Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1962, p. 2

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7mg mum mum minim hmoul Plum Adin Corp Lg Net lncom or the ulna months ended September 1562 amounted la 52222506 nr 3m per share as cumpaxed with net Income of mums or as cents sham or he cab respondinx perlud Ins Year Share earnings and no lncnma nflucl prom on sale of Ind assets In Ihe 1961 period ol $812 as campmd with 93 In lhe 1961 period Grilling 60 Imam street Innk first rile or over lll house dccarnt an In he Bar ne Hurllcullural Societys sum annual cnnicst it was announc ed lndnyu Camry Powtr Ltd Net In comelnr the twelve mnnlhl ended Seplcmher 30 1962 ML $7065545 or 317 I11 command with net 111 come at $6659734 or $117 per thug lnr lho corresponding per lod Inst ycnr Cash low In Ill 1961 period amounted in $121 million as compared villll $114 mllllon in 1961 The fiscal year and Dec Jinsén 147 Sunnldale find who took first prlte last year and was not ellglble lhls ycnr rccelved honorable menllon or heautilul dlsplay Olhcr winners in Hue contest were Overall house decoration Ward Human Arbulhnot 51 Rodney sheet second Jame Small 335 Codrlnzlon street hlrd Mrs Shorll 93 Shanty Bay rqadl Word first Decarie Ba Amelia street second Grnse 119Colller street third William Lambert Grave streak east Ward Mrs Bertha Stewart 50 Dunlop street west Cmtaz 52 Danaid slreel Viclor Knight 166 Mary street Ward Griffin 60 1101 xale sincl Baumdis 31 Grenvilla slreel Gnugh 97Cumherand Door decorations uverall for city Mrs Lang 59 Cooke meet Mrs Brown as Dmry Lane AvaIn stock Yleldl mm In humred um Stock Cmmnn Indlmflal II mum PACKERS LTD Thu company eslimued nu lncomt lnr Ihe fiscal ycar ending March 15m ihauld be much name us the £66569 or per share on the combined mass and Class Ihms earned In ha 196 year Domlnhn Scolth Investmrnh Md Thu Company declared lhc rtzular quarmly divldcnd cent per than plul an em or cunls ham payabla on Dmmhcr lo rharolwldm ol remrd December 14 In Deccm her 19m prior la the twoInn nna stock lplil In May I962 he Company pald yenr and lxlra 29 real along wllh he 15 cent Icmlnnnunl payman Hhco Mlm lellrd Sisco Mlnc mind arkring in pur chase all In outstanding sham Siscllla 0i leied al prlca 00 com Canadian per share The nIrer explm on Dec ember 1w Slxme Mine prcunlly bald LMIMT lhlru al Siscnlln consululina appraxl malely $5 per cnnl loll 1791491 sham qurd Cludlnn llclllc lllllwly lL Crumn lmldenl rcpom ntl lnmmu lnr llm llxtnl year ending Dumber I961 will be Alluhlly holler llmn llu mum or 3201 mr Illnrl urn In ml Allncnlluru lrom Mlw nmnunl In about 14 mll llon nl uhlcll $5 mllllon reprr unu lnlnhl rm mlucllon par maul and nhaul mllllnn 1n lulrn pnylnrnll The Camplny declred lhn mallr Armlnnnnnl dlvldmd cl mull per mm mun Alum llllu nn Fchrnry lo Mnho ol mord Jun Dominlan an And Mmlul no Canadian Dow Jon ullmulu nrl Intnma Inr lb TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE DECORATION CONTEST Besldecnraled hee outslde PETROLEUM mum CALI SAFE Griffin Hang Judged Best QUALITY FUEI CLEAN PEACOCK PA 55226 immqu summm In Wnk ufllu Due 14 Avlllnl HELD DEPENDABLI BRUCE rer DUNLOP Ir lAll 5mm an BULLETIN BRIEFS Brunch Franz Tielemans 80 assistant finance mlnlsler ol Helzlum year ending December 1962 should equal nbau mama or All per share as compared with net Income of 518799052 ar $129 share or lbs 1961 fiscal year Interprnvlnzhl Plpe Line Co The Company has cstlrmled it will deliver 9756 barrel nl crude oil per day during Dee ember An increase or 12 per cent lrom 0013 barre per day in November Ind up per cent ram 436331 barrell per day in December his yearr For the first ll mumhs lhln year deliveries averaged 430911 har relq per day an kmase at 37 per cent from 3964 barrels per day in the 1961 period Cook 55 Highland avenue Rdfl Smith Shanty Bay IDB Final ifidgini was done by Frank Fog Vlnmuvcrufiydngy Scoll 