Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1962, p. 4

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Matter Of Sé1fInterest ithddian Workers Market West German and Brltlshtrade Inter ests arefireplylng to this appeal with newepaper and radto advertiseménts stressing that in dollar value their pur chases rom Canada exceed their sales in Canada spokesman or the Ont arln department economlce thinks that empty misses the whole point of the Trade Erueade PWe are talking about manufactured nods hesays fnothing else One mil lon dollers In Canadian wheat mean 160 Canadians at work One mllllon dollars in forelgn cars means 2000 Brttleheu or TM LMMIM Im II Null onllilM ITIvMIlHM Mm In In la flu MI mm rm and um um Iml an Mammy Inmt BarrieExamlner Dec 20 1917 Town Council voted $1000 to sufferers of Hall fax explosion Dr thtle MOH in annual report advocated compulsory pasteurization of milk to prevent spread any hold fever Orlllia acquires new GI staiion ounty Cour line larg est sessions iri hfsiéiy ré iiinné bofix judges to preside alon With 12 add 31pgal jgrymenl Sr Arobert Eogggpa non overament elected with swee ing majority in federal election Boys at Barrie detcaied Mitchell oi Alliston or South Simeoa in North Simcoe Lt Col Currie Coiling wood Unionist defeated Dru Crown Hill Liberal Unionist In ast Slmcoe nidhopo of Orillia defeat ed Manley Chew 01 Midland Mitchells grain elevator at Alliston de strayed by fire Sgt McLeod former paymaster at 157th Em arrived home from overseas Mr and Mrs Charles Brown Penetang St have re ceivcd the Military Medal won by their son Hector at Canadian Machine Gun Corps Gunner George Clark was gassed on Nov 10 and has been in Eng land since Nov 21 One eiicct or the public debate which can do only gopd is shaping up over the Ontario gov ernments Tra eCrusade which urge the ubllc fto reduce Im on by sup plan ng them with can tan good of cbmpayabla quality anthprice ear Vbrrtxrvro at has been succeeded by belief that some thing can he done to safeguard lives it the big bomb is dropped nnn nf Hm lmnnrlnnl amenuch slam In Barrie there is move to Institute school training in emergency measures against nuclear attack similar to present training agalnst tire The matter has al WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Oshawa Ilmes Several county council In Southern Ontarlo nppnrcntly under pressure from the lands and torests department havo act tlntcs tor hrtct deer seasons In their areas But In most at those counties the hunters will have dtttlculty tlndtng lnnd that Is not posted with notrcs nas tng nnd nohnntlng slgm And lttlo wonder Molt hunter my be nnrnxons ot courtesy consldcrnllon and careful ncsn but cnoufh of them are we trig erhnppy vnm n1 that tower Ind tcwcr armors nnrt prnpcrly cwnm nrn wIIHng qcrmlt nny sort nt hunllngon thnlr tnu It in In Soulhcrn Onlnrlo mum mat the problem of hunlerfnrmor rela llons In mast nculo The Iron mum and west Lake ilmmo may represent only Iva per cunt of tho tolnl area at llm province but It contains more than 75 per can of the population The Fish and WHde anlcw of lands and 1mm mnku lho underalntcmunl of Ilm year hum emun mm Normm mu Amennon 1r nunn nu 1mm nuvuu cf anon It is now quite evident there is growing public awareness of the impam ance of emergency measures in the ev entof lqclgar algack on thisyountry One of the Important emer enc steps to protect people in the pa lethal fallout This fact is recognized by EMO ottlclals and school boards Cumv nmm mumNV to umw am nu mu mm mun lundlyl llllulov mum uroylM It nun mm run Inle Imam 11 Minimum cunm umn an Mlnu nun mmm mum 1mm nuwu rmnlulu MI