumuu uun lop SlrccHVeslwlll accompany Mr and Mrs hrry Helman of Kempenkll Drive to Ottawa lo hofldgy aim home rl FalknerDm Mr Human an311 COUPLE WED AT WINTER CEREMONY fluidled ll he afternoon coro mony 11m brim II Hm daugh ter of Mr and Mn wllllam Dnvldmn Walnut Thu hrIdclmom II Jan ol Mr Mr and Mn Bill Ford of End ney Streak are entertaining mem ber of Mr Fords lamlly an Christmas day Guests wllI ln dude Mr Fordl mother Mn It wlll be family Chrislma at the home ol Mr and Mrs Leo Mch of Mulln Streell Home for the hollday seasen wllh Lhelr parent will be the couples sonlnlaw and daughlex MI and M11 Jacques Audel ol Quebec Cily lhelr 5m rand daughterlnlnw Mr and Mrs llllchael McCann nnd ion of Cornwall New York thelr daughter Mls Margaret Mc Cann ol Keswlck and Mn Jlm my Mchnn ol Mount Alvemo Oranzevllla REMIX PARTY Mr and Mrs Peacock Gogsma OnL will spend the Christmas holiday with their panB Mr and Mrs Stan Pen eack at Worsley St and Mr Ind Mrs cuu McLean 01 Clay 54511011 Mm cnmmms Ted Buudoln Eiamlner an reporter will spend Ihe Christ mas holiday weekend at ho hum of his parents Mr and Mm Fernand Beaudnin of Col 5L Luc Quebec He will alsu lake in skim at Mention Que Gary SooUIernn Mary Stud In spendlng 11 Christmas ha day with his parents Mr and Mrs William Soothers of Nia gara Falls Ont NEW BRUNSWICK GUESTS Mr and Mrs Arm ltmnl of SI John New any wick will arrive at Manon alto an Christmas day and wlll nest al Is Shirley Avenua residence of their sonInJaw and daughter Mujnr and Mrs Clark Mr and Mrs Armstrong will return to SLYWm angr the flaw Year Bowman ovum Guesh or Christmas day at the Puget Streel mldcnca Mr and Mrs Manse Powell Wil Include Mn Pmfl momproffilehostmdlllrufl Mrs Douglas Pawollall of Guelph Ind Mrs Wllllllrn all of annnlnl Follawlnu Florldn hnncymoon llm nowlywrda nro mldlng on Codrlnulon 51ml nmdll Belmont sludm Tumula inH Mm IAfiilefy Oshawa Mr and Mrs Geoll Blnka Tor untu Mr and Mrs John Mao dnnce and bullet party was held II In Embassy Hall Blake St on Thursday evening or employees and their wiv9 nf DeVilhiu Limited More than 200 persons ptiended an annual event Donr piizex were won by Dmny Dnnvera Stuan Fisher Bill Fletcher and John Bowman Among the spot dam winners wm Mr and Mrs Gordon Nichoia Mr and Mrs Frank Tommwsid and Mr and Mrs Kcn Thomson Among ui cityggesu warp Mr Misses Karen and Susan Tay hm studean at Victoria College Toronto are spending the Christ mas vawflon at the horns of Iheir mother Mrs Mmison Highland Avenue Min Carol Munisnn ltudent at Waterloo College in flsu guest at Avrnue ruidenca of her tamer Monism for iha Christmas hoiidayl Chrixt mas dinner guests he Mon rison residence will be Mr and Mrs Taylor of Toronto grandparents or Karen and Susan CHRISTMAS PARTY rename auzsrs Mr and Mrs Vernon Martin at Seniord Street will entertain memberl oi Mn Martins iam ily durinlt the festive lloiiday Christmas day gueaxts the Martin home will include Mr and Mrs Eric Kitchener par ent of the hostess Nigel Kit chener Mr and Mrs Han ning and Miss Margaret Han ning all Toronto VICTORIA COLLEGE ol Saphlalsueel Em will be guest at ho home Mr and Mn Dauglau Peckham Lon dnn during the Chriumal holl day waekend GA AND OAKVILLE GUESTS Ml Ind Mn DonNear will pend the Christmas weekend wlth Mrs Nenrl menu Mr and MmAlbertZlmmennnn Gall Later they wlll be mesh ha home at Mr Neal1 perv ants Mr and Mn Wlluam Near Oakviflep Bert=Ford Mr nudMrLPexcy Ford Mr and Mrs Peter Win dalt IxszeltyVWlndatl all ol Barrie Mlu Marie Ford ol Oshawa Mr and Mrs Frank Ford Randy and