72 who retired as managlng editor or The Prnvlnce 14 year ago Windsor DimWilliam Tub man 76 administrative misl Anl former federal health and welfare minister Paul Mar ln LondonDr Ian Clark 34 whn made medical hlstury by receiving transplanted kidney mma allow doclor last Au gust rum the effect of high blood pressure Prim will be presented at meetinx of the Barrie Horticul tural Society In Communlly House Jun at pm TrnnIInlrlei Plbtllnu Ltd Net income for Ike nin months cndcd Scplumbcr 30 1962 mounled In 71000 or 38 cent fer Ihare as compared mm In ncoma 321000 of 15 cents share or Ihe wnespondlng period In yur Inndim Oll Compnnlel le Net incomc or the nine month ended Seplember 30 1962 muunled to $3157831 aruos perish is compared Wilhne income $50m or $176 per share at the In 1961 year Clludlln lmpcrlll Bank 01 Commerce 111a bank declared quarterly divldcnd of 50 ccnll per share plus an mm of 15 cenla balh payable on February lo nhurchnldcn ol ccard Dec ember al hi1 Increases he In dlcnltd nnnunl divldcnd rule ln cludlnx exlra mm 10 per than $215 Conwlldaltd Mining Ind Smal llnl fa Clnndn Ltd Thu Company declarcd lhe rexular mnlnnnunl dividend of cenll prr Ihnre plul In mm 20 NnLI bnlh payable on January 15 lo shurchaldm neon December lrevloully he Company pald ulm 10 um In Jlnuary and July CIMIn Chznflcll Ca Ltd Thu Cnmpnny dcclmd um nnnunl llvldcnd of 15 trnll per nhnrr payable on January l6 In shunholder of record Dcc tumor TM Incmm ha ln Illcaled Innunl dlvldcnd nu lwm no mm per Ihm lo so cvnll By THE CANADIAN PRESS ring mil may walbish cum ILplgdau ialossmg to you and yours DEATHS LKWEL SHOES 1m There will be nmlxzd mney at Rule 0mm club Boxing Dav mixed We WE xdwd uled orilimfly but lack entries forced um cancellation LOCAL GENERAL TWO KIWANIS CLUBS me two lncal Kiwanis clubs Kempcnfelllny and Barrie will meet Jolnlly for luncheon on Monday at 1215 pm at Corn munily House Presiding will be Graydon Kuhl president mo Kempenlell club with Ross Ste phens president of lhellarrle club which nqrrnnlly meal Mnn day or dlnner The name Joint lundmn will he held on Dec 51 fipmum or Hmrw Grant Orillla rm Hmrwl Grant Onllla barr rister haa been appolnfed lab relarymanager Orlllla Churn her of Commerce He succeeds Wllllam Harlan who resigned In devata lull llma to dullea the lawna Industrial Omnmlssionar Mr Grant is nullva of Tar ole but well known in Bar rie as he realded here In the summers 1925 and 1921 when he was the lira highway tralllc officer on motorcycle patrollin Highway 11 from Bradlnrd la Sevrm Bridge He also played an the Barrie Junlor ORFU team and operated Minma Palm dame pavlllom Synnysh Winters omcial nr rival this morning was mnrked by northerly tale and sharply dropping temperature over he lrnirles In lhe wake nl dis turbance moving rnpidly across the Dakota toward southern Ontarin Al mow taper all to llurrlu in muthem Ontarinrlo day rather mlld temperature wll mark the rat day at win ler in Oninrio but the rigid weather over the Prnlriu will spread in Northern Ontariu dur lng the day and reach wulhern Ontnria Sunday Slmng northern wlndg and snowfluniu 11 nccnmpany lha return milder weather to soulhum Ontario and squall will develop in he annw be near Lake Huron Niagara Lain Ontaria Hali bulton Region Hamilton Tor onto hazardous driving warn ing in duct Snow tapering oil to flunk ihil ailernmn but In other perind oi snow tonight changing to iiurrlex Sunday manning nirning much wider Sunday Wind light becominl southwest 20 tonight and north west 75 to to Sunday morning Pom Tempurlum 41w tonight high Sunday Windsor 15 St Thnmn 20 25 London 20 25 Kitchener Winzhum 20 t3 ilnmiltan no 32 30 32 Si Catharine Pelerbcmugh Trenlon Klllnloe Muskokl Enrllon Knnuaknllynig WM fllvcr Mixed HWY Boxing Day Jimey mu at pm NO NEED TO MOVE CALL OUR HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS rm mu mm Lawrence Wlfllnl PA Ill Yru hllmllu 111 