Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1962, p. 8

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Patients 0f Penetang Hdspital Entertained By Barrie Group chml numbcn were pro unted by Marlon Gnuxh Shin Iey shclawcll Phyllis Duvlcl and 1mm Dmmmnnd n11 mcm be lily llama ncllu Illlr Slnnlcy Pp an In Mnxlu Mnmcnll um um flu vmlou skits to the 119 pat elltg nllfndlnmthe concert Downy iniqdpuu the East ol Fallout of the maximum urlly ward 0nkridga Pano lunz Mental Hospital were an Mmlned cvenlnglmA mu Chdslmna concert presumed by volunteerwurkm ho Barrio branch 01 Cnnndlnn Mem InLHgnnh mcinllon er eyesight and hearing am good Sho keep house for an unmamcd Ian and ill take Her with In In her bedmom and nha any Ihel randy any time to die But shel quick to add that theres not thing In Una world wrong with me statement bornu out by her logy and nqtlnnsn Picture of the prunler hung on her bedroom wall and she my that when she dies an of Jocys plctures will an into the collln with me hardly necessary to ask her whale party she supported Ln um elccuan whlch returned beral Premier Joey Small She hax realized her first wish And her chnnces Inch Jnx her second came true are boasted combinnllan of good heal and Emily tradi tion longevity mart llme helme Newfound lands pmvinclnl election NM 19 Mrs Mary Emwn 96 men Iloned two things she would liko lo dovote In the election and live be 100 By JAMES HUSSEY Cmadlan Pm Correspondent Master Immomm mm Healhcr Nmmcrlon 13 ms goodbye la nurse Nancy Mc Landma before heading lime or Girlsth at Fort Wlllv 96YearOld Uses FranChise To Support Her Party Idol Jim 5mg Jim We 551 JimJO 74 Main FENDLEYS FLOWERS POINSETIIA ihu iinwcr we know as he poinscliia was brought from Mexico 130 years by Dr Joel iiolicrls iniuscli iirsi US i1 nister to Mexico and was known as the Flower of ihe Holy Nighi in tiny iuucml 005 pour child wnnloii to enter lhc Churc on Christmas Eva but had no um 10 offer the 11on Child Aa ho pm mi outside with tear in his 0ch haunt iul green pinnl wlih gar nous mi finwm sprau up He picked only onlcmi iho chum and carried ihnm in the mangor Sinvn th1 the poinxcllln has Mooli every whm in wnrm climaic arm at fhrlalmas limLu aymhuiizlnf wilh its mi nr vhllu alar 5hnpcd lower iiu iicihlchmn Hiar lhal hn nounch ihu Saviouru hirlh We Have large Saieziion Of Chrhimu Flown And Accessorlm HEAD PLATE FOR CHRISTMAS EM patient Ma 5111 candy and 1mm 1110 peak Mnum Evcrul In lho Himalayan tallest moun lnln ha world 2902 net nbovom Icvcl Mn Gordon Todd entertain ed with piano accmflon mod Icy Mrs Ran Grcmo and Mn Mnnscl Powell mind an ramps wnrc cm In Couplu Swelll Mrs Manse Pawclln group vnlunlccr wnrkm finding the event Includcd Mrs Arthur Murerv Mrs Alnn Wilson Mrs PM Dmmm MrL Ron Gro mo Mu Michael Lysublld and Mm Jnurnwnc Follfiving lhe écnccrl pal Ientx were served rflrcshmunu 1quan fhrlumns cnkc No mm and anughtc live here Another dauxhlu llm In St Johnl cammunlli Jobs Cow 31s camo hero bride In her firmly 20 Her husband Abra woman she made several trips to Labrador to cook for crews ol fishermen 0n the mum voyage one your the vessel carrying her ran Into storm all Newfoundland and drllled arms the Allundc to England Shnd llka lo relurn lo England lama day lhln llma by ply Inevcr bnu an ounce won In my Ii she says She cards and splns he wonl ram hcrsheep and use it to knit mm socks nnd miua Mm Brown wnlks wllh limp the result back Injury suflemd several ychrs ago She says sherunablc Io wnlk as far as she used but still does pretty wclL when she was bung she alien walked 15 miles mm her home to the railway llqflan Clarcnvlllc an Interest In farming She gmws vegetables and keep hens ducks sheep and horse SPINS OWN WODL 1am Doclors at Torontos Hos pilnl or Sick Children inscr lcd tourinch lanlulum plate in Heathen1 akull lo cover Inqur PEAK Symbol Wm tha pggxccgunn npy Tho Jnnunry WI mccllmz will he held Jnn nl pm at lhe home Mrs cough Mrs Inward Campbell Gulhflo will In um modal speakm mnduclnd 11110 Mn hnslcsscs Mm Sme and Mrs Quinlan assisted Mn Dummmn with reimhmcnls iMrs mu wax present and dis cussed thu swimming nilunllon lnl walxsmp E11 Simone Womens Imtilum wlm xpoke Tho value lzcnshlp and 3150 old at Christ mas cuslomsIn olber lands It nmunlng when mm of the autumn