yumum m1 my mm ua mm mu yun mm rum mm In on In Nluv W7 manlh Mn mnlhul mad Mm mmmo mum on you OulMI um um nu Protection Against FallOUt The Barrie Examiner HUNTING RESTRICTIONS Walls Publisher Earrie Published by panhdiin Newspapersjumtgd 16 Bayileld StreetBalrle thhtlo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE hum arm Sleight General Manager gummy mac 1m 4m when It says Concentraflon of hunters nnd compotltlon or game contributes to undcslrnblu and mmollmos unsnto hunt lng prncllces Good manners and sport monshlp are somcllmcs or otton there ls one lrrcsmnsiblo In lvldual or vandal wllhln tho ounrla lownshlp his sell my be sufficient to cnuso the local council to endeavor to protect rcaldcnls by pnsxlng bylaw rcslrlcllng hunting or lho llachnrgc of firearms In termsrof employment which in what the Trade Crusade In all about thin 13 Hand argument 0n the average Can adians spent $235 year onlmponed manufacturedgoods compared to $75 in the United Kin dam and $50 in Westheru many Cana lans buy more foreign mnde fullymanufactured goods than the peqple Dian otl1er con gas was complete loss of eech or elght gays Rte Cliftogd rahagn alved home badly wounded Gaiiie expects to go overseas in next few days to do special orthopedic work in military hospitals Band of Can adian Machine Gun Depot headed by Bandmaster Puff Addison of Bar rie said to be one at best overseas Has been playing at West Pier Brighton GunnerHaroid Gill son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Gill of Barrie in military hospital at Liverpool with serious con cussion and internal injuries Govorn ment announced call of 24000 men to colors on Jan Si in 12 military depots to meet manfiower shortage overseas Lt Col liiaeLaren arrived home from England Cadet Gordon hlyers Royal Naval College Halifax escaped unharmed in the harbor ex losion Greater portion of Angus moat wiped out by $8000 iire BarrioThlstle Curling Club elected Dr Hart president and Reburn secretary Collier Street Methodist congregation passed resolution thanking ominion Fovernment for prohibiting intoxicating uors Splendid skating on the bay to lowing two weeks or extreme cold Germam at work Whats even about that eady been discussed by the Barriedist trier collegiate boardu EMO of leials say It Is necessary that children should be fully informed regard ing plans for their rotectlon and that they should have su llclent lnfonnatlon 19 tgke advantage of this help This con Most people are vague as to what they should do case at fallout Children should haVe definite knowledge on the subject They are the cltlzens of tomor row who will be laced with the nuclear problem for the rest of their lives They should know how to cope with It to the best of their ability Why mld tho Canndlnn dnnl you put lhu plpcs Indoors Naturally Inrel manufacturers will fight tor every dol ereworth of business they can get in the Canadlenmnrket That ls only matter of selfinterest But since manufacturing is the largest source of employment for Canadians and the one practicable source of more employ ment it is only selfinterest to seek alar ger share of the Canadian market for Canadian workers clusimi ls sauna BRITISH CLIMATE Monuenl Slur There is an old slory about Canndlan mldlcr who utnorl watchan Brillsh plumber using blowtnrch lo unfrmu he wnlcr pipes of house the plpon hclng Inld on lhu oulalde Hut we did that MM the Plumber hnw would we gel them on lhoy from The muhlo Is perhaps lhnt lhu Uullml Kingdom Mum to mlmll lhn or ml I110 year II nubarcllc munlry Vinnlpvg lrco Prch lhu nlaln nl Innmllan lmlmcs loday hna no rrumlrnl In the Ionl history Ill on tha