Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1962, p. 1

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Army Sppkcsman Denies Buiidup Nlunonl Kw llloulml mum Army npokmmn Yd dny nlonlcd nlnlrmmll by llhmlman rnlvrallnn lrlmn Mlnhler my ermky ml lullnln hml Imill my lump In Hmyu lnr muihlo nIlmk muml Hu tfrnlral lernn Frelrrnnm The army tut1mm MM Hw Iru un mam mum muvmmnu In Km 9n Frlmum MI 1hr In mum hnzwm nl hullnlimu lull II mm um hem Innm In nmm pitmt hm TOMan Cli luiilmm llnllrlny In fulm lnr II your Amnlrnn cullrgv nlmlruln IM Inn mllnl Mm Julia immlrl uhnn man In Tnvnulo In Fvldny nlnhl IF Canmllnu Mr Tumwrl Ilnnnl lmn Inml until hy the uhnn mmrnmrn llmt Hm allltlrull me nllmuul In lly mm Tnmnln In Illnun Ilh nrlnnl wmrrl mum ml llw YIKIV mnllvr Mulml Hue Hlmnl In In rlrny llI Illlvlrml Il ulr nl Cumullnn lnLlIilIr lnr duinx lndlndly uh Hwy Imlhl Iml Ila lrnm Anlrrlmn null Inrul law by Imvlrnnhluu lmhlvhlrn lvnwl IMNTO DOMINGO MP Vlmlrmlt Mill CNMWIAV Lu mum Mu rnumvnllvn uplmnml In Hm numlnlrnn rrlhlonilnl llmllnn firmly rnlnxrlrle lmnlflrlnl HIM Ihuurll old flirlnl Inlly aw rclmm mlndrtl hmn null 53 ul lh Hmumh rm llnvnhmnnnry pmly vlrlnry Aurr he Vivlnln IL llnllo II Nullnnnl Unlnn maan mm mm TORONTO ICPD One 0th HIM Mu luolhtr HIC any unundrd In upnrnlr mman lnridmln hem IIMny nlahl Gary Grnlmm ID Ilnl err Hum nullldn Hnnlnrm Trclmlml Scth lnllnulnz uhml dmtrr nmI IMlirk Gnnlly I7 WM rllnrunl mm mm cnpllnl Inurdvr Mm drum ynnIhI wrn In vnlvrd in he mum lmhL nulIdn mlnnrnnl In mldlnwn an mm Jumu Kcilh mmll yan In Im nrrel hy mmlvrn Mu mm In hnlpllill unlh nah mumme lnlle lmlmr WM harm ullll ummdinu Siudents Not Allowed Cuban Holiday NEW VORK MN New Yorker gnl lllcir lira rcnl hula mow his ncnsnn Mum nmulnlly mm In dcbul al 315 mm today with mnrn um um Indus on Iho umund llnln hnd btxun In all by llurn msinu mmculml Um promecu tar uhlm Chrlnlmnl lml nnl Hu mcmnrlu mm bl lrnmpnrlnllnn Hm WIlh Hm lrmptmlum In he in Friday nlnhl lhe wu an quirkly xlnml mnin Hmmunhlnrfll nml Ahmed nulu lrnlllr tn rrnwl Lml no lmckul up lnr hnllhour Mill nllunnrl Approach NEW DELHI Incluml The lndlnn Exnrm my lhe Com munlu Chlnm in Tilml urre prcpnrlnz for An unlmnzlnnhly lamentlo ufltnslvn nxnlnst India In In dlsnalth mm Gnnglnk tunflul of he HIE11mm Himnlnynn klnudam nl Sikkim Iho nncr luxqu rclinhlu mums as saying HIc Chlnmo in nbcl wcrn Euny digging lrcnchcs and hunktn In 11mm Shlxuuc Gynnlno Yntunu nnfl nlhrr plum New York Streets Glazed With Rain CXPE CANAVEnfl Mi Streaking more han mcn mllcl M121 51 bomber mlny Inunrhul lhv cnnlmvrrllnl Skyboll mll Ille on In tint luccmlul lest fllght In llx launching Reform Candidate Gets Dominican Voto frfiiy the hand were an parenuy Inc Iha shoe com veteran persuaded Gibeaus caplor to surrender flle other two were eaplured afler hauled run ning gun haule Detectives aid preliminary questioning made It clear he Irln had nnihinz in do wiih 16500 hank hnidup last week in whurban Si Laureni when two pollccmrn were shn lo dcalh Thq leader of that gang was dreurd in Sunla Claus sun AFTER PAYROLL Youth Killed In School Dance Fracas By MARVEN MOSS MONTREAL Eugene Gl baau elderly chalrman of he boanjl of the Slater Shoe Com pany has been reluascd um harmed after almost Hum hours as the hostage of Ingmachlnegun Bu an exernal audimr for the company was severely wounded earlier when by Ilmy bullet in an exchange of gunfire Friday between police and three bandits who lnvadcd HIE firm In the northeastend Roger Pnupnrt about un derwent surgery in Belicchnssu General Hospital Friday night or mmsz of slug Judged near his heart and his condition was lalnr descriiqfsd nu crillcai Paper