Indian IA CISI FAMILY GROWING WEATHER No flbllnllon PA 311 Tadny we have tendency with Id many 5emin¢lymore lmponant and exciting things suing nn Mb Warld to think at agricultur no oonse quencelhin tendency ls prob nbly Ioslmd by the act that there hunever been nod shortage But In ran an mars are Inving the farms and la view of flu evergrowing Illltlnn In possflhle that on cogId yet ha bod shalyaqe Wllhhut agrlculmre most com munities would xlmply old up saidflewm Page Agriculture Represenmlva For North Slm coe In neatly summing up the Importance of agriculture uni aglltynural rgsearch Ono researcher exirelsed ha Id vlvld19Jl inlaymany whuu MW 999916 er realize where iii971 Edd comes ram until thelr stomach an new again mela back bonesl Far Instance in many cases yields of hay pasture main and cum crops havs been doub led Ind In lama can hlpled in Hill are due to lhe lnkra ducllon at new varieties and hy brids and better method of planting Constantly In conjuhclh whh the Crop Improvement Pm gram Mr Page and in Scum Simone KeilhyMcfluer are put Ilnx out new vnrleLlex of seeds an the land of cohpcratlnx lnr men to ascertain which are sulh able for growing in lhls aren and which are not and under what condition As usual the test are complex but extremely valuable because the resqu of these texts save the average farmer ram having lo wane llme and money tryinl out new vhrletlel or himseli In short then what he the laxmtg bepeflgg 13 All drgclly ar Indlrectly Nothlng has been morn beneficial than agricultur al research CROPS INCREASED ML Page demlbes how file Introduction of nut and smut mlslnnl vallulu 031 hi some am especially north of Drillln daubled lheper um ylgld ants Largely through the ciioril of Mr Page hundreds of acres of birdsth reloil iexumev hav been planted here and now producing high grade hay And rich thick pasture much oi lhis nn land we that It would support no other amp an an 00 momic basis Not only is tre Iaii unexceiled iar we 1min planiinz it ends the loss of thug Ind cam in nitmgzn Huh condilion ihal makes alher icgumeu very dangerous as ynsiurelcrop Research ha made armie Ial lmemlnnllon passihh say Mr Page New any farmer can impmve Mn hard by using bulls costing $10000 or mare Ihe best In the counlry ltwas not to Ian nun um lhe aver age milk producllnn per cow was £4000 pounds now It Ll well aver 0000 pounds Whlle about 20 per cent nl lumen In lhll Iron are hav lnx lhelr l0 tested lo dour mine the presence or nbscnca escnllal claimants Mr Pass 91 that many mm could benefit mm lhl 1131311 lil rum lhil analyllcal ur nl service pmvdcd through local Agdcuflurzl mice by in Wk Ammme Cullen labqtqgodcl nl Gublph1 soumuxig ufilnlm Mn Page Ilka the xuuswork out Applying mullm It dounl Benefit To Evervbfie COULD mum BAKER GARBAGE COLLECTION THERE WILL BI N0 COLLECTION OF GARBAGE ON CHMSTMAS DAV BOXING DAY AND NEW YEARS DAY MONDAY THURSDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Milt touring Iho Above clunch Ind rouullllonl pubgo collullon will In plum an ovary airbag mopmh during tho In wuk 0w nmbor lor your lnlotmulon Ind guldmu YOUR COOFIRATION IN OBSERVINO SAM WILL El APPRICIATID Proun Collmlon EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1961 REGULAR GARBAGE COLLECTION DAYS WILL BE FOLLOWSX Cuban Ulunlly Flaked Up On Such Dnyl Wlll Bo Flckld Up On Your Nu Rogullr Dny Thanks in ed velerlnnrlanl mined at lhu OAC and tha dis covery and develnpmenl of more emde my and med kines and We mum of treatment minim him farm animals can now in saved from milering and death that 30 yam ago could never have been saved necessarily mean using morn fertilizer mean that you use Ihe rlghlflcrllllzer to sun both the so and the crap With scare tee publica llana filled wllh moneysaving and moneymaking Ideas and glvlng Italhand andexpert ink fimaflon mneernlngfl every phase of agriculturaw Mr Page feels that every lame would be well paid