Only 11mm mu ol In my In mm mm 1m in Hm Wrmhlay Ilk um dltlrllmw nulrlnh ul unmr lemm at well II In bum nmmrn Ivulnllc gum Ind lu luflnn nl nlhor Ivorll nu mull Envy Iprinhh In at mlnk In ml mm In mlrmlod mimnmvn mixing mcklnll my comm Uun In he medium mlcul 1nd Uumsamh cl rumprum lmkm an me warm MMJHM The Hnnl ll played ll lon dnnl Welthch Slndldm and Al wnyl nllrmln cnpnclly rmwd 100000 How many llmn we zmulne Iuppmlfll nl lhc hm tlulu lmnlvrd hm lunl Ilrrn mmllunml mmll prrcvnlnxo lhn mm are Ilunml IKIHllll lb llnulll Null who mainly nu llwm on In llmw him run all me Hm llptmh Inul mull an um Ilnml ml Nu new In mm ur so mun hm when MI lrmu INAhm Ir Hun III In May Il lmllm nnd wnkh It on lblflllimh lly IMVI IINTIWDOK LONDON 1117 Ihc Ilrllllh hen fur woks1 nulrrhrn Ilml wrnnr uvulnry nml chalked Ila uml hnu Apmul la hnnd nl mcccr lnnnIlcu uh rlnlm lhrlr nuln evrul Ilm nmnlnl Foollmll Amoclnllml Cu llnnl IA nolhlnu lan lucky unclllnn The mm opponent mcnllonzd hr ndvIsLr Jack Nllon Mar all Jnhnmn nnalhcr Phllndtl phlnn who he llnhl hcnvy my Ichumplon ol lh cwnfld Thls la hit of mnnnruvrlnl In an Inrmcr chumplnn Floyd lnflcmm Inln Ihu Xlnfl WIUI Sunny as qulckly as poulbxc The Halun cmnp gum Pnh lcrmn Mu mm 110 second Mh Sonny nl Chicano Soul 15 lly MURRAY ROSE NEW YORK AP Bury week and svmcllmcs lwlcu wok Sonny Lillonl ndvlmr comes up with new opponent lor llm heavyweight klnz and rcllcmlu Um the clmmplnnl comma wllh Chumplanlhlp Spgrlljnwrpornlcd In brokun Thu New Yark defence has reputation or leaving Gump the mercy of opposing Iorwnrdl Wonlcy has never had ha um support Jucqucl Plums received when he won I11 Vet In mmy at tho lanzuel lend In an lender In all of flu 1m The lac Womey the bull csl nonlkncper In the Ieaguu Isnt new flu has hnd um honor or several seasons but the lur pdslnx thing about the 33year nld native Montreal lhnl he doesnt Ippenr to be flown down has oflen been that without Wonloy the Ranger would be dznd could nlw be Iald ml with he Run rrl wonder no 1511 dead munuuu mm um nn example just haw hectic times have been let Ihe veteran nelmlnder Wuraley had 171 shols red at hlm In his last four games 11mm only 22 fewer than parlllme Toronla Maple unl goalkeeper Don Simmons has laced In elm laLnes ï¬n jgasan MLssag smonf UK Soccer Fanatics Claim Cup Final Just Social Function Gnmp Warsley doesnt look llke duck hul one could hardly blame lllm If he lenls llke one The gnomlsh New York Ranger goaltender is he most Iholnl target ln the National Hockey Leagues lhaollng galleyy Listons Camp Pushing For Clash With Floyd CAME Preï¬ Sta Willer Shnrpcnlng up work canUn ucd yesmdny or Green Bay Pucker preparing for he Nat Gump Is Most ShotAt Goalie In Major Loop 41 Aernm PACKERS PREPARE FOR GIANTS Ink than lluI Wmlvlty erh and us Inn but unlmky Inn hur hll mm In vlctury um mm 11 1110 TA whkh mun ml rlllmn flul Hm mflldl ll nullmul ml and nlnmld In Ihruwn npql lauwrymu nuvllo hulan arm lhl ummlxn MI lnnl My In Mon Irlllam It Alum Munwlvne mler make lvr lune with blark mu cl IM ptl Harmonic can ladlu um med If WWW hrnlnchllnl of km Tullenhnm llulnpur nun who named pnylnu Muck mur krl prcfl In wIrh lhn Spun the 1m lwa Wcmhlcy Al lnut Mnyl Hunl llu uwcr trunl nrrlvln In ller limou mm mm mnlmnlcd by In nnlion nmllnl ouhluk Hm Alldlum willan Intunll mm In llnmh nu rmbky and nul nl 11 Dew flunkn mu About Mary hlg mnlrh lhm may IMHEKI an fllxlvl hum mil ml lo lain mm lnr dmmmluunm oumdo Foul bull Auorlnllnn Iwmlqumlrru In mum Unto Inllnwrrn DI HIL Iwu mm Tim It mmm why ha Wu Wnnl Wcmhloy wan lormcd Nllun and lem don wan any 11 AH 01 Chumphmhlp Sports whlrh vromolcd the In lluhl Maul ol the money