originatod Mrs Harald Switzur lhnnkrd Mm EMI for her splendld la Molta Friendship the only cementum will Iuld Illa wgrld logcmer Mm Quinlan gave splpnrfltj comment Roll call was answered by Your mm date and Girls mn custom by member present Mrs Dunxmoro was basics for the December meeting the Crown 11111 Womens InsUIulc Mrs nmk preslded In the mono the presidkn Mm Acbhléy Longeviw is mark my lamlly she says mlhaugh she has helped with her own or mquhnrd work good New foundland air retiring nnd rl5 lng early shunning worry and lrusungin God Many at her family reached the lmycar mark and an aunt lived Io be Mrs Dunsmore Hosts Meeting was shit on the headrbi xi ruck last nununcr CF Wire phalnb nu mlergd rwhen she CONhTflULIION LTD Barri um George Davies PA l5 no trouble at home Every moi slur lo In homework the TV goes on um washing ma nhlno mm my kid brother Eh Ill Impossibln to get me he college want without lopnolch grades Im lrylngw hufld good record now wont be crylnx thp Ich lnlor But haw can with All these dlslrnm Iona at home an 5106 graacyhivn been slipping and Ill be lucky arms Dear Ann Linden Im sophnrmrp in high school and sinking fast got strong nvengo lhc first rind The second perjgd will dilcr cant figure out why be In so upset Am He thinks the world of our little girl Pleasa all me what to do Ive tried uvcrythlng without success mm OF MARCH Dear Idea Stop trying to plurals the clad Ol course his behavior is unspeakable but he Isnt thlnking straight these days and battering him up will mtholp 11m resmnslhlmy another child mny be tightening In him and he II reacting badly Mm the baby arrive he will prob uva bu the proudest pa on the block IIDMEWORK thought he wauld change his mind and be happy once baby will on the way but was wrong He Is furious with me and refuses to speak unle It Is ubsolulnly essential When people oflcr congratulation he make ugly remarks and could dig my gmbarrassmant Dear Rnnhiod 11 poor thing mulxiamorize her ail menu in an effort welevule herself above the common hero Such person is to be pified Even though she is indeed cervimdynin den is medi cal term ior pain in the neck UNWILLING PARENT Dear Ann mam Im young mother with big proir lenL My husband and have been happily murried or seven years We have on ndorabie hiya iivgycomid gm ve ecn warning amber baby tar three years but my husbands slack answer In una is enaugh argued and ar gued but It dld no good Well now ha happened and nm prcgpam 48 ANNE ST Last nightwe were together at social alluring lhls woman got 511 and ran down few slain leading to the din In roam Inner ah trouble she called it Why she like thinRANK LG My next door neighborfl ways has to have fancy name rior her everyday ailments She never has common cold like oiher people Jta got orbe an infected sinus or vim Her headaches are migraines and mush is bronchial inieeLinn My kids get pinkeye but not hers They get eoniundivitis Of course she enuldnl possibly have tumhache like anyone else It musrbe something with complicationsweir as an ab messed grlimpacted loom ft naver $1265 513311 makes apmon feel good to ge Itloug of his system Here is mnp ANNLANDERS Peaple seem to enjoy airing Owl gripealn yqurcplnxpn Even if REC ROOMS UNLIMITED Pain The Neck Theres ANamé Forzlt leil llnlln Mmlunhhu Crnln and In mrml hams motltrnhlufl clinplnyl lalml at hnmu lmpmvrmrnl and lmullllrnflnn Sn lho Mm In lulnhl new mm an kllrhm nlluctlu urllplannul mmpummmllnn mum nml nuwr Inlrvlur Ind ulnlm modem mnemoth Sn ullxplayl nl nallrmnlly known nmlucll um In ALI mr remodrlllnl nnd mmmlmllon work unwind In menum up In llm high ulnlul ml of uunllly demand In ham Hmw to lnlcml Um vhnle lamlly Whrn you lhlni hum mmlcmlxnllnn nr mnodrmnu Ihlnk null Malrrnlxlnu Bervlm nur ml lmlonmm nra equlppul lu uIn llm My lnllr nml more unumlvully HMyu wwlulfy lrnlnexl la hnmllc nll mm Min mm plumth la ulnulenu Mmrlc wuk lino uhlm maxinx Evrry Joly rm mamr Imw lam nr lqu mm wlll be Iupmlml Ivy mnxlrr human man erI mnnllllrd In hm Um rlnhl mm In In mm plum at rlxhl llmr nVoMimz nnnmsnry delay and Mum livrry Jul nml mnlmalu will be nunrnmml by all Mmlrmlxlng Emmyn nnmp you mu lnnl Dem uvlygi You cant ask your talk to gel rId of the TV and washhu machine kick out Azour brothers shoot the dog and in company ram your