or keeping library of them publications or study and reference More directly we all benefit by Ihe war being waged so tile cemully against havlne tuber culoais and hmuelloslx by Ihc Federal Government and In lhll Area the Shncoe Health unit and the ralenrch Inbaralorlu £91m Slm all came have been re gularly testedor TB In this area and all female came as halter vaccinated against hm allusls bovine TB and bmce llnsls has been reduced ln al mont nil In Simone Emcellasil cause nborllon in cnllle In humans it can cause undulnnl ever Brucellolhl tesu now be that like TB has almost been etjndicated It an affenceJo keep unvacclnmd heifer over 12 months of age Now hardware disease once usually fatal condition caused when callle swallow wire cull ings and nnlll can ohcn be heated right on the arm by making an opening In the 1h ol the mflerlng cow and drap plng In one or more bar mm VIth gamer uv the met allic particles rig mm it Show Early diagnosis very 1m pnrtant In the treatment of sick aya one South Slm Somdilna am cniled out In In animal that lhnuld have had eminent hour or day helm and II dying So tell the Iurpriscd owner hat he ahauld have called In priest Igate RAVE ANIMALS Bradford localed he OAC prcrlmenml Muck Farm when new varieties or vegetables cr ulizars spray nnd method are mind in he nndlcu search or greater yields higher quallly produce with In eye to he mmlc standpoint me mgrah grovirrr card of In regard In arm livestock many young farm anlmal are born nllve by Camrcan operation perform ed by veil on lhe lnrm Pneu rnnnla um Ilenlthy klllnr whclh unlll recenlly look dreadful all or arm anlmnls hm bean greatly curlnlled by mils and allied drugs Etudes the conslnnf twin of new crop and varieties undcr lhe dlrccllan our Ag naps cxpcrlmcnlnl mark undertaken dircclly by 95 In pl are One he runs lnlcrcsflnz nnd mccmlul research project ban underlnkcn pnrlly last 910 on the Smart Cnnncr Ics arm at Colllnxwood nnd pnnly n1 Guelph In the devrlop men of new vnrlcliu lam nlon hy Pmmwr Gra hnm horllculmrln just one hundrch he unsung rmnrth who Ipcnd hrlr llm duvcl anan new Improved higher pm CAESAREAN 0h ClOy Minan Elhdlu Jlnuuy 1963 TUESDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY MONDAY 111mm tomato eiter thouoando oi crou lnge end elimination oi unde nirahio plants he developedCold Set tomato that tell innit at temperature 10 dome lower than any old vorltty Tomato will now be able to be grown cuneiltenlly no commercial crap on ior north on Timmi At Colllngwood thug tomot looked or all lho world like lie olredimit with low emu leit in Lasluyeer he developed rod icoliy new tomato he cello HiKb Crimson which has 20 per cent more red coloralion then any other variety This will be boon to grower ln thecomoor elively coal ereo ofColllnmood wherelrowerl hove mot dil llculty in producing tomato Iuiiicibnlly colored to tell on grade one the only worthwhile paying Erode duchi mm of éropl Ina vege blu nmmrs Tubman Warkllng Wm orgingry lnmgl Warklnx with ordinary lamb PM An aven mm promlllng yar Icty non of cnmbInItlon of the gen actor found In the abuva two vnrletlu II In the mdlIng Itnze at the green house at Guelph Th1 variety mayrevulutlanize Iamala grow lng In Canada by mowing not them grown to compete anally with muthum mwm Ha wlll name It Add The first variet Ies will he nvaIIahle the pub lic Irom Iced house In Gome Iowu and Brampton or lho lint time In 1963 There tomatoes have been ex posed to atomic radiation he explained pointing to row at weird sickly yellow inmate plant hung with icw Iickly yellow fruits Atomic bombard Iment speeds up the otherwise rlaw mutation process oi Nature Through tth we have produced many varieties of Green StripeA tomato in which the iruit ll xtrlped or mottled From thin we hope to develop type in whid the stripes blend or die appenr at maturity thatplck err miteran mm color blind ness in ita varlaur tonne