Mr that quitklo Ml bun led up by the Unlled Slnlu governmnnl whlch want In make lure ll col lccu the lam dun on um mum milliondollar promvuan PATTIIREQN Ml CHOICE gnn con lrncl Pullman has lhe rlxht In pick the Illa dale and par molar for he mom gill Put lmon vm ho man who In Imcd ml Linton Ihauld shown at llllo Therm wanl be nmund much longer In mum llnhl Tho dmlcuuy Ilel In mu place to put an lhgmlkedqbam return Here are the records for the other live regular ganltenden Bob Perlnull Boslan Brulnn nvemza shah mm 340 fielding average 1190 Johnny Bower Toronto Average shall 292 lleldlnl average 001 Glenn Ill 011cm Black Hawks Average Ihau 287 ï¬elding nverazl 921 but In the Ienflue Plume Average Iholl 735 Held lng avmgn MA and Terry Sawchuk Dclrall Red Wings lvenge shots 272v Heldlng Ayernxom ACCEPTfl SITUATION that WarIIey would be ner vous wreck tiller game Haw ever ho lzuru hell never an er from ulcer result MI hazardous occupation so ow lay has been shot at llmes Hes managed to get in the way In 910 of those blasts or ï¬elding at 917 which rank him fourth among the mxulnr nelminden He has In contend with an average of 367 shot game he most In the league Wouley has ready answer to that You cant make chicke 150 If our of Molten enlhm Ieven lessons with Montreal Canndiens Ianal Football League Ina In New York week from Sun dny 1m quérterback lan Wonlcy lml lha happy knack mm unlu ul llm hrnvywulzhl dlvlllnn flun mm mm lha lwo win nm wuld meal Ilnkaklueun lunlnr Mum an HAlnvun Melvllln calm 0mm Jlnhr ll TIIIMnlvum El Mary manna Junior II Smith Fl Once Pullman II on of lhe plcluro Nllon and Man will be able to lnke ovcr and act lhrlr awn pramolm Llslnn feels obllznlcd to give Floyd nnalher shot 11 ha want II He would look llkc laurlh grade 11ch he dldn give Pnl mm rcturn and he known Therefora all the bullnbnloo mm the Llslnn camp to put rrcuure an human ï¬sh February or March 111 IM and tompnny will he ran lo do whnlcvcr they please lhnrcancr mould lho champion wig agnLn In He only other game Achcd nled tonight Chlcnga plays the rourlhrplum Canadians Mont ml Tomato In at Roman and Monrcn vlsllu Detroit 1n lhu olhcr nnmcl Sunday night What the trouble Power asked Pimplu Answered Warsley Thin weekend Waxlay will probably be as buy as ever The flanch vlslt the third plncoanle Leaf tonight and than play has in Inaguolcndlng Chlcnga Sunday nlgM oi being able to accept the inci hel going In be Icorcd nxalm He explains it this way must be good goalie or wouldnt be up in this league but the gun shooting against mt must be iopa too So why should gal bruken up ii Ihey log me my anti againifl To go with this unuiual phil nwphysame NHL gonltenden have been known to will under the pressureWordey has £119 position which stamps him as one oi the clown around the ieggne In game ngnlnsl Chlcngo earller Ill season Wmlcy was lnjured In the mend rlodl Ho lullcrcd wrench shoulder whtn knocked heavily to the ice when rclcrce Eddle Pawen chocked Wurilzy lo see how badly he was hurt Illa nel srlrvnp 9dr Starr with ball andcenlra Ken Iman watch tussle be tween Jim Ringo 1hiddcn and Ray Nluchke AP erephoko CURLORAMA 63 All ENTRIES MUSI BE IN BY DEC 29 I962 PHONE SIMCOE LES $ERVIC FOR MORE DETAILS SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE Your MASSEYFERGUSON DEAlER Invites You To ENTER NOW THE LARGEST BONSPIEL EVENT OF 1963 If infill ill Hll Ir me lnltnl nnd nlllludp lo mnl ctnlro In llxo Cnnndhm lame Crmlelll who lnlhir wall In II lnm Imeltrr ll Comm CH had lxzyhood dream callu Ind prom Ilnnnl onlbnll lml It mu Alma1 accidrnlal Iww In lmmd hl my Vlllnnuvu mup nl mm mm our awn wen In In lhu llnl huh llnIloMnmn