home Surely them on room where you can go and close the door It notthen may school and do Your homawmk in the IL Mary Yes and pass up the ab Mines xmfiiménulk Land mm ice cream Dr Cochrane assocluta pm lessor of pedlatriu at DnI lmusie Unlversily said he gives hjs qwn chlldnn ldren rum lha ages olnine lo 15 are 15 per cent heavier than children of the same age were 50 years ago And at all chi dren today 10 to 12 per cent ari overweight recommend or children klm milk In prelemnce nminary milk 125 eggs and buyer anl nnimal lam When Irwmplalu My dndrtellx me should do my homework right after school Instead of waiting llll alter supper cum because htware so many no Miles alter school and hate to miss them Please loll me whnt in da LIVING IN FISHBOWL If were going to prevent heart disease and abele we should start with our chil dren notwalt until theyre 40 ur so and their enung pat legnsjare 5e he an Bigger children may file aster gnd be more prone la degeneralive djseasex than the smaller chlldren of past generations Dr William Codlmne aid in an lnler view here VANCOUVER OP Mnlhcrs who want Mg bounc lng babies would be wranz say Baggy pediatrician BIGGER BABIES DISEASE PRONE 69 Johnson Strut OINSETHAS FOR FLOWERS AND PLANTS FALL BEZZANTS Miss McDougnii showed slide of man paint ing of the Nativity done by Grim artists and gave MI Interesting communiary about 1h artists and their works She Wm Med by Mrs Steele The Noheln group served es and Christmas cochlea luver duct Bethlehem was sung by Mrs Arm strong mm Welsh Wmnhd byMrs Mu Cualgatiihwevialana Mrs Charlés Kcnrsey prcsl dent conducted the short buy inesa meeflnL m1 service on uni theme 11w Three Wise Men wan conducted by Mrs Cock bum misled by Mrs Mcr Cankey and Mn Edwards The December meeting of Collier St UCW was held in lhe recreation mm which was attractively decorated in the Christmas theme December Meeting Held By UCW They have five children Wil liam of Barrie John 01 To nnto Mm Robert tlinllnlght Ignore of IslhgwnLMxsflew rge 0min Eléanor of Cook vfll and Mrs John Welder Sylvia of Amer There are 11 grandchildren Mr and Mrs Jamieson were presented with tea wagon by their family Falluwing their marrlagq Mr Jamiuon did general arming In loreme prior lomovlnz Io Thurman in the early 30l when the couple have resld ever slnce The celebrnnu weré herded at laxchurn Saskatchewan on DEC 19 1917 The bride he Innmet Norah Roan 01 Low burn ncvbridegmom is the son the 1mm and Humil iam Jnmiusbn Thornton Ahmfly dinner partrwnx em Bayview Terrace In han or of Mn and Mn Jamie mn oLnaomlan on the scans Ian their 45m wedding an flvemary on Wednesday even ng Couplej Celebrate 315th Annivérsary Bnnie PA 60147 The pa ad between July and September will he flue for Iravzl between late May and mldNovnmbcr or romance and sndal nullvitm between Ocuy ovennxlng youml howeven since lnllgue and strain tuuld doud your Judg mmt especially during mid JuneAugusland ear October Put forth your best am In all directions or course but with out stress or anxiety You have curse In worry you do MOST nvgqAnu muons marrow is your birthday yourharoscape Indicates that it may take some extra initiative imaginaitnn and enterprise on your part to advance job and fi nancial goals during the coming year but the result will be well worth it Associates shoulq be In con genial mood nuw so should be helpful jn yuur ellons in and venue 179ijle BIRTHDAY Emp asize roriginaliiy and spirit enterprise During thin imiari you will do well ii you finish incompieied talks in the eariy morning nnd begin work on more ambitious plans in the late ailernoani F0 TOMORROW lTfll BARN EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER I961 DIVISION 05 mm rMMNlI MILL CO LTD THETSTARS SAY ESTEELLITA PA 60902 child burn an un day wm be endwwed wllh remarkabla memory and an iron will hut will have In curb undenciei he overbearing her 196 and December 953 or acienllflc and mauve work flambnlous lnmlly relatlan ships shouid mark mas the yeah Month mums runs Comm MTo mun nu owommmunlr AND nova ALI mcl Lam 1mm la nu mu Eufilrl unn mu Inmczm Nu mllumn nllrvuna nznmma cam STORM llmllzflon nuarmmd Bum Exclnllve mm 90 mm and More in Buy Fun axmmm mm ADS Pnonz in 31414 mm 5L PA was Tamale

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