parllnmcnlnryf lewd4 mlnorlly Luvurllmcnl governan Fru rnrlmmly nun day In xlny as the hull no of Social Imlll splinter which npposnl Ila lmslc pollcy l1m nllunllun in unique or another and much more Important reasonUm Hallnn Whale In nnl ynl repnml vols EOHHLIBHLU In an parl le 11mm lack Iubllr cnnfh 0an he mrly syslom llw In Ilu central and mm lrighlnnmu fact of national polhlcs lhlx molullnn Ix prohhhly mlmlrnblc FRIGHIENINO lit MciNTYRE HOOD LONDON it is becoming an parent that the government is beginning to prepare he British public or withdrawal from he negotlwom or my into he Enropcnn Common Mullet That an be the only explun alinn or the Imemenu which have been made by loprankihg cabinet ministers it may hnvn hem man than straw show lng which my the wind in blwingwhen mu Pres ldent oi the Board ni Trnda spoke at Conservative conten van at Wandswnrlh ills words named Itrnngely varianco wllh lhe overwhelming mnjor lly givan at the Linmiudno can tune oi his party In lavor oi Joining lha EC mm he said that lhlsmnuld not be In lncmedA mx dllular mould not bu rbduned lo Illrvntlon Ind nu Then would In many more Ahou In nur lgck couple day lnlcr in the Hausa Commons chlnuld Mauldlna Ipokmln oxnotly lhe um vzln Ind Indicated um ho reed with what Mr Errnll had laid Mr Errol told gather in Commfim that Brn AIn mun luc lha possibility Huh mlxhl finally be ponihjglo gpl mum Sf whichWFltain could Joln In Common Market Ilmcd lo hnvo supgzart mm nlhm In In canne In Idvia In cnullan In 1h Ippmnch In In Common Markat ncuollk Lkll Up In In prawn Um Slx Eumpenn wunlrIu have made no move not ban Hwy gIven Any Indlcnllan IhnI they Inland IIIawInz IIrIInIn Inch Icrml the governman can rely on htInn vlrllnmcnk With Im Idcm anullo rldIn hluh IIltI IIII ovurwhzImlnn ILclar ll victory he It not In Iha quI IlkaIy to be wIIllnu lo min only Inr lho DrIIIIh Knvnmmnnt la enter lhI Com mun Market In account In MRI Invcmmenl drclcs One 11 IM Mnmx mem mcnl IrIl um hm uI the ourn mnlnz mm the nu rd fiInIM Iar nrllnln In mm In Common Market on any Imm The llrlIInh pcopll wnnl Ihq Amrrlunl In flop poklnu Ilutlr nnnu Inln whnl Ihey rou lldcr Io ho nnIlrtIy lrlIIIn awn hunInKss rum hm II growlnu Ionr IIInI llrIInInl tnIry Inln Commnn mm el would Inlrnnlly Um minul Ilnemnlu In Rolland Ind lhlj Imrll England Them nru olhér confiden onl which 5r hglnu Man in nldtr 111an In many ln Ihn Commlvo pmly ulm llrmly Mllrvl th lhu nrlolllllnnl lnnk 1km nnvl lullnm may draw mn lhrm llw ulnar man In UM lather nlrrml In Ivy Mr hm mlnht bu MIGHT EWING VOTE flluu In Ill lam Ill lull lml ml unln Illa ymupl In Ile unordlu lo Ill lhl um an huh Ml MM um rm III luvd pm lulu whlvh Ila pmmhd Iund n1 Mom In mnnI lint ma or on Mlu luwhulnm In all lhmu WM mm In Wm REPORT FROM UK BIBLE THOUGHT ThornHM mlnlslm arcr Leave D06 Open To Quit Market nzoizou 1935 wrruaiu 33 2F 5235£ 231 ms 2553 25 333 cm ylimwfl cm pz OTTAWA CHRISTMAS GIFTS lnlcd to mater trade develop menlvwiuin the Commanwullh This would positively an much help to the Tory party and would swing mud pubhe amen back In Iu am It UM hen be hitnly opportune Jar the gomnwnt an 50 the comm wflh the elutlun slog an that it had not surrendered to Bumpe and had put the Commonwealfll first my own cog fleet rim out from under 1M Labor pany MVIJJIG mm as the only puny unmixed In jodnlna ne mm on my term and brlng back Into the Tary old the gum mass at when who had ii on the Common Mal1m By JOSEPH MOLNEIK MD ll wlll ho hum lime yo Yum yml ran have depondnlrh rIlmnlp ll chlnm lml wllh In Imlvy inlninfl 7m lml gm vannu In hr Ivnyrrlll Dur Dr Molln Whit chnnco ha yremrlun lnlnnl burn men months wllh