Sgys Chinese Dig Trenches Skybolt Test Flight Is success 980k Your No 300 Bandit Gives Self Up Frees Unhurt Hostage THE MAN who held Man heal shoe company board chalrman hostage for almost NEWS BRIEFS For Exam Wm Ads Tale plum PA 3H The telephone number lo call for Um Business EdnaIa Dept PA was 0qu Telephoan Gihcnu wlm speaks with he ald or an clcclroni device be cause he lost his vocal cord surgically lhrec year ago identified his raptor Gnome Bunkr whom he said worked or he shoe company seven years ago Bemier Is in hlu early zos chunky hnldmz man 74 with lhIckrimmcd glasses at bcnu was entirely composed nflcrwnrd He said he wal Hum infmid He was just here to get pair of shoot Christinu gift mid om employee pimys apo employee normal Fridny payroll They were un aware It wasnt in the building Because delay In accoum ing pwccdurcs the firm post poned payday week Maybe If they had read the sign when they came in they would have left us alone Paupart the wounded man was reported in the bullding at the lime or he holdup or ulnar than business masons notice lo that enact wax chalked up on blackboard hear he main enlrance In the ourstorcy brick building on Denormandvme Street Salrl Andre Glgum 38 firms secretarytreasurer three hours lfgiday 9chng surréniicrsrlorlile politic nflcr mum lo constable he whrifimmzxammpr he TALKK TlllanGll D00 nrlwrcn mm Inlnml lnlknl la um mnn Ihmugh lhr lhlu panelling lluo locked door on palnl rmuul lnr cnllre haltpint ul mllk and Inndwlth ram mm ma Ml ne mm mld palm had rmuhlrmI pulth knucknul drum In Hm mm mm Ile MN unlnnl ll lmlrr mu lmnml Hm ML wan lur Myrnu MM lllln 1w uhnln Mm mile lflld the countable 11w Hulrd me rumhad nu my hand for lha ItIhmnchlnt Run and he nlmwd It wlllmm wont Mn HImInhl he him run He xlhlnl Hul Imy Had lhmugh my lrrlll laid nnylhlnx lhencer who waxed lho gunman Into nlvlng up qulclly Wfll Claude Fcrlnnd 21 10 your vclcrnn the lam panlcd MW at lho pnllcu lmlnlng Ithnol Glbcnul cantor 1m pnsxlvc and pulling cignrelle lurrcndmd 641 pm EST He wan wearing Imnrt grey blue macklnawjackct and while mm wilh lle neatly In place In wavy dark hair combed Ilmlghl pack will unrumed Irrlnnd look hln Icrvlcc plain and wnnl Inlolhn rlmlrv mnnlollcn unharmed lhrca llmu Two chnsmmu flanked Mm and dolocllvo wnlkcd In mm In lhuy came down he ilnirl We not him Iflld lha plnln claflm mun lucclndly me gunshot change erupted wilh the bandit xcurrying Ihmugh Ihe bulrflmz Pdupan wal lull then nch may plnnnfld In lnvcm anly few hours hclnrc il camp all said one veteran alliccr FINALLY SURRENDER Giheau was grabbed hostage sharpener converged on the building In response to burglar alarm tripped by an emplnyec In lhe mldsl ol the holdun Glxuerz he ecrctarytreax urcr estimated lens 10 that were fired Detective mid crude made If ubvlour concoclcd hastily thomu pm In minim While holed up In Gibcaus sgcond floor olriue large mom with wallIowa carch in but furnished simply with dcskBcrnler told polic he wanted llme lo thlnk and warned lhat he would slat Hr ing any attempt was made break lhruugh the locked door lle nlsa Allppcd out note lnlcr saying he would kill lllm sell ll pollce Irled any Irlckcry We 31de about old time and he never painted the wca pon at me in act he told me Dont be Alrald wont hurt yau lhought he knew Claude Fer Iand Hostage Eugenc Gibcau 74 was not injured ONLY lhe bnndila of operation lhu job was Mmmllnn km lhr ll hamnn nflrr Mk wllh Irhm Mlnlllrr Dlllfnlmhrr llo Mlflod lh Ehyhnll lmll wllh lmldrul Kenmdy dullnl 1er day Inllu Krmmly mm In an mulrmnm mlum In Imlnln nml In mm wrll Inuxnmi ml Md mwhuwnlnl Altla nnnmrmlnllu Ihhh MIL Iln hull ham wmlH wulvmfl Um HI