many at in do unknownta our selves can tell at glance when the irult is mature it in much undercolored imlt ia pick ed We have also discovered nother laclar that may help ul build higher vitamin con tent inta tomatoes Thlr in just the beginning research never ends Guelph walk back from Ihe enetlca section the green houses ProfcnwrrGIaham markbd Far any lammad young person can lhlnkvol no halter place to work than In green house And na wander We wnlkcd pas bizam cacII his Iona posts every Im agInabIc type Imam and gar den Ilowcr In mam In In bloom In lha praccss oI zen cllc Impmvemcnt Next one ol the best dIspIayI In Canada no planla Includan pander oaa Icman banana recs slranza um 1mm IIIIel herbs vlncs Ihrubl and mum many bearing an endless lucnsann znrgcau flowers Nearby hundred oI polmeflla blazed ncnrlct IIra Tho OAC Guelph Mr Fm Inyl ll comblned month and lcnchlng untrc Mnny younz pcaple mm lhll county hm nnd nrc lnilnl lwoycnr dlplamn and lourytnr dome courm In agricultural tcono mlcn lclcncc enulnearlna MI lmnl husbandry baa knplnu baclcrlnlngy chbmlslry dalry enlamolony wlldlllc manna menl llold hulbundry harilml turn and voullry flu knowledle of which men 1nd to own alarming pmfclllom Fur the filth belldes lhl nbove courier upednfly horticulture then In available an autumn our yur deme mum in home eulmomlcl It MacDonald XML Each year lrom 15 lo 40 young peopl over 1mm thll JL H4 Irwin Chic of Ban1e City Fire anartmenl has um wnmlngs and magnum oday or he Chrlslma holiday Gea fin Irwin urged parcnu In exerdxe cm In Meeting baby Imerl He also warned that decora llv llghllng especlally an mu Ihould be mind all when lam lllgl no out or when chlldrcn are lull ln the care nl luvanllcll other lalely pretaullom and Irwln cmphmlzcd View employ unly slum wllh mm rev panslblllly try to havathe mm mm regularlyl live lnnmclIanl orally and lenvn them ln VIIMM Be aura that tha litter under llands that In the event of fire the children should taken out 01 ha house first then the Flu Department called Ind hen the pagan haklflgq Giver the filler telephone number nllhc fire departmcnl Inmlly doctor and the rum Ralph Anderson Webb Bar rim was put on one years my pended unkcnce wllh pmballan yencrday by Maglllrnle Fosler nflcr havinl been ound fuilly of stealing mm articles mm lhu Canadian Nullonnl nnllwnyl Mr Webb was and lo hav Malcn one cnrlan fix all Chrlslmas Ilghll lwo carton blanket 11nd lhrce cyllndrr cow lalnm of chlldrtns toy block In the nurly hour ol Nov iEnplgt on thafimm can pnonvésson Grhham Ihnym at pollingwyod Barrié Man Gets Suspended Term Chief Réissues Holiday Warning KALUO LIMITED 110 DUNLOP IT WEST CANADIAN TIRE STORES May loy dwell In your heart at Chrlalman We Ilncowly whh uach and ovon ono of our many Mandi nnr customon ruly blouod Chrlslmm one thal llllod with peace and nvorlmllng Impplnm Mlnlaumom and in area ink advantage at onelo omday that comes made vaiiabia primarily for in bona iit oi young inrmm Howmr rural and urban resident alikl whiting in be trained in any the nbava are eligible For dip loma and demo course min imum grade 13 Handing re quired the OAC being an oil Iiwot oi University oLioronto to which you parent or ldul member ol family are lulu so Ihe filter may call In cue at emergency Also zlve tiller name what neighbor to call In an emergency ll Ihm In 11 phone expllln lo Iluer he OUIH mean nalflyinl the Flu Depmmunt of Palm ln tale of lire Caution Iltler agalnu permlt Mn chldrcn to play wmlmflr ckmflpclrlcfl cards or other electricil pllaicu II he Ilfifljil Iobnthe thy children make lure Aha hu had lug exyerlgnlcf Make unable rnngemenu or he litter home liedul arms undying new lgmqlo 9911561 Mxlch mm In ym Dulgnad To Your Siiulilon PLUS ECONOMY You phonn Ill you AI Ynur Ham thenl lnIunnu Aunq DONALD STREET ANDERSON PA 66085 CHARLIE PA 64 and Illa Ir ucompanylnl

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