loud hem murmur lo the nurmnl me Thu doctor uyl ha hnhyl lung are now elm but that the murmur may be mm holu In lha heart In will mm to wntl unlll IMII lor oxamlnnllnn 11 HI came halt In tho hurl no In wall be tween lwo adjacent chlmhm lhm hnl hcon Iludfly mm ncrctnlnlu nl Iucccniul rtpnlr Olrlfldl dthd Th Mnl law am am lhn harden or premllum bully hls thnnm lnmm Mm cnth pnuinx werk mm Mn on In Inlnlni Indium hnt um henrl lull hill rcmnnnhl powtr even Umufh Im Hum nurmlll 11 In Inm IIVM II lha There an lmuumla nl thll Inn vinylm mm hmqu mm mm IVO Mm mulml ml lhclr HIlrll nu MW lur nrncllml purpnm normal Vllhnul mdl Hurry thn mmn dllhlym wuuhl hnv Men um shnrl of lumlh and In rnnelnnl lamar Mnny nl lhtm mm lmw um Nul all title lh hull me lhu um ulhpr In nu nr xlrmo dunu thllll mud Iv nomewhal nhIQr lurlm II wlu IlanM man Ant tummy klllmul rl Unbcr crcumsuncel ha babyl chances of Inrvlvnl and normal In lhmlflcr Ira any man Thu loudnm In lieu murmur lml Ion Impartnnl In Ilwll Thu quesllon In what mum ll Thu Incl lhnl lhe bhy II nln lnu II In utellenl Ilun Mler lhu poor Illle chap had lwn dlmdvnnlnnea In Main wllh nm ham dclccl whnlevcr II out be and pnmnluro HIM han ml WI mnllnuu In fnww lurnr And Ilrnnnr unul mu numry mu perfumer wllh mwnnhlo chnnm nl INC cum Tho baby mm In ho lain lng qulla TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH mm mink rvu mu Loudness 0f Murmur Nof Too Important sMoKmsuAcucr Mtg 60m ham been drinklnz we elght ounce zlnssu of warm water Im bmklun wlth lablupoon lemun Iulco In nth 15 um harmlulf Dan lend Io came dryneu he nkln or the In whimms LK No not harmfuland not dry lnz In my way In Incl It henllhlul practice Ind lhn Ier usually mm In prcvml con sglpallonl1119 or Jul vides hit Vlllmln which we Ihould hnva dnlly mnr Dr Molnm had lnnullon removed mm the My dcr part or my wrlsl luvml mks nun TM lnclllon II healed but nover mm to he Iran min trumpinu lrthrlllc nulum not only In the wrhl but Iuwheru olhrr wrist ankln upper Inn nlc Nat Ill ll 0MB hut llm hm lhcn hem What could cause lhhr uml help bul eel ll hu Inmclhlnl do with the apmllanlll ELAN NAME Thu mmu top Applied to pa llmnen In lelmd dulm hum Hm old linlllnh mb In capor In mm ha dlammnfl were com Md wrlnl would an rm lnlerlmnra In lluum Km Inca rcmolo oinu rc fin ulvrd and the min II rlhrluc lypa wnuhl Iny flu oprmlon had nulhlnl In dn with It You Ihould In chucked nr mlhrim or loul 13 um CANADIAN mass 227 196 Pnsldent Thomas Jeflcr Lon got the U5 Cannes to pass the Embargo Act by whlch or llme all ur elgn commerce was larhld den 15 yuan use today ln 1307 France and England wen at war and between them um waning Am crim scubvme commerce Jettegson bellve the wan ring powers would abandon chair decree blockading each nlhtr He wu ml lnkcn hawevtr and was oxcod In repeal Ihe act our day befnra he retired from the presidenvy In 1905 1m Belgium and Lux embourg formed In econo mlc unlon 1952 The avlrnment unnounccd plnns In em Hsh nallunal library or Canada BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE vllhtr wllh or wllhnul Ihavlhlnd In our MW an mdy hvlln um mu hy on Ivlllu thlhnnd floollwwllg mulnm CornMadam Id Alrullllonl hprlllrll llnl WITH GET THE DETAILS NOW Suinitn mam TMI mum lnrlullu Tyuo Ill nfllu lmrduu 66 TORONTO ST TODAY IN HISTORY And Plln Ta Joln Our Now Day Clm on Jnnulry HERE IS YOUR OPPORIUNITY TO BEGIN OUR COMPLETE BUSINESS DIPLOMA COURSE JANUARY DAY ClASS Survey when the Ham culled to order on afternoons nhnw sharp falling all In tendance Early ln the lemon In October lull house was nc lually recorded By the end of October the Monday attend anus was only 139 MPL 0n