Vlmmwr nuclvnr ltrlkl um Ktnnmly nIn maul In all In quh ImMud dc hull rm ha mm mm Hun um IM lnlmllu would mauan um wldnuchm NATQ nurlur Imam nhlumnllc objumituu ml at bash at 1mm nan NASSAU Thu flnhnmnl Ulrulcm lrlm Mlnlller Mlulnllhm ndny pmmml In rrlum ln Inndnn ulme In Inm umm lur hm obmv Anld II maul Conlrm vanl InclInn NI Ian llllrnl mmvr nrrrpllnx llln lnlnrll Inlnzilr Inurnv uI lho Hkylmll mnlmn 115 nuUwillcx Inulll that Ills vi be NATO dchsion and Hull command and annual slrudum um are In lho limo of evolution nut hm no in dlmlion that the us will ylcld may nnd Intro Mr Ms wnrhrndl Hm In unlikely ml nrltnln wlll ymd cunndy ovrr Ill wnrhmll Whnl hrrntarn mny dculap Fruncc nuruI to parlidpnlo unulul he 1n cum dlreclurnlu cnnlml My powan lhnl would Word In lullld llw The most cruclul Issue lo be Milled In the wand pad Nussnu bclwecn rlme Mlnlv or Mncmlllnn and Pruidcnl Kcnncdy ls Who will hnva Iu rcmn conlrnl aver ha WM and tnrrlml In NATO hem cn and NATO Pnlnrh nu mmlnm By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CF CanA ndn may be nskrd la contribute cash and crawl for Ike pm posod North Allan mnlnglc lhnrmonuclcar force but US diplomatic lourcel my lhnl nnilher Cunndn nor any nlhcr small NAR war would hnve nny commnn cunlml over he ring nuclear warheads The EEG regulatory body Iar hmndclilllni In Cnnndn dld no appeai Io luvor axlcnslon of alternative service by Inch olrchmadcufinr mm ex ixlinx muons In other cillu The board said lhe npcrallon nnlwork rclny tnllnns by Ihe publicly owned CBC and he prlvalclyawned CW Ielevlrlnn networks allered earlier prob peels of extending service In some areas Such nulwork rc lay slallona mluhl also extend sums service to lsnlnled or male areas when TV channel are avnllahle By RUSSELL EulAN OTTAWA CHTh6 Board of Broadnaxl Gavernau says It In willing to canslder applications by the CEO for reservlnz chan nel ariecond telelelan ata llqnan ccnqln areas This wax slnlcd Friday In pollcy statrmenl an the exten alon of alternative teicvlsion service In Canada men dcclarnd that because ol llmllallong on the nallonal advertlalng revenues uvallablc condlllons In the smaller mnlkela do nnL wllh one or two possible exA ccpllons offer the prospect ul further second local sullen at lhlx Ilmc MAY EXPAND However the hard is not prepared to outline lungrun pulley with respect In he 11 censlng of additional nation he CBC Macmillan Under British Fire For Giving Up Skybolt Program May Ask Canada For Cash Crews BBG To Consider Channel Request BIrrIOAOnlarlo Caudn Bayardy Dacembbr 22 l962 cBANCAPTIVES ARE GOINGHOME fly ALIII MIMI lrllllh mum ll mn anl mu lhq llnl mp I0de NATO mullllalnul Ilululc him and Irlrrlm Men mcnl llml mum new Illl lnln uu nld mlvll ol lnltrdepend IMF UH mplomuln denule II mm Inward lntelrnll Wulemvmlmm null In Huulnn lth Then umI IrlmL lumen Ihal ll dl nmlk Mud Kenwdyl alter thnngo would run In lhc rm Mlunlhlp flu mum wmm nun nf nuclcnr wmhendl llrlln hulll her own Murll ha nrxumrnl rngln In Innrlnn mm mm xlupllrnlnl hm ffl hrfnre Kcnnrdy lnlll mullnll Ila Mncmlllnn and law In lnlm fldl Flu or flu hrhlmu lmlhlny hrflllh ulllrlal mined mm Klmly numlllrd by rhunm Infinth lmd lhmwn Iwny Ilrllnlnl Imlricmltnl nuclth drlorrml and hat hy urcelnx wllh Krnnrvlr In Invnn Fun lulu Hm mu club he Mm utrl llllllll uwrlnl minn Ihlp wilh NM IlllGd Mum Krnnndyl nxrrcmcnl It It Palnrla mlasllt la nrllaln 121 ml under mndfllom whlch will ulllmnldy mund 1M death knell nrilnlnl nuclear Inde cndmce has been lnlcmrnlcd same quarter as npcnlnn way or nentrnl prolifemllan my Imoth nuclcnr woun unu In ape Thin nnl lha cam Thu weapon and 1th nubmnrlnu In whlch they would be housed