Anita all Grenlel Mn and Mn Parker Kelcey of Strand Mr Ind Mrs Bob Chapman Pllnlwlck and Lea Thoan LgyDoN qqasrs ML Anne Baxter Queenl Unlvmlty ktudent II the home 01 her parmll Mr and Mn Bum Cutla Drive fur the Chrlslmnl vacation daughter den 11110 home mm VlclarII College Toranla Christmas day guest the Cnstla Driva residence wlll fn Bantam Uodze netl Paint war the letting forthe Chrlitmaa party or the ml of Superior Propane Limited and nest Among thm attend ing the dinner dance party were Mr and Mrs Al Gardiner Mr nnd Mn Harvay Weber Mr and Mrs Ken Kearxley Mr and Mn Lionel Edgerton Mr and Mn Murray McLean Mr and Mr Murray Rupert Mr and Mrrl Jack Mcbean Mr and Mrll Mlller Leigh Mist Heather Macrlohalt and Walker Hunter Gary Calvert la mending the Chrlatrnal holiday with hil par ents Mr and Mn Cal vert Rare Strut Gary in at tending college in Baltimore Washington Mr and Mrs Jerry Coughlin and family will molar to Erpck ville la spend Christmas at Ihe home Mrs Coughllnn brother nnd ulsterinrlnw Mr and Mrl Donald Buchanan Among the guests wlll he Mn Agnes Err cilanan Mn Coughllnu mother who has recently arrived in Can ads lrnm Austrnlla tn lpend the Christmas aeawn with her iamlly Thu Coughllas will be accompanied by their am Mi chael who is home from Mount lAlvernn at 0rangcvllle GWEN UNIYERSXTY myqu DAME mm Student at the NorthernIn Iiilute of Technology Kirkland Lake Harold Green oi Toronto Street and Brian mean of Sun nldela Road are spending the Christmas vacation at the home of their parents FAMILY REUNION Mr andMn Don Dickerson and tllldrenl Anne and Glenn oi Wellington Sing will be at lending family reunion in Ben lgew during 1h Chrlsimu un The reuninn it in honor Mu chkemnl grandma Mrl Ralhweii oi Navau who marked her 10an birthday Dec ll The Dickerson family Wlil also visit at II North Bay ml denca 01 Mr Dickerwnl lil Mn Lecjakn mmwn LAKE STUDENTS Martin at Guelph will be vnn the city or he Chrhtmnq weekcnd the guem of Mn Marlina pawn Mr and Mia Peter Winds Caroline SueeLMn Renard Martin Swhia Strut mother Mr Martin will also entertain HM Guelph vlnmn Guests at the home Mr and Mrs John Lavender RR Barrie or the Chrlnlmn hallday wlll Include Eldon Lav ender Brooklyn New York Mr and Mm Tam Spencer Toronto Mll lhamns Chasm Sn Ma nl Mrs Thomas Chm um um lamlly ol Brampton mm at thanome Mr andMu Frank Wand ERA Barrie are their lonImlflwflmi dnuzhur Mr and Mn Gama Jones 0mm uypwnv nous He1oranlo Mr and Maxim Mquy Kltchmm mums FROM Om ms ma 1m EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE lul Annou lo IUDlhlmlnl em PERMANENTS Ru 1250 or $1000 PAH elude Mn Bnurl brotherink law and Jilier Mr and Mn Jack Thompson and HIin Partyiiimmd STUDENTS AT HOME GMiu Jannweliman laden of Victoria College Tmn and Min Valerie Wenan mm at Mcyiamr Unlvmliy Hamil liafi will rpm in Chrlumn vacaiian 1r thuglwm ui their parent Mr and Mn Jack Wesiv man MI Barrie HARM EXAMINER PM The mu member oi lilo Burris Examiner and their gums were entertained the annual Grimm dinner and dance held the many Hall ins awning Tarn Garner and Min Marlon Cough cqnvflicd tin party mined by members oi ihtSocini Club Following flu dinner guqu mag in the male of Neil minimal arch winners lucky danw prizes were Mr and Mrufnnk ileum Gazy Sootharm ind winFrieda Skinner 1112 nxmz mum simian BERTRAM BROS llMlTED we take this oppoflunity to thank you for your continued fiendstip May your Christmas be beautifidly serene and wmldafully joyous Munaqcmcno and 5m 429 BLAKE STREET

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