NW ll hl an unusually hlzh L11 No week Inler wnl dawn to 157 And last Monday it Wu dlscredllnble wllh 77 per cm ollhn Socmdl per cent at ha ubernls 41 per cenl nl the ND and 45 per cent at lhe Conservullve not present Thu nbrenm figure or the Socredrwns higher than nnrmnl through illness the other parller showed nbnut lhelr numnl nltendanul Oblerver June that too many of our MPH uka the Mman emperlor Nara who Hddlld whlla Ram buxnod Our modem mam In the hudnydwhunday Club are fiddling Thu 0bnerver They are klng thalr well aid Job at Mill 1mm when our Parunment in probably the lawn ebb in in hlnory Against this background is astonishing to Ind one lane voice raised to urge MP ac tually my rum Parliament in even firmer numbers lhln heresy came mm the Imby among our pollucal 11mm in NDP OIIAWAn It open mm onour gbgenm MIPI mo dran Hmer attention to tho rovlvnl ol he Tuudny to Thunday Club whlch would or thou MP who attend Pammen only three midweek dayl uch week And Ipend Friday to Mom an a¢hon1a lemEASING T0 Democrnl whch describes lb lei the olflclnl man 01 ha an Democrat Party In tho Inn of rookie MP Ihe NDP Mr Brawln Toronto law yar cc 511mm The political nlhcr the NDP II he lormer CCF waste pram any whose membm took lhcr pullmen lary work thelr pollticnl the high caiibra at tho New Democratic MP to relach its lull potential we sub mit these MP5 shauid mend mora oi lhair time outside Par liament They hnuld be mnklng tnun Arrangin school nnd canimnces wrtlng pamphlell and raising money Only cor orala guard need man this nchel oi Parliament This proposnl or an expan sion oi the NM club In con Media the edllogiul in the OTTAWA REPORT IIIIIIIIvIIII1IVliiiiiiririillliiiiiiifl a1IUVIIVIIIIIIIIIYI IVIIIIIIIII TuesdayTprhutsday Club IsWGmWing By PATRICK NICHOLSQN IITAILIII YD YMRIIYV EANADIA BARRIE THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF EWJodll and ivory happy holiday good health good cheer All of us wish all of you grluclples vory urlaully In od eel lure Hut Ill pm Hamentnry leader and Ital wart Inch nJ Wand worth Mm Caldwell Alntulr Stewart Bert Harfldfl Ind Tommy Douxlaa would bu lhggktdhy 1h pry Il an MAP when lha House In 1mm in in Full mam Sure then need lul pany organism 12 phl at mm and fund mugI But hue Ihauld be the backroom bay and the hind help of 1h party mlchbw Tho MPI whor elected laAauend Parlln mint certainly mould no lo moonlitan on Iuch nanmn yamarxcyorel Bury MP has work ta do In constituency wall In Ottawa Thar can be no doubt that the worktnzhours And In tlnfl day of Parllamentan now no ttupldly arranged that an MP are mere handlo cappod while than ram dio tant cnnmltuenctel are espe cially penalised This In om ot the many reform which should be made to update our ham and bum Parliament which pay undue respect to the trndF tlom at the Father at contact erattont friends this tlmo would like to think and personko thank all the klnd people who through past year gave of thelr 11m and money tohzlp the Barr and Dlslfla Association for Be mded Wren To than whom we never Who anomaly at home dolng your bill we can only ny ma bis thankvyou We know on day you will bu rowarded We mmore than waldo All he ormha on Now Rem or The Ex Iminer Ihuuld bu lent In early possible to mun pub Hullon Dear Slr Nevet Christmas mornlrm Never the 01d Yelr Ends Em mobody thinks some who by their Imam Ind anclnl help have helped thra uzh another luccesxlull yen exitnd In you one and All my sinner wishes for Merry ghrlslmn and Happy New car phi days old limes old LETTERS T0 EDITOR Sincerely Your MAMABET HOOK hmdmlllng Clulr man

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