Am many Cumin or unmplo lhnuld willlnf In my inr Hutm Ihm nlnnl QM qflrgllqn Murmllxnn Jund hunw have the plcdgu nuclear protection from lha big powers and would mva the right to alter oplnlons on whm the thermonuclcnr weapon would ho locntad and whnt Savlct rczlonl would he mndo tnmta by he Ilrnbntls This In riftct In uhnt Mncmll lnn mu Kcnnrdy mcnnt by the almost consultation wtlh other NATO nlllrs warheads and pay or the mk Inks The smnllcr powers such n5 Canada nnd West Germlmy would be Mde mainly lo pro vlde cash and crew or maln lcgancu and qpcrnllans ownver say it has rat in motion akudicl in titermine and to proieci allu cnlion oi channels so to an nure ullimaio provision oi second local station in all Cana dian canires now served by one nation as Ihe only remaining singie station market which can dei inlloly Iuppnn second station Runewcd applications by Ihn CBC and private group for ex tablishing lacnnd Frenchvlan guaue nialiun will be hard at Ihe January hearing Previously in Qucbcc decisions on nppli callous by private interest deniednndhnr Hie puhllc hearingu beginnlng hpre Jan 15 the board 15 la hear an appllcatlan by pm ate group tn set up rebroad casllng atallon in andan Mam lnpick up programs em anallng from CJAYTV In Win nipeg CTV Illiliale Thu ex istlng Brandon mum is CBC HUME CHE rcscivid The hoardl rtalcmenl sald lhls would create unlalr com pellllon bclwccn lha local sla Ilon and Ihe stationnoperallnx the rebrpadcasllng lacillllcs would prejudice lhu primary rcrvlcc and could easily lm pede he establishment of second local slallon at the appropriate lime rq srpnv CIIANNEIS 11 mag listed gueheg my mum NASSAU Th Bahamas CP nculnrsPrimu Mlnistcr chf onlmknr today mccu nznln wllh Prlmu Mlnhlcr Macmillan Inl lnwinx Frldnyl luncheon Ilk wllh Macmlllnn and Presidan Konuady on drhmco lrndo wIlh Commonwcnllh counlrlm and European Common Mnrkck pm mumonce Frlxlny nlnhl Diclcnhnkur pulsed lho Mncmlllnn Kennvdy lnlnrls ngrccmrnl Imclml hem Frldny as showing hlxh drum of xlulumanshlp on the part both lrmlcrl nul chlcnbakcr mld the Im lnris nzrcomcnl has no sixn tlcnnw for Cnnndn IL Undrr the nunemu renchul hm Friday by Mncmlnnn 1qu lmlulcnl Krnncdy Brilnln wlll rccolvo lhu lubmnrino hnsul Ill In nrilnln mud Hm Unllnl Slnlcn nml nny olhrr rnunlrlu lfll can nllnnl pmduclinn nuclear suhmnrlnrs OmLLM OP An upon an mother and her three small children shivering In nlghl clohcs stand and walchcd games devour their home Fr ay The huuse and their passes slam including Chrislmas Iree and presents were de Enjoyed Mrs Frank Deslardins ga thorcd up her three youngest chlldrcn Pierre Tony and Phillip and carried lhcm lo 11er as flan swopl lhfgughjhp game house Lacni organizations including iha nnnual Oriiiia Christmas Fund will supply he family wliih clothing Ind other neces Iiies Mr Deijhrdlns wns av work anfi flourfll th1d at uhnal an mm mm Ly le my In Nww mm Iovnm mm mm mm SANTA mvomn IN com WAR Oxilliafire Levels Home Tree Gifts NO SIGNIFICANCE IRMIIMNT JOHN Kru CHATHAM England AP sevenyearold boy lllllu worried about missflo hmingY Santa hope Rus sia and the United Slates dnnl send anyhudy more inlo spaceunlll Christmas is ov er said the boys letter rm leased by thecnumy post of Ilce Please stay close In the ground San PM Has Praise For Agreement Asked ill war lrue lhnl Kcnnudy latsnl Hku yau Diel enkfikcr mull Ho snld them had bctn much discusslon but never any de lrrmlnmlon About multila lrgl NATO nuclcnr tom Thu Polaris Imrcemcnl ho mld wax cumhmnllon In lvrdcpcndrnca and Independ lncl pmnrvnllon savor tlxmy hy Hm United Kingdom nml one llml would be cnlcml Inln by lirlluln and flu US wilhnut nflcclin