mm ml Invflod run my lhll weve ï¬nned wu rent rooho llnemen roclly 1mm collexa In my mm year In llamillan Trimqu Inld Friday One II John nnr mw Canaan oulallndlnz llnr mnn 1m Tho Ith ll Gena kppdcllL Remember that mm of our um Ilnemm camn dimlly rum lhu NFL know IIInln rt hlml ml lhlnk nallvo of Copper Cll Ont Ccppclrlll ll bclnz loultd by zencm wnch Jim Trmble All one Ihu but lincmrn he has evcr rtcrullcd mm Unllud sum call rankl Pelerbomugh qnptnln To Carly Ian the game during flu mend period alter muting an Gran goaL It was uponzd he suffered Imushcd knee Guelph smashed through ha Manncal delenm 1n lhe ï¬nal period In unstained hurt at play that gnv them Imrr un answered goals HAHNION 1W1 Humil lan Tigeerau have announced he Ilunlnl Gem Ceppcldll Canadian born cmlrl lrom Vlllnnavn Unlvmlly And In in only other schedr uled iunlvr snme Guelph Roy uis broke record 12 straight dcieuu will surprise win over Montreal Canadians in Montreal The deitat dumped Munirenl lnlo third place behind Niagara Fall and left Guelph Ilill well at the bollom the iegzqet Pelerbomugh look 10 lead when Dmuly Grunt scored In 1h mend period hut It was vIr lunlly the end the game for them Niagara Fnlhswm but with six lrnlghl goal by Gary Domhoclcr Mnxner Don Awrcy Gary Harmer Ron argon lave Amntrogg cm any Palerborough still lead the Ontario Hockey Association provincial Junior group but nni by one palm after wh pping by he Flycrl at 335111 Falls Fridgy nighli Jahnriy fnylnr and Bob Chur lebols mm or Montreal Kingslun carried 11 lead into tire Alhlrd period before the live fool eight inch winger uored his goals Murray Hail neared the other Syracuse gnai Wnyne Schullz and Randy Mll ler ucgred or Kiugglnnr Rookie Claude Lame scored twice or Canadian Red Ber chum Billy Carter and Roger mred the nther Canadian goals and Ted Taylor scored for Wolves Newcamer Al Caron 14 yearald native of Quebec Cily was Ihe hero or the Syracuse clubHe cored two goals In the third period hlu fifth and mm sInce being brought up from Charla theamateur Eastern League night game ngo ry Ihe Wolves dropped 551 decision to Hull Olluwn that moved the winner Int the list lace He Conch Gullyla Thursday dew nIed he rumors of change Kitchener but the rum c0114 Unucd Kyle did say however them hnd been talk at move ta North Bay or Saul Ste MrieOnL Syracuse Braves deep In the Eastern Prolemaml Hockey League cellar bezel with at undnnco roblema and bu wllh rumors ua mullet to Kitch ener turned slantkillers Frlo day night dumplng Kingshn Frontenac out We panel Ilon Int place wllh W15 at Syracuse The win lava Syramm pain null 17 back third glue Sudhury Wolves and ackof Klnguon and Hum lmga quadlent um wmm manna ammnuwsc 1mm FlYers Gaining 0n Peterhorough By THE CANADIAN PRESS TiCats Sign Gene Ceppetelli km Hmla Biavesairrip Frontenac By rm CANADIAN 1mm Irvin WentTé 11ml wu our yam no And Geno has seen lho pncllcnl lul 1mm nil boyhood drcnm limo lull dnyl 0n satur day nyenrold mnlru and linebackerd led land or VIIInova In Ll rly Bowl unlm Oregon Frlduy In Ilzncd contract with lhl Tluercm Thu baard of director ha lupuleen the nonproï¬t Puck corporation turned out lhe old coach and bird Vince Am bud mm the tank Glnnll assistants La but um Icnrn Wllbd 75 record and the next three mud lhclr way ho chnmplnnshlp game nnlllio to Comm cm In he erL momy or Iparll fun Emma came up nnd brouxhl mm mm Vlllnnovn Father Tom mm mm how mi lngflfltllP lo Vlllnnovn GREEN BAY Wit AP Four years ago this month ha lulure Greenlny Pucker was akin £0 peering down blacletamlm plt Theyll bid or lheir Iecond chnmnisnshin in raw in New York Dec 30 against lhe Easi em Division champion