nlhm Diclcnbakcr mid In response In reporlrrl qucsllbn lhcra was nu Heeling hclwccn Mm scl nnd president IMrll or known rclnllnns humcon lndivldunl ar munlrlu In be minor Hum Hm closes since uncnmn prlmo mlnls tun Polaris missllu Inslcad of he nipImmund Skybnll weapon as earlier planned IRS Wth Thu men will be read an or before Chrlslmas lawyer James Donovan of New York chief negollnlor or the prisoners lamllics announced Donovan broke lhe news hlm sell to some prlsanera held in Havanas Principe Castle and word or lllclr longwaited ree dom also was relayed to other captives held on the Isle of Pigmshnll snuthwcst Cuba By GEORGE ARFELD IMVANA AWA Christmas gift of freedom Ioday awaited 1113 Cuban lnvnslnn prlsonm mar 20 month capUVily The Cnslra government agreed Frlduy lo release them in ex changemr medicine ind food In am un ay But Havana rndln snld they would nol bu lrcod unlll Monday Red Cross omdnls said they are highly op limisllc ml the enllr Prisoner group will be back among Ihelr friends And relatives hy misl In Washlngtan Amencan Red Cross olficials reported the first mumm Narmmun Ind Cam Adlm lrlmu Mlnlnlor July Manhunt nlflmhaw In med mm mm mm rriso rsage cgpeclgd lofiarrive MIAMI Fla AP flnt Ilhcnted Cuban prlson en at war will nrrlve 1n Minn Monday ha Cubln Fllnlllu Commute ln minced udnyu There Ind been urn re ports rum lhe fled Gnu Hwy mlzht bezln Irrith Sunday Havana Says Release TolBe On Before Christmas No More Than 71 porC9py201qual glut huh mm Foraoomplue Mmmmy turn to pagotwa Local Weather The shullle plants will be lnaded willl drugs nnd land on lholr runs In llnvnnal Red Cross alllclals called the pmlcct he largest opernllnn over under Iuken by lhe orxnnlzallon In ho handllng or mllel supplies meet human suffering Mora than 100 LLS manufacturers tanlrihulcd plcdgul nod and drunk the program The Hawmn radio said llm exchange will be oomphltd wllllln xix month and Ihc first shlpmrnl will probably mach Luhn lnnlnhl The hrnadcasl rclmed lo llle exchange parllnl compcnsnllon or dumgxenlllcml lgy llm Ollym pcbplghurinx lhv April Im perlnlm lnwuiun of Cuba Fivnyenmld Diana wan al lowed lo wch lame mild to dressup one day cunni Inx hemll In the mlrmr lhl announced eslallcal Ton suppllrs have been moved by alr ml and truck Florida pom or shlpmcnl lo Olha by sea and air ll joint announcement in Washington by Gen Lucius Clay chairman of lhe Cuban Families Advisory Commillee and Roland llnniman chair man of tha Amnrican Red Cross said the prisoner will be flown in Miami in nutplum shullie Thu ilrsi PnnAmcrican World Airways plane is srhch ului to leave Miami lor Havana at Mn is Sunday LOAD WITH DRUGS mother oi one of Ihe pris nnm said he men in Principe prison had cast oi homemade dciicacics Friday She said it was the first lime in more than six months ihat parcels had been sliowed to go through in lhe prisoners tug to 51m Thu Iraig er African Pilot wascxpectnd to sail fur Havana 1mm Part Everglades 119 to day Wilh some or he supplies requested by Premier Hdel Castro ns Ihe prite lor the re lease of the misuners Thu Ine diclncs were donaled hyUS drug manufacturers The Cuban government orig inalLv demanded $62000000 ransom rm value of the 100d and medicine now agreed on estimated at $530000 The pack specifics lhe prisoners will be reed when per cent at the supplies are in Cuban hands The American Red Crass laid It is expected lo take law months to get the lull amount of the supplie that Castro wants mns Day Some 20000 relative of the captive live in Miami mmln In mm with Mam an mum mm ending MI vim Km Mdy MP Wlflphflb Now Im MAM id HERES ONE fix

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