Giants who were cnlshcd 374 by Green Day inlihe likiezamsn year 310 Selka writes that during lmï¬ Iensnn1rvln lighting quallllen had an adverse effect on flu Racket eye thinking violet In dealing with those who opposed him Maurice became Involved in several unprecedenied nub human Now as the Packer prepan or their third mama National Foam Igaguev championship game he only dark spot nu ma lndlni blackandblue bruise mark Mllecled 1n winnan the Wmcrn Dlvirlan Hg with an roulva record vIc or ex and on detest In December 1950 lb Pack cn were the worst in the loa gua aller posting their poms retard In 40 seam of pm loo ball 111w won only on and played lie In 11 game But here was annular aide to Irvlnl surprise departure rum Montml 11m manager of III Canadlem Frank Selke tell about It In his recentlypub lllhed book Behind Ihe Cheer In McClellnnd and 5mm ngnlled It was Irvins goadlng the volallla Canadlens mar Mau rice Rocket Blchard that ended his coaching day at Mgnlreal One night In Toronto Rich ard engaged In light with Bob Bailey ol the Maple beam Rel eree Red Storey ordered Rich Most am sum it was mamr of money and they were partly right Irvin did receive healthy boas In nalary says mu WHY NEQNIO CPI National Hockey Leaglielnns reczlved jollhack ln 1965 when coach Dlnk lrvln oi the mlme Mont real Canadian switched lo similar post with the Chicago Black Hawks Those wore rough day or the Black Hawks They had in lubed out oi he Stanley Cup piayoill in elghtni he prevlmn nine museum in bath the 195354 season and the following one thng had iliglghyd digtank last Why wnwld lrvln glvaup ucceasful bane with lhuCa nadjens la take over the pi uggch cylcago club Green BaYCIew Loaded With Vets WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL MLANCING AMOIIIIEI MURDOCK KEIWICH COMPLETE FRONT EN HUWENMON OVERHAUL 27 TORONTO ST UI and but CI PA 82202 HARRY Aller lhE dot Dick Irvin made ha wry comment lva seen the Rocket fill this place but this the ï¬rst Ilmelve When Dickfauï¬vclled Into an other tirade Fragment Camp bell Alter wa lost our Inal the llnelmen and the oulhum mulled in him being suspended lorjhe balance of the Mason by the luau president Clarencl Campbell rgmvn wri Monireail next game was against the Detroit Red Wing 4he fateful St Patricks nlnht 1955 when rial luuched oil by Campbells aulpension the Idohzed Rlchard occurred at Montreal Funnm The Packer got flanker Boyd bowler In 1959 Ind In 1960 II meted Tom Moore who has been rent replacement or IInmung restricted by knee Injury III year after leading Ihe Ieaguo In mm In three mums ihe aEulp Partlalf sunInca yum 5101 nzgovgr ltd lo the dressingxoom In the mm was leaving the in irvin leaned over and laid lemming to him Richard im mediaiely remand to ihsdray with Bailey and 5150 became invaived with Ihe relereel Near the and the mason Manneel wu 1031111 to major ton Bruin and Irvin tried in mule playcrl with lecture begmmperlads The pen talk was timed mainly captain Butch Honch nrd Selkewfllen but it wax Richard who responded to 1h whipi Ha Viniriy Iizzied wlih rage iiiniLaycoa the Bruins minany by accident cu chard lorhgigng stitches in ANGRY nomi my BMW lflBEl AND Y0llll KNOW WHY IT MW10413l BESFSEllIIVG BEER say MABEI BMW MBH game that union had made up my mind You cant coach his leam any longer Selke Iold Irvin WI all very well Io keep team all Ight but lherel limit that too Now Dick yoncan stayv wilh us or you can £010 Chicago but it yau stay wit nus you cant coach So 9nded Irylns career wig the Canadians He took over at Chicago theuext seasonthe Hawks ï¬nished last againand he died the following year of cancer IlimmmiflllwlmIKm Wutmmlmmmma